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Unknown A. — Solid State Physics |
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Koster, G.F. 225(47) 245(47)
Kosterlitz — Thouless theory, melting point 310
Kosterlitz — Thouless transition 93—94
Kosterlitz, J.M. 93(6) 309(72) 311(72)
Kosuge, M. 174(199 203) 175(203)
Kotera, N. 331(92)
Kotliar, G. 242(119) 245(119)
Kotthaus, J.P. 283(12) 284 339(109)
Kourouklis, G. 121(55)
Kourouklis, G.A. 120(50) 193(293)
Koutechky, J. 9(22)
Kowalski, M. 163(132)
Kowitt, M. 187(256) 188(256)
Koyanagi, M. 365(166)
Krajewski, J.J. 197(340) 199(340) 241(114)
Krakauer, H. 221(34) 222(34) 227(34) 228(34 61) 229(68) 231(68) 232(68) 233(68) 237(68) 268(214)
Krakow, W. 163(121)
Kramer, B. 365(169) 366(169) 368(169)
Kramer, P. 78 79(116)
Krill, G. 258(179) 260(179) 262(188) 263(188) 264(188)
Kroeger, D.M. 146(67) 147(67) 148(67) 149(67) 157(67)
Kroll, C. 166(139)
Krusin-Elbaum, L. 108(34)
Kubler, J. 233(74) 234(74 81)
Kubo, Y. 151(87) 163(128 129) 164(129) 166(129) 167(129) 202(371 372 373 374 381) 203(371 372 373)
Kuboki, K. 353(137) 356(137)
Kuchar, F. 364(164) 365(167)
Kudo, T. 189(267)
Kukushkin, I.V. 376(180) 377(180) 378(180)
Kumagai, K. 132(83)
Kumar, P. 285(14) 286(14)
Kunnmann, W. 161(114) 219(25) 234(25) 236(25) 237(25)
Kuno, Y. 161(113)
Kunz, C. 258(175)
Kuramoto, Y. 340(111)
Kurihara, S. 137(22) 174(192) 176(192)
Kuroda, R.M. 121(53) 194(301)
Kurtz, R.L. 250(141) 251(155) 252(141) 254(141) 255(141) 256(141 155) 257(141)
Kurtz, S.K. 146(60)
Kusaba, K. 186(245 248) 190(245) 191(245)
Kuusmann, I.L. 266(205)
Kuz'min, L.S. 127(72)
Kwak, J.F. 202(375 376 377)
Kwawer, G.N. 251(153)
Kwei, G.H. 139(43) 142(43)
Kwo, J. 129(76) 169(160) 170(168) 260(181) 265(200) 266(200)
Kwo, J.R. 145(51) 163(51)
Kwok, W.K. 150(74) 192(278)
Kyogoku, M. 185(242) 186(242) 189(242)
La Violette, R.A. 45(70)
La-Ba-Cu-O system 135—136
LaCaer, G. 21(53)
Laderman, S.S. 169(159)
Lado, F. 299(48) 308(48)
Laegreid, T. 161(110)
Lagarde, P. 262(191) 264(191)
LaGraffe, D. 250(145) 251(145) 256(145)
Laiser, D.L. 124(62)
Lam, D.J. 172(181) 268(213)
Lam, P.K. 397(201) 399(201)
Lamont, M.G. 287(17)
Lanchester, P. 177(215)
Land, R.H. 282(9) 288(9) 293(9)
Landau level 322—323
Landau level, broadened 371
Landau level, elliptical, magnetothermal oscillations 328—329
Landau level, Hilbert space 393—394
Landau level, index 359
Landau level, lowest, projection 395
Landau level, magnetoconductivity 334
Landau level, resistivity peak 361—362
Landau level, spin-valley split lowest 368
Landau level, structure 369
Landau, I. 254
Landau, L.D. 47(74) 64(98) 76(108)
Langen, J. 189(265)
Langevin equation 331
Langlois, J.M. 239(109) 248(109) 249(109)
Lanthanium, , substitution 176—178
Lanthanium, copper oxides 194—197
LaPlaca, S. 146(62) 147(62) 202(365 366) 203(365 366) 204(366) 205(366) 206(366)
LaPlaca, S.J. 151(83) 152(83) 161(112) 197(339 344) 199(339 344) 200(339) 201(339)
Larbalestier, D.C. 108(33) 265(197) 266(197)
Larkimi, M. 337(106) 339(106)
Larkin, A.I. 353(136) 356(136 139)
Larkin, A.T. 357(144) 358(144)
Larson, A.C. 139(43) 142(43)
Larson, B.E. 244(128) 252(128)
Lassnig, R. 328(89 90) 347(127 128)
Lathrop, D.K. 172(179)
Lattice constants, versus temperature 147
Lattice parameters, , substitution 189
Lattice vector, reciprocal 64 71
Lattice vector, reciprocal, density expansion 83—84
Lattice vector, reciprocal, transrational order parameter 309
Lattice vector, reciprocal, Wigner lattice 397
Laughlin, R.B. 238(103) 368(170) 369(170) 371(170) 378(182) 384(182) 388(194) 391(194) 398(202) 399(202) 401(210)
Lauriet, J.P. 74(105)
Lavaus, M. 299(50)
Laves phase, 82
Laves phase, melting curve 55—56
Lawless, K.R. 80(119)
Lawless, W.N. 146(60)
Lawrence, S. 137(23) 138(23)
Lazareth, O.W., Jr. 155(98)
Le Page, Y. 146(64) 147(64) 175(204) 176(204) 177(204) 197(338) 199(338) 200(338) 201(338 360)
Leary, J.J. 121(56)
Leary, K.J. 121(52) 193(295) 194(300)
Leary, K.L. 120(51) 193(294)
Lederer, P. 132(83)
Lee, B.W. 174(190 197 201) 175(201) 176(190) 185(241) 191(201 241)
Lee, C. 192(287)
Lee, D.H. 400(207)
Lee, J. 349(131)
Lee, P.A. 214(9) 226(53) 235(9) 236(53) 242(9 119) 245(9 119) 246(9) 247(9) 330(107) 345(124) 356(140) 357(144) 358(144)
Lee, S. 174(187 191)
Lee, S.Y. 174(187 191)
Lee, T.K. 287(18) 320(83) 341(117)
Lee, V.Y. 91(2) 137(12) 138(12) 146(62) 147(62) 149(72) 151(72 83 85) 152(83) 154(72) 155(97) 173(185) 176(185) 196(323) 197(323) 198(366) 202(364 365 366 367) 203(364 365 366 367) 204(366) 205(366) 206(364 366 367) 217(20)
LeFevre, E.J. 20(43)
Legnini, D.G. 268(213)
LeGoues, F. 171(176)
Leiderer, P. 308(68)
Lejay, P. 139(33) 143(33) 196(321)
Lennard-Jones collision time 45
Lennard-Jones liquid, constant density undercooling trajectory 45—46
Lennard-Jones pair potential 45
Leone, E. 251(162) 257(162) 260(162) 261(162)
Lett, P.A. 382(189) 384(189) 396(189)
Leung, P.K. 84
Leung, T.C. 233(74) 234(74) 242(118)
Levesque, D. 299(50) 379(183) 380(183 195) 383(195) 397(183 195)
Levine, B.F. 266(202) 267(202)
Levine, D. 79(117)
Levine, H. 365(169) 366(169) 368(169)
Lewandowski, J.T. 150(81) 161(111) 196(329) 197(329) 215(14) 217 234(14) 236(14) 237(14)
Lewiner, C. 331(95)
Li, C.H. 163(120)
Li, C.J. 192(284)
Li, H.C. 248(137) 266(137) 267(137)
Li, J.N. 197(346) 199(346) 201(346)
Li, J.Y. 194(304)
Li, L. 191(268)
Li, S. 136(7) 137(7) 174(196)
Li, W.H. 161(118) 162(118)
Li, W.J. 161(116)
Li, X.H. 192(284)
Liang, J.K. 174(188 202) 175(202)
Liang, R. 174(198) 178(198)
Liang, W.Y. 265(198)
| Libby, S.B. 365(169) 366(169) 368(169)
Liblik, P.Kh. 266(205)
Licciardello, D.C. 350(134) 365(169) 366(169) 368(169)
Lifshitz, E.M. 47(74) 76(108) 320
Likharev, K.K. 127(71 72)
Lillienfeld, J.E. 272(2)
Lim, G. 137(12) 138(12 25) 139(25) 145(25) 146(25 62) 147(62) 149(72) 151(72) 154(72) 155(97) 163(25) 164(25) 173(185) 176(185) 196(323) 197(323) 217(20)
Lin, H.Q. 239(106)
Lin, M.Z. 192(284)
Lin, Q. 194(304)
Lindau, I. 243(124) 244(124) 251(124) 253(124) 254(124) 255(124) 256(124) 257(124) 258(124) 259(124) 260(124)
Lindemann, G. 347(128)
Liniger, E.G. 155(93)
Link, Z.J. 192(284)
Linker, G. 248(137) 266(137) 267(137)
Lintvedt, R.L. 237(92)
Liou, S.H. 129(76) 145(51) 163(51) 170(168) 260(181) 265(200) 266(200)
Liquid helium, Feyman's dispersion relation 398
Liquid helium, Feyman's theory 392
Liquid helium, melting curve of electron crystal on 305
Liquid helium, plasmon dispersion 286
Liquid helium, potential diagram 274—275
Liquid phase 296—301
Liquid, Lennard-Jones, constant density undercooling trajectory 45—46
Liquid, measurement of short-range icosahedral order 44—52
Liquid, measurement of short-range icosahedral order, bond-orientational order 45—47
Liquid, measurement of short-range icosahedral order, constant pressure simulations 50—51
Liquid, measurement of short-range icosahedral order, expansion coefficients 47
Liquid, measurement of short-range icosahedral order, icosahedral order 49 51—52
Liquid, polytetrahedral order 13—15
Liquid, undercooled, below thermodynamic melting points 13
Liquid, undercooled, disclination lines 36
Liquid, undercooled, disordered phases 52—53
Liu, C.X. 139(40) 143(40) 194(304)
Liu, H.K. 191(276) 192(276)
Liu, J.Z. 132(82) 172(181) 193(296) 268(213)
Liu,G. 136(7) 137(7)
Lloret, B. 178(220)
Lobb, C.J. 94(8) 102(25) 104(29) 105(30) 118(47)
Local spin density approximation, copper-oxide superconductors 233—234
Local spin density calculations 8—9
localization 349—358
Localization, Anderson 350
Localization, contributions to conductivity 354—355
Localization, correction to Drude-type conductivity 352
Localization, delta functions 354
Localization, digamma function 353
Localization, electron-electron interaction 356—357
Localization, GaSb/InAs/GaSb 357
Localization, negative magnetoconductivity 353—354
Localization, positive magnetoresistance 356
Localization, Schroedinger equation, wave function 359
Localization, self-energy 354
Localization, weak 352-353
Locquet, J.P. 146(61) 149(61)
Logan, R.A. 283(11)
Loh, E. 242(121)
London gauge 98
London penetration depth 98
Longo, J.M. 195(306)
Longo, M. 137(24)
Lonzarich, G.G. 268(214)
Louie, S.G. 234(83)
Low energy electron energy loss, copper-oxide superconductors 265—267
Loye, H.C. 193(294 295) 194(300)
Lu, Y. 191(268)
Lukaszewicz, K. 163(132)
Luo, Y.L. 187(255) 188(255)
Luryi, S. 368(172) 371(172)
Lushchik, C.B. 266(205)
Luttinger, J.M. 238(100) 269(100)
Lynn, J.W. 161(116 118) 162(118)
Lyons, K.B. 236(91)
Ma, K.B. 399(204)
Maan, J.C. 345(126) 374(176)
Maaroos, A.A. 266(205)
Maartense, I. 187(255) 188(255)
MacDonald, A.H. 374(178) 380(185) 383(185) 391(199) 392(199) 393(199) 396(199) 397(185) 399(199 203)
Macfarlane, R.J. 151(83) 152(83)
Mackay icosahedra 80—81
Mackay, A.L. 78(115)
MacKinnon, A. 365(169) 366(169) 368(169)
Maeda, A. 178(222)
Maeda, F. 250(144) 251(144 147 161) 252(147) 253(147) 260(144)
Maeda, H. 197(334) 198(334) 199(334 348 354) 200(334 348) 201(354)
Maeda, K. 358(147)
Maeda, M. 136(4)
Maekawa, S. 244(129) 356(140)
Maeno, Y. 137(18) 185(242) 186(242) 187(258) 188(258) 189(242)
Magnetic field, correlations in see also "Cyclotron resonance" "Localization"
Magnetic field, correlations in, de Haas — van Alphen effect 320—328
Magnetic field, correlations in, effective g-factor 314—320
Magnetic field, correlations in, magnetothermal effect 328—330
Magnetic field, superconductors, resistive transition 109—112
Magnetic flux 314
Magnetic flux, passing through closed orbit 370
magnetic susceptibility 324 325—326
Magnetoconductivity 330—331
Magnetoconductivity, classical description 331—332
Magnetoconductivity, coherent potential approximation 331 333—335
Magnetoconductivity, confining potential 338
Magnetoconductivity, density dependence 336
Magnetoconductivity, effective Hamiltonian 333—334
Magnetoconductivity, Landau level 334
Magnetoconductivity, maximum 336
Magnetoconductivity, multiple-scattering theory 333
Magnetoconductivity, narrow 2-D systems 337—339
Magnetoconductivity, negative 353—354
Magnetoconductivity, resistivity components 335
Magnetoconductivity, self-consistent theory 341
Magnetoconductivity, Shubnikov — de Haas effect 335—337
Magnetoconductivity, temperature variation 366
Magnetoconductivity, vanishing or suddenly dipping 365
Magnetoplasmon oscillations 287—288
Magnetoresistivity 375—376
Magnetoresistivity, positive 356
Magnetothermal effect 328—330
Magnetothermal effect, elliptic density of state 330
Magnetothermal effect, elliptically broadened Landau levels 328—329
Magnetothermal effect, period 328
Maletta, H. 196(325) 197(325) 217(19) 218(19)
Malik, S.K. 191(272) 192(272)
Mallet, J.R. 401(208)
Malozemoff, A.P. 108(34 36) 109(36) 110(36) 114(36) 115(36 44)
Manako, T. 151(87) 202(372 373 374 381) 203(372 373)
Mandich, M.L. 169(160)
Mankiewich, P.M. 337(106) 339(106)
Mann, J.C. 401(208)
Mannhart, J. 171(175 176)
Manovsky, A.A. 197(346) 199(346) 201(346)
Mansfield, J. 163(126)
Manthiram, A. 178(221) 183(221) 186(250) 188(250) 189(250) 190(250)
Manuel, A.A. 268(213)
Mao, H.K. 137(13) 138(13) 143(13)
Mao, T.D. 139(40) 143(40)
Maple, M.B. 174(190 197 201) 175(201) 176(190) 185(241) 191(201 241) 243(124) 244(124) 251(124) 253(124) 254(124) 255(124) 256(124) 257(124) 258(124) 259(124) 260(124)
Maradudin, A.A. 302(58)
Marcelli, A. 262(191) 264(191)
Marcus, M.A. 80(122)
Marezio, M. 138(27) 139(33) 140(44) 143(33) 144(49) 151(84 86) 152(86) 153(86) 154(92) 161(44) 163(27 92 124) 165(124) 169(162) 188(262) 189(262) 197(342 343) 199(342 343 349) 200(349) 201(349) 202(383 384) 203(383 384) 206(383)
Margaritondo, G. 250(143 145) 251(143 145 156) 254(143) 256(143 145 156) 257(143) 265(197 201) 266(197)
Mariot, J.-M. 252(169)
Markelz, A.G. 121(53) 194(301)
Markiewicz, R.S. 226(56) 228(56)
Marks, L.D. 155(95) 169(158)
Marquina, M.L. 187(254)
Marquina, V. 187(254)
Marsh, P. 169(160) 197(340) 199(340)
Marshall, A.F. 169(159)
Marshall, J.H. 197(340) 199(340)
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