Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Le Bruyn L. — Noncommutative geometry |
Предметный указатель |
variety 42
Abelian category 84
Abelianization 252
Action, contragradient 14
Action, free 156
Action, locally finite 56
Acyclic object 84
Acyclic resolution 84
Additive category of quiver 256
Adelic Grassmannian 336
Adjoint matrix 72
Admissible vertex 313
Affine scheme 81
alg 36
alg 35
Algbera, quantum enveloping 199
Algebra, 289
Algebra, algebraic functions 83
Algebra, associated graded 124 252
Algebra, Azumaya 86 120
Algebra, center 35
Algebra, connected graded 20
Algebra, deformed preprojective 193
Algebra, differential graded 278
Algebra, differentially graded 145
Algebra, dual numbers 123
Algebra, extension 146
Algebra, formal necklace 25
Algebra, formal trace 25
Algebra, free product 269 282
Algebra, free trace- 35
Algebra, group 272
Algebra, Henselian 83
Algebra, Hopf 200
Algebra, infinite necklace 26
Algebra, infinite trace 26
Algebra, infinitesimal extension 132
Algebra, local 124 146
Algebra, marked quiver-necklace 141
Algebra, n-th root 254
Algebra, necklace 19
Algebra, path 91
Algebra, Poisson 252 297
Algebra, preprojective 193
Algebra, pull-back 133
Algebra, quaternion 325
Algebra, Quillen smooth 91
Algebra, quiver trace 98
Algebra, Rees 253
Algebra, semisimple 16
Algebra, strict Henselian 83
Algebra, super 281
Algebra, variety 202
Algebra, Weyl 252 337
Algebra, Weyl- 42
Algebra, with trace 35
Algebra, witness 62
Algebraic group 201
Algebraic quotient 58
Analytic topology 81
Artin — Mumford exact sequence 116
Artin, M. 77 120 205
Associated graded algebra 124 252
Associated quiver setting 222
Associativity constraint 251
Atiyah class 253
Azumaya algebra 86 120
Azumaya locus 142
Balanced coweight 208
Barcode 310
Based linear map 279
Berest, Y. 339 340
Bernstein filtration 339
Berstein — Gelfand — Ponomarev reflection functor 153
Bimodule 292
Bipartite double 161
Birkes, D. 77
Bockland, R. 205 302 340
Border 222 232
Border of corner 222
Borel subgroup 224
Boundary 95
Bracker invariant 258
Brauer group 89
Calogero system 329
Cannings, R. 337 340
Canonical decomposition 148 172
Canonical right ideal 338
Canonical, -structure 289
Capacity 119
Cartan decomposition 55
Cartan homotopy formula 297
Cartan matrix 199
Cartan, matrix 147
Category, abelian 84
Cayley — Hamilton algebra 35
Cayley — Hamilton formal polynomial 29 35
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 29
Cayley-smooth locus 172
Cayley-smooth model 188 189
Cayley-smooth, - 194
Center of algebra 35
CHARACTER 216 266 304
Characteristic polynomial 3 29
Chern numbers 271
Chevalley theorem 148
Chevalley, theorem of 44
Chinese remainder theorem 87
Closed form 281
Cobracker invariant 258
Cohomology, dimension 110
Cohomology, etale 85
Cohomology, Galois 88
Cohomology, pointed set 85
Commutator element 193 312
Commutator filtration 252
Compact subgroup 303
Compartment 160
Completion, lifting algebra 284
Complex moment map 193
Composition factors 53
Composition factors, multiplicities 53
Composition series 53
Cone, tangent 124
Coniveau spectral sequence 114
Connecting morphism 269
Connecting sum map 271
Connection 286
Constant sheaf 82
Constructible set 45
Continuous module 88
Contraction operator 289
Coordinate map 20
Coregular quiver spaces 202
Corner 210 232
Corner type 232
Corner, border 222
Corner, optimal 221
Cotangent bundle 193
Covector 14
covers 81
Crawley-Boevey, W. 162 205 340
Cuntz, J. 302
Curvature 279
Cycles 95
Cyclic vector 312
Deformed preprojective algebra 193
deRham cohomology groups 278
deRham cohomology, big 288
deRham cohomology, big relative 293
| deRham cohomology, noncommutative 288 291
deRham cohomology, noncommutative relative 294
deRham complex 278
Derivation point 125
Derivation trace preserving 124
Derivation with respect to morphism 124
Derived functor 84
Derived functor, right 84
Derksen, H. 163 302
Differential 126
Differential form, noncommutative 278
Differential form, relative 292
Differential graded 278
Differential operator, exterior 277
Differentially graded algebra 145
Dimension formula 127
Dimension vector 60 64 93
Dimension vector, minimal 333
Dimension vector, sincere 147
Dimension vector, support 102
Dimension, local 125
Direct image 108
Direct order 237
Discriminant 8
Divisor, ramification 120
Dominance order 64 65
Dominant weight 207
Domokos, M. 302
Double centralizer theorem 16
Double quiver 312
Dual numbers 123
Dual partition 23
Dynkin diagram 147
Equalizer diagram 82
Equivalent marked quiver 180
Equivariant map 19
Etale cohomology functor 85
Etale locally split 185
Etale morphism 81
Etale neighborhood 83
Etale presheaf 82
Etale sheaf 82
Etale site 81
Etale stalk 84
Etale topology 81
Euler derivation 289
Euler form 95
Evaluation map 15
Extension 94
Extension algebra 146
Exterior product 277
Fedosov product 280
Field Tate 110
Field Tsen 109
Filtration, adic 124
Filtration, finite 50
Fixed elements 154
Flag variety 224
Formal -algebra 289
Formal Cayley — Hamilton polynomial 29 35
Formal completion 253 255 256
Formal necklace algebra 25
Formal structure 251—253 267
Formal structure sheaf 256
Formal substitution 32
Formal trace algebra 25
Formal trace map 25
Formanek, E. 39
Free action 156
Free product 269
Free product algebra 282
Free product, algebra 273
Free product, group 272
Function, algebraic 83
Function, elementary symmetric 5
Function, Morse 75
Function, polynomial 6
Function, special 74
Functor, derived 84
Fundamental group 271
Fundamental set of roots 149
Gabriel, P. 162
Galois absolute -group 87
Galois cohomology 88
General subrepresentation 211
Generic representation 149
Generic semi-simple type 172
Gerstenhaber 67
Ginzburg, V. 302 340
Global section 82
Going-down propoerty 46
Good vertex 103
Graded localization 216
Grassmann variety 311
Grassmannian, adelic 336
Grothendieck topology 81
Grothendieck topology, noncommutative 254
Group algebra 272
Group, Brauer 89
Group, cohomological dimension 110
Group, multiplicative 83
Group, reductive 54
Group, unitary 54 72
Gurevich, G.B. 39
Haar measure 54
Hamilton equations 329
Hamiltonian action 334
Hamiltonian flow 335
Happel, D. 163
Hazewinkel, M. 77
Henselian algebra 83
Henselian, strict 83
Henselization, strict 83
Hermitian inproduct 303
Hermitian skew -matrices 72
Hermitian transpose 54
Hermitian, inproduct 72
Hesselink stratification 225
Hesselink stratum 225
Hesselink, W. 67 225 247
Hilbert criterium 48 49
Hilbert scheme 320
Hilbert theorem 90 89
Hilbert — Chow map 325
Hochschild — Serre spectral sequence 111
Holland, M. 205 337 340
Homology groups 143
Hopf algebra 200
Hulek, K. 271
Ideal of relations 41
Ideal, maximal 81
Ideal, prime 81
Ideal, trace relations 37
Idempotent 23
Implicit function 81
Implicit function theorem 46
Indecomposable projective 265
Indecomposable representation 146
Indecomposable roots 147
Index, ramification 119
Inertia 119
Inertial degree 119
Infinitesimal extension of algebra 132
Infinitesimal extension, trivial 132
Infinitesimal extension, versal 133
Injective object 84
Injective resolution 84 145
Integrable system 329
Integral extension 44
Invariant polynomial 10 56
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