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Tompkins H.G., Irene E.A. — Handbook of Ellipsometry
Tompkins H.G., Irene E.A. — Handbook of Ellipsometry

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Название: Handbook of Ellipsometry

Авторы: Tompkins H.G., Irene E.A.


Fifteen contributors in industry and universities in the US, Sweden, Germany, and the Czech Republic have written on the latest developments and applications of ellipsometry. The theory of ellipsometry, the optical physics of materials, and data analysis for spectroscopic ellipsometry are described at length. Subsequent chapters concern instrumentation, including the optical components and the simple PCSA ellipsometer, the rotating polarizer and analyzer, polarization modulation, and multichannel methods. Current applications are described for SiO2 films (by Eugene A. Irene of the U. of North Carolina) and for generalized ellipsometry (by Mathias Schubert of the U. Leipzig in Germany) in chapters that include discussion of theory. New developments such as VUV ellipsometry, spectroscopic infrared, and applications in the life sciences are the topics of the final chapters. Each chapter concludes with a bibliography

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 870

Добавлена в каталог: 30.06.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$\mathrm{Al}_2\mathrm{O}_3}$      689 690 694 714 716 745
$\mathrm{D}_2$ lamp      495 727
$\mathrm{MgF}_2$      116 439 495 723 724 727 745
$\mathrm{SiO}_2$      87 254 478 735 748 755
$\mathrm{SiO}_4$ tetrahedra      572 599
$\mathrm{Si}-\mathrm{SiO}_2$, interface      569 581 601 603 609 612 615 619 634 636
$\mathrm{TiO}_2$      685 713 714 716 740 745 751
a-Si      101 146 159 164 168 179 185 186 187 188 189 191 192 193
Abeles matrices      247 248 250 251
Absorbing solids      110 119 123 229
Absorption      76 78 88 94 99 107 120 123 128 136 138 143 149 155 159 162 165 169 172 174 179 180 186 194 196 201 205 227 234 256 260 494 659 683 696 698 723 725 727 733 739 741 745 748 749 757
Absorption coefficient      99 101 107 143 156 159 162 172 174 284 589 776 811
Absorption ellipsoids      120 123
Absorption tensor      120
Accuracy      3 13 16 44 251 254 255 259 435 466 467 476 478 482 494 496 497 685 689 697 729
Achromatic compensator      485 496
Acquisition time      486 489 490 494 495 509
Adsorption kinetics      800 806 822 830 851
Airy formula      246
Albumin      805 810 813 816 830 833 839 843 846 848 851
Aluminum      98 100 159 164 173 177 209 220 221 224 716
Ambient light      342 363 498
Amorphous      29 101 143 159 164 170 178 184 189 190 191 193 228 233 253 254 256 760
Amorphous materials      29 253 255 274 295
Amorphous semiconductor      144 160 180 189 278
Amorphous silicon      101 146 159 164 253 271 413
Amorphous silicon-germanium      101 159
Analyzer offset      522 523 534 544 557 558
Anisotropic      3 10 28 102 105 110 114 119 121 123 128 137 157 167 227 238 241 244 245 248 249 250 252 451 454 461 462 637 646 647 650 651 658 670 671 676 680 684 685 688 691 692 695 696 701 705 711 713 740
Anisotropic layered structures      637 652
Anisotropic layered systems      637
Anisotropic materials      3 28 102 238 251 285 562 650 652 685 710 715
Anisotropic sample      245 426 454 462 637 640
Anisotropic solids      105 110 114 119 123 128 137
Anisotropic systems      248 637
Anomalous dispersion      160
Anti-reflective      741 743
Arachidic acid      812 847
Arbitrarily oriented anisotropy      638
Archer      480
Array detector      342 357 481 496 499 502 505 524 541 547 562
Artifact minimization      96
ATR      136
Attenuated total reflection      136
Azimuth modulation currents      485
Azimuthal alignment errors      266
b-casein      839 853
b-lactoglobulin      841
Babinet — Soleil      117
Babinet — Soleil compensator      311 349 426
Backside effects      676 680 682 685
Band gap      128 145 179 180 189 196 203 211 229 253 254 259 689 696 697 698
Band structure      94 97 99 150 153 176 201 202 207 209 210 211 213 217 220 227 229 234 258 695 733 749
Band structure critical points      153
bandgap      6 97 145 161 179 194 212 502 514 727 749 753
Barrier energies      608
Barrier heights      608 610
Basis function      457 463 469 472 473 476
Basis function coefficients      466 469 472
Basis set      463 465
Berek compensator      314
Berreman effect      787 791 793
Berreman equation      249
Berreman matrix      249
BESSY      721 726 739 740 749
Beta-lactoglobulin      839
Biaxial      29 113 117 120 123 638 650 651 657 661 663 669 672 683 696 697 702 713 714 716
Bioadsorption      801 821 826
Biocompatibility      833
Bioellipsometry      802
Biofouling      837 853
Biolayer      803 806 817 819
Biological      800 804 816 819 824 827 832 835 843 846 848 853
Biomolecule      800
Biosensor      844 854
Birefringence      28 110 116 120 128 439 479 480 638 650 651 653 671 672 678 679 684 695 713 727 728 740 746
Birefringent      110 480 652 653 655 684 691 702 710 726 746 747
Birefringent crystal      309 316
Bloch wavefunctions      138 144 146
Bond polarizability      573
Booker quartic      652
Bound charges      20
Bound electrons      141 176 177
Bovine serum albumin      810 813 839 846 848 851
Brewster      75 78 87 677 678 691 725
Brewster angle      75 78 80 87 282 391 676 690 768 774 780 793 796
Brewster condition      725
Brillouin zone      148 152 155 194 221 696
Broadening energy      146 160 179 260
Broadening parameter      166 168 195 197 200 202 205 216 224 259
Bruggeman      191 192 261
Bruggeman effective medium approximation      273 287 289 616
Bruggeman EMA      261 813 817 840
c-Si      284 412 573 591
Calcite crystal      301
Calibrating      13
Calibration      435 445 461 469 474 476 477 480 483 497 502 505 508 509 511 513 517 519 520 646 701 702 713
Calibration sample      519 545
Canada balsam      305
Cauchy      25 255 441 445 470 471 683 694 706 708 739
Cauchy expansion      255 445 470
Causality      20 22 24 100 124
Charge density      20 103 131 175 655
Chi-by-eye      263
Chiral biaxial films      663
Chiral liquid crystal      646 670 684 702 711
Cholesteric liquid crystal      664 714
Chromium      743
Circular birefringence      110 121 124 552 561
Circular polarizations      8 36 39 42 46 57 124
Classical Drude models      172
Clausius — Massotti formula      599
Coalesced film regime      225
Collimated beam      18
Compensator      10 16 433 469 483 485 497 502 513 647 677 679 682 691 701 713
Complex conductivity      21 24 31
Complex dielectric function      31 94 108 119 125 138 159 172 209 227 252 254 697 732
Complex optical conductivity      99 108 130
Complex permittivity      4 21 29
Complex reflection coefficients      238 239 241 246 251
Complex refractive index      5 24 26 29 67 70 246 247 252 734 735
Compound quarter-wave plate      326
Conduction band      101 144 148 155 165 169 175 176 179 696 698 700 732 733 749
Conduction band electrons      609
Conduction band states      101 144 146 148 157 165 695 732
Conduction electron current      109
Conduction electrons      101 104 108 126 163 166 227
Conductivity      20 24 53 99 105 130 651 689
Confined electron systems      159 164
consistency checks      529 551
Constructive interference      319
Convergence routines      268
Correlated errors      270 273 275
Correlated parameters      271 275
Correlation coefficients      99 228 475
Critical point      98 151 169 179 182 194 195 197 200 205 213 214 216 219 220 228 253 258 737
Critical point features      253
Cross correlation coefficients      270
Cross-polarization      241 244 245 248 474 479 644
Cross-polarization ratios      244
Cross-polarization reflection coefficients      241 248
Crystal-quartz      438
Crystalline protrusions      619
Crystalline quartz      316
Crystalline silicon      190 197 202 509
CuPt-ordered films      672 697
Current densities      19 103
Damping parameter      166
dangling bonds      603
Dark current      490 493 498
Data analysis      93 102 237 238 239 255 435 466 475 488 499 637 646 676 678 680 682 690 729 751
Data collection      483 502 504 513 637 727
Data reduction      458 461 482 483 497 502 505 519 520
Degree of polarization      16 58 62 65 520 723
Dental plaque      839
Depolarization      16 18 65 78 87 132 240 241 245 450 453 478 479 639 676 678 729 745
Depolarization effects      16 18 266 290 295 453 678 745
Depolarization elements      450
Depolarize      66 239 240 241 243
Depolarizing      458 642
Depolarizing elements      59
Detection systems      489 497 498 501
Detector dark current      339 493 498
Detector elements      481
Detector noise      386 388 390
Detector polarization      341 344 488 497 524
Deuterium      495 727
Dextro-rotatory crystal      122
diamond      498 749 758
Diamond-like      749
Dichroism      100 110 120 123 128 479 480 751
Dielectric function      21 24 28 93 96 100 102 105 107 110 127 131 137 141 146 150 154 160 163 166 175 188 192 197 200 209 213 214 216 225 227 251 255 257 509 650 659 665 670 672 674 676 678 686 689 697 703 710 713
Dielectric tensor      27 100 102 110 112 114 119 121 123 138 157 651 659
Diffraction grating      318 768
Diffraction orders      435
Diffusivity      582 594 612
Digital waveform analysis      466
Digitization speeds      449
Direct band edges      260
Direct band-gap      260
Direct interband transitions      101 109 125 144 146 148 175 176 225
dispersion      5 21 91 100 124 129 131 138 155 160 227 232 234 477 501 699 700 735 737 741
Dispersion equation      5
dispersion relation      135 739 741 795
Dispersion relationships      124 132 134
DLC      749
DNA      830 845 854
Double refraction      301 327
Doubly refracting crystal      302
Driving element      436 440
Drude      100 125 129 138 159 166 172 176 221 222 228 232 233 255
Drude expression      255
Drude formulas      174
Drude free electron      129 138 166
Drude Free Electron Model      129
Drude model      125 129 172
Drude theory      130
DTGS      775
Dual-beam photoconductive spectroscopy      186
Dual-rotating compensator      550 552
Dynode bias voltage      447
Effective mass theorem      158
Effective medium      166 191 192 225 226 261 685
Effective medium approximation      260 262 290 812
Electric charges      4 99
Electric field intensity      6 19 22 27
Electric induction      23
Electric intensity vector      33 73
Electric susceptibility      23 108 124
Electrical isolation      569
Electro-optic modulators      435
Electrochemical interface      803 853
Electromagnetic theory      4 99
Electron cyclotron resonance      595 625
Electron relaxation times      97
Electron tunneling      621
Electron-impurity scattering      147
Electron-phonon coupling      154
Electron-phonon scattering      147
Electronic states      94 97 100 138 144 148 150 153 169 570 574 602 610 629
Electronic transitions      97 101 142 146 178 194 195 197 198 200 207 211 212 228 721 732 740 749 754 755
Ellipsometric period      576 588
Elliptic polarizer      50 58 60
Ellipticity angle      34 42 44 57 62 520
EMA      261 685 689
Endpoint detection      482
Energy flux      31 40
Error analysis techniques      237
Euler angles      658 659 683 686 689 703 710
EUV      721 724 725 726 757
Exact numerical inversion      95
Extraordinary ray      302 304 310 316
Fabry — Perot resonators      683
Faraday cell      111 483 485
Faraday cell modulation      483
Faraday modulators      434 435
Fast and slow axes      11 52 66
Fatty acid      802
feedback loop      482
Ferritin      806 830 832 840 848 852
Ferrocholesteric      650
Ferrosmectic      650
Fiber optics      450 491 727
Fibrinogen      833 835 841 843
Figure of merit      238 239
Figure of merit function      238 264 268 270
fill factor      806 812 814
Film formation kinetics      588
Film stress      597 599
Fine-grain polycrystalline      286
Finite band widths      237
Fitted data representation      237
Fitting algorithms      238 239 475
Fluorocarbons      743
FNCO      623 630
Focused beam      564
Forouhi and Bloomer amorphous model      272
Forouhi and Bloomer approximation      256 463 480 488 492 505 713
Forouhi and Bloomer model      273 280
Fourier analysis      336 347 355 463 480 488 492 505 712
Fourier coefficients      15 42 246 468 469 488 492 504 505 511 512 514 515 520 522 682 683 691
Fourier transform      15 461 462 466 493
Fractal analysis      625
Free charge carriers      20
Free current density      104
Free electrons      104 129 131 136 163 177 223 227
Free-electron contribution      175 176
Free-electron densities      97
Free-electron metals      125
Free-electron oscillations      132 177
Free-electron plasma energy      167
Free-electron systems      172 175
Frequency-dependent dielectric function      127
Fresnel equations      95 509
Fresnel reflection coefficients      246 247 734
Fresnel rhomb      313 326 770
Functionalization      800 803
Fundamental bandgap      97
Fundamental dielectric response      143
Fundamental gap      732
Fused quartz      438
Fused silica      136 253 441
g-globulin      839 848
GaAS      101 159 168 178 194 207 209 216 652 695 698 699 701 717 732 733 740
Gallium arsenide      100 101 159 168 209
Gallium-aluminum arsenide      98
Gallium-arsenide      100
Gate dielectric      721 726
Gaussian broadening      147 152 197 211 216 220
Gaussian lineshape function      195
Gaussian oscillators      739 740
ge      146 150 189 637 644 656 657 671 672 675 677 682 684 688 689 692 693 695 697 698 701 710 711 717
Generalized Critical Point Model      197 206 220
Generalized Ellipsometry      277 295 426 480 637 641 643 645 647 649 651 653 655 657 659 661 663 665 667 669 671 673 675 677 679 681 683 687 689 691 693 695 697 699 701 703 705 707 709 711 717 747 751 754 802 821
Generalized Oscillator Model      195 201 202 204 205
Germanium      100 146 159
Glan — Foucault      119
Glan — Taylor      306 347
Glan — Thompson      119
Glan — Thompson prism      306
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