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Rickayzen G. — Green's functions and condensed matter
Rickayzen G. — Green's functions and condensed matter

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Íàçâàíèå: Green's functions and condensed matter

Àâòîð: Rickayzen G.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ôèçèêà òâ¸ðäîãî òåëà/Ìåòîäû êâàíòîâîé òåîðèè ïîëÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1980

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 357

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 27.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Absorption      9 220
Acoustic phonons      see also “Velocity”
Acoustic phonons, of sound, sound waves      170 190
Adiabatic approximation      181 196
Advanced Green's function      8 23 see
After-effect function      9 see
Alloys      285 295
Amorphous semiconductors      286
Anomalous skin effect in metals      114 117 120
Antiferromagnet, spin waves in      274
Antiferromagnetism      263
Average t-matrix approximation (ATA)      298
Boltzmann equation      97 117
Born—Oppenheimer approximation      193 see
Bose distribution function      29
Bose—Einstein condensation      245—246 256
Bosons      341
boundary conditions      2 3—6 19 27 55
Boundary conditions, periodic      101
Boundary conditions, spatial      3
Bragg scattering      175
Brillouin zone      182
canonical ensemble      32
Causal Green's function      24 28 see
Charge density      344
chemical potential      32
Closed loop      67 75
Coherence length      224
Coherent potential approximation (CPA)      302—311
Coherent scattering      172—181
Collective modes      90
Collective oscillations      152 157
Commutation relations      341
Condensate fraction      262
Condensate wave function      312
Connected diagrams      67 70 188
Conservation laws      20 93—94 226
Conservation of charge      123 180
Conservation of energy      72
Conservation of momentum      74
Conserved quantities      161—163
Conserving approximations      94
Cooper pair      203 232 233 240
Correlation      83—86 302 314 see
Correlation function      15—18 320 323 325 332
Correlation function, density-density      17 124 174
Correlation function, one-particle      348
Correlation function, order parameter      314
Correlation function, two-particle      89—90 95
correlation length      315 317
Correlation, spin      277
Correlation, statistical      84
Correlation, three-particle      84
Correlation, two-particle      83
Coulomb gas      121—140
Coulomb gas, thermodynamic potential for      131
Coulomb interaction      89 121 163 181
CPA      see “Coherent potential approximation”
Creation operators      342
Critical exponents      316—319
Critical magnetic field      217
Critical phenomena      312—340
Critical point      270
Critical region      323
Curie temperature      263 269
Current-density operator      109—110 344
Debye — Waller factor      175
Degenerate ground state      208 253
Density matrix      6 32 348
Density matrix, equation for      6
Density of states      35 286—289 294—295
Density of states, for independent electrons      99
Density of states, local      35
Density of states, of phonons      198 301 304—305
Density of superconducting electrons      224 232
Density operator      16
Destruction operators      342
Diagrams      see “Feynman diagrams”
Dielectric constant, Lindhard's formula for      129
Dielectric constant, of a Coulomb gas      124
Dielectric function      191
Differential cross section      171
Dirty metals      197
Disorder, random      95
Disorder, structural      289
Disorder, substitutional      289
Disorder, topological      289
Disordered systems      285—311
Dispersion relations      42
Dyson's equation      80
Effective field      89 268 270
effective mass      143 145—147 168 199
Effective potential      91 165
Electrical conductivity      109—118 200 306—310
Electron gas, energy of      89
Electron self-energy      195—201
Electron—ion interaction      182
Electron—phonon interaction      181—201 203
Electron—phonon vertex      194
Energy gap      202 214 232
Exchange energy      88
External vertices      66—71
Fermi distribution function      29 352
Fermi liquid      141—163 181
Fermi liquid, charged      163—167
Fermi liquid, Landau's theory of      141 — 167
Fermi liquid, microscopic theory of      154—163
fermions      341
Ferrimagnetism      263—264
Ferromagnet, ground state of      267
ferromagnetism      263 317—318
Feynman diagrams      19 56—58 61 66—71 325—331
Feynman diagrams, rules for      73—74 185—189
Field operator      341
Fixed points      333
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem      22 42
Fluctuations      319—323
Flux quantization      see “Quantization of magnetic flux”
For independent electrons      99
gap equation      212 220 230
Gap parameter      214—215 225 312
Gap parameter, phase of      226 234
Gapless superconductivity      227 232
Gauge invariance      108 225—7
Gibbs free energy      312 319
Ginzburg criterion      323
grand canonical ensemble      32 45 347
Green's functions      see also “Advanced Green's function” “Causal “Manyparticle “Retarded “Spin and
Green's functions, analytic properties of      24—33 51
Green's functions, classical      1—6 20
Green's functions, definitions      22—24
Green's functions, density-density      168
Green's functions, double-time      22—24
Green's functions, equations of motion for      42—45
Green's functions, for a ferromagnet      271—284
Green's functions, for an electron in a metal      106
Green's functions, Fourier transforms of      25
Green's functions, higher order      39—41 70
Green's functions, in an external field      47—50
Green's functions, two-particle      70 295
gyromagnetic ratio      151 344
Hamiltonian, for free-electron model of a metal      126
Hamiltonian, for phonons      170
Hamiltonian, for scattering by impurities      100
Hartree approximation      19 82 88—89 91 125—127 166 218
Hartree—Fock approximation      19 61 83—87 91 219 275
Hartree—Fock equation      86
Heisenberg representation      7
Heisenberg's equations of motion      44 63 347
Heisenberg's Hamiltonian      266
Hubbard Hamiltonian      275
Hubbard model      274—282
Impurities, in a metal      98—120
Impurities, in superconductors      227—234
Impurity band      286 304
Impurity levels      286 293—295
Incoherent scattering      172—181
Independent particles      36—37 346—348
Internal vertices      66—71
Ising model      316 318
Isotope effect      203
Jellium model      121
Josephson tunnelling      235 238
kinetic energy      344
Kondo effect      119 229 284
Kondo temperature      284
Kramers—Kronig relations      22 41—2 52
Kubo's formula      8 20 109 see
Landau's function      143 167
Landau's parameters      146
Life-time      39 82 119 135—140 199—200 285
Linear response      6—10 17 19 90 223
Liquid $^{3}{He}$      142 147 148 152—153 205
Liquid $^{4}{He}$      242 see
Liquid $^{4}{He}$, dispersion curve for      244
Liquid $^{4}{He}$, microscopic theory of      246—256
Liquid $^{4}{He}$, specific heat of      243
Liquid state      18
Liquid-gas transition      317—318
Localized states      289 304 310
London limit      224
Low-density Bose gas      256—259
Magnetic impurities      119 227
Magnetic impurity, classical      96
magnetic moment      344
Magnetism      263—268
Magnons      263 286
Many-particle Green's functions      65 see
Mass enhancement parameter      195 199 220
Mean field theory      323 see
Mean free path      107
Meissner effect      203 204 220 224 232
Migdal's theorem      193—195
Molecular-field      147 149 152 164 265 268 275 see by”
Mott — Hubbard transition      280 282
Neel temperature      263
Neutron scattering      168—181 242 259 263
Non-linear response      40
Number conservation      207 247
Number density      88
Number operator      343
Occupation number representation      343—348
Occupation numbers      142
Optical phonons      196
Optical theorem      108
Order parameter      259 270 310 319
Pairing field      208 210
Particle density      344
Particle—hole pair      61 155—8
Particle—hole scattering      167
Pauli spin matrices      210 344
Penetration depth      203 224
Persistent current      202
Perturbation expansion      19 324—331
Perturbation theory, and a Bose — Einstein condensation      246—256
Perturbation theory, for interacting particles      59—71
Perturbation theory, for phonons      186—189
Perturbation theory, with a single-particle potential      54—59
Phonon propagator      170 188 191
Phonon scattering      98
Phonon self-energy      189 195—6
Phonon spectrum      244 286
Phonon vertex      168
Phonons      12 168—201 286
Plasma frequency      122 165 182
Plasma oscillation      122
Plasmons      90 122—124
Polarization diagrams      190
Polarization vectors      170
potential energy      344
Potential scattering      57
Probability amplitude      14
probability density      16
Propagator      56—57 59 see
Quantization of circulation      244 259—261
Quantization of magnetic flux      202 234—235
Quantum fluid      18 232 “Superfluid “Superconductivity”
Quantum of flux      235
Quasi-particles      37—39 81 142 155 211 223 279
Random phase approximation      19 71 89—94 127—131
Reciprocal lattice      169
Relaxation time approximation      114
Renormalization      331
Renormalization group      285 316 324 331—340
Renormalization group equations      333
Resonance broadening      281
Resonant enhancement      295
Response function      9 19 90
Response function, rules for      70
Retarded Green's function      8 22—24
Roton spectrum      244
Rotons      178
Rules for Feynman diagrams      see “Feynman diagrams rules
Scale transformations      325
Scaling theory      316 318 334
Scattering length      172
Screened interaction      135 193
Screened potential      127
screening      89—93 122 124—125 165 182 189—193
Second order phase transition      312—316
Second order phase transition, Landau's theory of      320
Second quantization      341—348
Self-consistent equation      272 276 302
Self-consistent field      89—93 209
Self-energy      19 78—82 104 252
Self-energy, exchange      91
Self-energy, proper      79 82 329
Semiconductors      285
Simple harmonic oscillator      10—12 52
Single-particle Green's functions      13 19 33—39 59 see
Single-particle operators      343
Sound absorption      119
Sound waves      90 256
Spatial averages      101
Specific heat      45 314 321 326
Spectral form      25—33
Spectral function      27 107 286
Spectral function, sum rule for      27
Spin      43 75
Spin fluctuations      152
Spin Green's functions      263
Spin susceptibility      151—157
Spin waves      178 263—265 273 see
Spin-disorder scattering      281
Spin-flip lifetime      231
Split band limit      303 310
Spontaneous magnetic moment      268 312
Strong-coupling superconductors      198 236
Structure factor      168
Sum rules      26 178—181 306—307
Sum-over-states      319—323 347
Superconductivity      202—241 312 323
Superconductor, critical magnetic field of      203
Superconductor, critical magnetic field of, density of states      215—216 232 236
Superconductor, electromagnetic effects in      220
Superconductor, Green's function for      210 220
Superconductor, model Hamiltonian for      209
Superconductor, phase of wave function      207—208
Superconductor, thermodynamic potential for      217
Superconductor, thermodynamics of      209
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