Книга | Страницы для поиска |
Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 52.D |
Lang S. — Algebra | 134 |
MacLane S. — Categories for the working mathematician | 122 |
Adamek J., Herrlich H., Stecker G.E. — Abstract and Concrete Categories - The Joy of Cats | 7.77 ff |
Pareigis B. — Categories and functors | 20 |
MacLane S., Moerdijk L. — Sheaves in Geometry and Logic | 11 |
Lavendhomme R. — Basic Concepts of Synthetic Differential Geometry | 284 |
Deitel H.M. — C++ How to Program | |
Stenstroem B. — Ring of quotients. Introduction to methods of ring theory | 83 |
Sketches — A supplement for Category theory for computing science | 57 |
Freyd P. — Abelian categories. Introduction to theory of functors | 19 |
Barr M., Wells C. — Toposes, Triples and Theories | 23, 32 |
Goldblatt R. — Topoi | 76 |
Tennison B.R., Hitchin N.J. (Ed) — Sheaf Theory | 40 |
Tamme G. — Introduction to Etale Cohomology | 1 |
Geroch R. — Mathematical physics | 7 |
Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics | 52.D |
Lawvere F.W., Schanuel S.H. — Conceptual Mathematics: A First Introduction to Categories | 335ff |
Borceux F. — Handbook of Categorical Algebra 3 | I.132 |
Jacobs B. — Categorical Logic and Type Theory | 19 |
Pedicchio M. C., Tholen W. — Categorical Foundations: Special Topics in Order, Topology, Algebra, and Sheaf Theory | III.109 |
Johnstone P.T. — Sketches of an Elephant: A Topos Theory Compendium | A1.3.1 |
Stenstrom B. — Rings of quotients: an introduction to methods of ring theory | 83 |
Borceux F. — Handbook of Categorical Algebra: Categories and Structures, Vol. 2 | I.147 |
Borceux F. — Handbook of Categorical Algebra: Categories and Structures, Vol. 2 | I.147 |
Abramsky S., Gabbay D.M., Maibaum T.S.E. — Handbook of Logic in Computer Science: Volume 5: Logic and Algebraic Methods | 80 |
Arbib M.A., Manes E.G. — Arrows structures and functors. The categorical imperative | 36 |
Lang S. — Algebra | 134 |
Borceux F. — Handbook of Categorical Algebra, Volume 1: Basic Category Theory | 132 |
Tamme G. — Introduction to Étale Cohomology | 1 |
Metcalf M., Reid J. — Fortran 90, 95 explained | 28, 123—125 |
Geroch R. — Mathematical physics | 7 |
Szabo M. E. — Algebra of proofs | 194 |
Geroch R. — Mathematical physics | 7 |
Schwartz N., Madden J.J. — Semi-algebraic Function Rings and Reflectors of Partially Ordered Rings | 28 |
Bucur I., Deleanu A. — Introduction to the Theory of Categories and Functors (Pure & Applied Mathematics Monograph) | 7 |