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Unknown A. — Solid State Physics |
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, diffraction pattern 161—162
, antiferromagnetic insulator 217—218
, phase diagram 215—217
, spin-restricted calculations 222—229
, spin-restricted calculations, antibonding band 225
, spin-restricted calculations, charge density wave distortion 225
, spin-restricted calculations, coherent potential approximations 228—229
, spin-restricted calculations, dispersion relation 225
, spin-restricted calculations, energy level diagram 223—224
, spin-restricted calculations, idealized Fermi surface 225—226
, spin-restricted calculations, LDA density of state 227—228
, spin-restricted calculations, LDA energy bands 222—223
, spin-restricted calculations, oxygen vacancies 229
, spin-restricted calculations, spin density wave 227
, spin-restricted calculations, two-dimensional tight-binding model 224—225
, structure 215—216
, near edge x-ray absorption spectra 263
states 248—250
states 249—250
135—136 208—210
, aluminum substitution 192
, anisotropic behavior 264
, antiferromagnetism 161—162
, calcium substitution 191
, cation, stoichiometry 137—138
, cation, substitutions 209
, copper oxygen chains 208—209
, critical current densities 210
, critical current densities, grain boundary and 170—171
, defect structures, grain boundaries 170—173
, defect structures, stacking faults 167—170
, defect structures, twins 163—167
, defects 210
, fractional oxygen site occupancies 148
, gold substitution 191
, hysteresis 149
, lattice constants, versus temperature 147
, O-deficient 256
, ordered oxygen arrangements 150—154
, orthorhombic-to-tetragonal phase transition 143 146—150
, orthorhombic-to-tetragonal phase transition, open-system order-disorder model 155
, orthorhombic-to-tetragonal phase transition, twins 163—164
, oxygen, arrangement, basal copper plane 153—154
, oxygen, substitution 192—194
, phase diagram 155—160 219—220
, phase diagram, cluster variation method 157—158
, phase diagram, Ising model 155—157
, phase diagram, structural 148—149
, phase diagram, transition temperature variation 159—160
, photoemission spectrum 255—256
, rare earth substitutions 173—185
, rare earth substitutions, bond length 176—177
, rare earth substitutions, hole concentration and transition temperature 179—182
, rare earth substitutions, lanthanium 176—178
, rare earth substitutions, neodymium 178—180
, rare earth substitutions, orthorhombic-to-tetragonal transition 178
, rare earth substitutions, oxygen content 178 183—185
, rare earth substitutions, praseodymium 174—175
, rare earth substitutions, solid solution ranges 180—181
, rare earth substitutions, superconducting transition temperatures 179—182
, rare earth substitutions, unit cell volume 175—176
, scandium substitution 191
, silver substitution 191
, sodium substitution 191
, spin-restricted calculations 229—233
, spin-restricted calculations, antibonding bond 231
, spin-restricted calculations, density of state 232
, spin-restricted calculations, Fermi surface 232
, spin-restricted calculations, LDA energy bands 229—230
, structure 136—146 208
, structure, atom position and occupancy, tetragonal 144
, structure, bond length and angle 141 143—145
, structure, low-temperature changes 160—162
, structure, orthorhombic-to-tetragonal phase transformation 143
, structure, oxygen deficiency 138
, structure, parameters 139 142
, structure, perovskite 138
, structure, Rietveld refinement 139 143—144
, structure, space group 145
, superconducting transition temperature versus oxygen content 151
, superlattice types 153
, transition element substitution, lattice parameters 189
, transition element substitution, microdomains 189
, transition element substitution, oxygen content 190
, transition element substitution, quadrupole doublet 187—188
, transition element substitution, twins 188—189
, transition element substitutions 185—191
, transition element substitutions, cobalt 185—186
, transition element substitutions, iron 185—189
, transition element substitutions, nickel 185—186
, transition element substitutions, zinc 185—186
, twins 210
, vanadium substitution 191
, zone axis patterns 152—153
(9) Skocpol, W.J. 337(106) 338 339(106)
(95) Kewandowski, J.T. 161(115)
2-D electron system, classification 297
2-D electron system, narrow, magnetoconductivity 337—339
2-D electron system, solid-liquid boundary line 312—313
Abe, R. 298(44)
Abe, Y. 262(190) 264(190)
Abraham, D.W. 94(8) 104(29) 105(30)
Abrahams, E. 241(113) 267(113) 350(134)
Abstreiter, G. 339(109)
Aburto, S. 187(254)
Activation energy, Hall plateau 391
Activation energy, magnetic field dependence 377—378
Adachi, S. 192(277 279)
Adams, G. 286(15) 287 304(62) 305 307 309 311
Adler, D. 214(7)
Adler, J.G. 128(73)
Adrian, F.J. 248(138)
Adroja, D.T. 191(272) 192(272)
Aharony, A. 218(23) 239(110) 248(110) 249(110)
Ahn, B.T. 149(72) 151(72 83) 152(83) 154(72) 155(96 97)
Aip, E.E. 262(185) 263(185) 264(185)
Akachi, T.I. 174(195) 187(254)
Akinga, H. 175(206 209 211 212) 176(206 209 211 212) 179(229 231 232) 180(235) 182(231) 184(231 232) 191(231)
Aksay, I.A. 163(127) 169(127)
Alario-Franco, M.A. 151(84 86) 152(86) 153(86 89) 154(89) 159(989) 174(194)
Alben, R. 61(94)
Albers, J. 251(146) 258(146) 261(146)
Albers, R.C. 268(214)
Alder, B.J. 292(35)
Alder, D. 227(7) 234(7) 235(7)
Alford, N.McN. 145(52) 163(52)
Allen, J.W. 20(49) 88(49) 234(82) 239(82 107) 240(107) 243(124) 244(107 124) 247(107) 251(124) 252(82) 253(124) 254(124) 255(124) 256(124) 257(124) 258(124) 259(124) 260(124)
Allen, P.B. 228(61) 287(16)
Allen, R.E. 228(63) 229(66) 232(71)
Allen, S.J. 342(122) 347(128) 348
Allen, S.J., Jr. 283(11) 339(109) 341(114) 343(123) 344 345
Allred, D.D. 192(283)
Altshuler, B.L. 356(142) 357(144) 358(144)
Aluminium, , substitution 192
Alvarez, M.S. 161(114 115) 196(327) 197(327) 219(25) 234(25) 236(25) 237(25)
Ambegaokar — Baratoff relation 95
Ambegaokar, V. 95(9) 109(40)
Amelinckx, S. 147(69 70 71) 149(70 71) 163(69) 164(69 70) 165(136) 166(70) 169(155 157) 197(345 346 347) 199(345 346 347 353 355) 200(347 353) 201(346 347 353 355) 202(380) 203(380)
Andersen, H.C. 8(16) 47(73)
Andersen, J.C. 51(80) 55(80)
Anderson lattice Hamiltonian 242—245 268
Anderson localization 350
Anderson, J. 260(181)
Anderson, J.S. 199(350) 200(350) 202(378) 203(378)
Anderson, O.K. 221(28a) 232(28a) 233(76) 234(76) 236(76) 242(76) 256(28a)
Anderson, P.W. 103(27) 122(58) 133(84) 214(6) 225(6) 235(6) 236(6 87) 237(6 94 96 97) 238(6 97 104) 239(94 105) 244(87) 249(87) 350(133 134)
Ando, K. 199(357) 201(357)
Ando, T. 274(3) 320(83) 331(96) 334(99) 335(100) 341(116) 349(131) 365(169) 366(169) 368(169)
Andre, J.P. 337(103)
| Andrei, E.Y. 312(76)
Angel, R.J. 137(13) 138(13) 143(13) 197(337) 198(332) 199(332 337) 200(332 337) 201(332) 202(363) 204(363) 206(363)
Angell, C.A. 52(82)
Angular deficit 42
Ansaldo, E.J. 161(113)
Antiferromagnetic insulator 217—218
Anzin, V.B. 364(164)
Aoki, H. 313(78) 365(169) 366(169) 368(169)
Aoki, Y. 185(242) 186(242) 189(242)
Apostol, M. 287(16)
Appel, A.J. 237(94) 239(94)
Arai, H. 137(21) 139(21) 163(21) 251(161)
Arko, A.J. 257(170 171 172)
Arlt, G. 166(138)
Arnett, W.D. 179(226)
Arnold, G.B. 127(69)
Aronov, A.G. 356(142) 357(144) 358(144)
Arora, V. 349(131)
Arovas, D. 388(196) 389(196)
Arovas, D.P. 401(210)
Asano, A. 136(4)
Asano, H. 139(37) 175(205 206 207 209 210 211 212) 176(205 206 207 209 210 211 212) 177(217) 179(225 229 231) 180(225 235) 182(231) 184(231) 191(231 270)
Asayama, K. 188(263)
Asensio, M.C. 174(194)
Ashburn, J.R. 92(4) 136(3) 213(2)
Ashby, M.F. 17(38)
Ashcroft, N.W. 64(99)
Askew, T.R. 197(336) 198(336) 199(336) 200(336) 202(368 369 370) 204(369) 206(368 369 370) 213(3) 215(3)
Aspnes, D.E. 266(204 210) 267(204 210)
Assmus, W. 248(137) 266(137) 267(137)
Athreya, K. 116(46)
Atoda, N. 208(388)
Auchterlonie, G.J. 145(56)
Audin, M. 81(127) 88(137)
Auerbach, A. 401(210)
Auger electron spectra, copper-oxide superconductors 261—262
Aurivillius, B. 200(359)
Averin, D.V. 127(71)
Avron, R. 373(174)
Awaji, S. 185(242) 186(242) 189(242)
Axe, J.D. 172(181) 196(311 312 315)
Baba, K. 151(87)
Baba, Y. 258(178) 260(178) 261(178)
Bader, S.D. 257(170)
Bagley, B.G. 146(64) 147(64) 197(338) 199(338) 200(338) 201(338 360)
Bailey, A. 193(289 291)
Bair, R.A. 263(196) 264(196)
Bakashi, P. 299(50)
Bakker, H. 155(98)
Bakshai, A. 221(30)
Balakrishnan, G. 196(314)
Balzarotti, A. 261(183)
Bander, M. 66(102) 67(102)
Bando, Y. 129(77) 131 167(144) 189(264) 197(333 341) 198(333) 199(333 341) 200(333) 201(333)
Banos, L. 174(195)
Bansil, A. 268(213)
Baratoff, A. 95(9)
Barbara, B. 192(282)
Barbee, T.W. III 121(56) 194(302)
Barboux, P. 185(244) 186(249) 189(244) 190(244) 191(244) 192(244) 197(338) 199(338) 200(338) 201(338 360) 221(28) 232(28) 256(28) 266(210) 267(210)
Bardeen — Cooper — Schrieffer coherence length 92
Bardeen — Cooper — Schrieffer theory, interactions 118—119
Bardeen — Cooper — Schrieffer theory, jump in specific heat 132
Bardeen, J. 92(3) 118(3) 122(3) 124(65) 213(4) 228(4)
Bargmann, V.B. 388(193) 393(193)
Baristic, S. 225(51)
Barker, J.A. 38(65) 45(65)
Barner, J.B. 127(72)
Barnole, V. 252(169)
Barrier height, current-dependent 112
Barrio, R. 174(195)
Barrio, R.A. 187(254)
Barry, J.S. 163(130) 165(130)
Barsch, G.R. 167(147)
Barton, R.W. 169(159)
Baskaran, G. 237(94 97) 238(97) 239(94) 400(207)
Bastin, A. 331(95)
Batistic, I. 225(51)
Batke, E. 288(19)
Batlogg, B. 120(50) 121(54 55) 137(11) 138(11) 151(82) 153(90) 182(238) 191(275) 192(275) 193(293 298) 195(309) 196(309 319) 197(340) 199(340) 215(12) 217 220(26) 221(28) 232(28) 241(114) 256(28) 266(202) 267(202)
Batson, P.E. 262(194) 264(194) 265(194)
Baudelet, F. 262(188) 263(188) 264(188)
Bauer, G. 364(164)
Baughman, R.J. 202(375 376 377)
Bauminger, E.R. 187(256) 188(256)
Baym, G. 64(98)
Bcc crystal 38
Bcc crystal, free energy 85
Bcc crystal, tetragonal structure 215—216
Bean, C.P. 101(22) 102(22)
Beasley, M.R. 94(7) 111(41) 116(41) 118(48) 127(69 70) 266(207) 267(207)
Bechtold, H. 221(31) 229(31)
Bechtold, J. 173(184) 176(184) 197(331 332) 198(332) 199(332) 200(332) 201(331
Beck, D.E. 285(14) 286(14)
Bednorz, J.G. 91(1) 108(35) 116(35) 135(1 2) 167(149 150) 194(1 2) 196(1 2 320 325) 197(325) 213(1) 219(19) 218(19) 248(1) 251(148) 252(148) 257(148)
Beech, F. 139(35) 143(35) 144(48) 145(35 48)
Beille, J. 196(321)
Bell, J.M. 155(100)
Bell, R.F. 122(59)
Ben Jacob, E. 127(71)
Benbow, R.L. 236(90) 254(90) 256(90)
Bendersky, L.A. 82(131)
Benedek, R. 268(213)
Bennett, C.H. 25(60) 36(60) 38 43
Beno, M.A. 139(34 41) 144(47) 145(34 41) 146(47 61) 147(47) 148(47) 149(47 61) 174(200) 175(200) 177(218) 193(296) 225(51)
Benz, S.P. 102(25)
Berera, A. 155(103)
Berkley, D.D. 258(180) 261(180)
Berlinsky, A.J. 239(105)
Bernal holes 18
Bernal, J.D. 3(5) 5 17(5 35) 18 34(5) 36(5)
Bernhoeft, N.R. 196(314)
Berry, R.S. 8(17)
Betbeder-Matibet, O. 331(95)
Bethe, H.A. 64(98)
Bethea, C.G. 266(202) 267(202)
Beyers, R. 91(2) 138(25) 139(25) 145(25) 146(25 62) 147(62) 149(72) 151(72 83 85) 152(83) 154(72) 155(96 97) 161(112) 163(25) 164(25) 198(366) 202(364 365 366 367) 203(364 365 366 367) 204(366) 205(366) 206(364 366 367)
Bezinge, A. 182(238)
Bhadra, R. 193(296)
Bhalla, A. 146(60)
Bhargava, R.N. 192(285)
Bhatt, R.N. 124(64) 125(64) 131(64) 238(101) 266(101) 237(101)
Bhattacharya, S. 161(111)
Bi, J. 136(7) 137(7)
Bi2122 199—201
Bianconi, A. 251(164) 256(164) 260(164) 261(164) 262(164 191) 264(164 191)4
Biedenharn, L.C. 66(102) 67(102)
Bierstedt P.E. 144(50)
Binary alloys, frustration and glass formation 55—56
Binary glasses, icosahedral order 51—52
Binter, V. 294(36)
Birchall, J.D. 145(52) 163(52)
Birgeneau, R.J. 196(311) 218(21 22 23 24) 224(24) 239(110) 248(110) 249(110)
Bish, D.L. 139(43) 142(43)
Bishop, D.J. 357(143)
Bismuth-containing superconductors 197—201
Bismuth-containing superconductors, Bi2222 199—201
Bismuth-containing superconductors, incommensurate modulation 200
Bismuth-containing superconductors, unit cells 198
Blazey, K.W. 167(149 150)
Blech, I. 3(3) 76(3) 80(3) 86(3) 88(3)
Blendell, J.E. 262(189)
Blonder, G.E. 130(79)
Bloss, W.J. 294(36)
Bloss, W.L. 296(41)
Blumenroeder, S. 189(265)
Boebinger, G.S. 377(181)
Boehme, R. 146(62) 147(62)
Boehme, R.F. 161(112)
Boeni, P. 196(311)
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