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Leader E., Predazzi E. — An introduction to gauge theories and modern particle physics |
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, asymmetry parameters for 1.346—1.349 1.381 1.405
, , neutral weak axial vector coupling constants 1.68
transverse asymmetry in polarized DIS 1.350
longitudinal asymmetry in polarized DIS 1.348
CP-violation 2.48
CP-violation, 2.51
mixing 1.297 2.19
mixing, decay, in 2.20
mixing, dynamics of 2.45
mixing, incoherent production, in 2.20
in CP-violation 2.39
in CP-violation, Lattice QCD, in 2.305
(QCD) xxvi 2.119
(QCD) xxvi 2.130
(QCD) xxvi 2.119
, neutral weak couplings 1.71 1.75
(QCD) xxvi 2.130
mixing 2.19
in SU(3) 1.460—1.463 2.370—2.373
see "DIS"
, electromagnetic form factors 1.322
, electromagnetic form factors, dipole form 1.323
, electromagnetic form factors, parton model, in 2.229
, elastic scattering 1.69—1.77
reactions, 1.126
reactions, , , 2.256
reactions, , and the SM 1.132
reactions, , angular distribution 1.134 2.255
reactions, , asymmetry at 1.149
reactions, , Breit — Wigner form 1.137 1.140
reactions, , cross-section, total 1.129 1.136
reactions, , helicity amplitudes 1.137
reactions, , polarization of / in SM 1.153
reactions, , polarized beams, with 1.151
reactions, , vector and axial couplings at Z° 1.150
reactions, 2.255
reactions, , 2.256
reactions, , angular distribution 2.255
reactions, , polarized beams, with 2.258
reactions, see "Jets in physics"
reactions, 2.255
reactions, 1.134
reactions, , parton model for 1.426
reactions, 1.126 1.129
reactions, , angular distribution 1.129
reactions, , forward-backward asymmetry 1.138
reactions, 2.257
reactions, 1.143—1.147
reactions, hadrons see also "Monte Carlo for hadrons" "R"
reactions, hadrons, colour, role of 1.174
reactions, hadrons, energy flow 2.280
reactions, hadrons, energy-energy correlations 2.280
reactions, hadrons, multiplicity 2.277
reactions, Bhabha scattering 1.126
reactions, energies , at 1.126
reactions, LEP data 1.133
reactions, Moller scattering 1.128
reactions, QED, tests of 1.130
reactions, R, 1.122 1.175 1.205 1.222 1.239 1.273 1.300 1.427 2.128 2.131—2.133 2.262
reactions, SM, in 1.132
, colliders 1.118
, colliders, ADA 1.119
, colliders, CLIC 1.154
, colliders, LEP 1.122
, colliders, SLC 1.125
, colliders, TRISTAN 1.121
, luminosity 1.120
, polarization 1.120 1.123
, storage rings 1.118
(sphaleron energy) 2.336
, Mott cross-section 1.320
structure constants xxvi 1.460—1.463 2.105 2.368—2.371
, longitudinal scaling function 2.198
, , , pseudoscalar meson decay constants 1.286
, , , pseudoscalar meson decay constants, CP-violation, role in 2.38
, , , pseudoscalar meson decay constants, Lattice QCD, in 2.312
, , neutral weak axial, vector coupling constants 1.68 1.141 1.150
, , neutral weak vector, coupling constants 1.68 1.141 1.150
, axial coupling constant 1.8—1.10
, vector coupling constant 1.8—1.10
see "Narrow vector resonance"
reactions, 2.18 2.23
reactions, 1.288 2.17
CP-violation see "CP-violation"
mixing, introductory 1.165
mixing, introductory, detailed phenomenology 2.23
mixing, introductory, general 2.19
mixing, introductory, mass difference 2.14—2.18 2.30
current in QCD 2.326
(Higgs mass) 1.54
(Higgs mass), limits on 1.97
(Higgs mass), relation to Higgs width 1.91 1.92
(top mass), , connection with 1.98
(top mass), CP-violation, role in 2.37 2.45
(top mass), muon lifetime, role in 1.109
(top mass), note added in proof xxix
(top mass), value, from LEP data 1.146
, number of active flavours 2.123
, number of flavours 2.119
at large 2.230—2.233
potential see "Quarkonium"
potential, Lattice QCD, in 2.311
, 1.184 1.423
collider 1.77 1.117
invariance 1.10
invariance, particle assignments 1.209
invariance, quark content of hadrons 1.209
, (topological manifolds) 2.320
-matrices, properties of 1.460 2.368
, , neutral weak vector, coupling constants 1.68
, in mixing 2.46—2.48
-boson, couplings see "Coupling constants" "Lagrangian
-boson, discovery of 1.63
-boson, mass, collision data, from 1.82
-boson, mass, LEP data, for 1.134
-boson, mass, W mass, relation to 1.54 1.58
-boson, polarization vector, for 1.330
-boson, production, collision data on 1.82
-boson, production, B and L violating reactions, in 2.337
-boson, production, parton model for 1.440
-boson, production, QCD, in 2.216
-boson, production, theory, comparison with 2.217
-boson, production, transverse momentum distributions 2.217
-boson, production, widths see also "Gauge symmetry"
-boson, production, widths, partial width in SM 1.144
-boson, production, widths, LEP data, on 1.134
-boson, production, widths, pp collision data, from 1.82
-boson, production, widths, QCD effects on 2.269
-boson, production, widths, SM, in 1.144
coupling constant renormalization parameter 2.58
coupling constant renormalization parameter, MPS scheme, in 2.67—2.71 2.76
coupling constant renormalization parameter, MS, schemes, in 2.71—2.73 2.77
mass renormalization parameter 2.58
mass renormalization parameter, MPS scheme, in 2.67—2.71
mass renormalization parameter, MS, schemes, in 2.71—2.73
field renormalization parameter 2.58
field renormalization parameter, MPS scheme, in 2.67—2.71
field renormalization parameter, MS, schemes, in 2.71—2.73
, fine structure constant in QED 1.57
, fine structure constant in QED, effective or running 1.57
, , couplings in GUT 2.343
, fine structure constant for QCD 1.207 1.260
, fine structure constant for QCD, effective or running 2.79
, fine structure constant for QCD, effective or running, formula to lowest order 2.84
, fine structure constant for QCD, effective or running, formula to next to leading order 2.124—2.126 2.269
, fine structure constant for QCD, experimental determination, decay 1.260
| , fine structure constant for QCD, experimental determination, decay 1.260
, fine structure constant for QCD, experimental determination, jet production in collisions 2.258 2.265 2.282
, fine structure constant for QCD, experimental determination, jet production in hadronic reactions 2.239
, fine structure constant for QCD, experimental determination, vector quarkonium states 1.260
parameter (Lattice QCD) 2.305
-Decay 1.6—1.7 2.12
-decay, hyperons, of 2.2
-decay, kaons, of 2.2
-decay, neutrinoless 2.345
-decay, pions, of 1.14
-decay, quark picture of 1.12
-function see also "Renormalization group"
-function, b, b' in QCD 2.120
in mixing 2.22 2.47
states 1.236—1.238 1.253
states 1.220—1.221 1.253
rule in non-leptonic K-decay 2.26
parameter in radiative corrections to SM 1.109
rule for semileptonic decays 1.14
, phase angle in KM matrix 1.163
, phase angle in KM matrix, mixing, in 2.46
, phase angle in KM matrix, CP-violation, from 2.27 2.39
singular function 1.464 2.352
, , phase-shifts 2.23
, in CP-violation, CP-violating Hamiltonian, relation to 2.28
, in CP-violation, definitions 2.26
, in CP-violation, estimate in SM 2.35—2.40
, in CP-violation, numerical values 2.27—2.28
, in CP-violation, Wu — Yang convention 2.28—2.29
step function 1.464 2.352
(3592) 1.219
, in CP-violation 2.23—2.28
(2980) 1.219 1.253
-function see "Renormalization group"
-matrices xxiv
-matrices, d-dimensions, in 2.65
-matrices, traces of 1.452 2.360
-reactions, see "Parton-parton reactions"
-reactions, , , asymmetry parameters 1.346—1.349 1.381 1.405
-reactions, , DIS, relation to 1.330
-reactions, , longitudinal cross-section 1.330
-reactions, , R, 1.331
-reactions, , transverse cross-section 1.330
see "DIS"
lifetime, electroweak radiative corrections to 1.107
lifetime, lowest order, in 1.57
lifetime, QED radiative corrections to 1.57
lifetime, tests of corrections, experimental 1.112
-decay 1.57
(tau neutrino) 1.302 1.312
(tau neutrino), helicity of 1.315
phase shifts in , CP-violation 2.23—2.24
(3685) see "Narrow vector resonances"
, ratio of real to imaginary parts of amplitude 2.289 2.293
1.76 1.423
charm baryon 1.277 1.279
charm baryon, mass relations 1.282
, in 2.256
, in in 2.257
in hadronic reactions 2.289
-lepton 1.300
-lepton, , universality 1.309
-lepton, decays, leptonic 1.310
-lepton, decays, Michel parameter 1.312
-lepton, decays, parity violation 1.314
-lepton, decays, QCD, tests of 1.311
-lepton, decays, semi-leptonic 1.310
-lepton, decays, V-A structure 1.313
-lepton, discovery of 1.301
-lepton, lifetime 1.306
-lepton, mass 1.304
-lepton, point-like structure 1.308
-lepton, polarization in 1.154
-lepton, properties, table of 1.303
-lepton, rare decays 1.314
-lepton, spin 1.307
-neutrino 1.302 1.312
-neutrino, helicity of 1.312
-neutrino, mass of 1.314
problem 2.329—2.332 2.340 2.349
, TCP operator 2.384
-vacuum, periodic potential in QM 2.314
-vacuum, QCD, in 2.318 2.326
-vacuum, QCD, in, axions 2.332
-vacuum, QCD, in, chiral non-invariance 2.331
-vacuum, QCD, in, mass generation 2.331
-vacuum, QCD, in, Peccei — Quinn symmetry 2.332
-vacuum, QCD, in, problems with 2.331
-vacuum, QCD, in, strong CP-violation 2.329
-vacuum, QCD, in, U(1) problem resolution 2.329
-vacuum, QCD, in, value of 2.331
step function 1.444 2.352
step function, integral representation for 2.382
see "Cabibbo angle"
see "Weinberg angle"
(upsilon) see "Narrow vector resonances"
charm baryon 1.275
, virtual photon, interference in DIS 1.341 1.374
, virtual photon, flux of 1.330
, virtual photon, polarization vector for 1.330
5-matrix 1.449 2.357 2.384
5-matrix, Dyson expansion for 1.150
5-matrix, Feynman amplitude, relation to 1.451 2.359
5-matrix, T-matrix, relation to 2.384
Abelian gauge symmetries see "Gauge symmetry"
Absorptive part of transition amplitude 2.33—2.34 2.383
Acoplanarity 2.254 2.266
action 1.29
Action, Euclidean 2.327 2.396
Action, Lattice QCD, for 2.305
Active flavours 2.123
ADA storage ring 1.119
Ademollo — Gatto theorem 2.3
Adler sum rule 1.401 2.146 2.154
AEEC 2.281
Altarelli — Parisi equations 2.148 2.185
Altarelli — Parisi equations, summary of 2.186
Angular momentum sum rule 1.408
Angular ordering 2.275 2.285
anomalies see also "Triangle anomaly"
Anomalies, axial isosinglet current 2.330
Anomalies, baryon number axial current 2.341
Anomalies, baryon number vector current 2.334
Anomalies, evidence for 1.360
Anomalies, lepton number vector current 2.334
Anomalous dimensions 2.83 2.142
Anomalous magnetic moment of nucleon 1.321
Anti-linear (anti-unitary) operators 2.384
Anticommutators 1.445 2.353
Antipartons 1.359
Antishadowing 1.414
Applequist — Carrazone theorem 2.122
Asymmetries and polarization at the 1.149
asymptotic freedom 2.81
Asymptotic freedom, Lattice QCD, in 2.304
Asymptotic freedom, scaling, and 2.81
Away jet 2.221
axial anomaly see "Anomalies"
Axial gauges 2.114
Axions 2.332 2.341
B mesons see "Bottom mesons"
B, b' (QCD -function) 2.120
B-L symmetry (baryon-lepton) 2.339
B-violation (baryon number), GUT, in 2.342
B-violation (baryon number), SM, in 2.332 2.336
B-violation (baryon number), SM, in, gauge bosons 2.337
B-violation (baryon number), SM, in, gauge bosons, perturbative corrections 2.337
B-violation (baryon number), SM, in, gauge bosons, unitarity bound 2.337
B-violation (baryon number), SM, in, 2.336
B-violation (baryon number), SM, in, for 2.338
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