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Zee A. — Quantum field theory in a nutshell |
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Hall fluid (fluids), gauge potential in 303—304 307
Hall fluid (fluids), incompressibility of 301 306
Hall fluid (fluids), Laughlin odd-denominator 306
Hall fluid (fluids), order in 306
Handedness, field 96
Handedness, field, charge conjugation and 98
Hansson, T. 302
Harmonic paradigm 5
Hasslacher, Brosl 389
Hawking radiation 264—265
Heaviside, O. 217
Hedgehog 284
Heisenberg, Werner, approach to quantum mechanics 61—62
Heisenberg, Werner, isospin SU(2) of 469
Heisenberg, Werner, isospin symmetry of 370 371
Heisenberg, Werner, on neutron and proton, symmetry of 71
Hierarchy problem, grand unification and 403—404
Higgs field, covariant derivative of 238
Higgs particle, mass of 366
High energy physics, renormalization group in 340—341
Homotopy groups 283
Hopf term 296
Hopf term, non-local 307
Howe, p. 453
Hubbard — Stratonovich transformation 174
Identity, absolute 117—118
Impurities 301
Impurities and random potential 330
Impurities, condensed matter physics and study of 334
Infinities in quantum field theory 145—146
Instanton (instantons) 286
Instanton (instantons), discovery of 455
Integer Hall effect 301
Integration measure in path integral formalism 67
Integration variables, shifting 245
Interchange symmetry 71
Internal symmetry 71
Inverse square law 38
Irrelevant operators 345
Ising model 342
Isospin symmetry of Heisenberg 370 371
Itzykson, Claude 385
Iwasaki, Y. 426
Jona-Lasinio, G. 208
Jordan, P. 103
Josephson junction, fundamental relation underlying 174
Kadanoff, Leo 342
Kadanoff, Leo, and renormalization groups 342
Kaluza — Klein compactification 427—428
Kaluza — Klein compactification, derivation of 432—433
Kardar — Parisi — Zhang equation 326
Kinks see “Solitons”
Kivelson, Steve 302
Klein — Gordon equation 21 89 91 172
Klein — Gordon equation, Schroedinger equation derived from 172
Klein — Gordon operator 109
Kosterlitz — Thouless transition 287
Kramer’s degeneracy 100
Lagrangian as mnemonic 318 320
Lagrangian for quantum electrodynamics 97 135
Lagrangian, Dirac see “Dirac equation”
Lagrangian, gauge invariant 227—228
Lagrangian, Maxwell see “Maxwell Lagrangian”
Lagrangian, Meissner 310 313
Lagrangian, symmetries of, breaking 193
Lagrangian, weak interaction 96
Lagrangian, Yang — Mills 230
Lamb shift in atomic spectroscopy 190
Landau gauge 141
Landau levels 301
Landau — Ginzburg approach to quantum field theory 17
Landau — Ginzburg theory (mean field theory) 268—269
Landau — Ginzburg theory (mean field theory), order in 306
Landau, L.D. 237
Landau, L.D., on London penetration length 271
Landau, L.D., on second-order transitions 267
Landau, L.D., on superconductivity 270
Landau, L.D., on superfluidity 258
Laplace, P.-S. 264
Large N expansion 377—379
Large N expansion, Dyson gas approach to 384—386
Large N expansion, field theories in 386—388
Larmor circle 300 301
Lattice gauge theory 356—358
Lattice gauge theory, Wilson loop in 358—360
Laughlin odd-denominator Hall fluids 306
Lee, B. 158
Lee, D.H. 314n
Lee, Tsung-Dao 96
Legendre transform 209
Leinaas, J. 293
Length scales in condensed matter physics 154
Length scales, renormalization group and 342—343
Leptons and quarks, neutral current interaction between 366
Leptons, families of 366
Leptons, generations of 413
Levy, M., model of 318—319
Licciardello, D. 347
Light beam, stress-energy tensor of 430
Light, gravity of 427
Likhtman, E.P. 443
Linearly dispersing mode 258
Linearly dispersing mode, velocity of 259
Local field theory 456
Local transformation see “Gauge transformation”
Localization, Anderson 330—331 334
Localization, Anderson, in renormalization group language 347—349
Localization, study of 335
Logarithmic divergence 160 161—162
London penetration length 271
Loop diagrams 44 56—57 56f 58f
Lorentz algebra 112—113
Lorentz boosts 111—112
Lorentz group, defining representation of 113
Lorentz group, generators of, algebra for 112—113
Lorentz group, spinor representation of 113—115
Lorentz invariance 457
Lorentz invariance in quantum field theory 17
Lorentz invariance, canonical formalism and 67
Lorentz invariance, Euclidean equivalent of 343
Lorentz transformation and Dirac equation 92—93
Lueders, G. 118
MacDonald, Alan 306
Magnetic charge (monopole) 222 285
Magnetic charge (monopole) and Maxwell’s equations 222
Magnetic charge (monopole) in spontaneously broken gauge theory 285
Magnetic charge (monopole), confinement in superconductor 369—370
Magnetic charge (monopole), Dirac quantization of 220—221 224
Magnetic charge (monopole), duality of 312—313
Magnetic charge (monopole), electrically charged (dyon) 285
Magnetic charge (monopole), mass of 285
Magnetic charge (monopole), quantum mechanics and 217
Magnetic moment of electron in Dirac equation 177—178
Magnetic moment of electron, anomaly in 179
Magnetic moment of electron, calculation of 439
Magnetic moment of electron, Schwinger on 179—181 439
Magnetic moment of ferromagnet and antiferromagnet 322
Magnetic moment of proton, anomaly in 439—440
Majorana equation 98—99
Majorana mass 98
Majorana mass for neutrino 99
Majorana spinor 99 481
Majorana, Ettore 98n 481
Marginal operators 345
Mass (masses) of electron 166
Mass (masses) of gauge boson 238—239
Mass (masses) of Higgs particle 366
Mass (masses) of magnetic charge (monopole) 285
Mass (masses) of neutrino 99
Mass (masses) of nucleon 319
| Mass (masses) of soliton (kink) 280
Mass (masses), attraction between 33—34
Mass (masses), energy of 34
Mass (masses), Majorana 98 99
Mass (masses), Planck 39—40 420
Mass renormalization 159
Massive gauge field, Nambu — Goldstone boson and 237—238
Massive spin 1 field vs. massless spin 1 field 168
Massive spin 1 particle in Yang — Mills theory 361
Massive spin 1 particle, degrees of freedom of 35 36
Massive spin 1 particle, degrees of polarization of 32
Massive spin 1 particle, field theory of 30—31
Massive spin 1 particle, propagator for 33
Massive spin 1 particle, rest frame for 168
Massive spin 2 particle, degrees of polarization of 33
Massive spin 2 particle, propagator for 33 426
Matrix (matrices) without inverse 167—168
Matrix (matrices), gamma see “Gamma matrices”
Matrix (matrices), Gell-Mann 238
Matrix (matrices), Pauli 238
Matter, origin of, explanation for 403
Matter, states of 306
Mattress model of scalar field theory 4f 4—5
Mattress model of scalar field theory, disturbing 20 20f
Mattress model of scalar field theory, path integral description of 16—18
Maxwell action 167
Maxwell equations, magnetic charges and 222
Maxwell Lagrangian 30 32 79
Maxwell Lagrangian, bypassing 32—33
Maxwell Lagrangian, derivation of 36
Maxwell term 298 307
Maxwell theory of electromagnetism, development of 456—457
Maxwell theory of electromagnetism, Yang — Mills theory compared with 230
Mean field theory (Landau — Ginzburg theory) 268—269
Mean field theory (Landau — Ginzburg theory), order in 306
Meissner effect 271 369
Meissner Lagrangian 310 313
Meson (mesons), see “Pion(s)”
Meson (mesons), 319 320
Meson (mesons), birth of, quantum field theory on 54—55 55f
Meson (mesons), soliton compared with 279
Meson (mesons), vector, field theory of 30—31 (see also “Massive spin 1 particle”)
Meson-meson scattering amplitude 338
Meson-meson scattering amplitude as analytic function 189
Meson-meson scattering amplitude, cutoff dependence of 158
Meson-meson scattering amplitude, dimensional analysis on 158
Meson-meson scattering amplitude, divergence of 145—146
Meson-meson scattering amplitude, path integral formulation of 150—151
Meson-meson scattering amplitude, regularization and 147—148
Meson-meson scattering amplitude, renormalization and 149—150
Mills, Richard, and nonabelian gauge theory 226 228
Minkowskian path integral 261
Momentum density in nonrelativistic theory 173
Momentum space 24
Momentum space, fermion propagator in 109
Momentum space, Feynman diagrams in 53
Momentum, fundamental definition of 78
Momentum, orbital angular, Dirac equation on 177—178
Momentum, spin angular, Dirac equation on 178
monopole see “Magnetic charge”
Montonen, J. 313
Muon, weak decay of 362
Myrheim, J. 293
Nambu — Goldstone boson (bosons) 198—199
Nambu — Goldstone boson (bosons) in massive gauge field 237—238
Nambu — Goldstone boson (bosons) in relativistic vs. nonrelativistic theories 259
Nambu — Goldstone boson (bosons), mesons (pions) as 205 370 371
Nambu — Goldstone boson (bosons), gapless mode as 258
Nambu, Yoichiro 272 452
Naturalness, notion of 404
Neel state for antiferromagnet 324
Neutral current interaction 366
Neutrino (neutrinos), handedness of 98
Neutrino (neutrinos), mass of 99
Neutrino masses, effective field theory of 441
Neutron (neutrons) and proton, internal symmetry of 71
Neutron (neutrons), decay of 202—203
Neutron (neutrons), electric dipole moment for 232
Neveu, Andre 386 389
Newton’s gravitational force and Coulomb’s electric force, comparison of 27
Newton’s gravitational force, derived from Einstein — Hilbert action 424—425
Newton’s gravitational force, quantum field theory on 30 32—34
Ne’eman, Y., SU (3) of 469
Noether current 173 205
Noether’s theorem 73—74 96 319
Noether’s theorem, elaborate formulation of 74
Nonabelian Berry’s phase 235 325
Nonabelian gauge potential 227 228
Nonabelian gauge potential, coupling to fermion field 233
Nonabelian gauge theory (theories) 226—233 (see also “Yang — Mills theory”)
Nonabelian gauge theory (theories), chiral anomaly in 250
Nonabelian gauge theory (theories), differential forms in 228 229
Nonabelian gauge theory (theories), Feynman rules in 473—474
Nonabelian gauge theory (theories), gauge invariance in, preserving 187
Nonabelian gauge theory (theories), ghost action in 355
Nonabelian gauge theory (theories), redundancy of, Faddeev — Popov approach to 169
Nonabelian gauge theory (theories), renormalizability of 158 395
Nonabelian gauge theory (theories), strong interaction described by 232 361
Nonabelian gauge theory (theories), unsatisfactory features of 456
Nonabelian gauge theory (theories), ’t Hooft double-line formalism and 231—232
Nonanalyticity, emergence of 267
Nonanalyticity, symmetry breaking and 268
Noncommutative field theory 456
Nonrenormalizable theory (theories) 154 164 438
Nonrenormalizable theory (theories), counterterms in 164 212
Nonrenormalizable theory (theories), Einstein’s theory of gravity as 157
Nonrenormalizable theory (theories), Fermi’s theory of the weak interaction as 155 164
Nonrenormalization of the anomaly 251
Notation, dotted and undotted 113—114 479—482
Notation, dotted and undotted, replacing 457
Nucleon (nucleons) and pions, interaction between 318—319
Nucleon (nucleons), attraction between 26
Nucleon (nucleons), electron scattering off of, deep inelastic 368—369
Nucleon (nucleons), mass of 319
Nucleon (nucleons), wave function of quarks in 368
Olive, D.I. 313
Orbital angular momentum, Dirac equation on 177—178
Order parameters 270
Orthogonal groups, embedding unitary groups into 407—408
Parisi, Giorgio 385
Parity 94
Parity and Dirac spinor 114
Parity, Dirac equation and 94
Parity, weak interaction and 96 361—362
Particle (particles) see “Specific particles”
Particle (particles), birth and death of 4—5
Particle (particles), birth of, quantum field theory on 54—55
Particle (particles), field associated with 24—25
Particle (particles), force associated with 25—27
Particle (particles), interchanging 293—294 294f
Particle (particles), propagation of, describing 46—47 49
Particle (particles), scattering of see “Scattering of particles”
Particle (particles), sources and sinks for 20
Particle physics and condensed matter physics 255 437—438
Particle physics, energy scales in 154
Particle physics, family problem in 413
Particle physics, spontaneous symmetry breaking in 267 272 435
Partition function in quantum statistical mechanics 262—263
Path integral formalism and classical limit 19
Path integral formalism and vacuum energy, calculation of 121—123
Path integral formalism for spinor field 221
Path integral formalism vs. canonical formalism 42 61 67
Path integral formalism, chiral anomaly and 252
Path integral formalism, derivation of 42
Path integral formalism, description of mattress model 16—18
Path integral formalism, Dirac on 10—13
Path integral formalism, Feynman on 7—10
Path integral formalism, Grassmann math and 125—126
Path integral formalism, history of 59
Path integral formalism, integration measure in 67
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