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Debarre O. — Higher-Dimensional Algebraic Geometry |
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, contraction of the extremal ray R 154 205
, exceptional locus of 28
, Fano index of the Fano variety X 133
, index of the normal variety X 178
, index of the pair 185
, canonical divisor of X 27 70 174
relative canonical divisor 71 73
, relative cone of curves for a morphism 11
, group of Cartier divisors on X modulo numerical equivalence 10
, group of 1-cycles on X modulo numerical equivalence 10
, tangent bundle to the smooth variety X 27
, Fermat hypersurface of degree d in 50
, the canonical model of X 174
, a minimal model of X 173
}$ 25 34 75 159
25 34 75 159
, linear equivalence 3
26 34 159
-equivalence 111 117
, multiplier ideal of the effective Q-divisor D 187
-equivalence 111 128 130 131
, closure of NE(X) 19
-ample divisor see divisor
-big divisor see divisor
-nef divisor see divisor
, Picard number of X 10 140 205 210
1-Cycle 4
1-cycle, numerically equivalent 10
Abelian surface 147
Abelian variety 76 78
Abundance conjecture 173 195
Albanese morphism 77
Albanese variety 76
Ample, -ample divisor see divisor
Base-point-free theorem 195
Bend-and-break 56 58 64 70 79
Big, -big divisor see divisor
Canonical algebra 170
Canonical divisor see divisor
Canonical model see model
Canonical singularities 177
Cartier divisor 2
Cone 149
Cone of curves 11
Cone theorem (singular case) 202
Cone theorem (smooth case) 144
Cone, extremal see extremal subcone
Cone, relative 11 154
Conic bundle 76
Constructible set 63 113 114 118
Contraction 13 27 154 156 157 195 205
Contraction Theorem 205
Contraction, divisorial 156 158 160 207
Contraction, fiber 207
Contraction, small 156 157 159 161 207
Curves, cone of 11
Curves, rational see rational curve
Curves, relative cone of 11
Divisor with simple normal crossings 183
Divisor, -ample 207
Divisor, -big 216
Divisor, -nef 181 182 216
Divisor, ample 13 16 19
Divisor, big 20 21 36
Divisor, canonical 27 70 174
Divisor, Cartier 2
Divisor, effective 3
Divisor, fractional part of a 183
Divisor, generically ample 69 74
Divisor, generically nef 69 74 77
Divisor, linearly equivalent 3
Divisor, nef 16—18
Divisor, nef R- 20
Divisor, numerically equivalent 10
Divisor, principal 3
Divisor, Q 4
Divisor, Q-Cartier 4
Divisor, R- 4
Divisor, ramification 28
Divisor, relative canonical 71 73
Divisor, round-up of a 183
Divisor, support of a 3
Divisor, supporting 153
Divisor, theta 188 219
Divisor, very ample 14 29
Divisor, Weil 4
Effective 1-cycle 4
Effective divisor 3
Equivalence, class 3
Equivalence, linear 3
Equivalence, numerical 10
Evaluation map 40
Exceptional locus 27
Extremal ray 23 26 27 144 147—149 157 160 203 205 214 217
Extremal ray, contraction of 2 35 153 154 157 158 195
Extremal ray, length of 156 164 210
Extremal ray, locus of 154
Extremal subcone 2 12 13 23 26 149 159
Fano variety see also variety
Fano variety have finitely many deformation types 134
Fano variety in positive characteristic 131
Fano variety is covered by rational curves 61
Fano variety is rationally chain-connected 130
Fano variety is rationally connected 107
Fano variety is simply connected 108
Fano variety with a positive Kaehler — Einstein metric 133
Fano variety with Picard number 1 has a very free curve 121
Fano variety, degree of a 132
Fano variety, Fano index of a 133
Fano variety, singular 135 136 207
Fano variety, transverse rational curves on a 80 82
Fermat hypersurface 38 41 49 52 93 99
Fibration 128
Fibration, rationally chain-connected 128
Flip 157 159 162 208 214
| FLOP 166 173
Free rational curve see rational curve
Frobenius morphism 11 55 61 62 67 72 81 82 119
Gauss map 77
Generic flatness 115
Generically ample divisor see divisor
Generically nef divisor see divisor
Hilb(X), Hilbert scheme of X 116
Hilbert polynomial 4 40 116
Hilbert scheme 116 120 135
Hironaka theorem see theorem
Hodge index theorem 36 60 66 69 134 181
Hodge theory 10 76 97 183
Index of a pair 185 195 197
Index of a variety 178 180
Intersection number 7
Kaehler — Einstein metric 134
Kleiman's criterion 19
Kodaira dimension 94
Length of an extremal ray see extremal ray
Leray spectral sequence 175 212 218
lg(B), length of a finite scheme B 45
Linearly equivalent divisors 3
Lines on a subvariety of a projective space 27 47 99
Locally factorial variety see variety
Locus(ft), locus of the extremal ray R 154
Log terminal pair 185 187
Minimal model see model
Minimal Model Program 2 13 35 94 135 154 173 182 208 210 216
Model, canonical 170 174
Model, minimal 165 173
Model, minimal, isomorphism in codimension 1 181
Mor(Y, X), space of morphisms from Y to X 39
Mor(Y,X;g) 45
Mori's program see minimal model program
Morphism space 39
Morphism space with extra structures 44
Morphism space, local structure of 42
Morphism space, tangent space to 41
Multiplier ideal 186 219
Nakai — Moishezon criterion 14
NE(X), cone of curves of X 11
Nef, -nef divisor see divisor
Nonvanishing theorem see theorem
Numerically equivalent 1-cycles 10
Numerically equivalent divisors 10
P(V), projectivization of the vector space V 171
Picard number 10 205 208
Pluricanonical map 171
Principal divisor 3
Projection formula 9
R(X), rational quotient of X 112 128
r-free see rational curve
Ramification divisor 28
Rat(X), curves with rational components on X 116
Rational comb 103
Rational curve 30—34 38 41 47 55 56 58 60 61 64 66—68 70 80 82 85 144 203 213 214 217 219
Rational curve, free 85 93 94 103 120
Rational curve, minimal 93 109 130
Rational curve, r-free 90—93 102
Rational curve, very free 86 96 98 107 110 121
Rational quotient 111 116 127—129 131
Rational tree 100
Rationality theorem 197
Rationally chain-connected variety see variety
Rationally connected variety see variety
Riemann — Roch theorem 21
Rigidity lemma 12
Round-up 183
Ruled variety see also variety
Simple connectedness of smooth rationally chain-connected varieties 108
Simple connectedness of smooth rationally connected varieties 97 108
Singularities, canonical 177
Singularities, terminal 178
Stein factorization 11
Support of a divisor 3
Supporting divisor 153
surface 145
Surface, abelian 147
Surface, cubic 27
Surface, Del Pezzo 148 165
Surface, ruled 23 69 75
Terminal singularities 178
Theorem, base-point-free 195
Theorem, cone, logarithmic case 214
Theorem, cone, relative logarithmic case 217
Theorem, cone, singular case 202
Theorem, cone, smooth case 144
Theorem, contraction 205
Theorem, Hironaka desingularization 181 184 187
Theorem, rationality 197
Theorem, Shokurov nonvanishing 190
Theorem, vanishing, Kawamata — Viehweg 182 183 217 218
Theorem, vanishing, Kodaira 79 133 134 183
Theorem, vanishing, logarithmic, Kawamata — Viehweg 186
Theorem, vanishing, Nadel 188
Theorem, Zariski 28 29 62 149 172 207
Theta divisor 188 219
TREE 100
Uniruled variety see variety
Universal property 40
Vanishing theorem see theorem
Variety of general type 75 165 167 173 219
Variety, abelian 76 78
Variety, Fano 60 61 76 80 82 121 134 148
Variety, index of a 178 180
Variety, locally factorial 4 160
Variety, locally Q-factorial 28 29 208
Variety, rationally chain-connected 86 99 107
Variety, rationally connected 86 88 96 107
Variety, ruled 31
Variety, singular Fano 210
Variety, uniruled 85 86 94 121 154 207
Variety, with Picard number 1 73 120 121 131 132 134 135 145
Very ample divisor see divisor
Very free rational curve see rational curve
Very general 94
Weil divisor 4
Zariski main theorem see theorem
[D], round-up of the divisor D 183
~, numerical equivalence 10
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