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Fock V. — The Theory of Space Time and Gravitation |
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Aberration 43—44
Accelerated reference frame 106 369
Accelerated reference frame (uniformly) 209
Acceleration relative to space 369
Active part of energy 100
Advantage of privileged coordinate-system 351 375
Alexandrov 10
Antisymmetric tensor, dual of 56
Asymptotic form of 316—317 326
Axial vector 48
bernoulli 101
Boundary conditions (restricting equivalence) 208 210
Bradley 43
Cartan xvii
Cauchy problem (not gravitational) 349—350
Characteristics, Einstein's equations 173—175
Characteristics, electromagnetic equations 3 5
Characteristics, generalized wave equation 394
Christoffel symbols, 119
Christoffel symbols, approximate 226
Christoffel symbols, transformation of 134
Clock, paradox 211—12 214
Clock, readings in different inertial frames 31
clock, synchronization 22—24
Closed circuit (parallel transport round) 139
Conditions for over-all Minkowski metric 136
Conformally-Galilean coordinates 335—336
Conservation laws, of energy 89
Conservation laws, of energy, integral form in general coordinate-system 163
Conservation laws, of mass 101
Conservation laws, point systems 74—77
Conservation laws, point systems, connection with integrals of mechanics 337
Conservation laws, point systems, conventional formulation criticized 79—81
Conservation laws, point systems, gravitational 326—331
Conservative systems 89
Conservative systems, tensor 145
Constant of gravitation 167
Constant of gravitation, determination of 179
Continuous media 81—84
Contraction of tensor 114
Contravariant vector 50
Contravariant vector, in general coordinate system 110
Convection coefficient, Fresnel's 43
Coordinate conditions, general discussion 351
coordinates 1
Coordinates, conformally Galilean 355—356
Coordinates, locally geodesic 134
Coordinates, preferred xvi
Coriolis forces 208
Cosmic time 367
Cosmological problems 367
Cosmological time-scale 367
Covariance of equations xvi 368 370
Covariance of Maxwell's equations 58 63
Covariance of Maxwell's equations in general 150
Covariant differentiation 127—128
Covariant differentiation, change of order in 140
Covariant differentiation, examples 130
Covariant differentiation, product rule in 129
Covariant vector 50
Covariant vector, in general coordinate system 110
Criticism of conventional formulation of conservation laws 79—81
Curvature tensor (transformation of) 385
Cyclic derivative 134
d'Alembertian 54
d'Alembertian, in general coordinate-system 131
De Bonder 385
Definition of straight line 203
Deflection of light 200—203
Dependence of integrals on uniformity of space-time 326
Derivation of Lorentz transformation, notes on 377
Derivative, cyclic 134
Determination of constant of gravitation 179
Differentiation, covariant 127—128
Dispersal of galaxies 367
Distance, measurement of 22—24
Divergence, of four-vector 131
Divergence, of mass-tensor 221 236
Doppler effect 29
Double star 294
Dual of antisymmetric tensor 56
Dust (mass tensor) 90
Einstein xiv xvi xvii 2 9 17 28 367 372
Einstein and Grommer 371
Einstein's "lift" 207
Einstein's "lift",criticism of 207—208
Einstein's elastic body, internal structure 253
Einstein's equations 171—173
Einstein's equations, characteristics of 173—5
Einstein's equations, modified in cosmology? 367
Einstein's equations, ten integrals of 326
Einstein's mass, tensor for 224
Einstein, tensor 145 229
Einstein, velocity formula 39
Electromagnetic equations 3
Electromagnetic equations, characteristics of 3 5
Electromagnetic equations, covariance of general 150
Electromagnetic equations, covariance of rectangular 58—63
Electromagnetic equations, field, energy tensor 95
Electromagnetic equations, field, in general coordinate-system 151
Electromagnetic equations, field, motion of charge in 64
Electromagnetic equations, field, transformation of 58—63
Energy, active part of 100
Energy, balance, role of gravitational waves in 336—337
Energy, conservation of 89
Energy, passive part of 101
Energy, tensor of electromagnetic field 95
Energy, tensor of electromagnetic field, in general coordinate-system 151
Eotvos 99
Equations, covariance of 368 370
Equations, of motion, integrals of 74
Equations, of motion, integrals of, general coordinate system 163
Equations, of motion, integrals of, Lagrangian form of 273
Equations, of motion, integrals of, of mass point 215—218
Equations, of motion, integrals of, of system of masses 239—244
Equivalence, of acceleration and gravitation 206—208
Equivalence, of acceleration and gravitation, restricted by boundary conditions 208 210
Equivalence, of mass and energy 99
Equivalence, principle of 206 369
Equivalence, purely local 369—370
Euclidean character of three dimensional space, conditions for 401
Euler 101
Eulerian angles 251
External problem in systems of bodies 244
Fermi 207
Fichtenholz 274 373
Fizeau 43
Fokker xvii 10
Force, Coriolis 208
Force, Coriolis, in motion of system 268
Force, Coriolis, Lorentz 66
Formulation of conservation laws 327
Frame, accelerated 106
Fresnel's convection coefficient 43
Friedmann xv 353 367
Friedmann — Lobachevsky space xv 352
Galaxies, dispersal of 367
Galileo xiv 11
Galileo's law 167
Gauge transformation 69
Generalized wave equation, characteristics of 394
Geodesic 117
Geodesic coordinate system 134
Geodesic equations 119
Geodesic Hamilton — Jacobi equation for 6
Geodesic nul 120
Gravitation, constant of 167 179
Gravitational energy 326
Gravitational energy, pseudo-tensor of 326 331—4
Gravitational equations 171—173
| Gravitational equations, for system of moving masses 231—236
Gravitational equations, solution of 179
Gravitational equations, static case 184
Gravitational field, variational principle for 203—5 206
Gravitational mass 167 206
Gravitational potentials, in wave zone 319—326
Gravitational potentials, large distance, mixed and temporal 311—17
Gravitational potentials, large distance, spatial 307—11
Gravitational potentials, non-rotating bodies, mixed and temporal 301—7
Gravitational potentials, non-rotating bodies, spatial 295—301
Gravitational potentional 167
Gravitational red-shift (Newtonian approximation) 171
Gravitational theory criticized 367
Gravitational waves 334—336
Gravitational waves, role in energy balance 336—337
Grommer 371—372
Hamilton 6
Hamilton — Jacobi equation, light 6
Hamilton — Jacobi equation, light, of geodesic 121 122
Harmonic coordinates xv 132 175 203 210 239 284 292 301 306 321 328 346 373 375—376
Harmonic coordinates and insular mass distributions 176 351
Harmonic coordinates, uniqueness of 346 350
Heliocentric frame 7
Hodograph space 39
Hoffmann 372
Homogeneous wave equation, uniqueness theorem 342—344
Huygens 101
Hydrodynamics of perfect fluid 91
Hydrodynamics of perfect fluid in general coordinate-system 152
Inertia tensor 248
Inertial, frames 7 8
Inertial, frames, clock readings in different 31
Inertial, frames, lengths in different 35—36
Inertial, frames, transformation between 10 12—18
Inertial, mass 167 206
Infeld 372
Infinitesimal Lorentz transformation 56
Inhomogeneons wave equation, uniqueness, theorem for 345
Insular mass distribution and harmonic coordinate-system 176 351
Integral form of conservation laws 163
Integral form of equations of motion, transformation of 260
Integrals, characterizing internal Integrals, structure 257
Integrals, of Einstein's equations 326
Integrals, of equations of motion 74
Integrals, of equations of motion in general coordinate-system 163
Integrals, of equations of motion of non-rotating bodies 283
Integrals, of equations of motion of systems of masses 277
Integrals, of motion, tensor character 77—79
Integration of wave-front equation 397
Interactions, triple 271 276
Internal problem in motion of systems of bodies 244
Internal structure of elastic body 253
Interval, Newtonian approximation 168
Interval, space-like 25
Interval, time-like 25
Jeans 219
Jupiter's satellites 31
Kagan 39
Kashkarov 250 373
Kirchoff 342
Krutkov's tensor 87 143 328
Lagrangian form of equations of motion 273
Lanczos 385
Landau 331 363
Large distances, gravitational potentials 307—317
Lavoisier 101
Lebedev 98
Length, standard of 2
Lengths in different inertial frames 35—36
Lenin xviii
Levi-Civita 124 187
Liapunov 219 256
Liapunov, equations 253
Lifshitz 331 363
Lift experiment, criticism of 207—208
Lift experiment, Einstein's 207
Light, deflection of 200—3
Light, Hamilton — Jacobi equation for 6
Light, ray 2 5
Light, wave 3
Linearity of transformation between inertial frames 12—16
Lobachevsky xv
Lobachevsky — Einstein velocity-space 39—42
Lobachevsky — Friedmann space 352
Local description xv
Local equivalence of acceleration and gravitation 206—208
Local equivalence of acceleration and gravitation, restricted by boundary conditions 208 210
Locally geodesic coordinate-system 134
Lomonosov 101
Lorentz xiv 61 95
Lorentz force on moving charge 66
Lorentz group xiii
Lorentz transformation 16—18 368
Lorentz transformation, notes on derivation 377
Lorentz transformation, proper 21
Mach xvi
Mach's paradox 369
Mandelstam 8
Mass, centre, motion of 283
Mass, conservation 101
Mass, distribution, insular 176 351
Mass, distribution, uniform 176 352
Mass, gravitional 167 206
Mass, inertial 167 206
Mass-energy equivalence 99
Mass-point, equations of motion of 215—218
Mass-tensor, 85—89
Mass-tensor, divergence of 221 236
Mass-tensor, examples of 90
Mass-tensor, for elastic solid 224
Mass-tensor, in general coordinate-system 152
Maximum propagation speed 9 10
Maxwell 3
Maxwell's equations, characteristics of 3 5
Maxwell's equations, covariance of 58—63
Maxwell's equations, in general coordinate-system 150
Maxwell's equations, variational principle for 153—158
Mayer 101
Measurement of distance 22—24
Measuring rod, rigid 94
Meister 373
Minkowski 50
Minkowski metric, condition for 136
Misunderstanding of relativity xvii
Mixed gravitational potentials, large distances 307—11
Mixed gravitational potentials, non-rotating bodies 306—7
Mobius transformation 383
Moller 209
Motion, of charge 64
Motion, of mass point 215—218
Motion, of system of charges 66—73
Motion, of system of masses 218
Motion, of system of masses, Christoffel symbols for 226
Moving, charge, Lorentz force on 66
Moving, masses, equations of motion 239—244
Moving, masses, gravitational equations 231—236
Newton's equations, rotational motion 249—253
Newton's equations, translational motion 244—249
Non-Euclidean geometry 108
Non-rotating masses, gravitational potentials 295—307
Non-rotating masses, integrals of equations of motion 283
Nul geodesic 120
Order, change of in covariant differentiation 140
Orthogonal transformation 48
Outward radiation condition 179 372
Over-all Minkowski metric, condition for 136
Pair-creation 99
Papapetrou 372—373
Paradox, clock 211—213 214
Parallel transport, general 125
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