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Le Bruyn L. — Noncommutative geometry |
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Предметный указатель |
Isotypical component 56
Isotypical decomposition 56
Isotypical Gcomponent 129
Jacobi identity 300
Jacobian matrix 81 123
Jordan move, permutation 207
Jordan moves 3
Jordan normal form 3
Jordan — Hoelder theorem 53
Jordan — Weierstrass theorem 4
Kac, V. 153 162
Kaehler differential 277
Kaehler potential 304
Kalman code 309
Kalman code, generic 311
Kalman theorem 311
Kapranov, M. 251 302
Karoubi complex 291
Karoubi complex, relative 293
Keller, B. 146 162
Kempf, G. 77
Killing form 72
King, A. 247 340
Kirillov — Kostant bracket 334
Kirwan, F. 247
Knop, F. 162
Kontsevich bracket 299
Kontsevich, M. 162 302
KP hierarchy 337
Kraft, H-P. 39 52 77 227 247 340
Kraft, H.P. 162
Krull Hauptideal result 44
Kummer sequence 83
Large vertex 103
Laurent series 336
Le Bruyn, L. 120 162 205 247 302 340
Left orthoginal 159
Leray spectral sequence 108
Levi subgroup 210 232
Lexicographic order 24
Lie algebra, semi-simple 199
Lie derivative 297
Linear dynamical system 306
Linear dynamical system, completely controllable 307
Linear dynamical system, completely observable 308
Linear dynamical system, equivalent 309
Linear dynamical system, system identification 309
Linear dynamical system, time invariant 306
Liouville theorem 329
Local algebra 124 146
Local dimension 125
Local quiver 169
Locally closed set 45
Luna, D. 162
Marked quiver, equivalent 180
Marked quiver, Euler form 169
Marked quiver, representation 141
Marked quiver-order 141
Matrix, addition 3
Matrix, adjoint 72 303
Matrix, base-change 3
Matrix, characteristic polynomial 3 29
Matrix, companion 312
Matrix, conjugacy class 3
Matrix, conjugate 3
Matrix, control 307
Matrix, cyclic 6
Matrix, eigenvalues 4
Matrix, exponential 307
Matrix, fundamental 307
Matrix, hermitian 329
Matrix, Jacobian 81
Matrix, multiplication 3
Matrix, normal 72
Matrix, permutation 3 37
Matrix, rank 4
Matrix, trace 11
Matrix, tuple 11
Maximal ideal 81
Maximal order 119 120
Measure of singularity 142
Microlocalization 253
Microstructure sheaf 254
Milne, J.S. 120
Model, Cayley-smooth 188 189
Module 42
Module, associated graded 51
Module, automorphism 42
Module, composition factors 53
Module, continuous 88
Module, decomposable 52
Module, extension 94
Module, indecomposable 45 69
Module, morphism 42
Module, simple 53
Moduli space 216
Moduli spaces 256
Moment map, complex 193 314
Moment map, real 72 73 76 303 304
Monomial, equivalent 25
Morphism, closed 43
Morphism, dominant 43
Morphism, etale 81
Morphism, fiber 8
Morphism, finite 43 126
Morphism, flat 155
Morphism, open 155
Morphism, section 7
Morse function 75
Multilinear map 14
Multiplicative group 83
Multiplicities, composition factors 53
Multiplicity 56
Mumford, D. 120
Nagata — Higman problem 21 32
Nakajima, H. 340
Nakayama lemma 265
Necklace algebra 236
Necklace infinite algebra 26
Necklace relation 26
Necklace relation, fundamental 28
Necklace word 294
Necklace, algebra 19
Necklace, word 19
Neighborhood, etale 83
Ness, L. 77
Newton function 29
Noether normalization 43
Noncommutative 1-form 294
Noncommutative deRham cohomology 277
Noncommutative differentail form 277
Noncommutative differential form 278
Noncommutative function 294
Noncommutative manifold 270
Noncommutative manifold, compact 270
Noncommutative vector field 297
Nonsingular point 125
Norm map 63
Normal domain 44
Normal space 127
Normal space to orbit 128
Normal variety 173 174
Nullcone 50
Number of parameters 150 195
Object, acyclic 84
Object, injective 84
One parameter subgroup 47
Operad 143
Operad, chain 144
Operad, endomorphism 144
| Operad, homology 144
Operad, linear 143
Operad, morphism 144
Operad, tiny interval 143
Operator inner product 303
Optimal corner 221 232
Optimal corner type 233
Orbit 3
Orbit map 45
Order 119 120
Order, dominance 64 65
Order, lexicographic 24
Order, maximal 119 120
Order, quiver 97
Orthogonal left 159
Parabolic subgroup 210 232
Partition 23
Partition, dual 23
Partition, transposition 24
Path algebra 91
Phase space, Calogero 331
Poincare duality 116
Poincare — Birkhoff — Witt theorem 251
Point derivation 125
Pointed set 85
Poisson algebra 252 297 334
Poisson bracket 334
Poisson manifold 334
Poisson structure 200
Polarization 14 18
Polynomial invariants 10
Polynomial, linear term 123
Polynomial, minimal degree 123
Polynomial, order 123
Preprojective algebra 193
Preprojective algebra, deformed 193 312
Presheaf, etale 82
Primary, - 336
Prime ideal 81
Prime ideal spectrum 81
Principal character 253
Principal element theorem 127
Procesi, C. 39 77 120 162 205
Proj 216
Proper function 304
Proper morphism 221
Pull-back algebra 133
Quadratic form, positive definite 147
Quadratic form, radical 147
Quadratic form, semidefinite 147
Quantum Borel algebra 202
Quantum enveloping algebra 199
Quantum function algebra 202
Quantum groups 199
Quaternion algebra 325
Quillen, D. 302
Quillen, smooth algebra 91
quiver 90
Quiver arrow 91
Quiver representation 93
Quiver representation, normal space 169
Quiver, dual 193
Quiver, local 169
Quiver, marked 140
Quiver, necklace algebra 99
Quiver, necklace algebra, marked 141
Quiver, opposite 193
Quiver, order 97
Quiver, order, Schurian 155
Quiver, path algebra 91
Quiver, reflected 151
Quiver, root 153
Quiver, shrinking 179
Quiver, simplified 179
Quiver, strongly connected 102
Quiver, strongly connected component 102
Quiver, tame 149
Quiver, trace algebra 98
Quiver, vertex 90
Quiver, Weyl group 153
Quiver–order, marked 141
Quotient variety, stratification 170
Quotient, algebraic 58
Quotient, scheme 62
Ramification 119
Ramification divisor 120
Ramification index 119
Ramification locus 185
Rank, general homomorphism 211
Rasmyslov, Y.P. 39
Real moment map 72 73 76
Real points 72
Reductive group 54
Rees ring 253
Reflected dimension vector 151
Reflected quiver 151
Reflection 153
Reflexion functor 151
Representable functor 254
Representation 41
Representation space, restricted 98
Representation type 137 167
Representation type, finite 149
Representation type, generic semi-simple 171
Representation type, order 171
Representation type, successor 171
Representation variety, reduced 41 42
Representation variety, reduced trace preserving 60
Representation variety, scheme structure 42 43
Representation, extension 94
Representation, generic 149
Representation, indecomposable 146
Representation, marked quiver 141
Representation, Schur 154
Representation, type 56
Restitution 14 19
Reynolds operator 37
Riedtmann, Ch. 162
Ringel, C.M. 163
Roiter, A.V. 162
Root 151 153
Root system 149
Root, -Schur 196
Root, imaginary 153
Root, indecomposable 147
Root, real 153
Root, Schur 154
Root, system 147
Roots, fundamental set 149
Roots, simple 102
Scheme, affine 81
Schofield, A. 163 247 264 302
Schur lemma 272
Schur root, - 196
Schur, lemma 146
Schur, representation 154
Schur, root 154
Section, global 82
Self-extension, trace preserving 128
Semi invariants 256
Semi-invariant 216
Semi-invariant, determinantal 257
Semi-invariant, polynomial 257
Semi-invariant, standard determinantal 264
Semi-simple Lie algebra 199
Semistable representation 217 219
Separability locus 202
Separated filtration 253
Sequence, spectral 106
Set of roots 88
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