Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Potential, retarded
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Smirnov V.I. — Higher mathematics. Vol.2 | 616 | Miklowitz J. — The theory of elastic waves and waveguides | 4, 84 | Fock V. — The Theory of Space Time and Gravitation | 68 | Weatherburn C. — Advanced Vector Analysis | 126 | Duistermaat J.J., Kolk J.A.C. — Multidimensional Real Analysis II: Integration | 755, 762 | Planck M. — Introduction to Theoretical Physics | 303—305 | Konopinski E.J. — Electromagnetic fields and relativistic particles | 210—211, 283—285, 443 | Mercier A. — Analytical and canonical formalism in physics | 132 | Egorov Yu.V. (Ed), Shubin M.A. (Ed) — Partial Differential Equations II: Elements of the Modern Theory. Equations with Constant Coefficients | 144 | Egorov Y.V. (Ed), Shubin M.A. (Ed) — Partial Differential Equations II: Elements of the Modern Theory. Equations with Constant Coefficients | 144 | Neff H.P.Jr. — Introductory electromagnetics | 153 | Coulson C.A. — Waves: a mathematical approach to the common types of wave motion | 161, 171 | Duistermaat J.J, Kolk J.A.C. — Distributions: theory and applications | 140 | Stratton J.A. — Electromagnetic Theory | 428—430 | Vladimirov V. S. — Equations of mathematical physics | 163 | Morse P.M. — Methods of theoretical physics | 206, 840, 873 | Sommerfeld A., Ramberg Edward G. (translator) — Electrodynamics. Lectures on theoretical physics, Vol. III | 147 | Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky, Phillips Panofsky, Melba Panofsky — Classical Electricity and Magnetism | 244 | Wilson W.F.R.S. — Theoretical physics. Volume II. Electromagnetism and optics | 218 | Slater J.C., Frank N.H. — Electromagnetism | 168—173 | Griffits D.J. — Introductions to electrodynamics | 422—427 | Kruegel E. — The Physics of Interstellar Dust | 24—25 | Synge J.L. — Relativity: The Special Theory | 390, 393, 408, 432 | Krasnov N.F. — Aerodynamics. Part 1. Fundamentals of theory. Aerodynamics of an Airfoil and a Wing | 425 | Slater J., Frank N. — Introduction to Theoretical Physics | 303—305 |