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Поиск книг, содержащих: Plasmons
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Mahan G.D. — Many-particle physics | 439—440, 473—474, 489—493 | Clarke L.J. — Surface crystallography: an introduction to low energy electron diffraction | 2, 144, 291 | Tompkins H.G., Irene E.A. — Handbook of Ellipsometry | 132, 175, 651, 661 | Bohren C.F., Huffman D.R. — Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles | 233 (see also “Surface plasmons”) | Mihaly L., Martin M.C. — Solid state physics. Problems and solutions | 81, 94 | Rickayzen G. — Green's functions and condensed matter | 90, 122—124 | Cracknell A.P., Wong K.C. — The Fermi Surface: Its Concept, Determination and Use in the Physics of Metals | 407, 411 | Greiner W. — Quantum mechanics: special chapters | 246 | Prigogine I. — Proceedings of the International Symposium on Transport. Processes in Statistical Mechanics, held in Brussels,. August 27-31, 1956 | 198 | Phillips P. — Advanced Solid State Physics | 118 | Aitchison I.J.R. — An Informal Introduction to Gauge Field Theories | 82 | Kambhampati D. (ed.) — Protein Microarray Technology | 60 | Marder M.P. — Condensed matter physics | 643—646 | Davies J.H. — The physics of low-dimensional semiconductors : an introduction | 353, 377 | Plischke M., Bergersen B. — Equilibrium statistical physics | 480—485, 508 |