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Поиск книг, содержащих: Mandelstam variables
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Gomez C., Ruiz-Altaba M., Sierra G. — Quantum Groups in Two-Dimensional Physics | 318 | Liboff R. — Kinetic Theory | 465, 478 | Ryder L.H. — Quantum Field Theory | 316 | Roman P. — Introduction to quantum field theory | 13, 621 | Ramond P. — Field Theory: A Modern Primer | 167 | Galindo A., Pascual P. — Quantum Mechanics Two | II 6 | Ramond P. — Field Theory: A modern Primer | 128 | Greiner W., Schramm S., Stein E. — Quantum chromodynamics | 36, 100, 241, 245, 348, 387 | Collins P.D., Squires E.J., Martin A.D. — Particle Physics and Cosmology | 19, 312 | Weinberg S. — The Quantum Theory of Fields. Vol. 1 Foundations | 515 | Griffits D. — Introduction to elementary particles | 102 | Bogolubov N.N., Logunov A.A., Todorov I.T. — Introduction to Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory | 497 | Collins P.D.B., Martin A.D., Squires E.J. — Particle Physics and Cosmology | 19, 312 | Greiner W., Reinhardt J. — Quantum electrodynamics | 154 | Halzen F., Martin A.D. — Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics | 94 | Siegel W. — Fields | IA4, VC4, VIC4 | Hatfield B. — Quantum field theory of point particles and strings | 663 | Polchinski J. — String theory (volume 1). An introduction to the bosonic string | 180 | Siegel W. — Fields | IA4, VC4, VIC4 | Leader E., Predazzi E. — An introduction to gauge theories and modern particle physics | 2.226 | Forschaw J.R., Ross D.A. — Quantum chromodynamics and the pomeron | 2, 28 | Todorov I.T. — Analytic properties of Feynman diagrams in quantum field theory | 12, 22 | Yao W-M — Review of particle physics | 323 | Collins P.D.B., Martin A.D., Squires E.J. — Particle Physics and Cosmology | 19, 312 | D.H. Perkins — Introduction to high energy physics | 148 |