Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Anderson localization
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Ott E. — Chaos in dynamical systems | 207, 359 | Harrison W.A. — Elementary electronic structure | 625ff | Imry Y. — Introduction to Mesoscopic Physics | 13—18, 21—34, 133—138 | Mihaly L., Martin M.C. — Solid state physics. Problems and solutions | 95 | Rammer J. — Quantum transport theory | 375 | Dagotto E., Alvarez G., Cooper S.L. — Nanoscale phase separation and colossal magnetoresistance | 306 | Giamarchi T. — Quantum Physics in One Dimension | 270 | Schroeder M.R. — Schroeder, Self Similarity: Chaos, Fractals, Power Laws | 36, 88 | Nagaosa N. — Quantum field theory in condensed matter physics | 151 | Bao G., Cowsar L., Masters W. — Mathematical Modeling in Optical Science | 255, 258 | Efros A.L. (ed.), Pollak M. (ed.) — Electron-electron interactions in disordered systems | 158 | Nakamura K., Harayama T. — Quantum chaos and quantum dots | 101 | Bayfield J.E. — Quantum Evolution: An Introduction to Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics | 262 | Zee A. — Quantum field theory in a nutshell | 330—331, 334 | Economou E.N. — Green's Functions in Quantum Physics | 240, 243 | Phillips P. — Advanced Solid State Physics | see Anderson transition | Zallen R. — The Physics of Amorphous Solids | see "Anderson transition" | Gould H., Tobochnik J., Christian W. — An introduction to computer simulation methods | see "Localization" | Davies J.H. — The physics of low-dimensional semiconductors : an introduction | 241 | Mott N.F. — Metal-insulator transitions | 35 | Tsang L., Kong J.A. — Scattering of electromagnetic waves (Vol 3. Advanced topics) | 360 | Ridley B.K. — Quantum Processes in Semiconductors | 79 | Binder K., Heermann D.W. — Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics | 139 | Kardar M. — Statistical physics of fields | 241 | Unknown A. — Solid State Physics | 350 | Plischke M., Bergersen B. — Equilibrium statistical physics | 519—525 | Pastur L., Figotin A. — Spectra of Random and Almost-Periodic Operators | 379 | H. Fehske, R. Schneider, A. Weile — Computational Many-Particle Physics | 58, 505, 516 |