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Zallen R. — The Physics of Amorphous Solids |
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Abraham, F.F. 208—212 251
Abrahams, E. 246 248 251
Adler, D. 30 32 105 106 133 227 251 255 292 294—296
Agrawal, P. 192 193 203
Aklonis, J.J. 4 32
Alben, R. 83—85
Alkali atoms in oxide glasses 100 101
Ambegaokar, V. 281 295
Amorphous chalcogenides see "Chalcogenide glasses"
Amorphous metals see "Metallic glasses"
Amorphous semiconductors, applications of 24 28—31 290—295
Amorphous semiconductors, chalcogenide see "Chalcogenide glasses"
Amorphous semiconductors, doping of 292
Amorphous semiconductors, electron transport in 276—289
Amorphous semiconductors, electronic structure of 234 235 254—260
Amorphous semiconductors, mobility edges in 234 235
Amorphous semiconductors, optical properties of 265—273
Amorphous semiconductors, preparation of 8—10 290
Amorphous semiconductors, tetrahedrally coordinated 67—72 76—84 254—256 258 289—292
Amorphous solid 3
Anderson Hamiltonian 239—242
Anderson localization see "Anderson transition"
Anderson transition 205 224—226 231—251
Anderson, P.W. 16 231—233 239—242 246 248 251 294 295
Angell, C.A. 21 32 206 251
Antibonding orbitals 255—257
Antibonding-bonding splitting 256—260 265
Antibonding-nonbonding splitting 260 265
Applications of amorphous solids 23—32 273 290—295
Arsenic 64 93 295
Arsenic-selenium system in xerography 24 28 294 295
Arsenic-selenium system, compositional freedom in 97—99
Arsenic-selenium system, continuous random network of glasses in the 65
Arsenic-selenium system, crystalline forms in the 63 64
Arsenic-selenium system, electrical properties of 277 286—288
Arsenic-selenium system, glass-forming compositions in 101
Arsenic-selenium system, optical properties of 263 264
Arsenic-selenium system, photocrystallization of 96
Arsenic-selenium system, Raman scattering of 96 97
Arsenic-selenium system, valence alternation in 293
Arsenic-sulfur system, annealing effects in 95
Arsenic-sulfur system, continuous random network of glasses in the 65
Arsenic-sulfur system, crystalline forms in the 63 64 92
Arsenic-sulfur system, electronic structure of 258—260
Arsenic-sulfur system, glass transition in 6
Arsenic-sulfur system, glass-forming compositions in the 101
Arsenic-sulfur system, macromolecular nature of 90—93
Arsenic-sulfur system, optical properties of 258—267
Arsenic-sulfur system, quenching rate for 8
Arsenic-sulfur system, short-range order in 44 93
Arsenic-sulfur system, specific heat of 17 18
Arsenic-sulfur system, structure of 91—96
Aspnes, D.E. 273 295
Atomic polyhedron see "Voronoi polyhedron"
Average gap 254—260
Band conduction 274 276 277
Band theory of electrons in crystals 223—225 234 254 274
Band-structure effects in crystals 225 234 254 263—265 271 272
bandgap 235 254-260 271-273 291
Bandgap states 290—292
Bandwidth, electron 229—232 241 242
Bankstahl, H. 11 32
Barker, J.A. 51 52 82 85
Bell, R.J. 72 73 84 85
Bennett, C.H. 81 82 85
Benoit, H. 113 120 133
Bernal model 50 52
Bernal, J.D. 50 85 95
Bethe lattice 168 171—174 178—180
Bishop, G.H. 162 203
Bismuth 10
Blachnik, R. 17 32
Bloch functions 223—226 241 274
Blocked bonds in percolation 138
Blocked sites in percolation 139
Blossey, D.F. 262 296
Boat configuration of a six-atom ring 69 71
Bond circuits see "Ring statistics"
Bond lengths in covalent glasses 67 69 72
Bond percolation 138—141 145 168—171 187 198—201
Bond reconstruction in chalcogenides 95
Bond-angle statistics 65—69 72 291
Bonding orbitals 255—257 265
Bonding schematics for electronic structure 255—258
Bonding-antibonding splitting 256—260 265
Borderline dimensionality see "Marginal dimensionality"
Boudreaux, D.S. 68 85
Bridging oxygens 73 182
Bridging sulfurs 93 182
Brodsky, M.H. 269 270 295
Brownian motion 115 116 119 131 132 165
Cardona, M. 269 270 295
Cargill, G.S. 49 80 81 85
Cayley tree see "Bethe lattice"
Chair configuration of a six-atom ring 69 71
Chalcogen elements 86
Chalcogenide glasses 17 18 65 86—107 256—260 264—268 277 292—295
Chandrasekhar, S. 114 133
Chaudhari, P. 7 32 49 85
Chemical impurities 103 290—295
Chemical order in glasses 101—104
Chemical-bonding view of electronic structure 255—260 265
Chen, H.S. 11 18 32
Close packing see "Crystalline close packing" "Random
Cluster size, average 143 154 245
Cluster size, distribution 142 158—162 221
Clusters see "Percolation clusters"
Cobalt 10
Cohen — Turnbull free-volume model 215—218
Cohen, M.H. 20 32 49 85 189 203 204 215 219 221 233 236 251
Communal entropy 221 222
Compositional freedom in glasses 97—101
Computer simulations of bond percolation 145 198—201
Computer simulations of continuum percolation 188 189
Computer simulations of random close packing 51 52
Computer simulations of real-space renormalization 198—201
Computer simulations of site percolation 160 164
Computer simulations of the Anderson transition 250
Computer simulations of the glass transition 206—212
Condensation reaction 175—178
Conductivity 145 190 243—251 274—280
Connected bonds in percolation 138
Connected sites in percolation 139
Connectivity transition see "Percolation transition"
Connell, G.A.N. 82 83 85 94 134 295
Contiguity number 56
Continuous random network 35 60—73 79 81—85 291
Continuous-time random walk 285 286
Continuum percolation 186—191 238 239
Coordination number 33 34 38 39 291 295
Coordination shell 40 41
Correlation energy 228—230 251 293 294
Correlation-induced localization see "Mott transition"
Cotton, J.P. 113 120 133
Coulomb interactions 228—231 293
Covalent glasses 63—73 76—85 101—104 255—258 289—295
Covalent graphs 62—64 86—101 295
Covalent networks 62—65 67—73 86—101 182 258 295
Coxeter, H.S.M. 51 85
Critical concentration for percolation 168—171
Critical exponents for localization 245 250 251
Critical exponents for percolation 156—166 200
Critical exponents for polymer configurations 123 124
Critical exponents, dimensionality dependence of 166
Critical exponents, universality of 158 165 166 197 198
Critical region 156
Critical volume fraction for percolation 166 185—191 238
Cross-linking in chalcogenide glasses 98
Crystalline close packing 35—38 54 58 164
Crystalline order 12 35—38 58
| Crystallinity 12 15
Crystallization 2 5 7 18 96
Dalton, N.W. 200 203
dangling bonds 104—106 289—293
Davis, E.A. 252 276 277 295
De Gennes, P.G. 127 133 177 180 203
Dean, P. 72 73 84 85
Decker, D. 113 120 133
DeConde, K. 242 243 251
Decoration transformation 63 64 72 73 93
Defects in glasses 104—107 290—294
DeFonzo, A.P. 96 133
Delaunay division 60
Delocalization and kinetic energy 46 62 229—231 256
Delocalization-localization transitions 205—251
DeNeufville, J.P. 94 133
Dense random packing see "Random close packing"
Density of states 234 235 254—258 290 291
Diamond structure 61 62
Diffraction studies of structure 42 43 73—85 113 119 120
Diffusive motion 14 15 115 213—217 221 247 284
Dihedral-angle statistics 69 70
Dimarzio, E.A. 20 22 32
Dimensional invariants 157 170 171 186—188
Dimensionality as a variable 165—167
Dimensionality dependence of Anderson localization 246—251
Dimensionality dependence of close packing 58 59 164
Dimensionality dependence of critical exponents 166
Dimensionality dependence of Mott's variable-range-hopping exponent 280
Dimensionality dependence of the Flory exponent for polymers 124—126
Dimensionality of covalent networks 87—94
Dimensionality of percolation clusters 161—163
Dimensionality of polymer configurations 130—133
Dimensionality, Euclidean 130 132 159
Dimensionality, fractal 131—133 158 161—163
Dimensionality, Hausdorff — Besicovitch 130
Dimensionality, marginal 124 126 164—167 239
Dimensionality, network 87—94 130 182
Dimensionality, noninteger 130—133 161—167
Disorder parameter 232 233 241 242 247
Disorder, compositional 13
Disorder, diagonal 240
Disorder, topological 13 49—73 184
Disorder-induced localization see "Anderson transition"
Disorder-induced scattering 275
Dispersive transport 282—289
Domb, C. 120 123 133 200 203
Donors in silicon 242—245 251 278 292
Doolittle equation 218
Doping of a-Si:H 292
Doyama, M. 82 85
Drews, R.E. 264—267 296
Drift mobility 277 282—287
Dual graph 60 61 168
Duality 60 61 167
Duwez, P. 274 275 296
Eclipsed bond configuration 70
Eight-minus-n rule 101—104
Einstein, A. 115 116 133
Elastic shear modulus of a gel 180 181
Electrical networks see "Resistor networks"
Electrical properties 274—289 292—294
Electronic excitations 252—254 263—268
Electronic structure 234 235 254—260 265
Emerald, R.L. 264—267 296
Empty sites in percolation processes 139
End-to-end distance of a polymer coil 116—119 123
Energy gap 235 236 254—260
entropy 17 20—22 221 222
Entropy crisis at the glass transition 21 22
Entropy, communal 221 222
Epsilon expansion 165 198
Euler — Poincare relation 51
Eutectics 10 11
EXAFS 43—45
Excluded-volume effect on chain configurations 120 123 124 128 129
Extended-range percolation 200 202
Extended-state transport 274 276 277
Face-centered-cubic lattice 36 37 41 54
Farnoux, B. 113 120 133
Fermi-level pinning 290 294
ferromagnetism 24 31 32 274
Fiber-optic communications 24—27 267 273
Filled sites in percolation processes 139
Filling factor 37 49 185—188
Finkman, E. 96 133
Finney, J.L. 50—55 81 82 85
Fischer, E.W. 113 130 133
Fisher, M.E. 124—127 133 165 204
Fitzpatrick, J.P. 183 203
Fixed points 195—197 249 250
Flory random coil model see "Random coil model"
Flory — Fisher argument for the self-avoiding-walk exponent 124—127
Flory — Stockmayer theory of gelation 177—180
Flory, P.J. 112 113 116 121—127 133 177 178 203
Flow diagrams 194 196 248
Fluidity 14 15 218
Flynn, C.P. 186 204
Fractal dimensionality for percolation clusters near threshold 158—163
Fractal dimensionality for polymer configurations 131—133
Fractional exponents for dispersive transport 285 286
Fractional exponents for percolation 157
Fractional exponents for polymers 113 123 124
Fractional exponents for self-avoiding walks 113 123 124
Fractional exponents for variable-range-hopping 280
Fractional exponents, free-volume model of the glass transition 20 206 212—223
Freezing point 2 5 10 11
Frisch, H.L. 177 184 191 203
Fritzsche, H. 105 106 133 233 236 251 292 296
Froth see "Voronoi froth"
Gallium arsenide 72 273
Gaskell, P.H. 32
Gel macromolecule 176—179
Gel point see "Sol-gel transition"
Gelation 175—182 191—198 206
Germania 6 24 27 73
Germanium 10 61 72 82—84 252—256 277
Germanium-selenium system 73 97 258
Germanium-sulfur system 73
Germanium-tellurium system 24 30 73
Gibbs, J.H. 20 22 32
Giessen, W.C. 7 32
Gillis, J. 120 123 133
Glass 2 3
Glass point see "Glass transition"
Glass transition and the percolation model 206 219—223
Glass transition as a localization-delocalization transition 14 205
Glass transition, definition of the 2
Glass transition, entropy aspects of the 20—22 221 222
Glass transition, free-volume model of the 20 206 212—223
Glass transition, kinetic aspects of the 2—5 19 20 223
Glass transition, Monte Carlo computer simulations of the 206—212
Glass transition, specific heat near the 17—19
Glass transition, temperatures for representative materials 6
Glass transition, thermodynamic aspects of the 2 5 16—22 218—223
Glass-forming tendency 8
Glass-liquid transition see "Glass transition"
Glassy metals see "Metallic glasses"
Glassy semiconductors see "Amorphous semiconductors"
Glow-discharge decomposition 290
Gold-silicon system 6 10 11 17 18 274
Graczyk, J.F. 76—78 85
Grammatica, S. 289 296
Grant, Cary 295
Graph concepts, uses of 60—64 138
graphite 63 64 93
Grest, G.S. 203 215 219 221 251
Hales, Stephen 56—58 65
Halperin, B.I. 281 295
Hamakawa, Y. 295
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