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Zee A. — Quantum field theory in a nutshell |
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gauge 240 241
meson 319 320
model 318—319
model for ferromagnets and antiferromagnets 323 324
model, nonlinear 320 323
term 232
theory, renormalizability of 158 160
3-brane 38—40
Abrahams, Elihu 347
Adler, Steve 251
Aharonov — Bohm effect 223—224 235 295 299
Amplitudes see “Meson-meson scattering amplitude”
Amplitudes as analytic functions 189
Amplitudes, symmetry in 72
Analyticity of Feynman diagrams 189 (see also “Nonanalyticity”)
Anderson localization 330—331 334
Anderson localization in renormalization group language 347—349
Anderson mechanism 237
Anderson, Phil, in “Gang of Four” 347
Anderson, Phil, Nobel Prize for 331
Angular momentum, addition of 468
Anharmonicity in field theory 41 85
Anomaly (axial anomaly/chiral anomaly) 243 248
Anomaly (axial anomaly/chiral anomaly) and path integral formalism 252
Anomaly (axial anomaly/chiral anomaly) in nonabelian gauge theory 250
Anomaly (axial anomaly/chiral anomaly), alternative ways of deriving 253
Anomaly (axial anomaly/chiral anomaly), consequences of 248—252
Anomaly (axial anomaly/chiral anomaly), Feynman diagram calculation revealing 243—247
Anomaly (axial anomaly/chiral anomaly), grand unification and freedom from 395—396 414
Anomaly (axial anomaly/chiral anomaly), higher order quantum fluctuations and 286
Anomaly (axial anomaly/chiral anomaly), nonrenormalization of 251
Anthropic selection 436
Anticommutation, spin-statistics connection and 119 121
Anticommutation, wave function of electrons and 103
Antiferromagnet (antiferromagnets), effective low energy description of 322—323
Antiferromagnet (antiferromagnets), magnetic moments in 322
Antiferromagnet (antiferromagnets), Neel state for 324
Antikink (antikinks) 279 280f
Antimatter, discovery of 97
Antineutrino field in SO(10) unification 409—410
Antiunitary operator, time reversal as 99
Anyon (anyons) 293
Anyon (anyons), interchanging 294
Anyon (anyons), statistics between 295
Approximation, steepest-descent 15
area law 360 370
Asymptotically free theories 341 369 373
Asymptotically free theories, Gross — Neveu model as 387
Atom (atoms), interaction with radiation 3
Attraction, quantum field theory on 32—34
Attraction, spin 1 particle and 35
Attraction, spin 2 particle and 35
Auxiliary field 174 449—450
axial anomaly see “Anomaly”
Axial current conservation, quantum fluctuations destroying 247—248
Bardeen, Bill 251
Bare perturbation theory 160
Baryon number conservation, law of 397
Baryon number conservation, law of, grand unification and violation of 403
Berry’s phase term in ferromagnets and antiferromagnets 323 325
Berry’s phase, nonabelian 235 325
Beta decay 441
Bethe, Hans 347
Bianchi identity 219 233
Bjorken, James 337
Black hole (holes), Hawking radiation from 264—265
Black hole (holes), Schwarzschild 287—288
Bludman, Sid, Yang — Mills theory and 361
Bogoliubov calculation of gapless mode 258 260
Bogoliubov, N.N. 174
Bogomol’nyi inequality 280—281
Bogomol’nyi inequality for mass of monopole 285
Bogomol’nyi — Prasad — Sommerfeld (BPS) states 285
Bohr, Niels 224
Boltzmann, Ludwig 141 261
Boltzmann, Ludwig, on entropy 287
Bose field, mass correction to, divergence of 165
Bose — Einstein condensation 270
Bose — Einstein statistics 117
Boson (bosons) and fermions, unification of 443
Boson (bosons) in nonrelativistic theory 174—175
Boson (bosons), electron pairing into 270
Boson (bosons), gapless mode in 258
Boson (bosons), gauge see “Gauge boson(s)”
Boson (bosons), intermediate vector, and Fermi theory of the weak interaction 156—157 285
Boson (bosons), Lorentz invariant scalar field theory on 172
Boson (bosons), mass correction for, divergence of 165 166
Boson (bosons), massless, emergence of 196—198
Boson (bosons), Nambu — Goldstone see “Nambu — Goldstone boson(s)”
Boson (bosons), nonabelian gauge (Yang — Mills) 230 369 420
Boson (bosons), repulsion of 257 316
Boson (bosons), “bad” behavior of 166
BPS (Bogomornyi — Prasad — Sommerfeld) states 285
Brane world scenarios 38—40 436
Brezin, Edouard 385
Brillouin zone 273
Brink, Lars 453
Burgoyne, N. 118
Canonical formalism 61—64
Canonical formalism and degrees of freedom 67
Canonical formalism and Feynman diagrams 42
Canonical formalism for spinor field 221
Canonical formalism vs. path integral formalism 42 61 67
Canonical formalism, propagator in 67
Canonical formalism, time ordering in 67—68
Casimir force between two plates 65—67 66f
Central identity of quantum field theory 167 460
Charge see “Electric charge” “Magnetic
Charge as generator 74
Charge conjugation 97—98
Charge conjugation in grand unification 413—414
Charge in dual theory, vortices as 310—312
Charge of quasiparticles 305—306
Charge quantization, deducing 118
Chern — Simons term 295
Chern — Simons term and Maxwell term 298
Chern — Simons term for Hall fluid 304
Chern — Simons term in nonrelativistic theory 298
Chern — Simons term, gauge invariance of 306
Chern — Simons term, massive Dirac fermions and 297—298
Chern — Simons theory 296—297
Chern — Simons theory, effective theory of Hall fluid as 302
Chew, Geoff 101
Chiral anomaly see “Anomaly”
Chiral superfield 447 448
Chiral symmetry of strong interaction 205 370 371
Chiral symmetry, condition for 404
Chiral symmetry, conserved current associated with 96
Classical limit, path integral formalism for taking 19
Classical physics, symmetry of 243
Clifford algebra and Dirac bilinears 93
Clifford algebra and Dirac equation 90—91
Closed forms 219
Coherence length 271
Coleman — Mermin — Wagner theorem 200
Coleman — Weinberg effective potential 211
Coleman, Sidney 224 455
Color, quark 368 369
Condensation and superconductivity 270
Condensed matter physics, critical dimension in 345 349
Condensed matter physics, disordered systems studied by 330 334
Condensed matter physics, goal of 306
Condensed matter physics, Goldstone’s theorem in 199—200
Condensed matter physics, impurities studied by 334
Condensed matter physics, length scales in 154
Condensed matter physics, momentum density in 173
Condensed matter physics, number conjugate to phase angle in 174
Condensed matter physics, particle physics and 255 437—438
Condensed matter physics, quantum field theory and 5 172 255
Condensed matter physics, quantum Hall effect and 331—332
| Condensed matter physics, quasiparticles in 304
Condensed matter physics, renormalization group in 341—344
Condensed matter physics, spin-statistics rule and 117
Conductivity vs. conductance 347—348
Connected graphs vs. disconnected graphs 27—29 46
Conserved current and chiral symmetry 96
Conserved current and continuous symmetry 73—74
Conserved current, charge associated with 74
Conserved current, momentum space version of 131
Continuous symmetry 71—72 197
Continuous symmetry breaking 196
Continuous symmetry breaking and massless fields 198—199
Continuous symmetry breaking, Coleman — Mermin — Wagner theorem on 200
Continuous symmetry, conserved current and 73—74
Cooper pairs of electrons 270
Coordinate transformations 76—77
Cosmic coincidence problem 436
Cosmological constant 434—435
Cosmological constant problem 435
Cosmological constant problem, approach to 440
Cosmological constant problem, roots of 434
Cosmological constant problem, string theory’s inability to resolve 436
Cosmological constant problem, supersymmetry as solution to 443
Cosmological constant, measured in units of 435—436
Cosmological constant, order of magnitude of 435
Coulomb potential, modification of 190
Coulomb’s electric force and Newton’s gravitational force, comparison of 27
Coulomb’s electric force, quantum field theory on 30—31
Counterterms in Feynman diagrams 160—161 161f
Counterterms, cutoff dependence absorbed by 212
Counterterms, nonrenormalizable theories and 164 212
Coupling constant (constants) 148 158
Coupling constant (constants) as misnomer 340
Coupling constant (constants) of electromagnetic interaction 340
Coupling constant (constants), dimensionless 155
Coupling constant (constants), hadron proliferation and 202
Coupling constant (constants), pion-nucleon 206
Coupling constant (constants), renormalized 150
Coupling constant (constants), Yang — Mills 231—232
Coupling renormalization 158—159
Coupling, electromagnetic 339
CPT theorem 101
Critical dimension in condensed matter physics 345 349
Critical phenomena 267
Critical phenomena, complete theory of 269
Critical phenomena, Landau — Ginzburg theory of 268—269
Current conservation see “Conserved current”
Curved spacetime, Dirac action in 430
Curved spacetime, introduction to 79—82
Curved spacetime, quantum field theory in 77 264
Cutoff dependence 148
Cutoff dependence of meson-meson scattering amplitude 158
Cutoff dependence, avoiding in physical perturbation theory 161
Cutoff dependence, counterterms absorbing 212
Cutoff dependence, disappearance of 150 151
Dashen, Roger 389
Deser, Stanley 453
Di Vecchia, Paolo 453
Differential forms 218—219
Differential forms, use in nonabelian gauge theory 228 229
Differential operator, propagator as inverse of 22
Dilation invariance 79n
Dimensional analysis 154—155 438
Dimensional analysis on meson-meson scattering amplitude 158
Dimensional regularization 151 152—153 187
Dirac basis vs. Weyl basis 95—96
Dirac bilinears 93
Dirac equation 89—102
Dirac equation and degrees of freedom, reduction in 91
Dirac equation in curved spacetime 430
Dirac equation in solid state physics 273 274
Dirac equation, Clifford algebra and 90—91
Dirac equation, derivation of 115
Dirac equation, electromagnetic field and 97
Dirac equation, handedness and 96
Dirac equation, Lorentz transformation and 92—93
Dirac equation, magnetic moment of electron in 177—178
Dirac equation, origins of 89—90
Dirac equation, parity and 94
Dirac equation, solving 95
Dirac equation, time reversal and 100—101
Dirac field, interacting with scalar field, Feynman rules for 53—54 471—472
Dirac field, interacting with vector field 97
Dirac field, interacting with vector field, Feynman rules for 128 128f 472—473
Dirac field, propagator for 126
Dirac field, quantizing 103—110 120
Dirac field, quantizing by Grassmann path integral 126
Dirac field, vacuum energy of 107—108 124
Dirac operator 109
Dirac spinor 90 92
Dirac spinor and supersymmetry 111
Dirac spinor, components of 114
Dirac, Paul 101
Dirac, Paul, metaphorical language of 109
Dirac, Paul, on electric charge, quantizing of 394
Dirac, Paul, on magnetic monopole 285
Dirac, Paul, on path integral formalism 10—13
Dirac, Paul, on positron 5
Dirac, Paul, on quantum mechanics and magnetic monopoles 217
Dirac, Paul, on spinor representation 114
Dirac, Paul, teaching style of 439
Disorder, Anderson localization of 330—331 334
Disorder, condensed matter physics and study of 330 334
Disorder, Grassmannian approach to 334
Dispersion relations 207
Divergence (divergences) in quantum field theory 56—57 145—146
Divergence (divergences) with fermions 163—164
Divergence (divergences), degree of 161—163
Divergence (divergences), dependence on dimension of spacetime 165
Divergence (divergences), logarithmic 160 161—162
Divergence (divergences), superficial degree of 161 165
Divergence (divergences), total, under supersymmetric transformation 447—448
Dotted and undotted notation 113—114 479—482
Dotted and undotted notation, replacing 457
Double-line formalism 378 379
Double-slit experiment 7 8f
Double-slit experiment, expansion of 7—9 8f 9f
Double-well potential 194 194f
Drell, Sid 337
Dual theory, vortices as charges in 310—312
Duality and linking of perturbative weak coupling to strong coupling 455
Duality in (2+1)-dimensional spacetime 313
Duality of monopoles 312—313
Duality of string theories 313
Duality, concept of 309 310
Duality, electromagnetic 222
Duality, nonrelativistic treatment of 314—316
Duality, relativistic treatment of 313—314
Duality, vortex 312
Dynamical symmetry breaking 201
Dynamical symmetry breaking, example of 371
Dynamical variable in quantum field theory 18
Dyon 285
Dyson gas approach 384—386
Dyson, Freeman 59
Effective field theory and renormalization group flow 438
Effective field theory of Hall fluid 302—303 437—438
Effective field theory of neutrino masses 441
Effective field theory of proton decay 440—441
Effective field theory, development of 437
Effective field theory, Fermi theory of the weak interaction as 441
Effective field theory, predictive power of 441—442
Effective potential 209—210
Effective potential, Coleman — Weinberg 211
Effective potential, generated by quantum fluctuations 215
Ehrenfest, P. 427
Einstein Lagrangian, linearized 32
Einstein — Hilbert action for gravity 419—420
Einstein — Hilbert action for gravity, Newtonian gravity derived from 424—425
Einstein — Hilbert action for gravity, Yang — Mills action compared with 420—421
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