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Zee A. — Quantum field theory in a nutshell |
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Spinor (spinors), representations of 113—114
Spinor (spinors), Weyl 114 444
Spinor field, deriving 124—126
Spinor field, path integral for 121
Spinor field, path integral for, Grassmann numbers in 122
Spinor field, vacuum energy of 107—108 124
Spontaneous symmetry breaking 193—194 195 197
Spontaneous symmetry breaking and superfluidity 257—258
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in gauge theories 236—238
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in particle physics 267 272 435
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in relativistic vs. nonrelativistic theories 259
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, continuous, and massless fields 198—199
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, continuous, of reflection symmetry 195
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, quantum fluctuations and 200
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, second-order phase transitions and 267
Square anomaly 250 250f
Stake’s theorem 283
Steepest-descent approximation 15
Stoner, E.C. 117n
Strathdee, J., superspace and superfield formalism of 444 445
Stress-energy tensor 34
Stress-energy tensor of light beam 430
Stress-energy tensor, definition of 78
Stress-energy tensor, properties of 79
String theory and cosmological constant problem, inability to resolve 436
String theory as 2-dimensional field theory 452—453
String theory as candidate for unified theory 419 437
String theory in quantum field theory 455
String theory, duality of 313
String theory, Kaluza — Klein idea and 428
String theory, origins of 6 370
String theory, p-forms in 223
String theory, Schwarz on 454n
Strong coupling, fixed point in 340
Strong coupling, linking to perturbative weak coupling 455
Strong interaction at low energies 318—319
Strong interaction, chiral symmetry of 205
Strong interaction, currently accepted theory of 360
Strong interaction, fundamental theory of 341
Strong interaction, hadronic 35
Strong interaction, nonabelian gauge theory on 232 361
Strong interaction, quantum field theory of 206—207 318
Strong interaction, renormalization group flow applied to 349
Strong interaction, symmetries of 205 370—371
SU(N) see “Special unitary group”
Supercharges 446
Superconductivity 270—272
Superconductivity and Meissner effect 271
Superconductor (superconductors), monopole confinement in 369—370
Superconductor (superconductors), type II, flux tube in 283
Superfield 446—447
Superfield, chiral 447 448
Superfield, vector 448—449
Superfluidity 174
Superfluidity, gapless excitations and 258—259
Superfluidity, Lagrangian summarizing 258
Superfluidity, linearly dispersing mode of 258 259
Superfluidity, spontaneous symmetry breaking and 257—258
Superspace and superfield formalism 444—445
Superstring theory 454
Supersymmetric action 448 449
Supersymmetric algebra 444—445
Supersymmetric field theories 443
Supersymmetric field theories, Yang — Mills 375 450
Supersymmetric method 335
Supersymmetric transformation, total divergence under 447—448
Supersymmetry 108
Supersymmetry, Dirac spinor and 111
Supersymmetry, inventing 444
Supersymmetry, motivations for 443
Surface growth 326 341
Surface growth and quantum field theory 327—328
Swieca, Jorge 201n
Symmetry 70—75 (see also “Supersymmetry”)
Symmetry breaking 193—201 (see also “Spontaneous symmetry breaking”)
Symmetry breaking and nonanalyticity 268
Symmetry breaking and superfluidity 257—258
Symmetry breaking and vacuum energy 435.
Symmetry breaking in gauge theories 236—238 241 271
Symmetry breaking in quantum mechanics vs. quantum field theory 195—196
Symmetry breaking, continuous symmetry and 196
Symmetry breaking, dimension of spacetime and 200
Symmetry breaking, dynamical 201 371
Symmetry breaking, quantum fluctuations and 200 208 214 243
Symmetry breaking, reflection symmetry and 193 194 195
Symmetry in amplitudes 72
Symmetry in field theories 457
Symmetry of spacetime, Lorentz invariance as 70
Symmetry, breaking 196
Symmetry, chiral 205 370 371 404
Symmetry, classical vs. quantum 243—244
Symmetry, conserved current and 73—74
Symmetry, continuous 71—72 197
Symmetry, Grassmannian 335
Symmetry, Heisenberg isospin 370 371
Symmetry, interchange 71
Symmetry, internal 71
Symmetry, power of 18 70 115
Symmetry, reflection 70 197
Symmetry, replica 334
Symmetry, strong interaction 205 370—371
Symmetry, tensors and 462 465
Teller, Edward 101
Temperature and cyclic imaginary time 263
Temperature, black hole 264 265
Temperature, finite, quantum field theory at 263—264
Tensor (tensors) of light beam 430
Tensor (tensors) of orthogonal group 461—462
Tensor (tensors) of unitary group 464—465
Tensor (tensors), energy-momentum 297
Tensor (tensors), Ricci 419
Tensor (tensors), Riemann curvature 419
Tensor (tensors), stress-energy 34 78—79
Tensor (tensors), symmetry properties of 462 465
Tensor (tensors), vacuum polarization 183 184f 187
Tensor field 34 78
Thomas precession 112
Time ordering in canonical formalism 67—68
Time reversal 99—100
Time reversal and Dirac equation 100—101
Tolman — Ehrnefest — Podolsky effect 427 431
Tolman, R. 427
Tomonaga, Shin-Itiro 59
Topological current 279
Topological field theory 296—297
Topological objects 282 (see also “Specific objects”)
Topological objects, discovery of, shock of 287—288
| Topological order 306
Topological quantum fluids 300 (see also “Hall fluid”)
Total divergence under supersymmetric transformation 447—448
Trace 462
tree diagrams 44
Treiman, Sam 207 (see also “Goldberger — Treiman relation”)
Triangle anomaly 244f 250
Ultraviolet catastrophe 434
Ultraviolet divergence 146
Uncertainty principle 3 264
Unification see “Grand unification”
Unitary gauge 241
Unitary groups, embedding into orthogonal groups 407—408
Universe, 3-brane 38—40
Universe, early 264
Universe, formation of structure in 3
Vacuum energy of free scalar field 64—65
Vacuum energy of free spinor field (Dirac field) 107—108 124
Vacuum energy, calculation of, using path integral formalism 121—123
Vacuum energy, Grassmann path integral for 126
Vacuum energy, symmetry breaking and 435
Vacuum expectation value 196
Vacuum fluctuations 57—59 59f
Vacuum fluctuations, Feynman diagram corresponding to 128
Vacuum fluctuations, scattering of particles and 122
Vacuum polarization tensor 183 184f 187
Vacuum, disturbing of 20 20f
Vacuum, disturbing of, Casimir effect of 65—67
Vacuum, quantum 19 340
van Dam, H. 426
van der Waerden notation see “Dotted and undotted notation”
Vector field, interacting with Dirac field 97
Vector field, interacting with Dirac field, Feynman rules for 128 128f 472—473
Vector meson (massive spin 1 meson) see “Massive spin 1 particle”
Vector meson (massive spin 1 meson), field theory of 30—31
Vector potential 217
Vector superfield 448—449
Veltman, Torny 158 426
Veltman, Torny, on electroweak theory 366
Vielbeins 429
Visual perception, application of field theory to 458
Vortex (vortices) 282 309—310
Vortex (vortices) as charges in dual theory 310—312
Vortex (vortices) as flux tube 283
Vortex (vortices), density of 311
Vortex (vortices), duality of 312
Vortex (vortices), motion in fluid 316—317 317f
Vortex (vortices), paired with antivortex 286—287 317
Vortex (vortices), quasiparticle as 306
Vortex (vortices), repulsion of 316
Ward — Takahashi identity 140 395
Wave function (functions), Anderson localization of 330—331 334
Wave function renormalization 160
Wave packets in mattress model 4f 4—5
Weak interaction 35 (see also “Fermi theory of the weak interaction”)
Weak interaction and parity 96 361—362
Weak interaction Lagrangian 96
Weak interaction, intermediate vector boson of 156—157 285
Weak interaction, quantum field theory applied to 202
Weinberg, Steve 155
Weinberg, Steve, electroweak theory of 365
Weisskopf phenomenon 165—166
Weisskopf phenomenon, grand unification and 403
Wen, Xiao-gang 301 307
Wen, Xiao-gang, and topological order 306
Wentzel, G. 101
Wess — Zumino model 444
Weyl basis 95—96 115
Weyl spinors 114
Weyl spinors and supersymmetry 444
Wheeler, John 347n
Wick contractions 13—14 15 45
Wick rotation 12 261
Wick theorem 13
Wick, Gian Carlo 13
Wigner semi-circle law 380—384
Wigner, Eugene, and law of baryon number conservation 397
Wigner, Eugene, and random matrix theory 379
Wigner, Eugene, on antisymmetric wave function of electron 103
Wigner, Eugene, on time reversal 99
Wilczek, Frank 293 294
Wilczek, Frank, on Yang — Mills theory 369
Wilson loop 235
Wilson loop and quark confinement 369
Wilson loop in lattice gauge theory 358—360
Wilson, Ken 145
Wilson, Ken, and complete theory of critical phenomena 269
Wilson, Ken, and effective field theory approach 437
Wilson, Ken, and lattice gauge theory 356—358
Wilson, Ken, and renormalization groups 342
Witten, Ed 313
Wu, Yang-shi 220
Yanagida, T., and seesaw mechanism 410
Yang — Mills bosons 230 369
Yang — Mills bosons, self-interaction of 420
Yang — Mills coupling constant 231—232
Yang — Mills Lagrangian 230
Yang — Mills theory 230—231
Yang — Mills theory, area law in 360
Yang — Mills theory, asymptotically free 369
Yang — Mills theory, Einstein — Hilbert action compared with 420—421
Yang — Mills theory, Einstein’s theory of gravity compared with 430
Yang — Mills theory, Feynman rules in 230 231f
Yang — Mills theory, original response to 353 361
Yang — Mills theory, perturbative approach to 356
Yang — Mills theory, quantizing 353—355
Yang — Mills theory, Schroedinger equation and 234—235
Yang — Mills theory, supersymmetric 375 450
Yang — Mills theory, Wilson formulation of 356—358
Yang, Chen — Ning 96 101 220
Yang, Chen — Ning, and nonabelian gauge theory 226 228
Young tableaux 462
Yukawa coupling 155
Yukawa theory, renormalizability of 163—164
Yukawa, H. 26—27 156
Zakharov, V. 426
Zee, A. 294
Zhang, Shou-cheng 302
Zinn — Justin, Jean 158
Zuber, Jean-Bernard 385
Zumino, Bruno 118 453
’t Hooft double-line formalism 231—232
’t Hooft, Gerardus 158
’t Hooft, Gerardus, and large N expansion 377
’t Hooft, Gerardus, on electroweak theory 366
’t Hooft, Gerardus, on magnetic monopoles 285
“Amputating the external legs” 54
“Gang of Four” 347
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