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Tompkins H.G., Irene E.A. — Handbook of Ellipsometry
Tompkins H.G., Irene E.A. — Handbook of Ellipsometry

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Название: Handbook of Ellipsometry

Авторы: Tompkins H.G., Irene E.A.


Fifteen contributors in industry and universities in the US, Sweden, Germany, and the Czech Republic have written on the latest developments and applications of ellipsometry. The theory of ellipsometry, the optical physics of materials, and data analysis for spectroscopic ellipsometry are described at length. Subsequent chapters concern instrumentation, including the optical components and the simple PCSA ellipsometer, the rotating polarizer and analyzer, polarization modulation, and multichannel methods. Current applications are described for SiO2 films (by Eugene A. Irene of the U. of North Carolina) and for generalized ellipsometry (by Mathias Schubert of the U. Leipzig in Germany) in chapters that include discussion of theory. New developments such as VUV ellipsometry, spectroscopic infrared, and applications in the life sciences are the topics of the final chapters. Each chapter concludes with a bibliography

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 870

Добавлена в каталог: 30.06.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Prism spectrograph      487 490 501
Propagation      3 5 12 28 33 45 53 55 59 80 85 99 102 105 110 114 116 119 132 135 227 246 247 480 638 639 642 643 647 650 652 659 661 668 692 703 713
Propagation of light      99 102
Protein      801 805 810 812 814 817 825 828 830 835 837 840 845 848 850
Protein monolayer      806
Proteoheparan sulfate      843
Protrusions      614 617 627
PSA      10 16 433 442 443 445 450 454 458 460 462 471 478
PSCA      12 14
Pseudo dielectric function      591
Pseudo-dielectric function      282 285 509 756
Pseudodielectric function      753
psg      241 433 434 442 443 445 450 454 458 460 462 472 478
Ptolemy      321
Putidaredoxin      841 850
Pyroelectric detector      775
Pyrolytic carbon      819 850
Quantum mechanical, concepts      53 178
Quantum mechanical, description      5 53 100 168
Quantum mechanical, features      100
Quantum mechanical, model      100 103 178 207 227
Quantum mechanical, principles      97 101 137 159 234
Quantum mechanical, theories      137
quantum mechanics      9 91 232 234 254 164
Quantum nature      6
Quantum theory of solids      138 157
Quarter-wave plate      299 308 315 322
Quartz      117 121 438 439 511 727 728
RAE      15 469 638 639 646 723 726 727 729
Random errors      237 265 268 270 276 278 284 474
Read-time errors      499
Real-time analysis      481 482
Real-time control      482
Real-time ellipsometry      352 356 358 386 482 492 578 580 596 623
Real-time feedback      482
real-time monitoring      482
Real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry      164 171 333 335 346 357 387 389 429 483 487 510 562
Reflectance      12 16 77 81 85 89 101 136 146 159 162 167 172 174 175 177 180 186 187 188 189 222 227 229 452 504 505 508 509 517 520 644 656 675 715 724 725 726 732 734 735 737
Reflection grating      320
Reinberg algorithm      784 790
Residual function      511 512 514 515 521 522
Residual-function      511 513 514 520
Resonance energy      160 166 168 179 195 196 200 201
Resonance frequencies      129 164
Resonance quality factor      436
Response functions      19 125
Retardation      13 43 63 433 438 454 455 457 462 463 469 471 477 480 647 648 649 682
Retardation plate      309 311 371 374
Retarder      8 10 17 43 52 66 440 729 730 745 747
Right handed      702
Right-handed      33 54 640 642 664 697 112
RMS roughness      625
Rochon      116 495 511 723 727
Rochon polarizer      347 373 394 411 413 416 418 511 723 727
Rotating analyzer      17 93 239 245 264 285 293 314 323 325 331 336 338 341 343 349 360 365 367 374 378 385 389 394 397 401 411 414 418 424 426 469 488 523 712 724 726 763 765 821 826
Rotating analyzer, ellipsometry      265 285 350 401 712
Rotating compensator      326 426 433 469 497 523 528 535 542 546 550 552 563 826
Rotating element,ellipsometer      434
Rotating element,ellipsometers      336 343 433 449 452 462 463 469 470 475
Rotating filter      494
Rotating polarizer      239 245 314 324 329 331 335 339 349 353 355 357 361 367 369 371 373 375 377 381 387 389 391 401 403 405 407 409 415 417 419 421 423 425 431 469 488 497 502 504 509 519 563 646 723 727
Rotating polarizer,ellipsometer      342 378 381 396 398 402
Rotating-analyzer, multichannel ellipsometer      523
Rotating-compensator      483 502 513 523 529 531 539 542 545 553 558 562 647 712
Rotating-polarizer, multichannel ellipsometry      498 514 520 523
Roughness measurements      625
RPE      15 469 646 727 729
Rutile      684 685 692 714 716 751
Sample depolarization      240 289 292 478
SAPpHiRe      678 684 689 690 694 703 714 716 727 728 751
Self-assembled hexadecanethiol      847
Self-calibration      534 545 554
Self-compensating      483 485 486 487 489 490 493 494 496 497
Self-compensating instrument      339 340 486 489 494
Sellmeier      128 255 738 739
Sellmeier approximation      254 270 283
Semiconductor alloys      98 259 260 695 715
Semiconductor analysis      94
Semiconductor critical point      151
Semiconductor or dielectric criterion      96
Semiconductors      100 104 125 128 131 138 144 150 157 159 164 170 178 179 181 182 194 200 201 211 220 228 229 231 253 259 479 481 514 661 684 696 712 714 721 732 756 760
Short Wavelength Ellipsometry      722
Shot noise      494
Si oxidation kinetics      581 594 601 603 608 612
SIC      740 751
Signal averaging      486 501 502
Silicon      6 80 88 100 146 159 164 167 180 184 186 190 191 193 194 201 224 254 259 462 478 480 509 701 710 717 724 735 743 745
Silicon carbide      743 818
Silicon dioxide      717 738 809 815 825 831 839 848
Silicon nitride      271
Silicon oxynitride      849
Silicone rubber      782 787 789
Silver      89 100 159 164 175 223 509
Simple quarter-wave plate      308 310 312
Single crystal silicon      412
Single-crystalline bulk materials      95
Single-plate compensator      525
Single-wavelength ellipsometry      309 324 483 721
Snellius      778
Sodium dodecyl sulfate      839
Source polarization      488 489 492 497 506 519 723
Spatial dispersion      22 124 129 155
Spectroscopic immersion ellipsometry      614
Static retardation      439 442 455 457 462 469 477 480
Statistical analysis      205 220 238
Steam oxidation      584
Steepest descent method      268
Stepper motor      322
Stokes vector      56 61 63 242 442 445 452 502 520
Stokes vector spectroscopy      502
Stokes vectors      12 45 56 59 64 435 442 458
Stokes — Mueller formalism      766
Strain rate      612
Strain-induced retardation      439 471
Stray light sources      344 494
Stress      32 254 438 439 479 480 696
Stress-optic coefficients      253
Strong oscillator      780 787 791
Sub-stoichiometric      743
Supercholesteric      650
Surface cleaning      95 98
Surface electronic state      570
Surface mass density      805 809 816 829 846 854
Surface oxides      254 689
Surface plasmons      132
Surface reconstructions      285
Surface roughness      95 190 237 254 478 685 689
Surface wave      787 794
SWE      309 317 324 585 593 605 625
Sylvester — Lagrange theorem      652
Synchrotron      721 725 726
Synchrotron radiation      723 725 775
Systematic errors      238 461 474 475 646
Tabulated data      253 254
Tauc energy gap      258
Tauc expression      180 257
Tauc formulation      257
Tauc gap      180 182 205
Tauc Law      146
Tauc — Lorentz      180 181 229 258 738 739 740
Tauc — Lorentz amorphous model      273
Tauc — Lorentz formulation      257
Tauc — Lorentz model      258 272 275 279 287
Teflon      407 784 823
Temperature      94 98 113 130 153 156 164 167 169 178 180 186 192 200 201 206 220 221 223 224 228 230 436 462 477 482 497 498 509 702 713
Tetradecyltrimethylammoni umbromide      839
Thermal oxidation      581 597 599 606 608 611 620 623 626 629 849
Thermal oxidation rate      608
Thick $\mathrm{SiO}_2$ films      585 588
Thickness period      735
Thin $\mathrm{SiO}_2$ films      576 579 588 599 619 623
Thin film materials      94 164 179 253
Thin-film silicon      286 295
Thiol chemistry      827 831
Tilting-compensator      326
Tilting-plate compensator      314
Time-varying birefringence      316
Titanium      743
Titanium nitride      743
Total internal reflection      305 313 347 824 837 850 852
Tourmaline      301
Tracking      646
Trajectories      576 588 619
Transmission      12 41 49 60 63 67 72 84 94 109 188 435 452 495 504 513 639 644 653 654 656 657 678 679 691 692 694 695 698 700 704 708 713 714 721 725 726 729 740 741 744 745 751
Transmission coefficients      72 85 334 366 537 539 680
Transmission grating      319
Transverse electric (TE) mode      30
Transverse electromagnetic wave      4
Transverse magnetic (TM) mode      30
Triglycerides      830 838
Trypsin      838
Tunneling current      748
Twisted nematic liquid crystals      664
Two-modulator PMEs      467 470 472
Two-modulator systems      467 470 472 476 477
Two-zone measurement      461
Tycho Brahe      321
Ultra thin film regime      602
Unbiased estimator      263 597
Uncorrelated errors      475
Uniaxial      29 113 117 122 124 249 250 646 650 651 661 664 672 677 683 685 688 690 691 693 694 696 701 703 704 706 713
Urbach tail      180 184 192
Valence band states      146 696
Valine gramicidin A      812
Van Hove singularities      98 151
Vernier      321 328
Viscous flow model      578 598
Voltage waveform      465
Volume plasmons      133
VUV ellipsometry      721 729 731 735 737 739 743 747 751 753 755 759 761
Wave equation      27
Wave plate      309 316 799
Waveform analysis      461 466 467
Waveform digitizer      448
Wavelength calibration      267 477 511
Wavelength errors      266
Wavelength spread      266 477
Wavenumber      763 769 774 779 781 784 788 792 794
Weak oscillator      779 787 790
Window      492 500 705 727
Wire grid      768
WKB approximation      252
Wollaston prism      449 450
Zero order beam      319
Zero-order quarter-wave plate      310
Zone-averaging      646
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