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Wilson W.F.R.S. — Theoretical physics. Volume II. Electromagnetism and optics |
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Moment, magnetic 83
Momentum, electromagnetic 201 203 204 229 234
Morloy 231 274
Motor, efficiency of 154
Motor, rate of working of 154
Mutual inductance 116
Mutual inductance, of two coaxial circles 121 123
networks 138 141
Neumami, F. 105 120 121 236
Newton 235 236 255
Newton’s rings 236
Nichols 205
Nicholson, J. W. 261 281
Nodal points 249
Ohm 93
Ohm’s Law 93 96
Optic axes 290
Optical distance 238
Optical, path 238
Oscillation, period of 129
Oscillations, forced 130 132
Oscillations, natural 132
Peltier 156
Permeability 82
Perot 279
Phase 132 162
Phase, change of, due to reflexion 177
Phase, velocity 204 238 240 301
Physical optics 237 238 256
Physical, quantities, dimensions of 35
Physical, units 35
Pidduck 181
Planck 300
Plane , of polarization 199
Plane grating 269
Plane of polarization, conventional 199
Plane, of polarization, rotation of 298
Point charge 70
Point charge, near spherical conductor 71
poisson 18 21 215 230 231
Poisson’s equation 18
Poisson’s equation, extended 215
Polarization 30 46 47 186 190
Polarization, angle of 178
Polarization, by reflexion 178
Polarization, plane of 178 199
Polarized light 289
Poles 80 81 82
Potential at a point 7
Potential, at surface of sphere 74
Potential, difference between poles of coll 91
Potential, due to dipole 72
Potential, due to small magnet 84 85 87
Potential, enorgy in E. S. field 52
Potential, enorgy, of magnet and external field 84
Potential, in field of current 101 102
Potential, magnetic 84
Potential, of a conductor 9 40
Potential, retarded 218
Potential, scalar 90
Potential, vector 119 120 214
Power factor 133 136
Poynting 167 168 203 204 205
Poynting’s theorem 167 168
Poynting’s, vector 168 203 232
Practical units 150
Precession 200
Pressure of electromagnetic waves 204
Pressure, perpendicular to lines of force 61
Principal foci 246
Principal, planes 249
Principal, points 249
Principal, velocities 170
Principle of stationary time 240
Principle, of superposition 256
Propagation along a cable 147
Propagation, in crystalline media 289
Proper functions 256
Proton 4
Pythagoras 235
Quadrant 35
Quadrant, electrometer 52 54
Quantity of electricity 2
Quartz 290
Radiation, from charged particle 220
Radiation, residual 194
| Radiation, scattering of 224
Ratio of charge to mass 199
Ray 235 238
Ray, velocity 291
Rayleigh 224 261
Rays, cathode 182
Rays, in crystalline media 290
Reactance 132
Reciprocal relationships 293
Rectangular aperture 258 284
Reflecting grating 271
Reflecting grating, power of metals 180 181
Reflexion of electromagnetic waves 172
Reflexion of electromagnetic waves, selective 194
Refraction, law of 175
Refractive index 160 166 191
Refractive index, dependence on state of aggregation 191
Relativity 183
Residual radiation 194
Resistance 92
Resistance, ohmic 134
Resistivity, electrical 95 96
Resolving power 262
Resolving power, of a prism 262 263
Resolving power, of echelon 272 273
Resolving power, of grating 271
Resolving power, of telescope 265
Resonance 130 195
Reststrahlung$ 194
Richardson, O. W. 221 234
Rimington 144
Root mean square values 132 133
Rotation of plane of polarization 298
Rowland 271
Rubens 180
Scalar potential 90 214
Scattering of radiation 224 227 228
Scattering of, X-rays 229
Sch fer, Clemens 79 181 300
Schuster, A. 38 261 281 288
Screw rule 102 106 110
Selective reflexion 194
Self-inductance 115 116
Sine condition 251 254
Solution of Poisson’s equation 21
Solution of Poisson’s equation, complementary 131 139
Solution of Poisson’s equation, particular 131
Specific heat of electricity 158
Spherical aberration 251 252
Starling, S. G. 54 181
Stellar interferometer 265
Stokes 19
Stress in dielectric media 30 59 62
Stress, in electromagnetic fields 201
Superposition, principle of 256
Surface density 8 20 25
Surface, equipotential 21
Tension along lines of force 61
Theorem of Gauss 19
Theorem, of Neumann 120 121
Theorem, of Poynting 167 168
Thermocircuit 90
Thermodynamical aspects of currents 154
Thermoelectric phenomena 155 157
Thomson, Elihu 137
Thomson, J. J. 181
Transformer 134
Tubes of force 19 20 125
Unclulatory theory 235 230
Uniaxial crystals 290
UNITS 35 98 150 160
Vector potential 119 120 214
Visibility of fringes 277
Volume density 8
Wave of reorganization 223
Wave, surface 290 291
Waves, in a conducting medium 163
Webster, A. G. 79
Whittaker, E. T. 255
Williams, W. E. 274 279 281
Wilson, C. T. R. 183
Wilson, H. A. 234
Wood, R. W. 271 281
Young, Thomas 236 256 257
Young’s experiment 257
Zeeman phenomenon 195
Zeeman, P. 195 302
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