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Neff H.P.Jr. — Introductory electromagnetics |
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Magnetic materials 91—96
Magnetic vector potential 87
magnetization 92—95 149
Magnetomotive force see "Mmf"
Magnetostatic deflection system 120
Marcuvitz, N. 368
Material parameters 373
Maxwell's equations, dynamic 132 137 140—143
Maxwell's equations, static 34 51 54 85—86 111
Maxwell, J.C. 166
McQuistan, R.B. 31
Measurement of 305
Measurement of 305
Measurement of input impedance, transmission line 244 256
Measurement of VSWR 244 315
Microscopic behavior 57
Mixed boundary conditions 63
MMF 97
Mobility 71
Modulation 187 312
Moon, P. 112
Moore, R.K. 308
Motor, axial gap 120
Motor, radial gap 101—102
Mott, H. 221
Neff, H.P. 112 166
Newton's gravitational law 114
Newton's second law 114
Normal component, at conductor boundary 63
Normal component, at dielectric-dielectric boundary 60 61
Normal component, at magnetic-magnetic boundary 96
Normal component, at perfect conductor 161
Norton equivalent circuit 239
Nuclear spin 91
Numerical method, for electrostatics 42 113
Numerical method, for magnetostatics 76
Oblique incidence 205
Odd function 42
Ohm's law 71 128
Orthogonal surface 5
Orthogonal unit vectors 5
Owen, G.E. 166
Paddlewheel 23 24
Page, L. 112
Paramagnetic material 92
Pattern, E-plane 394
Pattern, H-plane 394
Paul, C.R. 113
Permanent magnetization 92 97
Permeability 95 129
Permeability of free space 72
Permeability, complex 281
Permeability, relative 95
Permittivity of free space 37
Permittivity, complex 183 281
Permittivity, relative 59 373
Perturbation 282 303 358
Phase constant 172 184
Phasors 142
Physical constants 372
Pierce, J.R. 221
Planar transmission line 122 229
Plasma frequency 226
Plonsey, R. 113
Plonus, M.A. 113
Point charge 35
Point charge, E field of 38
Point charge, potential field of 49
Poisson's equation 61—62 88
Polarization vector 57 59
polarization, antenna 220
Polarization, dielectric 57
polarization, horizontal 205
Polarization, vertical 205
Polarization, wave 176 181 217
Polarization, wave, circular 219
Polarization, wave, elliptical 218
Polarization, wave, left-handed 218
Polarization, wave, linear 176 218
Polarization, wave, right-handed 219
Popovic, B.D. 221
Potential difference 48 50 159
Potential difference, defined 48
Potential difference, relation to voltage 48 159
Potential field of coaxial cable 104
Potential field of dipole 52 68
Potential field of inclined planes 168
Potential field of line charge 52
Potential field of parallel line charges 104
Potential field of point charge 49
Potential field of polarization 58
Potential integral 49
Potential reference 48
Potential, absolute 48
Potential, electrostatic 47—50
Potential, retarded 153
Potential, scalar electric 48 151
Potential, scalar magnetic 87 150—156 336
Potential, vector electric 334
Potential, vector magnetic 87 150—156 334
Power 102 120 145 241 282 393 395
power density 179
Poynting vector 145 179
Poynting's theorem 143—148
Prism effect 224
Product solution 64 375 376
Propagation constant 184 284
Proton 57 372
Quality factor 290 303
Radiation 162 347 388
Radiation pattern, half-wave dipole 394
Radiation pattern, Hertzian dipole 394
Ramo, S. 113 221 368
Rao, N.N. 166
Reflected wave 187 188 308
Relaxation time 130
relay 148
Reluctance 97
Resistance, characteristic 234
Resistance, defined 107
Resistance, high frequency 196
Resistance, radiation 393
Resonant cavity, transmission line 249 315
Resonant cavity, waveguide 355 358 382
Retarded time 153
Right-hand rule 23
Right-handed coordinate system 4
Ryder, J.D. 308
Schelkunoff, S.A. 387
Schey, H.M. 31
Separation equation 337 376
| Separation of variables 64 375 376
Sharpe, R.A. 307
Shedd, P.C. 113
Shen, L.C. 166
Single-stub matching 270
Skilling, H.H. 23 31 308 368
Skin depth 195 299
Skin effect 193—200 226
Skitek, G.G. 166
Slotted line 244 257
Slotted waveguide 329
Smith chart 257 267
Smith, P.H. 257
Snell's law 209
Solenoid 83—85 96
Solenoidal field 16 25 129 334
Special functions 375
Spherical Bessel functions 384
Spherical cavity 384
Spherical coordinate system 5
Spherical coordinate system, for expressing curl 23
Spherical coordinate system, for expressing divergence 16
Spherical coordinate system, for expressing gradient 18
Spherical coordinate system, transformation to other coordinate systems 5 6
Spiegel, M.R. 31
Standing wave ratio 190 191 243
Stokes' theorem 28—30 51 131
Stripline 122 301
Superconductor 72
Superparamagnetic material 92
Superposition 38
Surface charge density 36
Surface guided wave 353
Susceptibility, electric 59
Susceptibility, magnetic 95
Symbols and units 396
Tangential component, at conductor boundary 63
Tangential component, at dielectric-dielectric boundary 60 61
Tangential component, at magnetic-magnetic boundary 96
Tangential component, at perfect conductor 161
Tapered transmission line 311
Taylor's series 14 21
TE mode 217 229
TEM mode 229 282
Temperature 17 19 72
Tensor 60 95
Thevenin circuit, transmission line 239 285
Thomassen, K.I. 368
Time delay 153 187 278 327 328 368 369
TM mode 229
Toroid 98 119
torque 57
Torque of electrostatic dipole 57
Torque on magnetic dipole 91
Total internal reflection 212
Total transmission 210
Transfer function 288
Transformations between coordinate systems 6
Transformer 122 168 250 308
Transit-time 119
Transmission line, current 238
Transmission line, distributed parameters 233 299
Transmission line, equivalent lumped parameters 249
Transmission line, load impedances 246 254
Transmission line, matching 250 268 308
Transmission line, power 241
Transmission line, pulses on 278 308
Transmission line, tapered 311
Transmission line, voltage 238
Transmission line, VSWR 243
Transmission parameters 252 316
Transmitted wave 189
Triode 169
Two-wire transmission line 104 116 230 287
Uniform damped plane wave 183
Uniform plane wave 172 205
Uniqueness 63 67
Unit impulse function 56
Unit vector 5 18
Van Duzer, T. 113
Varactor diode 107 124
Vector identities 24—30 inside
Vector operations inside front and back covers
Vector relations inside front and back covers
Vector, addition 1
Vector, field 1
Vector, multiplication 2—4
Vector, subtraction 2
Velocity of charge 69 71
Velocity of energy flow 179 216 323
Velocity of group 186 187 216 278 327
Velocity of light 153
Velocity of propagation 176
Velocity, drift 71
Velocity, escape 115
Velocity, phase 178 185 216 322
Volume charge density 35
VSWR 244 315
Wave equation 153 157 238
Wave, cylindrical 172
Wave, damped 183
Wave, evanescent 213
Wave, plane 187 205
Wave, spherical 172
Wave, standing 190 202 355
Wave, traveling 176
Waveguide, cylindrical 344 377
Waveguide, cylindrical cavity 358 382
Waveguide, dielectric 345
Waveguide, parallel plane 217 229
Waveguide, rectangular 317 337
Waveguide, rectangular cavity 355
Waveguide, rectangular cavity, bandwidth 366
Waveguide, rectangular cavity, losses 359
Waveguide, rectangular cavity, modes 355 356
Waveguide, rectangular cavity, O 363
Waveguide, rectangular cavity, resonant frequency 355 356
Waveguide, rectangular, mode 317
Waveguide, rectangular, attenuation 359
Waveguide, rectangular, current 329 368
Waveguide, rectangular, cutoff frequency 317 321 338
Waveguide, rectangular, field equations 320 337 339
Waveguide, rectangular, field plots 342
Waveguide, rectangular, impedance 331
Waveguide, rectangular, losses 358
Wavelength 132 162 178 185 323
Wavenumber see "Phase constant"
Whinnery, J.R. 113
Width of minimum method for VSWR 315
Work 25
Zahn, M. 113
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