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McCarty B. — Learning Red Hat Linux |
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Service Configuration tool
services, common default installations
services, runlevels, associating with
services, security enhancement
services, starting and stopping
set command 2nd
sftp command
sh command
sharing files and printers, [See SAMBA]
shell aliases
shell scripts 2nd
shell scripts, case command
shell scripts, conditional logic
shell scripts, exit codes
shell scripts, for processing arguments
shell scripts, if command
shell scripts, Periscope
shell scripts, shell variables used in
shell scripts, standard Linux scripts
shell scripts, test command
shell scripts, until command
shell scripts, while command
shell variables
shell variables, echo command, displaying values with
shell variables, exporting to programs
shell variables, PATH
shell variables, used by startup scripts
shells 2nd 3rd
shells, commands and arguments
shells, GUIs, compared to
shells, help commands
shells, setting as default environment
shift command
shut down
shutdown command
single quote ( ' )
single quote (')
sleep command 2nd
SMB (Server Message Block)
SMB, tar command
smbusers file
soft links
Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
Sort command
sound cards
sound cards, compatibility
sound cards, configuring
source form (open source)
split command
spreadsheets (Calc)
square brackets ( [ ] )
SSH (Secure Shell)
ssh command 2nd
SSH, installing
SSH, running
SSH, tunneling
SSH, Windows clients
Stallman, Richard M.
Start Here icon (GNOME)
startx command
status command (FTP)
stdout 2nd
su command
Subtotals (Calc)
swap partition
swap partition, creating
swapoff command
swapon command
SWAT (Samba Web Administration Tool)
symbolic links
sync command
synchronization, Pilot and Handspring
system administration
system administration, browsing hardware
system administration, disk management
system administration, monitoring
system administration, security
system buses
system clock, configuration
system commands, bash shell
System Logs tool
System Monitor tool
System Properties (MS Windows)
System Settings menu
System Tools menu
System Tools menu, disk management
System Tools menu, Hardware Browser
tail command
talk command
Tannenbaum, Andrew
tar command 2nd
tar command, risks
tarfiles, extraction
tarfiles, listing contents
TCP port scans
TCP/IP, default route
TCP/IP, Linux installation, settings for
telnet command
Terminal windows
terminal windows, shell, accessing via
| terminals, GNOME
terminals, KDE
test command
text boxes
text editors (pico)
text files, displaying
text-based install
Thompson, Ken
tilde (~) 2nd
tilde (~), home directory and
Time command
Time Zone selection
top command 2nd
Torvalds, Linus
touch command
traceroute command
Tux web server
TWM (tiny window manager)
UDP port scans
umask command
umount command 2nd
uname -a command
uname command
Unix shells [See also shells]2nd
Unix shells, major variants
Unix shells, origins
unmounting filesystems
Unresolved Dependencies screen
unset command
until command
unzip command 2nd
Update Agent
updatedb command
uptime command 2nd
user accounts 2nd 3rd
user accounts, creating
user accounts, deleting
user accounts, groups, associating with
user accounts, modifying
user accounts, Red Hat User Manager
user and group administration
user interfaces
users command
Validity (Calc)
Variables [See shell variables]
vfat filesystem
vga= boot argument
Video cards
video configuration
video modes, switching
virtual consoles 2nd
virtual consoles, logging in and out
virtual consoles, using
virtual consoles, vs. virtual desktops
virtual desktop 2nd
VPNs (Virtual Private Networks)
vsftpd services
w command 2nd 3rd
wall command
wc command 2nd
web browsers (Mozilla)
Web pages
web pages, servers, directory location on
Web servers
web servers, accessing locally
web servers, Apache [See Apache]
web servers, Tux
which command
while command
who command 2nd
wildcards (metacharacters)
window managers 2nd
Windows File Sharing package group
wireless adaptors
word processors (Writer)
Word, compared to Writer
Working directory
workstation installation
Writer (OpenOffice.org)
wvdial 2nd
wvdial, default routes and
X Consortium
X logins
X Windows system 2nd 3rd
X Windows System, closing
X Windows System, configuring
X Windows System, failed login
X Windows System, keyboard operations and
X Windows System, shell environment, starting from
X Windows System, terminating
X Windows System, troubleshooting
XDMCP tabs, GDM Setup tool
xDSL device type
XFree86 Project, Inc. 2nd
Ximian Evolution
xinetd, FTP clients and
xinetd, Samba launch, configuring for
zip command 2nd
[ ] (square brackets)
\ (backslash) 2nd
{} (curly braces)
| (pipe) 2nd
| (pipe), less command and
~ (tilde) 2nd
~ (tilde), home directory and
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