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Joyce D.D. — Compact Manifolds with Special Holonomy |
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QALE manifold, radius functions 219
QALE manifold, Ricci-flat Kaehler 210—215 238—239
QALE manifold, structure group 272—278
QALE manifold, structure group Spin(7) 344—346
QALE manifold, weighted Hoelder space 221
QALE manifold, weighted Sobolev space 220
Quasi-ALE see QALE manifold
Quaternionic Kaehler manifold 57 148 167—168
Quaternionic manifold 148 168—170
Quaternions 57 149
R-data 280—281 346
Reduction Theorem 31
Resolution 91
Resolution, crepant 126—132
Resolution, local product 205—207
Resolution, of 282—284
Resolution, of 348
Resolution, of 128—132
Resolution, real 236 344
Resolution, real local product 236 274 344
Resolution, small 127
Ricci curvature 44 81
Ricci curvature, and 1-forms 63—64
Ricci form 82 98 123
Riemann curvature 43—44
Riemannian holonomy see holonomy group
Riemannian metric see metric
Scalar curvature 44
Schauder estimate 14—15
Scheme 90
Schlessinger Rigidity Theorem 132
Self-dual 4-manifold 168—170
Sheaf 88—89
Sheaf, cohomology 89 93
Sheaf, invertible 126
Singularity, canonical 127
Singularity, crepant resolution 126—132
Singularity, deformation 92—93
Singularity, Kleinian 129
Singularity, nonisolated 204
Singularity, of variety 90
Singularity, resolution 91
Singularity, terminal 127 130 200
Smoothing 92 313 318 324
Sobolev embedding theorem 6 297
Sobolev space 4—5
Sobolev space, weighted 178 220
Sp(m) holonomy see hyperkaehler manifold
Special Lagrangian submanifold 70 304 418
Spin geometry 64—68
Spin structure 65
Spin(7) holonomy 57—58 254—264
Spin(7) holonomy, Cayley 4-fold 70 267—268 371—373 417
Spin(7) holonomy, compact manifolds, Betti numbers of 370 380 385 390 416
Spin(7) holonomy, compact manifolds, constructions 360—362 395—401
Spin(7) holonomy, compact manifolds, examples 368—371 373—391 406—415
Spin(7) holonomy, compact manifolds, moduli space of 261—264
Spin(7) holonomy, compact manifolds, topology of 259—261 366—368 404—405
Spin(7) holonomy, holonomy subgroups 256
Spin(7) holonomy, metrics Ricci-flat 256
| Spin(7) holonomy, parallel spinors 256
Spin(7) holonomy, research problems 416—418
Spin(7), definition 255
Spin(7)-manifold 255
Spin(7)-manifold, ALE 344 393—394
Spin(7)-manifold, product 343
Spin(7)-manifold, QALE 344—346
Spin(7)-manifold, with holonomy SU(2) 342
Spin(7)-manifold, with holonomy SU(3), etc. 343
Spin(7)-orbifolds 346—347
Spin(7)-orbifolds , examples 369 373 381 386
Spin(7)-orbifolds R-data 346
Spin(7)-orbifolds resolutions 348
Spin(7)-orbifolds 395—396
Spin(7)-orbifolds , examples 406—415
Spin(7)-orbifolds , resolutions 398
Spin(7)-structure 255
Spin(7)-structure, admissible 4-form 255
Spin(7)-structure, function 257—258
Spin(7)-structure, small torsion 355 398
Spin(7)-structure, splitting of forms 256 260
Spin(7)-structure, torsion 255
Spin(7)-structure, torsion-free 255
Spinor 65
Spinor, harmonic 67
Spinor, parallel 66 245 256
Stokes' theorem 2
String theory 144—146
SU(m) holonomy see Calabi — Yau manifold
Symmetric space 50—55
Symmetric space, constant curvature 54
Symmetric space, definition 50
Torelli Theorem, Global 158 164
Torelli Theorem, Local 158 163
Torelli Theorem, Weak 158
Toric geometry 129
Torsion 35—36
Torsion, of G-structure 40
Twistor space 151—152 168 169
Variety 86—90
Variety, abstract 89
Variety, affine 87
Variety, algebraic 74—75 87
Variety, analytic 90
Variety, blowing up 91—92
Variety, deformation 92—93
Variety, morphism 88
Variety, projective 87
Variety, rational map 88
Variety, resolution 91
Variety, singular 90
Variety, toric 129
Vector bundle 20
Vector bundle, connection 22
Vector bundle, holomorphic 77
Vector bundle, line bundle see line bundle
Weighted projective space 133 140 401
Weitzenbock formula 61 125
Weyl group 154—155 241
Wolf space 168
Zariski topology 86 87
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