Авторизация |
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Tamme G. — Introduction to Etale Cohomology |
Предметный указатель |
, 87
, 64
, 141
-torsion sheaf 150
-functor 9
-functor, morphism of -functors 10
-functor, universal 10
Abelian presheaf 25
Abelian sheaf 25
Additive category 3
Additive functor 4
Additive group 99
Adjoint 2 3
Adjoint, left adjoint 2
Amitsur complex 105
Artin spectral sequence 131
Artin — Schreier sequence 105
Associated sheaf 46
Base change 89 175 176
Big etale site 101
Brauer group 109
Canonical injection 1
Canonical topology 26
Category 1
Category of abelian sheaves 50
Category of coverings 37
Category of left G-sets 27
Category, abelian category 4
Category, additive category 3
Category, filtered 19
Category, pseudo filtered 19
Cech cohomology 33 39
Cech cohomology, spectral sequence for 58
Cochains 56
Cohomological 113
Cohomological dimension 151
Cohomological dimension of algebraic schemes 174
Cohomological dimension of curves 163
Cohomological spectral sequence 14
Cohomology, Cech 33 39
Cohomology, cohomology group 54
Cohomology, etale 86
Cohomology, group cohomology 55 56
Cohomology, local 145
Cohomology, relative 145
Coimage 4
Cokernel 4
Comparison lemma 75 78
Comparison theorem 174
Constant sheaf 99
Constant sheaf, locally 151
Constructible sheaf 155
Continuous G-set 28
Covariant -functor 9
Coverings 24
Coverings, category of 37
Decomposition theorem 140
Derived functor 11
Direct image 64 87
Divisors, sheaf of 111
Dominating morphism 1
Edge morphism 14
Effaceable functor 10
Effective epimorphism 26
Epimorphism 1
Epimorphism, effective 26
Epimorphism, universal effective 26
Equivalence of categories 2
Equivalence of topologies 74
Etale, big etale site 101
Etale, cohomology 86
Etale, cohomology of curves 157
Etale, essentially etale algebra 121
Etale, morphism 85
Etale, neighbourhood 116
Etale, restricted etale site 90
Etale, site 86
Etale, topos 86
Exact, left exact 5
Exact, right exact 5
Exact, sequence 5
Exact, sequence of terms of low degrees 15
Extension of sheaves 91
Faithfull, fully 2
Filtered category 19
Filtration 13
Final subcategory 20
Finitely presented morphism 90
Finiteness theorem 168 177
Five term exact sequence 15
Flabby sheaf 61
Flask sheaf 61
Flat morphism 85
Frobenius morphism 105
Fully faithful 2
functor 1
Functor, , 87
Functor, , 64
Functor, -functor 9
Functor, additive 4
Functor, effaceable 10
Functor, generator 7
Functor, isomorphism of functors 2
Functor, quasi-inverse 2
Functor, representable 3
Functor, right derived 11
Functor, spectral 14
G-set 27
G-set, continuous 28
Geometric point 114
Grothendieck topology 24
Henselian ring 121
Henselization 121
Henselization, strict 123
hilbert 90 107
Hochschild — Serre spectral sequence 72
Image 4
Image, direct 64 87
Image, inverse 65 87
Immersion 134
Induced G-module 66
Inductive limit 17
Inflation 72
Initial terms 13
Injective object 6
Injective object, sufficiently many 6
| Injective resolution 11
Integral morphism 130
Inverse image 65 87
Isomorphism of functors 2
Kernel 4
Kummer sequence 109
Left adj oint 2
Left exact 5
Leray spectral sequence 70 71
Limit terms 13
Limit, inductive 17
Limit, projective 1 7
Local cohomology groups 145
Locally constant sheaf 151
Locally finitely presented morphism 85
Mapping cylinder 137
Monomorphism 1
Monomorphism, dominating monomorphism 1
Morphism of -functors 10
Morphism of functors 2
Morphism of spectral sequences 13
Morphism of topologies 24
Morphism, additive 4
Morphism, adjoint 2
Morphism, edge 14
Morphism, effective epimorphism 26
Morphism, epimorphism 1
Morphism, etale 85
Morphism, finitely presented 90
Morphism, flat 85
Morphism, Frobenius 105
Morphism, integral 130
Morphism, locally finitely presented 85
Morphism, monomorphism 1
Morphism, quasi-compact 90
Morphism, quasi-separated 90
Morphism, universal effective epimorphism 26
Multiplicative group 99
Natural transformation 22
Noetherian topology 79
Picard group 107
Presheaf 23
Presheaf, abelian 25
Presheaf, representable 25
Presheaf, separated 47
Projective limit 17
Projective limit of schemes 125
Pseudofiltered category 19
refinement 37
Relative cohomology groups 145
Relative cohomology sequence 145
Representable functor 3
Representable presheaf 25
Resolution 11
Restricted etale site 90
Restriction map 72
Restriction of sheaves 90 91
Right derived functor 11
Right exact 5
Separated presheaf 47
Sequence, Artin — Schreier 105
Sequence, exact 5
Sequence, exact sequence of low degree 15
Sequence, five term exact sequence 15
Sequence, Kummer 109
Sequence, relative cohomology 145
Sequence, spectral 13
Sequence, trivial spectral sequence 16
Shapiro's Lemma 72
Sheaf 23
Sheaf of -modules 100
Sheaf of divisors 111
Sheaf, -torsion 150
Sheaf, abelian 25 31
Sheaf, associated 46
Sheaf, constant 99
Sheaf, constructible 155
Sheaf, extension of 91
Sheaf, flabby 61
Sheaf, flask 61
Sheaf, locally constant 151
Sheaf, presheaf 23
Sheaf, restriction of 90
Sheaf, skyscraper 159
Sheaf, stalk 114
Sheaf, support of 120
Sheaf, torsion 146
Site 24
Site, etale 86
Site, restricted etale site 90
Skyscraper sheaf 159
Spectral functor 14
Spectral sequence 13
Spectral sequence for Cech cohomology 58
Spectral sequence, Artin 131
Spectral sequence, cohomological 14
Spectral sequence, exact sequence of low degree 15
Spectral sequence, Hochschild — Serre 72
Spectral sequence, initial terms 13
Spectral sequence, Leray 70 71
Spectral sequence, limit terms 13
Spectral sequence, morphism of 13
Spectral sequence, trivial 16
Stalk 114
Stalk of 127
Strict Henselization 123
Strictly local ring 124
Subobject 1
Sufficiently many rejective objects 6
Support 120
topology 23
Topology, canonical 26
Topology, covering 24
Topology, equivalence of topologies 74
Topology, Grothendieck topology 24
Topology, morphism of topologies 24
Topology, noetherian 79
Topos 86
Torsion sheaf 146
Torsion sheaf, -torsion 150
Transformation, natural 2
Transgression 72
Trivial spectral sequence 16
Universal -functor 10
Universal effective morphism 26
Vanishing of sheaves 135 143
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