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Wilson W.F.R.S. — Theoretical physics. Volume II. Electromagnetism and optics |
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Aberration, chromatic 255
Aberration, spherical 251 252
Aberration, stellar 306
Aether 236 277 302
airy 237 265 306
Airy’s experiment 306
Alternating currents 127 141
Anderson 141
Anderson’s bridge 141
Angle of polarization 178
Angstrom unit 268
Angular magnification 250 251
Anomalous dispersion 194
Aplanatic systems 251 255
Arago 302
Atomic number 228
Babinet’s principle 287
Babinot 287
Barkla 229
Benoit 281
Bernoulli, Daniel 149 163
Betelgeuse, angular diameter of 268
Black body radiation 205
boundary conditions 9 64 174
Bradley 302
Brewster 178 237 280 281
Brewster’s fringes 280
Brewster’s law 178
Bucherer 210
C.G.S. system 37
Capacity 30 31
Capacity, of spherical condenser 30 31 34
Carey Foster 147
Carnot engine 157
Carnot, S. 157
Cathode rays 182
Cavendish 12 13 14 79
Charge density 70
Charge dimensions of 39
Charge distribution of 25
Charge induced 30
Charge kinetic energy of 184
Chemical equivalent 182
Choking coil 134
chromatic aberration 255
Circular aperture 263
Circularly polarized beams 299
Clapeyron 158
Clerk — Maxwell 12 13 15 39 59 65 79 103 113 142 143 146 166 167 181 204 235 236
Coefficient, Kelvin’s 158
Coefficient, Peltier 156
Coherence 258
Compensating plate 276 277
Compton effect 227
Compton, A. H. 55 227
Condenser 32
Conductance 92 93
Conducting surfaces, distribution of electricity over 25
Conductivity, electrical 95 96
Conductors 2
Conformal representation 29
Conical refraction 295
Conjugate points 249
Conservation of electric charge 4
Conservation of electricity 114 140
Contraction hypothesis 229 231 232 308
Convection coefficient 302 303
Corpuscle 182
Corpuscular theory 235
Coulomb 20
Counting light-waves 278 281
Current 88 89
Current, density 95 103
Current, field of 99
Currents, alternating 127
Currents, thermodynamical aspects of 154
Damping factor 129
dielectric constant 34 39 43 46 67
Dielectric constant, a function of frequency 166
Dielectric sphere in uniform field 75
Dielectrics 2
Diffraction 256
Dimensional equation 152 153
Dimensions of physical quantities 35 152
Dipole 72 75
dispersion 185 189 194 262
Dispersion, anomalous 194
Dispersion, formula 192
Displacement, at a boundary 66
Displacement, direction of 296
Displacement, electric 30 35 41 42
Displacement, ellipsoid 44 45
Displacement, hypothesis 39 42 103
Displacement, magnetic 107
Dissipative term 132 195
Distribution of electricity over conductors 25
Doppler 305
Doppler effect 305
Double refraction 294
Drude, P. 180 185 195 255 281 285 288 300
Echelon grating 271 272 273
Electric charge, conservation of 4
Electric charge, currents 88
Electric charge, density 8
Electric charge, displacement, divergence of 42
Electrical capacity 30 31
Electrical capacity, conductance 92 93
Electrical capacity, conductivity 95 96
Electrical capacity, images 67 68
Electrical capacity, resistance 92
Electrical capacity, resistivity 95 96
Electricity, conservation of 114
Electricity, definition of quantity of 2
Electricity, latent heat of evaporation of 158
Electricity, specific heat of 158
Electrification, quantitative aspects of 2
Electrochemical equivalent 182
Electrodynamics, first law of 102 103
Electrodynamics, second law of 103 107
Electromagnetic energy, field equations 111 113 213
Electromagnetic energy, flux of 168
Electromagnetic energy, mass and momentum 229 234
Electromagnetic energy, theory of Maxwell 159
Electromagnetic energy, waves 159 160 162
Electromagnetic energy, waves, dispersion of 185
Electromagnetic energy, waves, in anisotropic media 168
Electromagnetic energy, waves, pressure of 204
Electromagnetic energy, waves, velocity of 98
Electromagnetism, foundations of 88
Electrometer, absolute 62
Electrometer, quadrant 52 54
Electromotive force 91 105 106 154 155
Electromotive force, impressed 132
Electromotive force, Kelvin 156 157
Electromotive force, Peltier 156
Electron 4 183
Electron, theory 182 183 201
Electrostatic field 5 64
Electrostatic field, mechanical picture of 39 47 57
Electrostatic, induction 2
Energy as a function of charges and potentials 49 51
Energy, density 48 49 90
Energy, in dielectric media 30 47 57 58 59
Energy, in electromagnetic fields 201
Energy, in magnetic fields of currents 124 126 127
Equation, Clapeyron’s 158
Equation, Fresnel’s 172
Equation, of Helmholtz 155
Equations of Laplace, Poisson and Gauss 18
| Equipotential surface 9 21 25 29 30
Equivalent magnet 97
Etalon 278 279
Experiment, Bucherer’s 210
Experiment, Elihu Thomson’s 137
Experiment, Michelson’s 307
Extended Poisson’s equation 215
Extended Poisson’s equation, solution of 216
Fabry 279
Faraday 19 41 79 105 183
Faraday vessel 3 4
Fermat, P. 239
Fermat’s principle 239 242 243
Field equations 111 113
Field, intensity 6
Field, intensity, at a boundary 65
Field, intensity, magnetic 82
Field, of dipole 72
Field, of point charge 6 219
Field, within closed conducting surface 5
Fitzgerald 229 231 232 308
Fizeau 237 267 301 302 306
Focal lengths 246
foci 246
Foot, pound, second system 37
Force, amended definition of 208
Force, between point charges 2
Force, law of 11 19
Force, lines and tubes of 19
Force, on a conductor 107
Forces, non-electrical 183
Foucault 301
FOURIER 142 149 256
Fraunhofer 285
Fraunhofer diffraction phenomena 285
Frequency, angular 130
Fresnel 172 236 237 256 282 285 303
Fresnel diffraction phenomena 285
Fresnel’s convection coefficient 302 303
Fresnel’s, equation 289 293
Full radiation 205
Fundamental units, five in number 39
Gauss 18 19 42
Geometrical optics 235 238
Gibbs 155
Grating, echelon 271
Grating, plane 269
Grating, reflecting 271
Grating, resolving power of 271
Green 21 24 79
Group 204 237
Group, velocity 206 238 240 301
Guard ring 33 63
Hagen 180
Hamilton 207
Havelock, T. H. 308
Heat generated by currents 90 96 155 157
Heaviside, O. 98 99 106 149 181
Helmholtz 155
Hull 205
Huygens 219 236 237 282 288
Huygens’ principle 219 236 259 282
Iceland spar 290
Images, formation of 244
Images, method of 29 67 68
Images, real 245
Images, virtual 246
Impedance 132
Impressed E.M.F. 132
Induced charges 30 41
Inductance 115 116 120 123
Induction, electrostatic 2
Induction, lines of 105
Induction, magnetic 106
Inductive circuits 115
Intensity of field 30 86
Intensity of, scattered radiation 225 226
Interference 256
Interferometer, Michelson’s 274
Interferometer, of Fabry and Perot 279
Interferometer, stellar 265
Interferometers 258
Internal Field 186 188
Inverse square law 12
Inversion, method of 29
Ionic charge 182
Ions 182
Johnstone Stoney 183
Joule 96
Joule’s law 96 97
Kelvin 29 33 38 63 68 156 157 158
Kirchhoff’s laws 93
Kirchhoff’s laws, extension of 138 140 141
Kirchhoff’s laws, solution 218 219
Kirclihoff 93 94 138 140 142 144 146 147 218 229 284 288
Langevin 223
Laplace 18 78
Larmor 200 223 308
Larmor’s formula 223
Law of Coulomb 19 20
Law, of Faraday and Neumann 105
Law, of force 11
Law, of force between point-poles 87
Law, of Lenz 106
Laws of reflexion and refraction 242
Leakance 148
Lebedew 205
Leigh Page 234
Lenz 106
Lines of force 19 29
Lines of force, refraction of 67
Lines of induction 105
Linked flux 115
Lodestone 80
Lorentz 98 99 106 185 192 195 213 229 231 232 234 308
Lorentzian 216
Lorenz 192
Lummer 279
Lummer plate 279
MacCullagh 236
Magnet 80
Magnetic charge 81 82
Magnetic charge, density of 82
Magnetic charge, divergence of 82
Magnetic, displacement 82 107
Magnetic, field of a current 99 102
Magnetic, field, of small circuit 97
Magnetic, induction 106
Magnetic, moment 83
Magnetism 80
magnetization 80 82
Magnetization, intensity of 82
Magnetized ring 80
Magnetostatics 80
Mass, a form of energy 205 207
Mass, definition of 201
Mass, dependence on velocity 208 210
Mass, electromagnetic 206 229 234
Mass, longitudinal 209
Mass, of moving charge 183 185 234
Mass, transverse 209
Maxwell stresses 59 62
Maxwell stresses, nature of 61
Maxwell’s bridge 141
Maxwell’s, theory, critical observations on 166
Michelson 231 267 268 271 274 277 302
Michelson’s experiment 302 307
Michelson’s, interferometer 274
Michelson’s, magnifying device 267
Millikan 183
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