Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Unknown A. — Solid State Physics |
Предметный указатель |
Bohr radius, effective 298
Bond-orientational order 45—47
Bond-orientational order, long-range 49
Bond-orientational order, rotationally invariant 47—48
Bonn, D.A. 124(61) 266(203) 267(203)
Bonner, W.A. 250(143 145) 251(143 145) 254(143) 256(143 145) 257(143) 265(201) 266(210) 267(210)
Bonsall,L. 302(58)
Boone, T. 163(123) 170(172) 171(172)
Bordet, P. 144(49) 169(162) 188(262) 189(262) 197(342 343) 199(342 343 349) 200(349) 201(349) 202(383 384) 203(383 384) 206(383)
Borel, M.M. 197(330)
Borida, R.K. 150(79)
Boring, A.M. 268(214)
Bose, A. 181(237) 186(247) 189(247) 251(162) 257(162) 261(162)
Bosio, L. 84
Boudreaux, D.S. 21(54)
Bourdillon, A.J. 145(56) 191(276) 192(276)
Bourne, L.C. 120(51) 121(56) 129(75) 193(294) 194(302)
Bourret, A. 138(27) 163(27 124)
Bowden, M.E. 201(362)
Boyd, J.T. 94(8)
Boyer, L.L. 221(34) 222(34) 227(34) 228(34 60)
Bozovic, I. 266(207) 267(207)
Bragg peaks, metastable icosahedral crystal 85—86
Braginski, A.I. 170(168)
Brandow, B.H. 214(7) 227(7) 234(7) 235(7)
Bray, G. 262(189)
Bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy 257-258
Brenig, W. 363(158) 365(169) 366(169) 368(169)
Brennert, G.F. 122(59)
Brewer, J.H. 161(113)
Brezin, E. 365(169) 366(169) 368(169)
Briggs, A. 363(159 160)
Brill, J.W. 179(226)
Brinkman, W.F. 238(99)
Brodsky, M.B. 187(257) 188(257) 195(307) 216(17) 224(17) 225(17)
Brokamn, A. 163(131) 166(131)
Brooks, J. 374(177)
Brooks, J.S. 375(179)
Brouwer, R. 155(99)
Brown, A.C. 49(76)
Brown, F.C. 251(153)
Brown, I.W.M. 201(362)
Brown, L.M. 265(198)
Brun, T.O. 193(296)
Bruynserade, Y. 146(61 67) 149(61 67) 157(67)
Bryden, W.A. 187(253)
Brynestad, J. 147(67) 148(67) 163(126) 202(382) 203(382) 206(382)
Buckel, W. 20(44)
Buckley, R.G. 201(362)
Budnick, J. 262(191) 264(191)
Buffat, B. 178(220)
Buhrman, R.A. 172(179)
Bukowski, Z. 163(132)
Bullett, D.W. 221(43) 222(43) 225(43) 226(43) 228(43) 229(43) 232(43)
Buluggiu, E. 167(150)
Burkhard, H. 364(164)
Buttet, J. 8(19)
Buxton, B.F. 145(57)
Buzdin, A.I. 167(148)
Byers, N. 368(170) 369(170) 371(170)
Cabanel, R. 196(321)
Cage, M.E. 360(151) 364(161)
Cahn, J.W. 3(3) 76(3 109) 77(112) 80(3) 86(3)
Cai, J. 258(174)
Caignaert, V. 188(261) 189(261)
Caillol, J.M. 299(50) 379(183) 380(183) 397(183)
Calabrese, J.C. 197(336) 198(336) 199(336) 200(336) 202(368 369 370) 204(369) 206(368 369 370) 213(3) 215(3)
Calabrese, J.J. 112(42) 117
Calcite oolite 18—20
Calcium, substitution 191
Calestani, G. 141(45) 143(45)
Calinon, R. 299(50) 309(71)
Callaway, J. 222(44) 233(44) 234(44 80) 235(44) 242(80) 255(44)
Callcott, T.A. 262(189)
Calvert, L.D. 81(130)
Campagna, M. 251(160) 257(160) 261(160)
Camps, R.A. 170(166)
Canfield, L.R. 262(189)
Cao, L. 192(281)
Cao, L.Z. 174(189)
Cao, W.W. 146(60)
Capizzi, M. 124(64) 125(64) 131(64) 238(101) 266(101) 267(101)
Capobianco, T.E. 129(76)
Capone, D.W. 139(34) 145(34) 170(168) 216(17) 224(17) 225(17) 257(171 172) 258(177) 260(177) 262(185) 263(185) 264(185)
Capone, D.W. II 137(16) 139(41) 145(41) 146(61) 149(61) 195(307)
Capponi, J.J. 139(33) 140(44) 143(33) 144(49) 151(84 86) 152(86) 153(86) 154(89 92) 159(89) 161(44) 163(27 92 124) 165(124) 197(342 343) 199(342 343 349) 200(349) 201(349) 202(383 384) 203(383 384) 206(383)
Car, R. 8(19)
Cargill, G.S. III. 16(31 32) 17 20(31)
Carlsson, A.E. 235(85) 244(128) 252(128)
Carr, M.J. 202(375 377)
Carter, C.B. 172(179)
Castellani, C. 118(48)
Cava, R.J. 120(50) 121(55) 122(59) 137(11) 138(11 31) 139(31) 151(82) 153(90) 182(238) 193(293 298) 195(309) 196(309 319) 197(340) 199(340) 215(12) 217 220(26) 221(28) 232(28) 241(114) 251 256(28) 266(202) 267(202)
Cavin, O.B. 146(67) 147(67) 148(67) 149(67) 157(67)
Ceperley, D.M. 288(25) 292(35)
Chadi, J.D. 337(104) 348(129)
Chaikin, P.M. 192(287)
Chaikovskii, I.A. 287(16)
Chaillout, C. 139(33) 143(33) 144(49) 151(84 86) 152(86) 153(86 89) 154(89 92) 159(89) 163(92) 169(162) 196(321) 197(342 343) 199(342 343 349) 200(349) 201(349) 202(383 384) 203(383 384) 206(383)
Chakraborty, T. 390(198) 391(198 200) 399(198 200)
Chakravarty, S. 236(88) 299(48) 308(48)
Chalker, J. 365(169) 366(169) 368(169)
Chalupa, J. 299(46) 378(182)
Chamberland, B. 262(191) 264(191)
Chance, D.A. 128(74) 129(74) 137(15)
Chang, A.M. 362(154 157) 363 363(157) 364(164) 365(168) 366(157) 368(157) 374(176) 376(180) 377(180 181) 378(180)
Chang, C.L. 258(174)
Chang, K.J. 120(51) 193(294)
Chang, K.M. 295(38)
Chang, L.L. 357(143) 374(176 177)
Chang, Y. 250(143) 251(143 156) 254(143) 256(143 156) 257(143) 265(197 201) 266(197)
Chao, K.A. 246(131)
Chaplik, A.V. 283(10) 302(56)
Char, K. 111(41) 116(41) 127(70) 169(159) 266(207) 267(207)
Charge density wave distortion 225
Chaudhari, P. 171(175 176) 172(176)
Che, G.C. 174(188)
Cheetham, A.K. 199(358) 201(358)
Chen, C.F. 242(118)
Chen, C.H. 145(51) 151(82 88) 153(90) 163(51) 220(26) 221(28) 232(28) 256(28) 265(200) 266(200)
Chen, C.T. 260(181)
Chen, C.Y. 218(24) 224(24)
Chen, G. 136(7) 137(7) 239(109) 248(109) 249(109)
Chen, G.H. 194(304)
Chen, H. 234(80) 242(80)
Chen, H.S. 120(50) 193(293) 265(200) 266(200)
Chen, L. 136(7) 137(7)
Chen, L.C. 82(132)
Chen, M.Y. 192(284)
Chen, Q.-B. 250(145) 251(145) 256(145)
Chen, S.P. 167(146)
Chen, X. 174(187 191)
Chen, Z. 192(281)
Chen, Z.Y. 174(189)
Chenavas, J. 144(49) 151(84 86) 152(86) 153(86 89) 154(89) 159(89) 169(162) 197(342 343) 199(342 343) 202(383 384) 203(383 384) 206(383)
Cheong, S.W. 173(183)
Chernikova, D.M. 303(59) 308(69)
Chester, G.V. 299(48) 308(48)
Chevacharoenkul, S. 163(126)
Chevalier, B. 178(220) 196(321)
Chi, J. 171(175)
Chiang, T.-C. 252(166) 257(166)
Chiang, Y.M. 218(24) 224(24)
Chien, C.L. 185(240) 186(246) 187(251) 189(246) 190(246) 221(30)
Chin, R. 251(162) 257(162) 261(162)
Ching, W.Y. 221(39) 222(39) 232(39) 266(211)
Chippindale, A.M. 199(358) 201(358)
Chisolm, M.F. 170(173) 172(177 180) 262(194) 264(194) 265(194)
Chiu, K.W. 287(18)
Cho, A.Y. 345(125)
| Choh, S.T. 292(33)
Choi, K.K. 337(103 106) 339(106) 358(145)
Choquard, P. 309(71)
Chou, M.J. 345(126)
Chowdhry, U. 197(336) 198(336) 199(336) 200(336) 202(368 369 370) 204(369) 206(368 369 370) 213(3) 215(3)
Christensen, N.E. 242(117) 268(214)
Christian, L.A. 201(362)
Chu, C.W. 92(4) 136(3) 137(13) 138(13) 143(13) 173(184) 176(184) 196(312 318) 197(331 332 337) 198(332) 199(332 337) 200(332 337) 201(331 332) 213(2) 221(31) 229(31)
Chu, M.Y. 172(182)
Chui, S.T. 399(204)
Chumbley, L.S. 116(45) 117 163(133) 167(133)
Chung, M. 179(226)
Cieplak, M.Z. 186(246) 189(246) 190(246) 221(30)
Ciovannella, C. 261(183)
Cipollini, N. 181(237) 186(247) 189(247)
Ciszek, T. 193(299) 194(299)
Clabes, J. 172(180)
Clark, A.F. 129(76)
Clark, C.W. 262(189)
Clark, R.C. 374(176)
Clark, R.G. 401(208)
Clarke, D.R. 155(93) 170(170) 251(158) 257(158) 262(158) 264(158)
Clarke, J.H.R. 52(82)
Clayhold, J. 216(18) 218(18)
Clegg, W.J. 145(52) 163(52)
Clem, J.R. 96(12) 97(12) 101(12) 116(45 46) 117 163(133) 167(133)
Clozza, A. 251(164) 256(164) 260(164) 261(164) 262(164) 264(164)
Cluster Cl model 255—256
Cluster variation method 157—158
Cobalt, substitution 185—186
Cobalt, vapor-deposited, structure factors 82—84
Cockayne, D.J.H. 145(56)
Coey, J.M.D. 187(252)
Cohen, M.H. 16(27 28) 52(27) 274(4) 277(6) 279(6)
Cohen, M.L. 120(51) 121(56) 129(75) 193(294) 194(302)
Cohen, S.L. 170(171)
Coherence length, Bardeen — Cooper — Schrieffer 92
Coherence length, Ginzburg — Landau theory 99
Coherence length, superconductors 99
Coherent potential approximation 331 333—335
Cole, M.W. 274(4)
Cole, T. 294(37) 295(40)
Collin, G. 144(46) 150(80) 262(188) 263(188) 264(188)
Collins, R. 3(2) 10(2) 22(2) 32(2) 34(2)
Collins, R.T. 124(62) 128(74) 129(74) 266(206) 267(206)
Colombo, E. 390(198) 391(198) 399(198)
Comes, R. 144(46)
Condensed matter 1—5
Conductivity tensors 331
Conductivity, Drude-type, correction 352
Conductivity, dynamic 340
Conductivity, transverse 372
Configurational entropy 61
Congiu Castellano, A. 251(164) 256(164) 260(164) 261(164) 262(164) 264(164)
Coniglio, A. 218(23)
Continuum model, superconductors 103—104
Cook, R.F. 166(139)
Cooper pairs 119
Cooper, A.S. 196(328) 197(328) 215(15) 217 234(15) 236(15) 237(15) 268(213)
Cooper, L.N. 92(3) 118(3) 122(3) 228(4)
Copper, enrichment and stacking faults 169
Copper-oxide superconductors 213—215 267—269
Copper-oxide superconductors, 215—218
Copper-oxide superconductors, orbital role 248—250
Copper-oxide superconductors, 218—221
Copper-oxide superconductors, anisotropy 264
Copper-oxide superconductors, antiferromagnetic structure 234
Copper-oxide superconductors, auger electron spectra 261—262
Copper-oxide superconductors, before hybridization 245
Copper-oxide superconductors, body-centred tetragonal structure 215—216
Copper-oxide superconductors, energy level diagram 243
Copper-oxide superconductors, extended-Hubbard and Anderson Hamiltonians 239—248
Copper-oxide superconductors, extended-Hubbard and Anderson Hamiltonians, Emery model 239—242
Copper-oxide superconductors, extended-Hubbard and Anderson Hamiltonians, inclusion of O-O hopping 245—247
Copper-oxide superconductors, extended-Hubbard and Anderson Hamiltonians, simplified Emery model 242—245
Copper-oxide superconductors, extended-Hubbard and Anderson Hamiltonians, Weber d-d excitation model 247—248
Copper-oxide superconductors, Fermi liquid picture 238
Copper-oxide superconductors, high energy electron energy loss 262—265
Copper-oxide superconductors, hole concentration 221
Copper-oxide superconductors, local spin density approximation 233—234
Copper-oxide superconductors, low energy electron energy loss 265—267
Copper-oxide superconductors, O ls absorption 265
Copper-oxide superconductors, O p states 240—241
Copper-oxide superconductors, optical properties 266—267
Copper-oxide superconductors, photoemission and inverse photoemission 250—251
Copper-oxide superconductors, photoemission and inverse photoemission, core levels 258—261
Copper-oxide superconductors, photoemission and inverse photoemission, occupied valence states 251—257
Copper-oxide superconductors, photoemission and inverse photoemission, unoccupied states 257—258
Copper-oxide superconductors, resonating valence bond state 237—238
Copper-oxide superconductors, single-band Hamiltonian 235—239
Copper-oxide superconductors, spin-polarized calculations 233—235
Copper-oxide superconductors, spin-restricted calculations 221—222
Copper-oxide superconductors, x-ray absorption 262—265
Corbino disk 369
Core levels, copper-oxide superconductors 258—261
Correlation function, density-density 342
Correlation function, moments 396
Correlation function, velocity-velocity 354 372
Cortes, R. 84
Coulomb blockade 127 130
Coulomb potential, Fourier transform 278
Coulomb staircase 127—128 130
Courths, R. 251(146) 258(146) 261(146)
Cox, D.E. 144(50) 161(114 115) 196(312 315) 219(25) 234(25) 236(25) 237(25)
Coxeter, H.S.M. 3(6 7 8) 23(8) 24(8) 25(8) 28(8) 31(6 7 8) 32(6) 39(8) 43 88(6 7 8)
Crabtree, G.W. 132(80 82) 150(74) 192(278)
Craighead, H.G. 337(106) 339(106)
Cramm, S. 262(189)
Crandall, R.S. 302(55) 308(67)
Crawford, M.K. 150(79)
Critical current, superconductors 97
Critical field, lower 100—101
Critical field, upper 101—102 111
Critical field, upper, crystalline YBCO 116—117
Critical field, upper, flux creep effect on determination 115—118
Croft, M. 258(174)
Crommie, M.F. 120(51) 129(75) 193(294)
Cronemeyer, D.C. 108(34)
Cross, L.E. 146(60)
Crow, J.E. 251(154)
Crystallization 54—55
Cu K absorption 263—264
Cui, C. 136(7) 137(7)
Cui, C.G. 174(188)
Cundy, H.M. 17(36)
Cuomo, J.J. 197(339) 199(339) 200(339) 201(339)
Current density 371
Current density, critical 106—107
Current density, critical, grain boundary and 170—171
Current density, macroscopic 98
Curtin, W.A. 59(91) 61(91)
Cyclotron resonance 339—349
Cyclotron resonance, critical frequency 347—348
Cyclotron resonance, dynamic conductivity 340
Cyclotron resonance, effective mass 341
Cyclotron resonance, filling factor 347
Cyclotron resonance, GaAs/GaAlAs 345—369
Cyclotron resonance, impurity potential 343
Cyclotron resonance, lifetime 349
Cyclotron resonance, memory function 340—344
Cyclotron resonance, relaxation time 341
Cyclotron resonance, resonance magnetic field dependence 345—346
Cyclotron resonance, splitting 347—348
Cyrot, M. 237(94) 239(94)
D'Yvoire, F. 150(80)
Dabrowski, B. 177(218) 180(234) 193(296)
Dacumling, M. 108(33)
Dahm, A.J. 307(63)
Dalichaouch, Y.D. 174(190 197 201) 175(201) 176(190) 185(241) 191(201 241) 243 243(124) 244(124) 251(124) 253(124) 254(124) 255(124) 256(124) 257(124) 258(124) 259(124) 260(124)
Dalton, V.L. 339(109)
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