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Joyce D.D. — Compact Manifolds with Special Holonomy |
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space 5
see Hoelder space
holonomy 57—58 242—254
holonomy, associative 3-fold 70 264—265 326—327 417
holonomy, coassociative 4-fold 70 265—267 327—328 417
holonomy, compact manifolds, Betti numbers of 314 315 323 325 326 332—334 339
holonomy, compact manifolds, constructions 294—295 303—305
holonomy, compact manifolds, examples 309—326 329—338
holonomy, compact manifolds, finding 307—308
holonomy, compact manifolds, finding Betti numbers 308—309
holonomy, compact manifolds, moduli space of 251—254
holonomy, compact manifolds, topology of 245—247 306—309
holonomy, compact manifolds, with 314—315
holonomy, holonomy subgroups 245
holonomy, metrics Ricci-flat 244
holonomy, parallel spinors 245
holonomy, research problems 303—305 416—418
, definition 242
-manifold 243
-manifold, product 274
-manifold, QALE 272—278
-manifold, with holonomy SU(2) 271
-manifold, with holonomy SU(3) 272
-orbifolds 278—280
-orbifolds , examples 312 315 316 329 334—337
-orbifolds , R-data 280—281
-orbifolds , resolutions of 282—284
-structure 243
-structure, function 243 249
-structure, nearly parallel 269
-structure, positive 3-form 243
-structure, positive 4-form 243
-structure, small torsion 284 286
-structure, splitting of forms 244 245
-structure, torsion 243
-structure, torsion-free 243
see Lebesgue space
see Sobolev space
-genus 67 164 259
see quaternions
see octonions
* see Hodge star
Age grading 130—132 200
ALE manifold 173—174
ALE manifold, analysis on 178—182
ALE manifold, asymptotic coordinates 174
ALE manifold, Calabi conjecture for 186—188
ALE manifold, Eguchi — Hanson space 153—154 160
ALE manifold, examples 177—178 393—394
ALE manifold, Hodge theory 183—184
ALE manifold, holonomy Spin(7) 345—346
ALE manifold, hyperkaehler 148 153—155
ALE manifold, Kaehler 174 201
ALE manifold, radius function 174 175
ALE manifold, Ricci-flat Kaehler 175—178
ALE manifold, structure group Spin(7) 344 393—394
ALE manifold, weighted Hoelder space 176 179
ALE manifold, weighted Sobolev space 178
Ambrose — Singer Holonomy Theorem 32 37
Associative 3-fold 70 264—265 417
Associative 3-fold, examples 326—327
Asymptotically Locally Euclidean see ALE manifold
Atiyah — Singer index theorem 19 67 259
Berger's theorem 55
Betti number 2
Betti number, refined 62 245 260
Bianchi identities 36 43 45 59
Blow-up 91—92 293
Bochner theorem 64 124
Bootstrap method 116 303 364
Calabi Conjecture 98—100
Calabi conjecture, for ALE manifolds 186—188
Calabi conjecture, for QALE manifolds 225 229
Calabi — Yau manifold 56 70 82 98 121—147 304
Calabi — Yau manifold, constructions 138—142 146
Calabi — Yau manifold, definition 123
Calabi — Yau manifold, deformations 142—144
Calabi — Yau manifold, Hodge numbers 125
Calabi — Yau orbifold 135 146 395—396 401—402
Calibrated geometry 68—70 264—269
Calibrated submanifold 68
Calibration 68
Canonical bundle 94
Cayley 4-fold 70 267—268 417
Cayley 4-fold, examples 371—373
Cayley numbers see octonions
Characteristic class 94
Characteristic class, -genus 67 164 259
Characteristic class, first Chern class 94 97 98 122
Characteristic class, first Pontryagin class 246—247 259 261
Cheeger — Gromoll Theorem 64
Chow's theorem 90 95 126
Coassociative 4-fold 70 265—267 417
Coassociative 4-fold, examples 327—328
Cohomology, deRham 2 182
Cohomology, Dolbeault 77
Cohomology, Hodge numbers 85
Cohomology, of sheaves 89 93
Cohomology, other cohomology theories 2
Cohomology, Poincare duality 3
Cohomology, with compact support 182
Compact linear map 6 103 179 187 226
Complete intersection 139 402 413
Complex manifold 72—75
Complex manifold, biholomorphism 74
Complex manifold, holomorphic function 72
Complex manifold, holomorphic map 74
Complex manifold, rigid 92 132 139
Complex projective space 73
Complex structure 72—73
Complex structure, almost 72
Complex symplectic manifold 162—164
Complex symplectic manifold, irreducible 162
Complex symplectic manifold, marked 163
Complex symplectic manifold, moduli space 163
Connection 20—25
Connection, Levi-Civita 40 42—43
Connection, on principal bundle 23
Connection, on tangent bundle 33—38
Connection, on vector bundle 22
Connection, torsion-free 35—38
Continuity method 104
Crepant resolution 126—132
Crepant resolution, of 175 210
Curvature and holonomy groups 32—33
Curvature in principal bundles 24
Curvature in vector bundles 22—23
Curvature of Kaehler metrics 81—82
Curvature, Ricci 44
Curvature, Riemann 43—44
Curvature, scalar 44
de Rham theorem 2
Deformation 92—93
Deformation, 132 201 238
Deformation, of Calabi — Yau manifold 142—144
Deformation, smoothing 92 313 318 324
Deformation, universal 93
Deformation, versal 93
Dirac operator 65—68 259 260
Divisor 96—97
Divisor, exceptional 91 127
Divisor, prime 96
Dolbeault cohomology 77
Douady space 166 215
Double point 127
Double point, ordinary 127
Double point, rational 129
Ebin's Slice Theorem 252
Eguchi — Hanson space 153—154 160 177 212 311 313 370 374
Elliptic equation, nonlinear 250
| Elliptic operator 7—19
Elliptic operator, estimate 14
Elliptic operator, definition 9 11
Elliptic operator, existence of solutions 16—19
Elliptic operator, kernel finite-dimensional 17
Elliptic operator, nonlinear 10 100
Elliptic operator, regularity 13—16 297 303 364
Elliptic operator, Schauder estimate 14—15 180
Elliptic operator, symbol 9 11
Exterior form see form
Fano manifold 168
FLOP 128
FORM 1—4
Form, complex symplectic 150
Form, G-structure splitting 59—60
Form, Hermitian 78
Form, holomorphic volume 122
Form, hyperkaehler 2-form 151
Form, Kaehler 79 122
Form, oftype (p, q) 77
Form, on Kaehler manifolds 82—84
Frobenius theorem 48
G-structure 38
Green's representation 14 181
Harmonic coordinates 298
Hilbert scheme 166 215
Hodge numbers 85
Hodge numbers, of hyperkaehler manifolds 164
Hodge star 3 60
Hodge star, on Kaehler manifolds 83
Hodge theory 4 61—63
Hodge theory, on ALE manifolds 183—184
Hodge theory, on Kaehler manifolds 84—85
Hoelder space 5—6
Hoelder space, weighted 176 179 221
Hoelder's inequality 4
Holomorphic vector bundle 77
Holonomy algebra 28 30 45
Holonomy group and cohomology 59—64
Holonomy group and curvature 32—33
Holonomy group, classification 55—59
Holonomy group, constant tensors 34—35
Holonomy group, definition 26 29 45
Holonomy group, exceptional see holonomy; Spin(7) holonomy etc.
Holonomy group, for principal bundles 29—32
Holonomy group, for vector bundles 23—29
Holonomy group, restricted 28 29 43
Holonomy group, Ricci-flat 58
Holonomy group, Riemannian 44—45
Hypercomplex algebraic geometry 171 213
Hypercomplex manifold 148 167 170
Hyperkaehler manifold 57 98 148—167 169
Hyperkaehler manifold, ALE 148 153—155
Hyperkaehler manifold, examples 165—167
Hyperkaehler manifold, Hodge numbers 164
Hyperkaehler manifold, moduli space 165
Hyperkaehler manifold, QALE 211 213—215 239
Hyperkaehler manifold, twistor space 151—152
Hyperkaehler quotient 154 169
Hyperkaehler structure 148 151
Hypersurface 96
Hypersurface, Calabi — Yau 139
Hypersurface, degree d 139
Hypersurface, in toric variety 142
Hypersurface, in weighted projective space 140 401
Implicit Mapping Theorem 7 253 263
Injectivity radius 5 221 292—295 298 359—361 399
Instanton 169 269
Interior estimate 16
Intrinsic torsion 40
Inverse mapping theorem 7 118 228
K3 surface 155—162
K3 surface, examples 156
K3 surface, marked 157
K3 surface, moduli space 157 161
Kaehler chamber 158
Kaehler class 80 85 175 210
Kaehler cone 85 158 175 210
Kaehler form 79 122
Kaehler manifold 56
Kaehler metric 79
Kaehler potential 80
Kaehler potential type 215 229
Kodaira embedding theorem 96 125
Kondrakov Theorem 7 16 103
Kummer construction 137 156—157 160—161
Kuranishi family 94 143
Laplacian 3 7 10 14 61
Laplacian, on ALE manifolds 180—182 *
Laplacian, on Kaehler manifolds 83 105 198
Laplacian, on QALE manifolds 220—225
Lebesgue space 4—5
Lefschetz hyperplane theorem 97 140 404
Levi-Civita connection 40 42—43
Line bundle 94—96
Line bundle, ample 95 125
Line bundle, canonical 94 122 126
Line bundle, first Chern class 94 97 98 122
Line bundle, over 94
Line bundle, positive 96
Line bundle, very ample 95
Maximum principle 16 222
McKay correspondence 129 131 154 309
Metric, Fubini-Study 53 80
Metric, Hermitian 78
Metric, hyperkaehler 151
Metric, Kaehler 79
Metric, reducible 46—50
Metric, symmetric 50—55
Mirror Symmetry 142 145—146
Moduli space 63 169
Moduli space of -manifolds 251—254
Moduli space of complex symplectic manifolds 163
Moduli space of hyperkaehler manifolds 165
Moduli space of K3 surfaces 157 161
Moduli space of Spin(7)-manifolds 261—264
Monge — Ampere equation 100
Newlander — Nirenberg theorem 72
Nijenhuis tensor 72
Node 127
Octonions 57
Orbifold 132—136
Orbifold, Calabi — Yau 135 146 395—396 401^102
Orbifold, complex 133 166
Orbifold, crepant resolution 136—139
Orbifold, group 133
Orbifold, Kaehler 134
Orbifold, of torus 137 278—280 346—347
Orbifold, point 133
Orbifold, real 133
Parallel transport 26
Period domain 158 163
Period domain, hyperkaehler 161 165
Period map 143 157 163
Period map, hyperkaehler 161 165
Picard group 94
Poincarg duality 3
Principal bundle 20
Principal bundle, connection 23
QALE manifold, analysis on 219—225
QALE manifold, Calabi conjecture for 225 229
QALE manifold, definition 208 236—238
QALE manifold, examples 212—215 239—241 276—278
QALE manifold, generalized 235—241
QALE manifold, holonomy 277—278
QALE manifold, holonomy Sp(m) 211 213—215 239
QALE manifold, holonomy Spin(7) 345—346
QALE manifold, holonomy SU(m) 211—213 239
QALE manifold, Kaehler 208—210 238
QALE manifold, Kaehler potentials 215
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