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Joyce D. — Riemannian Holonomy Groups and Calibrated Geometry (Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics) |
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see "Hoelder space"
space 5
holonomy 54—55 227—239
holonomy, associative 3-fold 68 71 72 254—272
holonomy, coassociative 4-fold 68 71 72 254—272
holonomy, compact manifolds, Betti numbers of 238
holonomy, compact manifolds, constructing 233—239
holonomy, compact manifolds, moduli space of 232 253
holonomy, compact manifolds, topology of 230—232
holonomy, explicit metrics 253
holonomy, holonomy subgroups 230
holonomy, metrics Ricci-flat 229
holonomy, parallel spinors 230
instanton 253
, definition 227
-manifold 228
-manifold with holonomy SU(2) or SU(3) 230
-structure 228 252
-structure, function 228
-structure, nearly parallel 253
-structure, positive 3-form 228 253
-structure, positive 4-form 228
-structure, small torsion 233 235
-structure, splitting of forms 229 231
-structure, torsion 228
-structure, torsion-free 228 233 236
see "Lebesgue space"
see "Sobolev space"
-genus 64 216 242
see "Quaternions"
see "Octonions"
* see "Hodge star"
3-Sasakian manifold 222—223
3-Sasakian quotient construction 225
A-model 184
Affine structure 168 194
Affine structure, integral 195 197 198
Age grading 131—133
ALE manifold, Calabi — Yau 234 250—251
ALE manifold, Eguchi — Hanson space 205—206 212 234 246
ALE manifold, hyperkaehler 201 205—207
ALE manifold, Spin(7) 250—251
Almost Calabi — Yau m-folds 165—166
Almost Calabi — Yau m-folds, generic 166 173 177 199—200
Ambrose — Singer Holonomy Theorem 31 36
Associative 3-folds 68 71 72 254—272
Associative 3-folds, deformations 256
Associative 3-folds, examples 259—264 268—270
Associative 3-folds, ruled 261—262
Associative cones 258 260 263
Associative cones and pseudoholomorphic curves in 258 261 262
Associative cones as an integrable system 261
Associative cones, two-sided 258
Associative fibrations 272
Asymptotic cone 152
Asymptotically conical SL m-folds 152 161—165
Asymptotically conical SL m-folds, deformations 162
Asymptotically conical SL m-folds, examples 155—157 163—165
Asymptotically cylindrical manifold 237
Asymptotically Locally Euclidean see "ALE manifold"
Atiyah — Singer index theorem 18 64 242 275
B-model 184
Berger's theorem 52
Betti number 2 238 248 252
Betti number, refined 59 231 243
Bianchi identities 34 41 43 56
Blow-up 93—94
Bochner theorem 60 125
Bootstrap method 117
Brane 180 183 184
Calabi Conjecture 54 85 100—121 211 234 237 239
Calabi — Yau manifold 54 68 85 100 122—145 239
Calabi — Yau manifold, A-model 184
Calabi — Yau manifold, almost 165—166 173 177 199—200
Calabi — Yau manifold, B-model 184
Calabi — Yau manifold, constructions 139—144
Calabi — Yau manifold, definition 126
Calabi — Yau manifold, deformations 144—145
Calabi — Yau manifold, Hodge numbers 126
Calabi — Yau manifold, mirror pair 143 180 183
Calabi — Yau orbifold 136
Calibrated geometry 65—74 146—177 254—277
Calibrated submanifold 67
Calibration 67 126
Calibration, classification on 69—72
Canonical bundle 96
Cartan — Kaehler theory 147 153
Category 184—185
Category of coherent sheaves 184 185 187
Category, 187
Category, abelian 185—186
Category, additive 185
Category, Calabi — Yau 190
Category, definition 184
Category, derived 186—187
Category, derived Fukaya 184 189
Category, dg- 187
Category, enhanced triangulated 190
Category, equivalence 184 185
Category, exact 185
Category, Fukaya 184 187—189
Category, functor 184
Category, linear 185
Category, triangulated 186—187
Category, triangulated 187 189—190
Cayley 4-folds 68 71 272—277
Cayley 4-folds and associative 3-folds 274
Cayley 4-folds and coassociative 4-folds 274
Cayley 4-folds and holomorphic surfaces 273
Cayley 4-folds and SL 4-folds 273
Cayley 4-folds and Spin(7) instantons 277
Cayley 4-folds with isolated conical singularities 276
Cayley 4-folds, 2-ruled 274
Cayley 4-folds, deformations 273
Cayley 4-folds, examples 273—276
Cayley fibrations 276—277
Cayley integral current 277
Cayley numbers see "Octonions"
Characteristic class 96
Characteristic class, -genus 64 216 242
Characteristic class, first Chern class 96 99 100 123
Characteristic class, first Pontryagin class 232 242 244
Cheeger — Gromoll Theorem 61
Chow's theorem 92 97 126
Closed string mirror symmetry 181—183 190—191
Closed strings 180
Coassociative 4-folds 68 71 72 254—272
Coassociative 4-folds with isolated conical singularities 270—271
Coassociative 4-folds, 2-ruled 263—264
Coassociative 4-folds, asymptotically conical 263
Coassociative 4-folds, deformations 257
Coassociative 4-folds, examples 259—264 268—270
Coassociative cones 258 261
Coassociative cones, 2-ruled 263
Coassociative fibrations 271—272
Coherent sheaf 184 185 187 190
Cohomology of sheaves 91 95
Cohomology, de Rham 2
Cohomology, Dolbeault 81
Cohomology, Hodge numbers 87
Cohomology, other cohomology theories 2
Cohomology, Poincare duality 2 131 132 134 168 232
Compact linear map 6 104
Complete intersection 140
Complex manifold 76—79
Complex manifold, biholomorphism 78
Complex manifold, holomorphic function 76
Complex manifold, holomorphic map 78
Complex manifold, rigid 94 133 140
Complex projective space 77
| Complex projective space, weighted 134 135 141—142 181 190 249
Complex structure 76—77
Complex structure, almost 76
Complex symplectic manifold 214—216
Complex symplectic manifold, irreducible 214
Complex symplectic manifold, marked 215
Complex symplectic manifold, moduli space 215
Connection 19—24
Connection on principal bundle 22
Connection on tangent bundle 32—36
Connection on vector bundle 21
Connection, Levi-Civita 39—41
Connection, torsion-free 34—36
Continuity method 106
Crepant resolution 127—133
Current 72
Current, calibrated 73
Current, Cayley 277
Current, integral 72
Current, rectifiable 72
Current, special Lagrangian 158 176
Curvature and holonomy groups 30—32
Curvature in principal bundles 23
Curvature in vector bundles 21—22
Curvature of Kaehler metrics 84—85
Curvature, Ricci 42
Curvature, Riemann 40—43 45 50 52 56 58 84 112 125 229 232 235 236 244 247
Curvature, scalar 42
de Rham theorem 2
Deformation 94—95
Deformation of 133
Deformation of Calabi — Yau manifold 144—145
Deformation, smoothing 94
Deformation, universal 95
Deformation, versal 95
Derived category 186—187
Derived category of coherent sheaves 184 187
Derived Fukaya category 169 184
Dg-category 187
Dirac operator 62—64 242 243
Discriminant 191
Discriminant, trivalent graph 196
Divisor 98—99
Divisor, exceptional 94 128
Divisor, prime 98
Dolbeault cohomology 81
Double point 128
Double point, ordinary 129
Double point, rational 130
Eguchi — Hanson space 205—206 212 234 246
Elliptic operator 7—18
Elliptic operator, estimate 13
Elliptic operator, definition 9 11
Elliptic operator, existence of solutions 16—18
Elliptic operator, kernel finite-dimensional 16
Elliptic operator, nonlinear 9 102
Elliptic operator, regularity 12—15 66 74 116 121 162 167 171 237 258 266
Elliptic operator, Schauder estimate 13—14
Elliptic operator, symbol 9 11
Embedding 65
Enhanced triangulated category 190
Equivalence of categories 185
Exterior differential systems 54 147 153 252 256 264 270 273
Exterior form see "Form"
Fano variety 180 190 221
Floer homology, Lagrangian 189
Floer homology, obstructions 169 188—189
FLOP 129
FORM 1—4
Form of type (p, q) 80
Form on Kaehler manifolds 85—86
Form, complex symplectic 203
Form, G-structure splitting 56—58
Form, Hermitian 82
Form, holomorphic volume 123 126
Form, hyperkaehler 2-form 203
Form, Kaehler 82 123
Frobenius theorem 46
Fukaya category 169 184 187—189
Fukaya category, derived 189
functor 184 190
Functor, (left or right) derived 186
Functor, (left or right) exact 186
G-structure 36
Geometric measure theory 72—74 158 170 171 176 277
Green's representation 14
Gromov — Hausdorff limit 197
Gromov — Witten invariants 182—183 191
Hilbert scheme 218
HMS Conjecture 184 187—190
Hodge numbers 87
Hodge numbers of hyperkaehler manifolds 216
Hodge star 3 57
Hodge star on Kaehler manifolds 86
Hodge theory 3—4 58—60
Hodge theory on Kaehler manifolds 86—88
Hoelder space 5—6
Hoelder's inequality 4
Holomorphic vector bundle 81 185
Holomorphic volume form 126
Holonomy algebra 27 29 43
Holonomy group and cohomology 56—61
Holonomy group and curvature 30—32
Holonomy group for principal bundles 28—30
Holonomy group for vector bundles 24—28
Holonomy group, classification 52—56
Holonomy group, constant tensors 32—34
Holonomy group, definition 25 28 42
Holonomy group, exceptional see " holonomy" "Spin(7)
Holonomy group, restricted 26 28 42
Holonomy group, Ricci-flat 55
Holonomy group, Riemannian 42—43
Homological mirror symmetry 183—191
Homological mirror symmetry conjecture see "HMS Conjecture"
Hypercomplex algebraic geometry 224
Hypercomplex manifold 223—224
Hypercomplex quotient construction 225
Hyperkaehler manifold 54 100 201—219
Hyperkaehler manifold, ALE 201 205—207
Hyperkaehler manifold, cohomology 217
Hyperkaehler manifold, examples 218—219
Hyperkaehler manifold, Hodge numbers 216
Hyperkaehler manifold, moduli space 217
Hyperkaehler manifold, twistor space 204—205
Hyperkaehler quotient construction 207 224
Hyperkaehler structure 201 203
Hypersurface 98
Hypersurface in toric variety 143
Hypersurface in weighted projective space 141—142
Hypersurface, Calabi — Yau 140
Hypersurface, degree d 140
Immersion 65
Implicit Mapping Theorem 7
Injectivity radius 5 173 235 236 247
Instanton 225 253
Integrable systems 152—153 155 159 177 260—261
Integral affine structure 195 197 198
Integral current 72
Integral current, Cayley 277
Integral current, special Lagrangian 158 171 176
Interior estimate 15
Intrinsic torsion 38
Inverse mapping theorem 7 119
K3 surface 208—213
K3 surface, examples 208
K3 surface, marked 209
K3 surface, moduli space 209 213
Kaehler chamber 210
Kaehler class 84 88
Kaehler cone 88 210 216
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