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Neff H.P.Jr. — Introductory electromagnetics |
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Acceleration, charge 71
Acceleration, due to gravity 114
Admittivity 185
Air gap 98 148
Ampere's Circuital Law 34 80 142
Ampere-turn 97
Anisotropic material 57 60
Antenna 347 388
Antenna, array 313
Associated Legendre functions 384
atom 91 97
Attenuation constant 184 283
Balmain, K.G. 221
Bandpass filter 250 309
Bandwidth 250 272
Bessel functions 344 377
Bicylindrical coordinates 104
Biot — Savart law 34 72—75
Boast, W.B. 112
Bound charge 57 58
Bound current 92 94 95
Boundary conditions, conductor-conductor 72
Boundary conditions, conductor-free space 159
Boundary conditions, dielectric-dielectric 60—61
Boundary conditions, dynamic 159—161
Boundary conditions, magnetic 96
Boundary conditions, perfect conductor 161
Boundary value problem 63—68
Bradshaw, M.D. 165
Brewster angle 210
Brown, R.G. 307
Byatt, W.J. 165
Capacitance of p-n junction 107 124
Capacitance, between coaxial cylinders 103 147
Capacitance, between parallel planes 103
Capacitance, between parallel wires 104
Capacitance, between single wire and ground plane 106
Capacitance, defined 102 147 233
Capacitivity 281
Capacitor, coaxial 103 115 147 168
Capacitor, energy stored in 147
Capacitor, multiple dielectric 123
Capacitor, parallel plane 103
Capacitor, two-wire line 104
Cartesian coordinate system 5
Cartesian coordinate system, for expressing curl 22
Cartesian coordinate system, for expressing divergence 16
Cartesian coordinate system, for expressing gradient 18
Cartesian coordinate system, transformation to other coordinate systems 5 6
Cauchy's equation 224
Characteristic value see "Eigenvalue"
Charge density, line 35 40 42
Charge density, surface 36 44
Charge density, volume 35
Charge, configurations 35—36
Charge, differential 35
Charge, point 35
Cheng, D.K. 112
Child — Langmuir law 119
Chipman, R.A. 307
Circuit theory from field theory 162—165
Circuit, distributed 162 236
Circuit, electric 163
Circuit, magnetic 96—100
Circulation 9—11 51 142
Coaxial cable, capacitance 103 147
Coaxial cable, cavity 302
Coaxial cable, E field of 103 115 168
Coaxial cable, H field of 82—83
Coaxial cable, inductance 109
Coaxial cable, R, G, L and C of 300
Coaxial diode 120
Coefficient of magnetic coupling 168
Coefficient of reflection 190 238 239
Coefficient of transmission 190
Coercive mmf 97
Conductance 107 299
Conductivity of lossy dielectric 106
Conductivity, defined 71
Conductivity, relation to reluctance 97
Conductivity, table of values 373
Conductor 69
Conductor, filamentary 69
Conductor, good 185 194 225
Conductor, moving 138
Conductor, perfect 110 161
Conformal transformation 67
Conservation of charge 71 126—128 229
Conservative field 25 335
Constant unit vectors 6
Constitutive relations 141
Continuous function 51
Convolution 39 49
Coordinate component transformation 6
Coordinate system, right-handed 4—7
Coordinate system, transformations between 6
Coordinates, field 37
Coordinates, source 37
Corona 60
Coulomb force 37 101
Coulomb gauge 88
Coulomb's law 34 37 114
Coupling into a waveguide 329 357
Critical angle 213 345 352
Curl 16 20—24
Current density 69—72 126
Current density, conduction 69 128
Current density, convention 69 128
Current density, defined 69
Current density, displacement 138
Current density, general 69
Current density, surface 70
Current element, differential 70
Current, bound 94
Current, conduction 69
Current, defined 70 127
Current, displacement 138
Current, filamentary 69
Cyclotron frequency 125
Cylindrical coordinate system 5
Cylindrical coordinate system, for expressing curl 22
Cylindrical coordinate system, for expressing divergence 16
Cylindrical coordinate system, for expressing gradient 18
Cylindrical coordinate system, transformation to other coordinate systems 5 6
Dekker, A.J. 112
Del operator 15 62 88
Diamagnetic material 92
dielectric constant see "Permittivity relative"
Dielectric loading 365
Dielectric loss angle 281
Dielectric loss factor 281
Dielectric strength 60
Dielectric waveguides 345
Dielectrics 56—61 185 225
Differential current element 69
Differential vector length 8
Differential volume 8
Diode, junction 124
Diode, tunnel 258
Diode, vacuum 115 119 120
Dipole moment 57 91
Dipole, antenna 169
Dipole, electrostatic 52—53 57 115
Dipole, magnetostatic 89—91
Dirac delta function see "Unit impulse function"
Directional coupler 257 272 314
Directional derivative 18
dispersion 186 220 327
Dispersive medium 185 220
Dispersive medium, anomalously 220
| Dispersive medium, normally 220
Distance, source point to field point 37
Distortion 186 279
Distortionless line 279 285 287
Divergence 13—16
Divergence theorem 26—28 54 127
Double stub matching 275
Duality 88
Earth 48
Eddy current 200
Edminister, J.A. 112
Eigenvalue 337
Electric circuit analog, for magnetic circuit 100
Electric field intensity 37—47
Electric field intensity of line charge 40 42
Electric field intensity of N point charges 38
Electric field intensity of surface charge 44
Electric field intensity, defined 38
Electric flux, defined 53
Electric flux, density 53 128
Electrode 102 106
Electromotive force see "Emf"
Electron 57 91
Electron, charge of 71
Electron, conduction 71
Electron, mass of 372
Electron, spin 91
Electron, valence 71
Electrostatic deflection system 113
emf 130
Emf, motional 134 136
Emf, transformer 132 134
Energy see also "Work"
Energy, electric 144 146 290
Energy, kinetic 114 119
Energy, magnetic 144 146 290
Energy, potential 114 119
Energy, stored in capacitor 147
Energy, stored in inductor 147
Energy, to move point charge 47
Equipotential surface 17 19 63
Euler formula 66
Evanescent field 213 322 359
Even function 42
Everitt, E.E. 292 307
Faraday disk generator 167
Faraday's law 130—137
Ferrimagnetic material 92
Ferrite 92 220
Ferroelectric material 57
ferromagnetic domain 92
Ferromagnetic material 57 92
Fink, D.G. 112
Fluid flow 16 23
Flux 11—13 128
Flux lines 77
Flux linkage 108
Force in air gap 148
Force on charge 37
Force on closed circuit 101
Force on conductor 101
Force on differential current element 100
Fourier, heat conduction law 20
Fourier, inverse transform 281
Fourier, series 66
Fourier, transform 143 281
Gauge function 150
Gauss's law 15 34 53—56 62 129
Gauss's law, integral form 53
Gauss's law, point form 54
Gaussian surface 54
Generator 136 167
Gradient 16—20 51
Gravity 114
Ground 48
Ground plane 67
Half-wave dipole 169 170 395
Hayt, W.H. 112 302 307
Helmholtz integral 49 88 153 155 158
Helmholtz wave equation 153 157 375
Hertzian dipole 393
Homogeneous material 57
Horseshoe electromagnet 148
Hughes, W.L. 307
Hysteresis, dielectric 59
Hysteresis, loop 97
Hysteresis, magnetic 92
Image charge 68
Image current 104
Image theory 67—69 104 117 118
Impedance, characteristic 283
Impedance, input 235 244
Impedance, intrinsic 181
Impedance, load 246
Impedance, surface 196
Impedance, wave 180 181 323
Incidence, normal 187
Incidence, oblique 205
Incident wave 188
Inductance, defined 108 147 234
Inductance, external 108 299
Inductance, internal 108 196 283 299
Inductance, mutual 108 110
Inductivity 281
Inhomogeneous dielectric 123
Interface, conductor-perfect conductor 204
Interface, dielectric-conductor 188
Interface, dielectric-dielectric 200 223
Interface, dielectric-perfect conductor 201
Interface, plane 187
Ionized region 226
Irrotational field 23 24 51
Isothermal surface 17 19
Isotropic material 57
Johnk, C.T. 165
Jordan, E.C. 221 368
Joule's law 144
Junction, p-n 107 124
Kirchhoff's current law 71 165 237
Kirchhoff's Voltage Law 165 237 239
Kraus, J.D. 112
Lamination 197—200
Laplace transform 143
Laplace's equation 62—63 231
Laplacian operator 62 88
Leakage flux 98
Lenz's law 130 133
Liao, S.Y. 166 301 308
Lightning rod 116
Line charge density 35
Line integral 9
Linear system 38
Linearity 38
Lorentz condition 152 335 336
Lorentz force 129
Lorrain, P. 112
Loss tangent 185 282
Macroscopic behavior 57
Magnetic field intensity of coaxial cable 82
Magnetic field intensity of filamentary current 26 77
Magnetic field intensity of solenoid 83
Magnetic field intensity of surface current 79
Magnetic field intensity of toroid 119
Magnetic field intensity, defined 74 129
Magnetic flux 79 283
Magnetic flux density 128 129
Magnetic flux density, defined 73 129
Magnetic flux density, remnant 97
Magnetic loss angle 281
Magnetic loss factor 281
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