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Zee A. — Quantum field theory in a nutshell |
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Einstein, Albert, and cosmological constant 435
Einstein, Albert, and repeated indices summation convention 457n
Einstein’s theory of gravity 76 78
Einstein’s theory of gravity and deflection of light 425—426
Einstein’s theory of gravity, nonrenormalizability of 157
Einstein’s theory of gravity, Yang — Mills theory compared with 430
Electric charge, quantized, grand unification on 394
Electric charge, quantum fluctuations and 188 189
Electric charge, renormalization of 189 190
Electric force and gravitational force, comparison of 27
Electric force, quantum field theory on 30—31
Electromagnetic coupling, flow of 339
Electromagnetic duality 222
Electromagnetic field and energy of vacuum 65
Electromagnetic field as quantum field 3—4
Electromagnetic field, Dirac equation in presence of 97
Electromagnetic field, stress-energy tensor of 78—79
Electromagnetic force between like charges 31
Electromagnetic force, knowledge of 434
Electromagnetic wave, degrees of freedom of 35
Electromagnetism and gravity, unification of 428
Electromagnetism, Faddeev — Popov method applied to 170—171
Electromagnetism, Maxwell on see “Maxwell theory of electromagnetism”
Electromagnetism, weakness of 398—399
Electron (electrons) in condensed matter system 255
Electron (electrons), absolute identity of 117—118
Electron (electrons), binary strings in 412
Electron (electrons), Cooper pairs of 270
Electron (electrons), degrees of freedom of 91 95
Electron (electrons), effect of magnetic field on 223—224
Electron (electrons), energy levels available to 5
Electron (electrons), Fermi — Dirac statistics for 117
Electron (electrons), fractional Hall state of 301
Electron (electrons), magnetic moment of see “Magnetic moment of electron”
Electron (electrons), mass of, in classical physics 166
Electron (electrons), noninteracting hopping 273—274 273f 274f
Electron (electrons), pairing into bosons 270
Electron (electrons), pairs of, Bose — Einstein statistics for 117
Electron (electrons), photon fluctuation into 183—185 184f
Electron (electrons), requirements of antisymmetric wave function 103
Electron (electrons), stability of 397
Electron scattering 130—134 131f
Electron scattering to order 136—140 137f—138f 139f
Electron scattering, off nucleons, deep inelastic 368—369
Electron scattering, off protons, deep inelastic 341
Electron scattering, off protons, Schroedinger equation for 3
Electron-positron annihilation 372—375
Electroweak theory 155—156 361
Electroweak theory, construction of 361—365
Electroweak theory, renormalizability of 366
Energy density 34
Energy of mass 34
Energy of vacuum see “Vacuum energy”
Energy scales in particle physics 154
Energy scales, renormalization group and 342
Energy, fundamental definition of 78
Energy, quantum mechanics and special relativity on 3
Energy-momentum tensor 297
Entropy, Boltzmann on 287
Euclidean path integral 12
Euclidean quantum field theory 261—262
Euclidean quantum field theory and high-temperature quantum statistical mechanics 264
Euclidean quantum field theory and quantum statistical mechanics 263
Euler — Lagrange equation 13 74 424 434
Exact forms 219
Faddeev — Popov method 169—170 240 353
Faddeev — Popov method and derivation of graviton propagator 423
Faddeev — Popov method, applying to electromagnetism 170—171
Fermi coupling 155
Fermi field, mass correction to, divergence of 165
Fermi liquid, gapless modes in 259
Fermi theory of the weak interaction 203
Fermi theory of the weak interaction as effective field theory 441
Fermi theory of the weak interaction, intermediate vector boson and 156—157
Fermi theory of the weak interaction, nonrenormalizability of 155 164 366
Fermi theory of the weak interaction, predictive power of 438
Fermi theory of the weak interaction, within electroweak theory 156
Fermi — Dirac statistics 117
Fermi, Enrico 101
Fermion (fermions) and bosons, unification of 443
Fermion (fermions) in lattice gauge theory 358
Fermion (fermions), degree of divergence with 163—164
Fermion (fermions), Feynman rules for 127—128 127f
Fermion (fermions), mass correction for, divergence of 165 166
Fermion (fermions), massive Dirac, and Chern — Simons term 297—298
Fermion masses in grand unification 401—402
Fermion masses, naturally small 404
Fermion propagator 109
Fermion-fermion scattering, Feynman diagram for 156 157f
Ferromagnet (ferromagnets) 199
Ferromagnet (ferromagnets), effective low energy description of 322—323
Ferromagnet (ferromagnets), low energy modes in 323—324
Ferromagnet (ferromagnets), magnetic moments in 322
Ferromagnet (ferromagnets), order in 306
ferromagnetic transition 270
Feynman diagrams for electron scattering 130 131f
Feynman diagrams for fermion-fermion scattering 156 157f
Feynman diagrams in momentum space 53
Feynman diagrams in perturbation theory 54 55f
Feynman diagrams in spacetime 53 57
Feynman diagrams, analyticity properties of 189
Feynman diagrams, beginning of 27 28f
Feynman diagrams, breaking shackles of 287
Feynman diagrams, canonical formalism and 42
Feynman diagrams, childish game generating 52 52f
Feynman diagrams, connected vs. disconnected 27—29 46
Feynman diagrams, counterterms in 160—161 161f
Feynman diagrams, discovering 42—49 43f 44f 45f
Feynman diagrams, dominance of 277
Feynman diagrams, evaluating 475—477
Feynman diagrams, finite temperature 263
Feynman diagrams, function of 49
Feynman diagrams, limitations of 67
Feynman diagrams, loop 44 56—57 56f 58f
Feynman diagrams, orientation of 53
Feynman diagrams, path integral formalism and 42
Feynman diagrams, regularization of, alternative ways of 151
Feynman diagrams, relating infinite sets of 206—207
Feynman gauge 141
Feynman rules 471—474
Feynman rules for fermions 127—128 127f
Feynman rules for quantum electrodynamics, derivation of 135—141
Feynman rules for scalar field 53—54 471—472
Feynman rules for spontaneously broken gauge theories 239—240
Feynman rules for vector field 128 128f 472—473
Feynman rules in nonabelian gauge theory 473—474
Feynman rules in physical perturbation theory 160—161 161f
Feynman rules in random matrix theory 381 381f
Feynman rules in Yang — Mills theory 230 231f
Feynman rules, discovery of 59
Feynman, Richard, main contribution of 41
Feynman, Richard, metaphorical language of 109
Feynman, Richard, on Dirac 101
Feynman, Richard, on path integral formalism 7—10
Feynman, Richard, Yang — Mills theory and 353
Field renormalization 160
Field strength, construction of 228—230
Fierz identities 442
Fierz, M. 118
Fisher, Matthew P.A. 269 314n
Fisher, Matthew P.A., and renormalization groups 342
Fixed point (points), strong coupling 340
Flux, fundamental unit of 302
Flux, gauge potential and 312
Force, origin of 27
Force, particle and 25—27 (see also “Specific force”)
Forms, closed vs. exact 219—220
Forms, geometric character of 222—223 223f
Fractional (anyon) statistics 293
Fractional (anyon) statistics and quasiparticles 305 306
| Fractional (anyon) statistics, coupling to gauge potential 294—295
Fractional (anyon) statistics, gauge boson and 299
Fractional (anyon) statistics, misleading nature of term 295
Fractional Hall effect 301—302
Free-field theory (Gaussian theory) 21—22 41
Free-field theory (Gaussian theory) in terms of Fourier transform 24
Freedom, degrees of 35
Freedom, degrees of, canonical formalism and 67
Freedom, degrees of, Dirac equation and reduction in 91
Freedom, degrees of, gauge invariance as redundancy in 241
Freedom, degrees of, longitudinal, in massive gauge field 237
Freedom, degrees of, of electron 91 95
Fujikawa, Kazuo 252
Gamma matrices 90 114 475
Gamma matrices, products of 91—92
Gamma matrices, trace products of, evaluating 132—133
Gamow, George 117n
Gapless mode 258
Gapless mode, Bogoliubov calculation of 258 260
Gapless mode, linearly dispersing 258—259
Gauge boson (bosons) and fractional statistics 299
Gauge boson (bosons) and intermediate vector boson 285
Gauge boson (bosons), mass spectrum of 238—239
Gauge fixing 168
Gauge invariance 79n 135 457
Gauge invariance and Dirac quantization of magnetic charge 220
Gauge invariance and renormalizability 395
Gauge invariance as redundancy in degrees of freedom 241
Gauge invariance in lattice gauge theory 358
Gauge invariance in nonabelian gauge theory, preserving 187
Gauge invariance of Chern — Simons term 306
Gauge invariance, discovery of 135n
Gauge invariance, origin of 168
Gauge invariance, proof of 136—141 186—187
Gauge invariance, regularization respecting 185—187
Gauge potential 223
Gauge potential in Hall fluid 303—304 307
Gauge potential, flux associated with 312
Gauge potential, fractional statistics and 294—295
Gauge potential, nonabelian 227 228
Gauge theory (theories) see “Nonabelian gauge theory (theories)”
Gauge theory (theories) and fiber bundles, correspondence between 229
Gauge theory (theories) and superconductivity theory 271
Gauge theory (theories), Faddeev — Popov quantization of 169—170 240
Gauge theory (theories), gravity as 422
Gauge theory (theories), lattice 356—358
Gauge theory (theories), redundancy in 169—170 171
Gauge theory (theories), spontaneously broken, Feynman rules for 239—240
Gauge theory (theories), spontaneously broken, magnetic monopoles in 285
Gauge theory (theories), symmetry breaking in 236—238 241 271
Gauge theory (theories), unsatisfactory formulation of 456
Gauge theory (theories), vortex in 283
Gauge transformation (local transformation) 227
Gauge transformation (local transformation) and general coordinate transformation 428
Gaussian integration 13 459
Gaussian theory (free-field theory) 21—22 41
Gaussian theory (free-field theory) in terms of Fourier transform 24
Gell-Mann matrices 238
Gell-Mann, Murray, a model of 318—319
Gell-Mann, Murray, and seesaw mechanism 410
Gell-Mann, Murray, on quark color 368
Gell-Mann, Murray, SU(3) of 469
General coordinate invariance 34
General coordinate transformation and gauge transformation, connection between 428
General covariance, principle of 76
General relativity and quantum mechanics, marriage of 6
General relativity, review of 79—82
Generator, charge as 74
Georgi and Glashow, grand unification theory of 391—393
Georgi, Howard 405n
Ghost fields 354—355
Ginzburg, V. 237
Ginzburg, V., on London penetration length 271
Ginzburg, V., on second-order transitions 267
Ginzburg, V., on superconductivity 270
Girvin, Steve 306
Glashow, Sheldon 155
Glashow, Sheldon, electroweak theory of 365
Glashow, Sheldon, grand unification theory of 391—393
Glashow, Sheldon, Yang — Mills theory and 361
Gluon (gluons) 369
Gluon (gluons), origins of concept 207
Goldberger — Treiman relation 206 207 320
Goldberger, Murph 101
Goldstone’s theorem 198—199
Goldstone’s theorem in condensed matter physics 199—200
Golfand, Yu.A. 443
Gordon decomposition 178
Goto, T. 452
Grand unification 437
Grand unification and deeper understanding of physics 394—395
Grand unification and freedom from anomaly 395—396 414
Grand unification and hierarchy problem 403—404
Grand unification and origin of matter, explanation for 403
Grand unification and proton decay 397—398 400 441
Grand unification, charge conjugation in 413—414
Grand unification, fermion masses in 401—402
Grand unification, need for 391
Grand unification, SO(10), antineutrino field in 409—410
Grand unification, SO(10), binary code in 411—412
Grand unification, SO(10), spinor representation of 405—407 409 410
Grand unification, SO(18) 413
Grand unification, SU(5) 469
Grand unification, SU(5), Georgi and Glashow theory of 391—393
Grand unification, triumph of 399—400
Grassmann integration 124—126
Grassmann number (numbers) 121 124
Grassmann number (numbers) in path integral for spinor field 122
Grassmann variables 218
Grassmannian symmetry 335
Gravitational force see “Gravity”
Gravitational interaction 35
Graviton as elementary particle 420 434
Graviton in (n+3+1)-dimensional universe 39—40
Graviton propagator 423—424
Graviton, coupling to matter 421
Graviton, definition of 78
Graviton, force associated with 27
Graviton, self-interaction of 420
Graviton, spin of 34
Gravity and electromagnetism, unification of 428
Gravity as field theory 420—422
Gravity as gauge theory 422
Gravity of light 427
Gravity, Einstein on see “Einstein’s theory of gravity”
Gravity, Einstein — Hilbert action for 419—420
Gravity, helicity structure of 431—432
Gravity, Newton on see “Newton’s gravitational force”
Gravity, nonrenormalizability of 421
Gravity, weak field action for 422—423
Green’s function (functions) 45 332
Green’s function (functions), generating 49
Green’s function (functions), propagator related to 22
Gross — Neveu model 386—388
Gross, David 369
Ground state degeneracy 297
Ground state in quantum field theory 196
Group theory, review of 461—470 (see also “Special orthogonal group SO(N)” “Special
Hadron (hadrons) in electroweak unification 365
Hadron (hadrons), electron-positron annihilation into 372—375
Hadron (hadrons), experimental observation of 202
Hadron (hadrons), quarks as components of 368
Hall effect 331—332
Hall effect, fractional 301—302
Hall effect, integer 301
Hall fluid (fluids) 300—308
Hall fluid (fluids), Chern — Simons term for 304
Hall fluid (fluids), effective field theory of 302—303 437—438
Hall fluid (fluids), electron tunneling in 307
Hall fluid (fluids), five general statements/principles of 302 303 307
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