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Potier J.L. — Lectures on vector bundles |
Предметный указатель |
Admissible rational numbers 219
Afflne group 84
Algebraic group 84
Algebraic group, operating on varieties 85
Algebraic group, properties of action 85
Algebraic group, unipotent 93
Algebraic vector bundle 7
Algebraic vector G-bundle 139
Artinian category 78
Associated bundle 8
Associated exceptional bundle 237
Beilinson monad 184
Beilinson spectral sequence 185
Bogomolov's Theorem 178
Bounded family 73 80 81 183 185
Bounded set 112
Branched cover 161
Canonical sheaf 28
Categorical quotient 86
Centre of map of graded algebras 99
Characteristic number 218
Chern class 50
Closed group action 85
Coarse moduli space 110 116 189
Complete family 202
Complex of sheaves 18
Complex of sheaves, cohomology 19
Complex of sheaves, differentials 18
Complex of sheaves, exact sequences 20
Complex of sheaves, homotopies 19
Complex of sheaves, homotopy equivalence 19
Complex of sheaves, hypercohomology 20
Complex of sheaves, morphism 18
Complex of sheaves, quasi-isomorphisms 19
Cone on a variety at a point 124
Connection 49
Crossed morphism 242
Crossed morphism, principal 243
Curvature form of a connection 49
De Rham cohomology 22
de Rham complex 21
Deformation map 145 202
Degree of a projective curve 61
Degree of divisors 31
Determinant bundle 33
Determinantal variety 224
Direct image 55
Discriminant 177 218
Equivariant map 85
Euler — Poincare characteristic 25
Exact sequence 18
Ext 203
Extension group 118
Extensions of sheaves 118
Fat point 125
Filtered sheaves 204
Filtration length 167
Flat module 53
Frame bundle 14
Free group action 85
G-bundle 139
G-sheaf 235
Galois cover 161
Galois group 161
Geometric quotient 89 190
Good quotient 88 94 100
Grothendieck duality 28
Grothendieck group 32
Grothendieck's criterion 196
Haar measure 92
Harder — Narasimhan filtration 79 159 170
Harder — Narasimhan sequence 79 159
Higher direct image 55 57
Hilbert polynomial 61 156
Hilbert scheme 65 111 195
Hilbert scheme, tangent space 127
Hilbert — Mumford criterion 104
Homotopy group 38
Hopf bundle 10
Hypercohomology 20
Hypercohomology, coboundary map 21
Hypercohomology, induced long exact sequences 20
Hypercohomology, induced maps 20
Infinitesimal neighbourhood 125
Injective resolution 19
Injective sheaf 18
Irreducible representation 90
Isotypical factor 91
Jacobian variety 141
Jordan — Hoelder filtration 78 160
Jordan — Hoelder filtration, associated grading 78
Jordan — Hoelder filtration, length 78
Jordan — Hoelder grading 160
K group 32
Kempf's Lemma 140
Kodaira — Spencer map 145 202
Linear equivalence of divisors 31
Linear fibration 7
Linearly reductive group action 90 93 96
Locally finite G-modules 94
Locally isotrivial 135
Locally-free sheaf 13
Map of bundles 9
Map of complexes 18
Maximal sub-sheaf 158
Moduli morphism 189
| Moduli space, bundles over elliptic curves 148
Moduli space, dimension 133
Moduli space, irreducibility 141 223
Moduli space, Picard group 233
Moduli space, rationality 231
Moduli space, smoothness 133 196
Moduli space, tangent space 133
Monad 184 199
Mumford's criterion 192
Narasimhan and Seshadri, theorem of 163
One parameter sub-group 102
Petri differential 224
Poincare bundle 139
Polystable bundle 121
Polystable sheaf 196
Prioritary sheaves 209
Proj of a graded algebra 99
Proper group action 85
Quasi-isomorphism 19
Reduced Hilbert polynomial 156
Relative Hilbert scheme 202
Representation, irreducible 90
Representation, semi-simple 90
Representation, simple 90
Representation, totally reducible 90
Restriction to curves 167 171
Reynold's operator 91 95
S-equivalence 107
Semi-stability criterion 104
Semi-stable points 191
Semi-stable points of G action 100
Semi-stable vector 102
Serre duality 28
Serre fibration 38
Serre's Theorem B 57
Shatz stratification 170
Sheaf, -semi-stable 157
Sheaf, -stable 157
Sheaf, acyclic 21
Sheaf, algebraic 23
Sheaf, associated analytic 26
Sheaf, canonical 28
Sheaf, coherent 23
Sheaf, cohomology 20
Sheaf, complex 18
Sheaf, degree 30 156
Sheaf, direct image 55
Sheaf, discriminant 177
Sheaf, exceptional 214
Sheaf, extensions 118
Sheaf, fiasque 21
Sheaf, finite type 23
Sheaf, injective 18
Sheaf, rank 29
Sheaf, rigid 213
Sheaf, S-fiat 54 61 62
Sheaf, semi-exceptional 214
Sheaf, semi-stable 155 156 162
Sheaf, singular point 158
Sheaf, slope 75 156
Sheaf, stable 155 156
Sheaf, torsion 29
Sheaf, torsion-free 74
slope 75
Stable homotopy group 40
Stable points 191
Stable points, of G action 101
Stable vector 102
Tangent bundle 12
Tangent space 12
Torsion sub-sheaf 74
Total space 7
Trivial fibration 7
Unipotent group 93
Universal bundle 139
Universal extension 120 142
Universal sheaf 197—199
Unstable points of G action 100
Vector bundle 7
Vector bundle, associated sheaf 13
Vector bundle, associated to a representation 14
Vector bundle, degree 45
Vector bundle, direct sum 9
Vector bundle, dual 10
Vector bundle, exceptional 237
Vector bundle, existence of semi-stable 143
Vector bundle, exterior power 10 163
Vector bundle, gluing 41
Vector bundle, local chart 8
Vector bundle, local degree 45
Vector bundle, local trivialization 7
Vector bundle, maps 9
Vector bundle, quasi-rigid 208
Vector bundle, quotient bundle 10
Vector bundle, regular section 12
Vector bundle, rigid 208
Vector bundle, S-equivalence 107
Vector bundle, semi-stable 75
Vector bundle, slope 163
Vector bundle, stable 76
Vector bundle, sub-bundle 10
Vector bundle, symmetric power 10 163
Vector bundle, tensor 10
Vector bundle, tensor product 163
Vector bundle, transition functions 8
Weyl's unitary trick 93
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