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Unknown A. — Solid State Physics |
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Orthorhombic structure 139—141
Orthorhombic-to-tetragonal phase transition, 143 146—150
Orthorhombic-to-tetragonal phase transition, , open-system order-disorder model 155
Orthorhombic-to-tetragonal phase transition, , substitution 178—179
Orthorhombic-to-tetragonal phase transition, , transition element substituted 190
Orthorhombic-to-tetragonal phase transition, , twins 163—164
Ortolani, F. 390(198) 391(198) 399(198)
Osborne, W.N. 192(285)
Oscillator strength, projected 395
Oseroff, S.B. 185(241) 191(241)
Osheroff, D.D. 352(135)
Osofsky, M. 137(23) 138(23) 251(155) 256(155) 258(177) 261(177)
Ostenson, J.E. 116(46)
Ostlund, S. 77(110)
Ourmazd, A. 138(26) 145(26) 163(26 119 120) 168(26)
Ovshinsky, S.R. 192(283) 237(92)
Oxtoby, D.W. 59(92) 61(92)
Oxygen, , ordered arrangements 150—154
Oxygen, , substitution 192—194
Oyanagi, H. 150(77) 189(266) 262(187 189) 264(187 189 190)
Oyanagi, Y. 208(388)
Oye, H.A. 146(67) 147(67) 148(67) 149(67) 157(67)
Paalanen, M.A. 358(145) 362(157) 363(157) 366(157) 368(157) 367 376(180) 377(180) 378(180)
Pacchione, G. 9(22)
Pakulis, E.J. 348(129)
Palmateer, S.C. 358(145)
Pande,C.S. 167(141)
Pang, G. 192(281)
Pang, G.Q. 174(189)
Pankhurst, Q.A. 187(255) 188(255)
Pankove, J.I. 193(299) 194(299)
Pannetier, J. 188(261) 189(261)
Panson, A.J. 170(168)
Papaconstantopoulos, D.A. 221(34) 222(34) 227(34 59) 228(34 60 64) 229(64) 246(59 134) 249(134)
Paramagnetic susceptibility 315 317—318
Park, K.T. 223(46)
Park, S.I. 146(62) 147(62) 170(171)
Parkin, S.S. 91(2)
Parkin, S.S.P. 137(12) 138(12) 149(72) 151(72 83 85) 152(83) 154(72) 155(97) 161(112) 173(185) 176(185) 182(238) 196(323) 197(323) 198(366) 202(364 365 366 367) 203(364 365 366 367) 204(366) 205(366) 206(364 366 397) 217(20)
Partial Meissner effect 107
Particle density, Fourier expansion 64
Particle packing, polytetrahedral 35
Particle packing, three dimensions 2—3
Particle packing, two dimensions 2
Pat we, S.J. 192(286)
Patella, F. 261(183)
Pattnaik, P. 246(134) 249(134)
Patton, B.R. 112(42) 117
Paul, D.McK. 196(314)
Paulikas, A.P. 150(74) 192(278)
Pauling, L. 80(125)
Paulsen, C. 191(271) 192(271)
Pavlovich, V.V. 287(16)
Paxton, A.T. 221 (28a) 232(28a) 233(76) 234(76) 236(76) 242(76) 256(28a)
Pazol, B.G. 132(82) 252(166) 257(166)
Pearson, G. 272(1)
Peck, W.F. 197(340) 199(340) 241(114)
Penetration depth, superconductors 97—99
Penney, T. 182(238) 215(16) 216(16) 217 218(16) 220(16) 221(16)
Penrose bricks 86
Penrose pattern 77—79
Penrose, R. 77(113)
Pentagonal bipyramid 6
Pepper, M. 356(141) 360(149) 362(156)
Perdew, J.P. 235(84)
Perez-Frias, M.T. 174(194)
Perovskite structure 138
Peter, M. 268(213)
Peters, C.J. 196(311) 218(21 24) 224(24)
Peterson, R.L. 170(169)
Pethick, C. 64(98)
Petroff, Y. 251(163) 256(163) 264(163)
Phase diagram, 215—217
Phase diagram, 155—160 219—220
Phase diagram, cluster variation method 157—158
Phase diagram, Ising model 155—157
Phase diagram, structural 148—149
Phase diagram, transition temperature variation 159—160
Phase transition, gas and liquid phases 296—301
Phase transition, orthorhombic-to-tetragonal see "Orthorhombic-to-tetragonal phase transition"
Phase transition, tetragonal-to-orthorhombic, lanthanium copper oxides 194—196
Phase transition, tetragonal-to-orthorhombic, lanthanium copper oxides, transition temperature 195—197
Phase transition, topological order 309
Phase transition, valley occupancy 293—296
Phase transition, Wigner crystal melting 308—313
Phase transition, Wigner lattice 301—308
Phillips, J.C. 160(107)
Phonon, scattering 307
photoemission see "Copper-oxide superconductors"
Pickett, W.E. 221(34) 222(34) 227(34) 228(34 61 64) 229(68) 231(68) 232(68) 233(68) 237(68) 268(214)
Picone, P.J. 196(311) 218(21 22 24) 224(24)
Pietilainen, P. 391(200) 399(200)
Pinczuk, P. 287(17)
Plaskett, T.S. 147(68) 149(68) 196(325) 197(325) 217(19) 218(19)
Plasma frequency, standing-wave resonance, versus charging potential 286—287
Plasma parameter 297
Plasmon 279
Plasmon, dispersion 283—293
Plasmon, dispersion, based on RPA dielectric function 285—286
Plasmon, dispersion, electron gas 284
Plasmon, dispersion, inversion layer 283—284
Plasmon, dispersion, liquid helium 286
Plasmon, dispersion, Wigner lattice 303
Plasmon, frequency 283
Platzman, P.M. 304(61) 305(61) 306 307(64) 312(74) 340(111) 347(128) 348 391(199) 392(199) 393(199) 396(199) 397 399(199 203)
Plechaty, M.M. 184(239)
Ploog, K. 287(17) 337(105) 360(150) 361 364(164)
Poeppelmeier, K.R. 136(10) 137(10) 155(95) 169(158)
Poitrenaud, J. 307(65)
Polarization factor 315—316
Polarization function 278 280—281
Politis, C. 251(149 152) 252(149) 253(149) 257(149) 258(149 175) 259(149) 261(152) 262(149) 264(149) 265(149) 266(149)
Polk, D.E. 20(47)
Polytetrahedral crystals 10—13
Polytetrahedral order, clusters 5—10
Polytetrahedral order, crystal-melt interfacial tension 57—63
Polytetrahedral order, crystal-melt interfacial tension, order parameter theory see "Order parameter theory"
Polytetrahedral order, dense-random packing 16—20
Polytetrahedral order, frustration, two dimensions 22—29
Polytetrahedral order, generalized valence bond 9—10
Polytetrahedral order, glass 15—22
Polytetrahedral order, hole-filling model 20—21
Polytetrahedral order, icosahedral cluster 6—7
Polytetrahedral order, icosahedron 6—7
Polytetrahedral order, liquids 13—15
Polytetrahedral order, nine-vertex coordination polyhedra 21
Polytetrahedral order, orientational 13—14
Polytetrahedral order, pentagonal bipyramid 6
Polytetrahedral order, statistical mechanics 57
Polytetrahedral order, tetrahedra, around common edge 6
Polytetrahedral order, tetrahedra, sharing common vertex 6—7
Polytetrahedral order, three dimensions as function of curvature 30—31
Polytetrahedral order, three dimensions, angular deficit 42
Polytetrahedral order, three dimensions, bcc crystal 38
Polytetrahedral order, three dimensions, canonical Kasper polyhedra 33—34
Polytetrahedral order, three dimensions, coordination number 43—44
Polytetrahedral order, three dimensions, coordination polyhedra 35
Polytetrahedral order, three dimensions, defect lines 32—36
Polytetrahedral order, three dimensions, dense random packing and Frank — Kasper phases 36—40
Polytetrahedral order, three dimensions, fcc crystal 38
Polytetrahedral order, three dimensions, icosahedron 27
Polytetrahedral order, three dimensions, polytope 29—32
Polytetrahedral order, three dimensions, relaxation to ideal glass 40—44
Polytetrahedral order, three dimensions, undercooled liquid 36
Polytetrahedral phases, ordered and disordered 52—53
Polytope, statistical honeycomb 40
Polytope, structure function 68—69
Polytope, three dimensions 29—32
Polytope, Wigner — Seitz cells 4—5
Pook, W. 365(167)
| Poole, D.A. 356(141)
Poon, S.J. 80(119)
Porter, C.D. 124(61) 266(303) 267(203)
Potential energy, OCP 385
Potitis, C. 251(146 152) 258(146) 261(146)
Pouget, J.P. 144(46)
Powder diffraction pattern, flat space crystal 64—65
Prange, R.F. 368(171) 371(171)
Prasad, R. 191(272) 192(272)
Praseodymium, substitution 174—175
Presland, R. 201(362)
Preuss, H. 8(20)
Prewitt, C.T. 137(13) 138(13) 143(13) 197(332) 198(332) 199(332 337) 200(332 337) 201(332) 202(363) 204(363) 206(363)
Prober, D.E. 337(106) 339(106)
Probst, C. 360(150) 361 374(176)
Prolate rhombohedron 86
Provost, J. 138(30) 163(125) 164(125) 165(125) 177(30) 196(321) 197(330)
Prueitt, M.L. 167(146)
Pruisken, A.M.M. 362(157) 363(157) 365(169) 366(157 169) 367 368(157 169)
Pudalov, V.M. 362(153) 364(153)
Purtell, R. 170(171)
Pusey, P.N. 52(83)
Qadri, S.B. 137(23) 138(23)
Qian, Y. 192(281)
Qian, Y.T. 174(189)
Qiu, G.L. 192(284)
Qiu, S.L. 251(154)
Qiu, Z.Q. 187(251 253)
Quadrupole doublet, substitution 187—188
Quantized Hall effect, fractional state 378—386
Quantized Hall effect, fractional state, angular momentum 378 380—381
Quantized Hall effect, fractional state, ground-state energy 382—383 386
Quantized Hall effect, fractional state, ion disk energy 379
Quantized Hall effect, fractional state, Laughlin's state 382—384
Quantized Hall effect, fractional state, normalization factor 381
Quantized Hall effect, fractional state, one-component plasma 379—380 383 385
Quantized Hall effect, fractional state, potential energy 385
Quantized Hall effect, fractional state, Slater determinant of elements 380—381
Quantized Hall effect, fractional state, wave function 378—380 384—386 400
Quantized Hall effect, fractional state, Wigner lattice 383—384
Quantized Hall effect, collective excitations 391—401
Quantized Hall effect, collective excitations, Coulomb potential 395
Quantized Hall effect, collective excitations, density operator 395
Quantized Hall effect, collective excitations, dispersion curves 397
Quantized Hall effect, collective excitations, dynamical structure factor 392
Quantized Hall effect, collective excitations, excitation energy 392—393 396 398
Quantized Hall effect, collective excitations, Hilbert space 393—394
Quantized Hall effect, collective excitations, inverse dielectric function 399
Quantized Hall effect, collective excitations, moments of correlation function 396
Quantized Hall effect, collective excitations, projected oscillator strength 395
Quantized Hall effect, collective excitations, radial distribution function 396
Quantized Hall effect, collective excitations, solidlike wave function 399
Quantized Hall effect, collective excitations, static structure factor 392 395—396
Quantized Hall effect, fractional 373—378
Quantized Hall effect, fractional, activation energy 377—378
Quantized Hall effect, fractional, elementary excitations 392
Quantized Hall effect, fractional, GaAs/GaAlAs 374—375
Quantized Hall effect, fractional, Hall resistivity 375—376
Quantized Hall effect, fractional, magnetoresistivity 375—376
Quantized Hall effect, hierarchy of fractional states 387—391
Quantized Hall effect, hierarchy of fractional states, activation energy 391
Quantized Hall effect, hierarchy of fractional states, condensation 390
Quantized Hall effect, hierarchy of fractional states, filling factor 389
Quantized Hall effect, hierarchy of fractional states, quasihole 387—389
Quantized Hall effect, hierarchy of fractional states, quasiparticle 388
Quantized Hall effect, hierarchy of fractional states, vortices 389
Quantized Hall effect, hierarchy of fractional states, wave function 387—388
Quantized Hall effect, integral, broadened Landau levels 369
Quantized Hall effect, integral, Corbino disk 369
Quantized Hall effect, integral, current density 371
Quantized Hall effect, integral, delocalization height 368
Quantized Hall effect, integral, electron energy level 359
Quantized Hall effect, integral, electron state near Landau level center 365—366
Quantized Hall effect, integral, extended and localized states 371
Quantized Hall effect, integral, flow diagram 367
Quantized Hall effect, integral, Hall conductivity 358—360
Quantized Hall effect, integral, Hall current 369—370
Quantized Hall effect, integral, Hall plateau 362 400—401
Quantized Hall effect, integral, Hamiltonian 372
Quantized Hall effect, integral, interpretation 365—373 400
Quantized Hall effect, integral, Landau levels 361—362
Quantized Hall effect, integral, magnetic flux passing through closed orbit 370
Quantized Hall effect, integral, plateau width 364
Quantized Hall effect, integral, resistivity 360—361
Quantized Hall effect, integral, spin/valley split lowest Landau level 368
Quantized Hall effect, integral, Thouless number 366
Quantized Hall effect, integral, transverse conductivity 372
Quantized Hall effect, integral, vector potential 370
Quantum well 274
Quasi de Almeida — Thouless line 109
Quasicrystals 75—82
Quasicrystals, Al-Li-Cu 81
Quasicrystals, diffraction pattern 76—77
Quasicrystals, Ga-Mg-Zn 80—81
Quasicrystals, generations of intensity maxima in reciprocal space 77—78
Quasicrystals, icosahedral Al-Mn 88
Quasicrystals, icosahedral symmetry 80
Quasicrystals, most intense spots 82—83
Quasicrystals, oblate rhombohedron 86
Quasicrystals, Penrose pattern 77—79
Quasicrystals, prolate rhombohedron 86
Quasicrystals, sites of high occupation number 86—87
Quasicrystals, spot pattern perpendicular to axis 85—86
Quasicrystals, theory 82—88
Quasicrystals, thermodynamic metastability 80
Quasihole 388—389
Quasihole, creation 387
Quasihole, filling factor 389
Quasiparticle 388
Quinn, D.S. 287(16)
Quinn, J.J. 287(16 18) 294(37) 296(41) 320(83) 340(112) 341(117) 368(172) 371(172)
Quintanar, C. 187(254)
Rabman, A. 43(69)
Raccah, P.M. 195(306)
Rackham, G.M. 145(57)
Raistrick, I.D. 139(43) 142(43)
Rajagopal, A.K. 285(14) 286(14) 288(20)
Ramachandrarao, P. 81(128)
Ramakar, D.E. 258(177) 261(177)
Ramakrishna, B.L. 181(237)
Ramakrishnan, T.V. 83(136) 350(134) 356(140)
Ramanujachary, K.V. 174(196)
Ramirez, M.L. 137(12) 138(12) 146(62) 147(62) 149(72) 151(72) 154(72) 155(97) 173(185) 176(185) 196(323) 197(323) 217(20)
Ramnathan, M. 262(185) 263(185) 264(185)
Rao, C.N.R. 136(8) 137(8) 251(150 157) 257(150 157) 261(150 157)
Rao, G.H. 174(202) 175(202)
Rao, U.R.K. 192(286)
Raoult, B. 8(18)
Rapkine, D.H. 124(64) 125(64) 131(64) 238(101) 266(101 202) 267(101 202 212)
Rare earth 173 see rare
Rasolt, M. 246(132 134) 249(134) 391(199) 392(199) 393(199) 396(199) 399(199)
Raudsepp, M. 187(255) 188(255)
Raveau, B. 138(30) 139(33) 143(33) 163(125) 164(125) 165(125) 177(30) 178(220) 188(261) 189(261) 194(305) 196(321) 197(330) 262(191) 264(191)
Ravet, M.F. 258(179) 260(179)
Razeghi, M. 362(157) 363(157 159) 366(157) 368(157)
Read, N. 226(53) 236(53) 242(119) 245(119)
Redinger, J. 252(167 168) 253 255(167 168)
Reedyk, M. 124(61)
Reihl, B. 251(148) 252(148) 257(148)
Reindinger, F. 181(237)
Reinecke, T.L. 364(163)
Remanent moment 108
Remeika, J.P. 122(59) 137(11) 138(11) 196(328) 197(328) 215(15) 217 234(15) 236(15 91) 237(15) 268(213)
Remenyi, G. 374(176)
Ren, Y. 139(40) 143(40)
Ren, Y.R. 192(284)
Renault, A. 144(46)
Rendon-Diazmiron, L.E. 174(195)
Renker, B. 188(261) 189(261) 251(149) 252(149) 253(149) 257(149) 258(149) 259(149) 262(149) 264(149) 265(149) 266(149 208) 267(208)
Rentschler, J.A. 138(26) 145(26) 163(26) 168(26)
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