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Jacobs B. — Categorical Logic and Type Theory |
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Above 26 28
Abstraction condition 479
Action of an internal diagram 431 564
Action of an internal diagram, monoid 70
Adjunction xiv
Adjunction in 84
Adjunction in Fib 93
Adjunction, fibred 83
Adjunction, fibred, split 84
Adjunction, internal 418
Adjunction, map of -s 89
Adjunction, map of -s, pseudo 91
Adjunction, semi- 157 454
Admissible subset of a complete lattice 300
Admissible subset of a directed complete partial order 203
ALF 582 598
Algebra 7
Algebra of a functor 161
Algebra of a monad 80 433
Algebra of a signature 66
Algebra of a signature with predicates 235
Algebra, boolean xvi 167 242
Algebra, cylindric 242
Algebra, Heyting xvi
Algebra, partial 132 189
Almost epic 358
Almost equivalence relation 384 390
Almost monic 358
Ambient category 409
Arrow category 28
Arrow fibration in 551
Arrow fibration in Fib 555
Arrow object in 549
Arrow object in Fib 553
AUTOMATH 582 598
Axiom of Choice 47 50 106 708
Axiom of Choice in a fibration 271
Axiom of Choice in a regular category 271
Axiom of Choice in dependent type theory 596 600
Axiom of choice, countable 405
Axiom rule 172
BA see “Boolean algebra”
Balanced category 345
Beck — Chevalley condition 86 88 94 97 191
Bicartesian closed category 143
BiCCC see “Bicartesian closed category”
Bidense morphism 358 365
Bifibration 511 512 521
Bisimulation 532
Boolean algebra xvi 167 242
Bounded family of finite sets 572
Bounded family of partial equivalence relations 579
Brouwer — Heyting — Kolmogorov interpretation 137 596
Calculus of constructions 647 684
Calculus of constructions, extended 691
Calculus of inductive definitions 691
Calculus of predicates 663
Calculus, - xv
Calculus, - 134
Calculus, - 140
Calculus, - 138
Calculus, - 446
Calculus, - 448
Calculus, - 446
Canonical quotient map 292
Carrier of a co-algebra of a functor 161
Carrier of an algebra of a functor 161
Carrier of an algebra of a signature 66
Cartesian closed category xii
Cartesian closed fibration 81 426
Cartesian closed internal category 419
Cartesian closed, locally 39 81 343 564 583 627 702
Cartesian closed, relatively 610 623
Cartesian functor 74
Cartesian lifting 27
Cartesian morphism 27
Cartesian morphism, weak 30
Cartesian product xiii
Cartesian product in a fibration (in ) 520
Cartesian product in a fibration (in Fib) 93 471 520
Cartesian product type 138
Cartesian product, internal 418 429
Category (fibred) over 27
Category with families 622
Category, - 155
Category, -, non-extensional 157
Category, - 149 566
Category, ambient 409
Category, arrow 28
Category, base 26
Category, classifying of a signature 124
Category, classifying of an algebraic specification 185
Category, classifying, - 135
Category, classifying, - 139
Category, coherent 266
Category, comma 55 57 79 515 548
Category, complete 102
Category, comprehension 539 583 613
Category, comprehension over a fibration 666
Category, comprehension with unit 616
Category, comprehension, closed 625 715
Category, comprehension, family 618 636
Category, comprehension, full 613
Category, comprehension, identity 614 627 637
Category, comprehension, regular subobject 683
Category, comprehension, simple 614 627
Category, comprehension, subobject 614 683
Category, D- 274
Category, display map 610
Category, distributive 63 323 522
Category, Eilenberg — Moore 46
Category, Eilenberg — Moore, fibred 80
Category, exact 297
Category, extensive 62
Category, fibre 26
Category, fibred 27
Category, indexed 50
Category, indexed, opposite 112
Category, indexed, split 51
Category, internal 7 10 408
Category, internal, Cartesian closed 419 426
Category, internal, discrete 411 429 434
Category, internal, finite 411
Category, internal, full 412 423 424 429 470 490 492 564 614 701 702
Category, internal, full, in a fibration 563
Category, internal, indiscrete 421
Category, internal, preorder 414
Category, Kleisli 46 80 117 130 205 494
Category, Kleisli, fibred 80 494
Category, locally small xiii 4 428 558
Category, logical 266
Category, opposite xiii
Category, opslice 30 292 511 518
Category, opslice, simple 512 518
Category, receiving 119
Category, regular 257
Category, slice 19 28
Category, slice, simple 19 41 165
Category, small xiii 410 423 430
Category, total 26
Category, well-powered 351
Cauchy reals 290
CCC see “Cartesian closed category”
CCompC see “Closed comprehension category”
CHA see “Complete Heyting algebra”
Change-of-base 56
Change-of-base functor 48
Change-of-base situation 57
Characteristic morphism 15 335
CHARITY 163 457
| Church numeral 456 459
Church — Rosser property 7
Church — Rosser property for dependent type theory 592
Church — Rosser property for polymorphic type theory 442
Church — Rosser property for simple type theory 134
Church’s thesis 402
Classical logic, xvi 224 270 337 358 365
Classifying category of a signature 124
Classifying category of an algebraic specification 185
Classifying category, - 135
Classifying category, - 139
Classifying Eq-fibration 201
Classifying fibration in polymorphic type theory 482
Classifying fibration in predicate logic 234 278 299 323
Classifying morphism 335
Cleavage 49
Closed comprehension category 625 715
Closed in a topological space 209
Closed in the Scott topology 153
Closed, -, in Eff 389
Closed, down 204
Closed, j-, for a nucleus j 355
Closure 355 642
Closure, fibration of -s 643 695
Closure, internal category of -s 644
Cloven fibration 49
Cloven opfibration 511
Co-algebra 7
Co-algebra of a comonad 433
Co-algebra of a functor 161
Co-induction 526
Co-induction assumption, as co-algebra 532
Co-induction proof principle, in a fibration 532
Cocomplete fibration 101
Code 33
Codiagonal xiv
Codomain fibration 28 193 431 439 551 560 627
Coequaliser in a fibration 303
Cofibration 510
Coherence conditions 50
Coherent category 266
Coherent fibration 233 234 239 241 266
Coherent logic 227
Coherent specification 227
Comma category 55 57 79 515 548
Comma fibration in 549
Comma fibration in Fib 553
Comma object 547
Comma object in 549
Comma object in Fib 552
Commutation conversion for coproduct types 141
Commutation conversion for quotient types 289
Commutation conversion for sum types 454
Commutation conversion for weak dependent sum types 593
Comonad 46 168 433 494 535
Comonad, fibred 494
Comonad, weakening and contraction 536
Complete category 102
Complete category, small 439 467
Complete distributivity 105
Complete fibration 101
Complete fibration, small 439
Complete Heyting algebra xvi 239 269 331 376
Complete lattice xvi 300
Completeness of algebraic equational logic, in a category 186
Completeness of equational logic, in a fibration 208
Completeness of predicate logic, in a fibration 249
Comprehension 13 274
Comprehension category 539 583 613
Comprehension category from a full internal category 614
Comprehension category lifted along a fibration 544
Comprehension category over a fibration 666
Comprehension category with unit 616
Comprehension category, closed 625 715
Comprehension category, family 618 635 636
Comprehension category, full 613
Comprehension category, hom-set 566
Comprehension category, identity 614 627 637
Comprehension category, regular subobject 683
Comprehension category, simple 614 627
Comprehension category, subobject 614 683
Comprehension in a fibration 616
Congruence 533
Conjunction 223
Connective 223
Conservative functor 265
Constructive logic xvi 237
constructor 160 162 456
context 2 121
Context kind 445
Context proposition 171 172 224
Context rules 171
Context type 171 224 445
Contraction 24 175 176
Contraction functor 176 190
Contraction functor wrt. a comprehension category 614
Contraction functor wrt. a weakening and contraction comonad 538
Contraction rule for propositions 172
Contraction rule for types 172
Contraction rule in dependent type theory 585
Contraction rule in simple type theory 122
Conversion 135 177
Conversion rule in dependent type theory 585
Conversion rule in higher order type theory 448
Coproduct xiv
Coproduct in a comprehension category, strong 624
Coproduct in a comprehension category, weak 624
Coproduct in a fibration 97
Coproduct in a fibration in 521
Coproduct in a fibration in Fib 521
Coproduct type 140
Coproduct type in polymorphic type theory 457
Coproduct type, definable 453 483
Coproduct type, disjoint 526
Coproduct type, strong 591
Coproduct type, universal 526
Coproduct type, weak 591
Coproduct with simple parameters 158
Coproduct wrt. a comprehension category 540
Coproduct wrt. a comprehension category, strong 677
Coproduct wrt. a comprehension category, very strong 678
Coproduct wrt. a weakening and contraction comonad 537
Coproduct, disjoint 59
Coproduct, disjoint in a fibration 533
Coproduct, distributive 63 90 158
Coproduct, distributive and Frobenius 105
Coproduct, simple in a fibration 94 427 541
Coproduct, simple in an internal category 419 427
Coproduct, simple T-, in a fibration 149 541
Coproduct, universal 58 266 637
Coproduct, universal in a fibration 533
Coprojection morphism xiv
Coprojection term 141
COQ 582 595 684 691
Cotuple xiv
Cover 260 350 355
Cover, collective 578
Cover, Freyd 57
CT-structure 42 153 494 541 611 670
CT-structure, fibred 557
Cut rule 172
Cylindric algebra 242
Cylindrification operation 242
D-category 274
Data type 7 162 456
Data type, proof principles for -s 526 532 533
dcpo see “Directed complete partial order”
Decidable partial equivalence relation 572
Decidable partial equivalence relation, family of -s, over -Sets 573
Decidable partial equivalence relation, family of -s, over Sets 572
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