Авторизация |
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Joyce D. — Riemannian Holonomy Groups and Calibrated Geometry (Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics) |
Предметный указатель |
Kaehler form 82 123
Kaehler manifold 54 82
Kaehler metric 82
Kaehler potential 84
Kodaira embedding theorem 98 126
Kondrakov Theorem 6 16 104
Kummer construction 138 208—209 212—213
Kuranishi family 96 144
Lagrangian Floer homology 189
Lagrangian Floer homology, obstructions 169 188—189
Lagrangian submanifolds 147
Landau — Ginzburg model 180 190
Laplacian 3 7 9 13 58
Laplacian on Kaehler manifolds 86 107
Large complex structure limit 182 183 189 192—194 196
Large radius limit 182 183 189 192—194 196
Lebesgue space 4—5
Lefschetz hyperplane theorem 99 141
Levi-Civita connection 39—41
Line bundle 96—98
Line bundle, ample 97 126
Line bundle, canonical 96 123 127
Line bundle, first Chern class 96 99 100 123
Line bundle, over 96
Line bundle, positive 98
Line bundle, very ample 97
Log scheme 198
M-theory 179 227 252 253
Maximum principle 15
McKay correspondence 130 132 206
Mean curvature vector 66
Metric, Fubini — Study 51 83
Metric, Hermitian 82
Metric, hyperkaehler 203
Metric, Kaehler 82
Metric, reducible 44—48
Metric, symmetric 48—52
Minimal submanifold 66
Mirror pair 143 183
Mirror pair of Calabi — Yau 3-folds 180 183
Mirror Symmetry 142 178—200
Mirror symmetry of Hodge numbers 181
Mirror symmetry, closed string 181—183 190—191
Mirror symmetry, homological 183—191
Mirror symmetry, quantum 192
Moduli space 60 225
Moduli space of -manifolds 232 253
Moduli space of Calabi — Yau manifolds 144—145
Moduli space of complex symplectic manifolds 215
Moduli space of hyperkaehler manifolds 217
Moduli space of K3 surfaces 209 213
Moduli space of Spin(7)-manifolds 245
Moment map 150 153
Monge — Ampere equation 102 197
monodromy 194
Newlander — Nirenberg theorem 76
Nijenhuis tensor 76
Node 129
Novikov ring 189 190
Octonions 54
Open strings 180
Orbifold 133—137
Orbifold of torus 138 233—237 245—247
Orbifold, Calabi — Yau 136 248—252
Orbifold, complex 134 218
Orbifold, crepant resolution 137—140
Orbifold, group 134
Orbifold, Kaehler 135
Orbifold, point 134
Orbifold, quaternionic Kaehler 222
Orbifold, real 134
Parallel transport 25
Period domain 210 215
Period domain, hyperkaehler 213 218
Period map 145 209 215
Period map, hyperkaehler 213 218
Picard group 96
Poincare duality 2 131 132 134 168 232
Principal bundle 19
Principal bundle, connection 22
Pseudoholomorphic curves in 258 261 262
Quantum mirror symmetry 192
Quasi-ALE manifold Calabi — Yau 235 246
Quaternionic Kaehler manifold 54 201 219—222
Quaternionic Kaehler manifold, negative 220
Quaternionic Kaehler manifold, positive 220
Quaternionic Kaehler manifold, twistor space 220
Quaternionic Kaehler quotient construction 225
Quaternionic manifold 224
Quaternionic quotient construction 225
Quaternions 54 148 202
Quotient constructions 224—225
Real Monge — Ampere equation 197
Rectifiable current 72
Reduction Theorem 29
Resolution 93
Resolution of 129—133
Resolution, crepant 127—133
Resolution, small 128
Ricci curvature 42 85
Ricci curvature and 1-forms 60—61
Ricci form 85 100 124
Riemann curvature 40—43 45 50 52 56 58 84 112 125 229 232 235 236 244 247
Riemannian holonomy see "Holonomy group"
Riemannian metric see "Metric"
Scalar curvature 42
SCFT 180—183 187 192
SCFT, topological twisting 183
Schauder estimate 13—14
Scheme 92
Schlessinger Rigidity Theorem 133
Second fundamental form 66
Self-dual 4-manifold 224
Self-dual 4-manifold, Einstein 221
Sheaf 91
Sheaf, coherent 184 185 187 190
Sheaf, cohomology 91 95
Sheaf, invertible 127
| Singularity of variety 92
Singularity, canonical 128
Singularity, crepant resolution 127—133
Singularity, deformation 94—95
Singularity, Kleinian 130
Singularity, resolution 93
Singularity, terminal 128 131
SL m-fold see "Special Lagrangian m-folds"
Smoothing 94
Sobolev embedding theorem 6 111 237
Sobolev space 4—5
Sp(m) holonomy see "Hyperkaehler manifold"
Sp(m) Sp(1) holonomy see "Quaternionic Kaehler manifold"
Special Lagrangian cones 150 158—161
Special Lagrangian cones as an integrable system 152
Special Lagrangian cones, examples 155—157 159—161
Special Lagrangian fibrations 155 191—193 198—200
Special Lagrangian fibrations, discriminant 191
Special Lagrangian fibrations, singularities 198—200
Special Lagrangian fibrations, U(1)-invariant 198—199
Special Lagrangian integral current 158 176
Special Lagrangian m-folds 68 71 146—177 239
Special Lagrangian m-folds as (semi)stable objects 169
Special Lagrangian m-folds in (almost) Calabi — Yau m-folds 165—177
Special Lagrangian m-folds in (almost) Calabi — Yau m-folds, examples 169—170
Special Lagrangian m-folds with isolated conical singularities 74 170—177
Special Lagrangian m-folds with isolated conical singularities, behaviour near singularities 171—172
Special Lagrangian m-folds with isolated conical singularities, deformations 172—173
Special Lagrangian m-folds with isolated conical singularities, desingularizing 173—175
Special Lagrangian m-folds with phase 147
Special Lagrangian m-folds, affine structures on moduli space 168—169
Special Lagrangian m-folds, Asymptotically Conical 152 155—157 161—165
Special Lagrangian m-folds, asymptotically conical, deformations 162
Special Lagrangian m-folds, boundary of moduli space 176
Special Lagrangian m-folds, compact 166—169
Special Lagrangian m-folds, connected sums 175—176
Special Lagrangian m-folds, constructions 150—157
Special Lagrangian m-folds, deformations 148—149 166—167
Special Lagrangian m-folds, examples 155—157 159—161 163—165
Special Lagrangian m-folds, index of singularities 176—177 199 200
Special Lagrangian m-folds, obstructions 167—168
Special Lagrangian m-folds, ruled 151—152
Spin geometry 61—64
Spin structure 62
Spin(7) holonomy 54—55 239—252
Spin(7) holonomy, Cayley 4-fold 68 272—277
Spin(7) holonomy, compact manifolds, Betti numbers of 248 252
Spin(7) holonomy, compact manifolds, constructing 245—252
Spin(7) holonomy, compact manifolds, moduli space of 245
Spin(7) holonomy, compact manifolds, topology of 242—245
Spin(7) holonomy, explicit metrics 253
Spin(7) holonomy, holonomy subgroups 241
Spin(7) holonomy, metrics Ricci-flat 241
Spin(7) holonomy, parallel spinors 241
Spin(7) instanton 253 277
Spin(7), definition 239
Spin(7)-manifold 240
Spin(7)-manifold with holonomy SU(2), SU(3), etc. 241—242
Spin(7)-structure 240
Spin(7)-structure, admissible 4-form 240
Spin(7)-structure, small torsion 246 249
Spin(7)-structure, splitting of forms 240 243
Spin(7)-structure, torsion 240
Spin(7)-structure, torsion-free 240 247 249
Spinor 62
Spinor, harmonic 64
Spinor, parallel 62 230 241
Stokes' theorem 2
String theory 178—180 227 253
Strings, closed 180
Strings, open 180
Strominger — Yau — Zaslow Conjecture see "SYZ Conjecture"
SU(m) holonomy see "Calabi — Yau manifold"
Submanifold, definition 65
Submanifold, embedded 65
Submanifold, immersed 65
Submanifold, minimal 66
Super-conformal field theory see "SCFT"
Swann bundle 223
Symmetric space 48—52
Symmetric space, constant curvature 51
Symmetric space, definition 48
SYZ Conjecture 146 155 191—200 271 272
SYZ Conjecture as a limiting statement 192—194 196—198
Tangent cone 73—74 158 171 177
Torelli Theorem, Global 210 216
Torelli Theorem, Local 210 215
Torelli Theorem, Weak 210
Toric geometry 130
Torsion 34
Torsion of G-structure 38
Triangulated -category 189—190
Triangulated category 186—187
Triangulated category, equivalence 184
Triangulated category, nonfunctoriality of the cone 186
Twistor space 204—205 220 224
Variety 88—92
Variety, abstract 92
Variety, affine 89
Variety, algebraic 78—79 90
Variety, analytic 92
Variety, blowing up 93—94
Variety, deformation 94—95
Variety, morphism 90
Variety, projective 90
Variety, rational map 90
Variety, resolution 93
Variety, singular 92
Variety, toric 130
Vector bundle 19
Vector bundle, connection 21
Vector bundle, holomorphic 81
Vector bundle, line bundle see "Line bundle"
Weighted projective space 134 135 141—142 181 190 249
Weitzenbock formula 58 125
Weyl group 206—207
Wolf space 221
Yukawa coupling 182—183
Zariski topology 89 90
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