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Zallen R. — The Physics of Amorphous Solids |
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Hammersley, J.M. 139 174 177 178 184 191 203
Harada, Y. 94 134
Hard-sphere model 50 207 212 213
Harrison, R.J. 162 203
Hausdorff — Besicovitch dimensionality 130
Hauser, J.J. 277 279 296
Haward, R.N. 108 133
Hayes, T.M. 94 134
Hayward, R. 62 85
Henisch, H.K. 176 204
Hess, H.F. 242 243 251
Higgins, J.S. 113 120 133
High-density percolation 203 219—222
Hoare, M.R. 51 52 82 85
Honeycomb lattice 61 63 64 168 185
Honeycomb, statistical see "Voronoi froth"
Hoppe, A. 17 32
Hopping conduction 276—281 287 289
Hopping integral 239—242 246
Hopping, variable-range 277—281
Hutchinson, J.M. 4 32
Hydrogenated amorphous silicon 24 30 31 290—292
Ibel, K. 113 120 133
Ichikawa, T. 75 85
Ideal chain configurations 127—129
Ideal glass 103—105
Impurities 103 290—295
Infinite cluster see "Percolation path"
Infrared absorption 268—270
Insulator-metal transitions 137 148 186 190 223—231 243—245
Intermolecular interactions 86 207—209 260
ion implantation 273 274
Iron 10
Iron-phosphorus system 31 76 77
Jannink, G. 113 120 133
Jortner, J. 189 204
Josephson scaling law 164 165
Kadanoff, L.P. 200 204
Kastner, M. 105 106 133 255 258 292 296
Kauzmann's paradox 21 22
Kauzmann, W. 21 32
Kelso, S.M. 273 295
Kilgour, D.M. 50 85
Kinetic energy and delocalization 46 62 229—231 256
Kinetics of the glass transition see "Glass transition"
Kirkpatrick, S. 145 155 164 198—201 204
Kirste, R.G. 113 120 133
Knights, J.C. 295
Kovacs, A.J. 4 32
Kruse, W.A. 113 120 133
Langer, J.S. 281 295
Laser glazing 9
Leadbetter, A.J. 93 134
Leath, P.L. 159 160 203 204
LeComber, P.G. 292 296
Lee, T.D. 220
Lehmann, Marianne 171 172
Leiser, G. 113 120 133
Lennard — Jones glass 52 208—212
Licciardello, D.C. 246 248 251
Like-atom bonds 72
Liquid, supercooled 7
Liquid, undercooled 7
Liquid-crystal transition see "Crystallization"
Liquid-glass transition see "Glass transition"
Liquidity 14 15
Lobb, C.J. 189 190 204
localization 155 205 226 231—251
Localization and percolation 233 236—239 245
Localization length 226 250 278 280
Localization, correlation-induced see "Mott transition"
Localization, disorder-induced see "Anderson transition"
Localization, scaling theory of 242—251
Localization-delocalization transitions 205—251
Localized states 226 235 276—280 287 289
Lone-pair electrons 257 258 293
Lone-pair semiconductors 258 260
Long-range order 11 12 16 223—225 234 254
Lucovsky, G. 295
Lynch, D.W. 273 295
Macromolecules 90—93 176—179
Magnetism 24 31 32 151—153 157 165 274 294
Malt, R.B. 183 203
Mandelbrot, B.B. 131 132 134 161 204
Marginal dimensionality 124 126 164—167 239
Masumoto, T. 76 77 85
Matsuoka, H. 82 85
Mean-field theory for percolation 164 167 172—174
Mean-field theory for polymer coils in solution 124—127
Mean-field theory for self-avoiding walks 127
Melt quenching 8 9
Melt spinning 6 7 31
Metal-insulator transitions 137 148 186 190 223—231 243—245
Metallic glasses, applications of 24 31
Metallic glasses, conductivity in 274 275
Metallic glasses, diffraction studies of 75—77 80—82
Metallic glasses, ferromagnetism in 24 31 32 274
Metallic glasses, glass transition in 17 18 215
Metallic glasses, preparation of 7—10 215
Metallic glasses, random-close-packing model for 35 49—59 80—82
Metallic glasses, split second peak in the RDF of 81 82 211 212
Metallic glasses, structure of 35 49—59 75—77 80—82
Metallic glasses, superconductivity in 32 274
Metastability 16
Mobility 277 282—287
Mobility edge 233—239 250 251 276
Mobility gap 236 254 276 277
Molecular solids 86—97
Monte Carlo calculations 198 209—212
Montroll, E.W. 276 282—288 296
Mooser, E. 255 296
Mort, J. 30 32 289 296
Moss, S.C. 76—78 85 94 133
Mott insulator 229—230
Mott transition 224 227—231 244
Mott's derivation for variable-range hopping 278—280
Mott's use of the 8 - n rule 101—104
Mott, N.F. 16 102—104 114 116 134 227 233 249 251 252 276—280 295 296
Multiple trapping 289
Nakanishi, H. 145 193 194 204
Native defects 104—107 290—294
Nemanich, R.J. 94 134
Network dimensionality 87—94 182 258
Network formers 100 103
Network modifiers 100 103
Nickel-phosphorus system 6 8 80 81
Nonbonding electrons 257 258 265
Nonbonding-antibonding splitting 260 265
Noncrystalline solid 3
Ober, R. 113 120 133
Odd-membered rings in silicon 69 71 72
Olson, C.G. 273 295
One-dimensional-network solids 90 91 107—113
Optical absorption coefficient 261 266
Optical absorption edge 258—260 265—268
Optical bandgap 258—260 265 266 271—273
Optical fine structure in crystals 263—265
Optical properties 24—26 252—254 258—273
Optical reflectivity 252—254 261—265
Optical response functions, review of 261
Optical transparency 24—26 267 268
Organic glasses, applications of 24 27 107 108
Organic glasses, Flory random-coil model for 107—113 127—129
Organic glasses, glass transition in 4 6
Organic glasses, preparation of 8
Organic glasses, structure of 107—129
Ovshinsky, S.R. 30 32 94 133 233 236 251
Oxide glasses see "Germania" "Silica"
Packing fraction see "Filling factor"
Pair connectedness 154—156
| Pair correlation function see "Radial distribution function"
Palladium-phosphorus system 6 8
Palladium-silicon system 274 275
Papatheodorou, G.N. 94 134
Paul, W. 82 83 85 295
Pauling, L. 62 85
Pearson, K. 114 115 134
Pearson, W.B. 255 296
Peas 56—58
Peierls theorem 250
Percolation see also "Bond percolation" "Continuum "Extended-range "High "Polychromatic "Site "Site-bond
Percolation and gelation 177—181 191—194 197
Percolation and localization 155 233 236—239 245
Percolation and magnetism 151—153 157
Percolation and metal-insulator transitions 137 148 186 190
Percolation and polymers 163
Percolation and the glass transition 206 219—223
Percolation and variable-range hopping 281
Percolation clusters 140 142—146 156—163 221
Percolation critical concentration for various lattices 170
Percolation critical exponents for 153—167 200
Percolation critical volume fraction 166 185—191 238
Percolation path 139-146
Percolation probability 146 173 174
Percolation threshold 136—138 145 156—159 168—170 173 187 188 199
Percolation, applications of the theory of 147—153 175—182 186 206 219—223
Percolation, fractal aspects of 158—163
Percolation, scaling aspects of 156—163 193—201
Percolation, transition 135—153
Perrin, J. 114—116 131 134
Pfister, g. 286 288 289 296
Phase transitions see "Anderson transition" "Glass "Metal-insulator "Mott "Percolation "Universality"
Phelps, D.J. 186 204
Phillips, J.C. 291 296
Phonons 268—270
Phosphorus-doped silicon 242—245 251 278
Photoconductivity 24 28 29 186 282 283 288 294
Photocrystallization 96
Picot, C. 113 120 133
Pierce, D.T. 271 272 296
Pinning of the Fermi level 290 294
Plastics 24 27 107
Plumbing analogy for percolation 139 141 191
Polarization catastrophe 245
Political analogy for renormalization 193 195—197
Political flow diagram 196
Polk model 68—72 79 81—85 291
Polk, D.E. 68 69 77 79 85
Polychromatic percolation 200—203 233
Polymer chains 90 91 93 108—113 116 123 163
Polymeric solids 90—95 107—113
Polymerization index 90 93 108
Polymerization reaction 175 176
polystyrene 6 8 24 107—110
Polyvinylacetate 3 4
Porter, Cole 163 204
Predel, B. 11 32
Preparation of amorphous solids 5—10
Pressure effect 258—260
Pseudogap 235 290
Quenching rate 3—6 8 9
Quinn, G.D. 162 203
Radial distribution function 40—43 74 77 79—85 156 210—212
Radius of gyration 119
Ramakrishnan, T.V. 246 248 251
Raman scattering 96 97 269 270
Random close packing 35 49—59 80—82 183 212 214
Random coil model 35 111—113 127—129
Random flights see "Random walks"
Random potentials 236—238
Random resistor networks 137 145 167 169 181 183 200 253
Random walks 113—127 285
Rao, K.J. 206 251
Rawson, H. 23 32
Rayleigh, Lord 114—116
Real-space renormalization 198
Reconstructed bonds 290 291
Redner, S. 192 193 203
Reflectivity spectra 252—254 262—265
Reich, G.R. 159 160 203 204
Renormalization-group fixed point 195—197 249 250
Renormalization-group flow diagrams 194 196 248
Renormalization-group theory 193—201 247—250
resistivity see "Conductivity"
Resistor networks 137 145 167 169 181 183 200 253
Reynolds, P.J. 192—194 203
Ring statistics 66 71 72 177
Rogers, C.A. 37 85
Rosenbaum, T.F. 242 243 251
Scaling exponents see "Critical exponents"
Scaling laws 163—165
Scaling properties and renormalization 193—201
Scaling properties of bond percolation 198—201
Scaling properties of Brownian trails 129—133
Scaling properties of dispersive transport 286 287
Scaling properties of percolation clusters 156—163
Scaling properties of political elections 193 195—197
Scaling properties of polymer configurations 129—133
Scaling properties of random walks 129—133
Scaling properties of self-avoiding walks 129—133 163
Scaling properties of site-bond percolation 193 194 197
Scaling properties of the Anderson transition 242—251
Scaling theory of localization 242—251
Scattering experiments for studying structure 42 43 73—85 113 119 120
Scher — Montroll theory of dispersive transport 282—288
Scher, H. 185 204 236—238 276 282—288 296
Scott, G.D. 50 85
Selenium in xerography 24 28 294
Selenium, crystalline form 90 91
Selenium, electronic structure of 254 256—258
Selenium, glass transition of 6
Selenium, photoconductivity of 287 288
Selenium, polymeric nature of 90
Selenium, quenching rate for 8
Selenium, structure of 90—93
Selenium, valence alternation in 105 292 293
Selenium-arsenic see "Arsenic-selenium system"
Selenium-arsenic-germanium system 97—99 293—295
Selenium-germanium system 73 97 258
Self-avoiding random walks 120—127 163
Self-repulsion effect on polymer coils 120 123 124 128 129
Self-similarity 115 131 132
Shapiro, B. 193 194 204
Short-range order 12 34 39 67 69 72 101—104 253—258 265
Sichina, W. 21 32
Silane 290 292
Silica gel 175—177 182
Silica, applications of 23—27 273
Silica, continuous random network of 72 73
Silica, glass transition of 6
Silica, network formers in 100
Silica, network modifiers in 100
Silica, quenching rate for 8
Silica, structure of 72 73 84 85 176 177
Silicate glasses see "Silica"
Silicic acid 175
Silicon, bond-angle statistics in 67—69 291
Silicon, continuous random network of 67—72
Silicon, crystalline form of 61 62
Silicon, dangling bonds in 289 290
Silicon, diffraction studies of 76—81
Silicon, electrical properties of 277—280
Silicon, optical properties of 269—273
Silicon, phosphorus-doped 242—245 251 278
Silicon, preparation of 9 10 290
Silicon, ring statistics in 67 68 71 72
Silicon, role of hydrogen in see "Hydrogenated amorphous silicon"
Silicon, solar-cell applications of 24 30 31 271—273 290—292
Silicon, structure of 67—72 76—81 289
Silicon, vibrational excitations in 268—270
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