Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Metcalf M., Reid J. — Fortran 90, 95 explained |
Предметный указатель |
15—17 174
a edit descriptor 209
abs 168
Abstract data type 4
access = specifier 223 227
Access code 71
acos 169
action = specifier 224 228
Actual, argument 76 77 96 104 238—240 244 290 293
Actual, procedure 86
advance = specifier 204 214 217
AINT 168
Alias 127
ALL 180
allocatable attribute 106 148 156 269
Allocatable component 272
allocatable statement 148
allocate statement 29 106—109
Allocation status 106 181
alphanumeric characters 9
Alternate return 292 293
ampersand 12 18
ANSI 2 3
ANY 180
Argument 69 76 82—87 244 292
Argument, intent 167
Argument, list 87 96 234 293
Arithmetic if statement 291 292
Array 23—30 103—130 142 243
Array, allocation 106
Array, argument 76 104 105
Array, assignment 48 113
Array, bounds 23 29 104
Array, constant 141
Array, constructor 25 91 128—129 140 141
Array, element 122
Array, element, order 24
Array, expression 47—48
Array, function 111
Array, section 25 28 122 123
Array, subobject 123—125
Array, subscript 27
Array-valued function 111 270
Array-valued object 25
ASCII standard 19 171
ASIN 169
Assembler 2
Assembly code 2
Assembly language 85
assign statement 295
Assigned go to 294
assignment statement 33 37—42 123 139
assignment(=) 95
Association 38 108 109 150
Association (of pointer) 79 82
Assumed character length 98 290
Assumed-shape array 104
Assumed-size array 238 239
atan 170
atan2 170
Attributes 149 226
Automatic array 105
Automatic data object 105
b edit descriptor 207 210
BACKSPACE statement 220
batch mode 195
Binary constant 15
Binary operation 47
Binary operator 33 40 44
Bit 129 176
Bit, manipulation procedure 176
blank = specifier 210 223 227
Blank, character 11 18 194 205
Blank, common 235 236
Blank, field 223
Block 55
bn edit descriptor 210 223
Bound 23 28 108 124 140 181
Branch 55 56
Branch, target statement 56 114
BYTE 15—17 19 129
bz edit descriptor 210 223
Call statement 72
Carriage control 203 204
case construct 59—61 293
case default statement 60
Chain 109
char 171
CHARACTER 9 18 19 26 27 287
character statement 157 289
Character, assignment 41 200
character, constant 199 201
Character, context 11
Character, expression 41 190 193
Character, function 170
Character, literal constant 17 18
character, set 9 29 33
Character, storage association 232
Character, storage unit 231
character, string 210
Character, substring 26
Character, variable 27 190 199 209
Character, varying length 6 105
Close statement 221 225
Coercion 36
Collating sequence 18 19
Colon editing 213
Comment line 11
commentary 11 287
Common block 234—237 242
common statement 234
Compiler 2 50 135
Complex, constant 199 201
Complex, exponentiation 36
Complex, literal constant 17
Complex, operand 36
Complex, values 208
Complex, variable 21
Component selector 22
Computed go to 288
Concatenation 41 173
conditional compilation 6
Conformance (of arrays) 47
Conformance (to Fortran standard) 3 7
Connection (of file) 219
Constant 13
Constant, expression 139
Constant, subobject of a 141
Constraint 8
Construct name 57—63
CONTAINS statement 71 72 75 193
Continuation, line 12 236 287
Continuation, mark 12 18
continue statement 65
cos 170
| cosh 170
CPU 2 185 219
cpu_time 185
Current record 204
cycle statement 63 292
d edit descriptor 242
Data abstraction 13
Data base 215
DATA statement 15 142 237 289
Data structure 21
Data transfer 216
Data type 13 14 29
date 185
DBLE 243
dead code 56
deallocate statement 107 109 110
Default character constant 210
Default real constant 15 16
Default real variable 21
Defined assignment 81 85 95 111 151
Defined operation 95
Defined operator 42 45 47 80 85 111 151
Defined variable 37
Definition 37
Definition (of pointer) 82
Deleted features 4 294
delim = specifier 224 228
Delimiter 17 18 200 224
Denormalized number 252
Deprecated features 231
Dereferencing 49
Derived type 21—24 29 43 192 209 213 232
Derived type, component 272
Derived type, definition 153
Derived type, literal constant 22
Descriptor 270
Designator 28 202
Dialect 2
dim argument 180
dim procedure 169
dimension attribute 23 104
Dimension statement 235 243
Dimensions of array 23
direct = specifier 227
Direct recursion 91
Direct-access file 214 215 221 223 227 228
Disassociation 38 109 184
Disc drive 195
Disc files 189
divide_by_zero 252
DO construct 61 66 128 139 242
do construct index 63 64
DO loop 294
Do While 242
Dot product 265
double precision statement 16 242
Dummy argument 76—81 95 96 98 104 148 149 167 238 239 290 293
Dummy argument, allocatable 270
Dummy, procedure 86
Dyadic operator 33
e edit descriptor 208 211
Edit descriptor 189 190 196 199 203 205—212
Elemental assignment 111
Elemental character function 170
elemental clause 120
Elemental function 168 169 262
Elemental mathematical function 169
Elemental numeric function 167
Elemental operation 111
Elemental procedure 111 120 122 166
Elemental subroutine 258
else if clause 58
else if statement 58
else statement 58
elsewhere statement 114
Embedded blanks 210 223
en edit descriptor 208 211
Enable construct 250
end = specifier 197 217 221
end do statement 61—65
end for all statement 118
end function statement 72
end if statement 57 296
end interface statement 84
end program statement 70
end select statement 59 60
End statement 66 70 75 193 288
end subroutine statement 72
end type statement 22 154
end where statement 114 115
endfile record 197 214 221
endfile statement 221 224
entry statement 239—240
eor = specifier 197 204 217
EQUIVALENCE statement 233 234 236
err = specifier 197—199 217 220—226
error recovery 198
es edit descriptor 208 211
exception 198
Exception, flags 255
Exception, handling 249
executable statement 56 239 289
exist = specifier 226
Existence (of files) 219 226
Exit statement 62 63
EXP 170
Explicit interface 84 85 88 93 104 111
Explicit-shape array 158
Exponent function 175
Exponent, letter 15 207 208 243
exponentiation 35 140
Expression 24 33 38
extent 24 125
external attribute 156
External medium 195
External representation 213
external statement 84—86 156
External subprogram 69 72 74
f edit descriptor 207 210 211
F progamming language 6
Field 190 287
FILE 189
file = specifier 222 226
File, control statements 220
Flags (IEEE) 252
fmt = specifier 197 199 217
forall construct 116 117
forall statement 116 118
form = specifier 223 227
Format, specification 190 192 197 199 205 206 210
Format, statement 193 206 214
formatted = specifier 227
Formatted, I/O 189 213
Formatted, output 198
Formatted, read 197
Fortran 2000 7 192 274
Fortran 77 3—7 187 238 242 289 291
Fortran 90 4
Fortran 95 5
Реклама |