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Fantechi B., Kleiman S.L., Illusie L. — Fundamental Algebraic Geometry |
Предметный указатель |
13 107
108 109
-equivalent 291
(Art/k) 143
(CLoc/k) 145
(Loc/k) 145
2-Yoneda Lemma, strong version 60
2-Yoneda Lemma, weak version 59
Abel map 241 263
Abelian function 242
Abelian integral 238
Abelian scheme 222 289
Abelian variety 222 242
Abelian variety, dual 246
Action of a discrete group object 25
Action of a functor into groups on a functor into sets 20
Action of a group object on an object 21
Action of a group object on an object as a group homomorphism 22
Action of a group object on an object, characterization via diagrams 21
Addition theorem 238 241
Adic filtration 181
Adic noetherian ring 181
Adic topology 181
Albanese variety 246
Algebraic space 104 271
Algebraically equivalent 280
Algebraizable coherent sheaf 205
Amplitude, perfect 199
AR zero 189
Arithmetic genus 243 284 318
ARML 189
Arrow, cartesian 41
Arrow, cartesian, properties 42
Arrow, equivariant 21
Arrow, invariant 100
Artin — Rees theorem 189
Artin — Rees zero 189
Artin — Rees — Mittag-Leffler condition 189
Artinian local algebra 143
Base-change formula 196
Base-change homomorphism 91 118 121
Base-change homomorphism, compatibility 92
Base-change isomorphism 118 121 197
Base-change map 91 118 121 195
Base-change property of Hilbert and Quot schemes 112
Base-change theorem 92 121
Base-preserving functor 42
Base-preserving natural transformations 56
Bounded family 291
Brauer group 257
Canonical topology 35
Canonical truncation 200
Cartesian arrow 41
Cartesian arrow, properties 42
Cartier divisor 247 257
Castelnuovo lemma 115
Castelnuovo — Mumford regularity 114 249
Category of artinian local algebras (Art/k) 143
Category of complete local algebras (CLoc/k) 145
Category of local algebras (Loc/k) 145
Category with discrete group object 24
Category with discrete objects 23
Category, comma 11
Category, fibered 42
Category, fibered, 55
Category, fibered, equivalence of, characterization 56
Category, fibered, fiber of 42
Category, fibered, in equivalence relations 58
Category, fibered, in equivalence relations, characterization 58
Category, fibered, in groupoids 52
Category, fibered, in sets 53
Category, fibered, in sets, characterization 53
Category, fibered, in sets, equivalence with functors 54
Category, fibered, morphism of 42
Category, fibered, of quasi-coherent sheaves 50
Category, fibered, of sheaves 49
Category, fibered, of sheaves, as a stack 74
Category, fibered, represent able 59
Category, fibered, represent able, characterization 61
Category, fibered, split 45
Category, opposite 11
Chevalley and Rosenlicht theorem 276
Class of arrows, local 89
Class of arrows, stable 48
Classical topology 26
Classifying stack of a topological group 48
Cleavage 43
Co-equaliser 134
Coherent sheaves, extension of 131
Cohomologically flat sheaf 202 272
Comma category 11
Comma topology 35
Comparison theorem 253
Complete intersection, local 149
Complete intersection, local ring 149
Complete linear system 258
Complete local algebra 145
Completeness of the characteristic system 244 285
Completion, formal 185
Complex, cotangent 226
Complex, Grothendieck 119
Complex, intersection cohomology 173
Complex, perfect 199
Complex, pseudo-coherent 199
Complex, strictly perfect 199
Condition, Artin — Rees — Mittag-Leffler 189
Condition, Mittag-Leffler 189
Connected component of e 275
Contravariant functor 11
Cotangent complex 226
Covering 25 252
Crepant 170
Curve (over a scheme) 219
Curvilinear scheme 172
Deformation functor 143
Deformation functor, 152
Deformation functor, 152
Deformation functor, 155
Deformation functor, 156
Deformation functor, 144
Deformation functor, 145
Deformation functor, 144
Deformation functor, examples of 144
Deformation functor, morphism of 143
Deformation functor, pro-represent able 148
Deformation functor, smooth morphism of 150
Deformation of a flat scheme 212
Deformation of a vector bundle 210
Degree 317
Depth 163
Descent data, functoriality of 75
Descent data, object with 68
Descent data, object with, via sieves 71
Descent for affine morphisms 90
Descent for modules 80
Descent for quasicoherent sheaves 82
Descent for sheaves of commutative quasi-coherent algebras 87
Descent morphism 86
Descent, along torsors 103
Descent, via ample invertible sheaves 93
| Discrete group object 24
Discrete object 23
Discrete object functor 23
Discrete object functor, preserves finite products 24
Divisor, Cartier 247 257
Divisor, effective 257
Divisor, relative effective 258
Dual, Abelian variety 246 290
Dual, autoduality 246 290
Dual, numbers 281
Effective Cartier divisor 161
Effective Cartier divisor, relative 161
Effective epimorphism 34
Effective quotient 134
Embedding dimension 145
Epimorphism 34
Epimorphism, effective 34
Equalizer 30
Equivalence criteria 246 278
Equivalence of categories 10
Equivalence of fibered categories 56
Equivalence of fibered categories, characterization 56
Equivalence relation, schematic 133
Equivalent topologies 33
Equivalent topologies, has the same stacks 78
Equivalent topologies, have the same sheaves 33
Equivalent, algebraically 280
Equivalent, numerically 291 317
Equivariant, arrow 21
Equivariant, object 63
Essentially surjective functor 10
Essentially zero projective system 189
etale cover 215
Etale topology 26
etale topology, global 27
Example, Grothendieck — Raynaud 289
Example, Hironaka 103 112
Example, Iarrobino 168
Example, Mumford 267
Example, Severi and Zappa 285
Exchange property 203 260
Extension of coherent sheaves 131
Extension, small 144
Faithfully flat morphism of schemes 9
Family, bounded 291
Family, Poincare 244 277
Fiber functor 216
Fiber of a fibered category 42
Fibered category 42
Fibered category in equivalence relations, characterization 58
Fibered category in groupoids 52
Fibered category in sets 53
Fibered category in sets, characterization 53
Fibered category in sets, equivalence with functors 54
Fibered category of quasi-coherent sheaves 50
Fibered category of sheaves 49
Fibered category of sheaves, as a stack 74
Fibered category, 55
Fibered category, equivalence of, characterization 56
Fibered category, representable, characterization 61
Fibered subcategory 55
Filtration, adic 181
Filtration, good 188
Filtration, I-adic 181
Filtration, I-good 188
Flat morphism of schemes 8
Flatness criterion 184
Flatness, generic 122 123
Flattening stratification 123
Fock space 177
Formal completion 185
Formal functions, theorem on 193
Formal scheme (affine noetherian) 182
Formal scheme (locally noetherian) 182
Formal spectrum 182
Formula, base-change 196
fppf topology 27
Fpqc characterization of fpqc sheaves 36
Fpqc characterization of fpqc stacks 83
Fpqc morphism of schemes 28
Fpqc morphism of schemes, properties of 28
Fpqc topology 28
Fpqc topology, local properties in the 29
Fully faithful functor 10
Functor of morphisms 133
Functor of points 13 107 251
Functor, 259
Functor, 261
Functor, 252
Functor, 252
Functor, 252
Functor, 252
Functor, 252
Functor, base-preserving 42
Functor, contravariant 11
Functor, deformation 143
Functor, deformation, examples of 144
Functor, discrete object 23
Functor, discrete object, preserves finite products 24
Functor, essentially surjective 10
Functor, fiber 216
Functor, fully faithful 10
Functor, Hilbert 108 109
Functor, preserving finite products 11
Functor, Quot 109
Functor, representable 14
Functor, representable is a sheaf in the fpqc topology 34
Functor, representable is a sheaf in the global classical topology 34
Functor, representable, characterization via existence of a universal object 15
Functor, representable, examples of 15
Functor, separated 29
Functor, separated, characterization via sieves 32
Functoriality of descent data 75
Fundamental group 215
Generalized Jacobian 247 289
Generic flatness 122 123
Genus, arithmetic 243 284 318
Genus, geometric 240 243 284
Genus, topological 240
Geometric genus 240 243 284
Gerbe 211
Global classical topology 26
Global etale topology 27
Global Zariski topology 26
Good filtration 188
Grassmannian 111
Grassmannian as a Hilbert scheme 111
Grassmannian as a Quot scheme 110
Grassmannian of a coherent sheaf 111
Grassmannian of a vector bundle 110
Grassmannian, construction of 112
Grothendieck — Murre theorem 270
Grothendieck's specialization theorem 218
Grothendieck, complex 119
Grothendieck, topology 25
Group object 18
Group object, characterization via diagrams 18
Group object, discrete 24
Group object, homomorphism of group objects 20
Group scheme 18
Group, fundamental 215
Groupoid 11
Heisenberg algebra 177
Hilbert functor 108 109
Hilbert polynomial 109
Hilbert scheme 107 108 159 166 171
Hilbert scheme of a smooth curve, smoothness of 167
Hilbert scheme of a smooth surface, partition of 171
Hilbert scheme of a smooth surface, smoothness of 167
Hilbert scheme of hypersurfaces in 111
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