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Giamarchi T. — Quantum Physics in One Dimension
Giamarchi T. — Quantum Physics in One Dimension

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Название: Quantum Physics in One Dimension

Автор: Giamarchi T.


For readers with some basic knowledge of many-body physics, Giamarchi (U. of Geneva and Paris XI U.) introduces a selection of his favorite techniques and concepts for studying one-dimensional systems of interacting particles. Among them are the bosonization approach used repeatedly in the rest of the book, very low level techniques, more sophisticated technical and physical situations, and various microscopic methods. Then he explores some classes of systems and discusses experimental materials such as spin systems; single-chain, coupled, and quasi-one-dimensional fermionic systems and the effects of disorder in them; boundaries, isolated impurities, and constrictions; and Luttinger liquids.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Физика твёрдого тела/Приложения/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 430

Добавлена в каталог: 05.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$4k_F$ component      80 104 108 165 251 296
$F_1$ and $F_2$ expressions      43 383
$\phi$ and $\theta$ fields $\textrm{Mott}-\delta$      120
$\phi$ and $\theta$ fields boundary      305
$\phi$ and $\theta$ fields commutator      36 73
$\phi$ and $\theta$ fields correlations      43 77 103 381
$\phi$ and $\theta$ fields definition      35
$\phi$ and $\theta$ fields finite temperature      98
$\phi$ and $\theta$ fields Hamiltonian      37 39
$\phi$ and $\theta$ fields pairing operator      46 55
$\phi$ and $\theta$ fields relation to charge of excitations      81 211
$\phi$ and $\theta$ fields relation to densities      36 54 72
$\phi$ and $\theta$ fields semiclassical interpretation      82 84
$\phi$ and $\theta$ fields single-particle operator      35 37 51 73
$\phi$ and $\theta$ fields spins      167
$\phi$ and $\theta$ fields umklapp process      108
$\Pi$ field      36
$\textrm{Cu}_2(\textrm{C}_5\textrm{H}_{12}\textrm{N}_2)_2\textrm{Cl}_4$      194
$\textrm{KCuF}_3$      184
$\textrm{Mott}-U/\textrm{Mott}-\delta$      111
$\textrm{SrCu}_2\textrm{O}_3$      194
$\textrm{Sr}_{14}\textrm{Cu}_{24}\textrm{O}_{41}$      253
Adiabatic limit      178
Ahronov — Bohm flux      93 148 224
Amplitudes      78
Analytic continuation      375 387
Anderson localization      270
BA equations      146
Bechgaard salts      262
Bethe-ansatz      137 167 171 185 209 213 234 237 332
BKT transition      60 91 111 171
Bond ordering      203 217
Bonding-antibonding bands      241
Bose condensates      345
Bose glass      342
Bose — Hubbard Hamiltonian      334 344
Boson representation creation and destruction operators      33
Boson representation Hamiltonian      35
Bosonization      14 29 70 391
Bosons      333
Boundary condition      99 303 355
Boundary exponent      307
Canonical transformation      349
Capacitance      320 323 343
Central charge      99
Charge density wave      11 47 65 104 203 217 246 251 280 282 294 318
Charge stiffness      224
chemical potential      41 108
Chiral fields      86 304 331 376 387
Classical crystal      86 105 115 280
Collective excitations      4 5 30 103
Collective pinning      275
Commensurability      110 218
Commensurate-incommensurate transition      115
Compressibility $\textrm{Mott}-\delta$      121
Compressibility definition      41
Compressibility fermions with spin      53
Compressibility spinless fermions      42
Conductace edge states      330
Conductance      219 227
Conductance quantization      301
Conductivity      219
Conductivity disordered fermions      278 288 295
Conductivity Mott insulator      232 265
Conductivity umklapp process      228
Conformal transformation      94 355
Contractions      81 133 291
Coulomb blockade      321
Coulomb gas      58 93 317
Coulomb interaction      100
Current      83 220
d wave symmetry      245
Deconfinement transition      262
Density operator bond ordering      203
Density operator classical crystal      89
Density operator commutator      32
Density operator correlations bosons      335
Density operator correlations fermions with spin      55 65 81
Density operator correlations Hubbard model      203
Density operator correlations long-range interactions      104
Density operator correlations spinless fermions      44 78
Density operator Hubbard model      202
Density operator Luttinger liquid      16
Density operator relation to $\phi$ and $\theta$      36 42 54 72
Density operator semiclassical representation      82
Density operator spinful fermion ladder      249
Density operator spinless fermion ladder      244
Diamagnetic term      221
Dimensional crossover      256
Dimerization      178
DMRG method      157
Doping      108
Dynamical exponent      112 121 342
Dzyaloshinskii — Larkin solution      15 352
Edge states      328
Emery — Kivelson line      366
Exact diagonalizations      154
Fermi liquid      1 205 357
Ferromagnet      167
Finite range interaction      44
Flux phases      245
form factors      234
Forward and backward scattering      277
Fourier conventions      372
Fourier transforms      389
Free electron gas      1
Friedel oscillations      7 217
Frustration      175
Fukuyama — Lee length      283
g-ology      17 125
Gaussian disorder      275
Haldane’s conjecture      189
Hamiltonian bosons      334
Hamiltonian dimerized spin chain      180
Hamiltonian disordered bosons      340
Hamiltonian disordered fermions      276 279
Hamiltonian fermions with spin      52
Hamiltonian function of $\phi$ and $\theta$      37
Hamiltonian Hubbard model      9 200 201
Hamiltonian Kondo model      355 359
Hamiltonian Luttinger liquid      75
Hamiltonian magnetic anisotropics      126
Hamiltonian single impurity      307 311
Hamiltonian spin ladder      191
Hamiltonian spin-Peierls      177
Hamiltonian spinful fermion ladder      248
Hamiltonian spinless fermions      162
Hamiltonian spinless fermions ladder      239 242
Hamiltonian t-J model      213
Hamiltonian Tomonaga — Luttinger      15 29
Hamiltonian two impurities      318
Hamiltonian two-channel Kondo      364 366
Hamiltonian X-ray edge      347 348
Hamiltonian XXZ model      138 160 166
Hamiltonian XY model      91
Hard core bosons      162 208
Heisenberg model      148 160
Hirsh — Fye algorithm      156
Holes in BA equations      149
Holon      84 114 206 211
Hopfield rule      351
Hubbard bands      114
Hubbard model      156 200
Impurities many      276 323
Impurities one      307 323
Impurities two      318
Instanton      66 314
Interchain hopping      240 256
Jordan — Wigner transformation      73 162
Josephson coupling      258 344
Josephson junction arrays      343
Klein factors      35 129 202 362 376
Kondo model      138 355
Kondo temperature      357
Korringa law      205
Labelling field      71 88
Ladder spinless fermions      239
Ladders, spin ladders      189
Landau parameters      3
Lifetime      3 5 278
Linear response      374
Localization length      271 285 287 292
Logarithmic corrections      62 131 169 232 360
Long-range interaction      100 327
Luther — Emery line      112 233
Luther — Emery liquid      65 294
Luttinger liquid      6 44 70 76
Luttinger liquid parameters fermions with spin      52
Luttinger liquid parameters Hubbard model      202 209
Luttinger liquid parameters long-range interaction      101
Luttinger liquid parameters spin ladder      192
Luttinger liquid parameters spinful fermion ladder      248
Luttinger liquid parameters spinless fermions ladder      242
Luttinger liquid parameters t-J model      214
Luttinger liquid parameters Tomonaga — Luttinger      39
Luttinger liquid parameters U-V model      216 219
Luttinger liquid parameters XXZ model      166 171
Luttinger liquid relation with Bethe-ansatz      147 404
Luttinger liquid spin gap      67
Luttinger liquid, Hamiltonian      39 52 75
Luttinger theorem      3 49
Magnetic anisotropies      124 240
Magnetic field      121 170
Magnetic monopoles      93
Magnon      140 153
Majorana fermions      129 194 367
Many-body formalism      371
Massive phase      63 65 112
Massive Thiring model      113 138
Massless regime      62
mean field      9 197 260
Meissner fraction      226
Memory function formalism      229
Mermin — Wagner theorem      67
Miniband      300
Monte—Carlo      155
Mott insulator      217 263
Mott transition      90 106 170 208 218 337
Nanotubes      325
Nesting property      7 11
Neutron scattering      185
NMR      173 204
Normal ordering      31 216 399
Occupation factor      48 375
Operator product expansion      81
Orbital antiferromagnet      245
Organic conductors      187 262
Orthogonality catastrophe      354
Pairing operator correlations, fermions with spin      65
Pairing operator fermions with spin      55
Pairing operator relation to $\phi$ and $\theta$      46
Pairing operator spinful fermion ladder      249
Pairing operator spinless fermion ladder      244
Pairing operator spinless fermions      45
Parquet approximation      12 23
Particle-hole excitations      2 12 29 355
Particle-hole symmetry      163 203
path integral      380
Persistent currents      225 297
Phase breaking process      235
Phase diagram bosons      336 337
Phase diagram disordered fermions      286 294
Phase diagram fermions with spin      68
Phase diagram Mott insulator      111
Phase diagram single impurity      312
Phase diagram spinful fermion ladder      251
Phase diagram spinless fermion ladder      245
Phase diagram spinless fermions      47
Phase diagram t-J model      214
Phase diagram U-V model      219
Phase diagram XXZ model      161
Phase separation      215
Phase shift      352
Plasmon      103
Point splitting      166
Poisson summation formula      72
Quantification of conductance      227
Quantum fluctuations      68 87 105 150 183 198 280
Quantum Hall effect      328
Quantum phase transition      66 87 108 195
quantum wire      101 299
Quasiparticles      2—4
Quasiparticles Luttinger liquid      14
Random antiferromagnet      292 299
Rapidities      148
Refermionization      113 118 193
Renormalization correlation functions      27 62 132
Renormalization disordered bosons      341
Renormalization disordered fermions      286 291
Renormalization fermions with spin      26
Renormalization group C-IC transition      115
Renormalization interchain hopping      256 260
Renormalization Kondo model      356 361
Renormalization magnetic anisotropies      126
Renormalization method      23
Renormalization sine-Gordon      56 396
Renormalization single impurity      308 311
Renormalization spinless fermions      24
Replica method      272
Resonant level model      362
Right and left goers      15 29 85 86 119 329 348
Roots in BA equations      149
RPA approximation      11 19 198 353
Scaling dimension      60 311
Schlottmann transformation      361
Sine-Gordon gap      63
Sine-Gordon Hamiltonian      53
Sine-Gordon phonons      63 403
Sine-Gordon renormalization      56
Sine-Gordon solitons      63 114 211 403
Single impurity      309 312
Single-particle density of states      49 206 267 327
Single-particle operator bosons      335
Single-particle operator boundary      306
Single-particle operator fermions with spin      51
Single-particle operator function of right and left movers      38
Single-particle operator Hubbard model      205
Single-particle operator Kondo model      363
Single-particle operator Luttinger liquid      16
Single-particle operator relation to $\phi$ and $\theta$      73
Single-particle operator spinless fermions      35 37 47
Single-particle operator X-ray edge      351
Singularity      122
SO(4) symmetry      201
Specific heat      40
Spectral function      1
Spectral function Fermi liquid      4
Spectral function from Green’s function      5 375
Spectral function Luttinger liquid      206
Spectral function two-channel Kondo      367
Spin chain      138
Spin density wave      11 54 65 203 244 263
Spin gap      246
Spin operator correlations Hubbard model      203
Spin operator XXZ model      168 172
Spin rotation      127
Spin-charge separation      53 54
Spin-orbit coupling      124
Spin-Peierls      177 263
Spinful fermion ladder      246 247
1 2
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