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Поиск книг, содержащих: Hilbert scheme
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Sertoz S. — Algebraic Geometry | 367 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 16.S | Gross M., Huybrechts D., Joyce D. — Calabi-Yau Manifolds and Related Geometries: Lectures at a Summer School in Nordfjordeid, Norway, June 2001 | 157, 160 | Cox D., Katz S. — Mirror symmetry and algebraic geometry | 208, 282 | Harris J., Morrison I — Moduli of curves | 5, 6 | Mumford D., Fogarty J. — Geometric invariant theory | 21 | Friedman.R. — Algebraic Surfaces and Holomorphic Vector Bundles | 155, 164, 204 | Miller E., Sturmfels B. — Combinatorial Commutative Algebra | 21, 355 | Eisenbud D. — Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry | 364 | Joyce D.D. — Compact Manifolds with Special Holonomy | 166, 215 | Potier J.L. — Lectures on vector bundles | 65, 111, 195 | Le Bruyn L. — Noncommutative geometry | 320 | Eisenbud D. — Computations in Algebraic Geometry with Macaulay 2 | 91, 251 | Huybrechts D., Lehn M. — The Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Sheaves | 41, 92 | Debarre O. — Higher-Dimensional Algebraic Geometry | 116, 120, 135 | Sernesi E. — Topics of families of projective schemes | section 7 page 2 | Tevelev E. — Projectively dual varieties | 91 | Joyce D.D. — Riemannian holonomy groups and calibrated Geometry | 218 | Huybrechts D. — Fourier-Mukai Transforms in Algebraic Geometry | 191 | Ueno K., Kato G. — Algebraic Geometry 3: Further Study of Schemes (Translations of Mathematical Monographs Vol. 218) | 72, 80 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics | 16.S | Knutson D. — Algebraic Spaces | 2 | Lewis J.D. — CRM Monograph Series, vol.10: A Survey of the Hodge Conjecture | 99, 186, 227 | Iarrobino A., Kanev V. — Power Sums, Gorenstein Algebras, and Determinantal Loci | 42, 159, 212, 226 | Herzog B. — Kodaira-Spencer Maps in Local Algebra | 143 | Popp H. — Moduli Theory And Classification Theory Of Algebraic Varieties | 79 | Göttsche L. — Hilbert Schemes Of Zero-Dimensional Subschemes Of Smooth Varieties | 1—4 | Friedman R. — Algebraic Surfaces and Holomorphic Vector Bundles | 155, 164, 204 | Fantechi B., Kleiman S.L., Illusie L. — Fundamental Algebraic Geometry | 107, 108, 159, 166, 171 | Joyce D.D. — Compact manifolds with special holonomy | 166, 215 | Friedman R., Morgan J.W. — Smooth four-manifolds and complex surfaces | 33 | Hartshorne R. — Algebraic Geometry | 258, 349 | Vafa C., Zaslow E. — Mirror symmetry | 623, 625, 630 | Mumford D., Fogarty J., Kirwan F.C. — Geometric invariant theory | 21, 99 | Joyce D. — Riemannian Holonomy Groups and Calibrated Geometry (Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics) | 218 |