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Leader E., Predazzi E. — An introduction to gauge theories and modern particle physics |
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Bare coupling constant 2.54
Bare field 2.54
Bare mass 2.54
Baryon non-conservation see "B-violation"
Baryon number current, anomaly in 2.341
Baryon number current, axial vector 2.341
Bhabha scattering 1.126
Binomial distribution, negative 2.297
Bjorken limit 1.338 2.138
Bjorken scaling 1.336 1.348 2.138 see
Bjorken sum rule 1.347 1.349
Bjorken sum rule, parton model, in 1.406
Bjorken x 1.338
Bloch states 2.314 2.319 2.328
Bott theorem 2.324
Bottom mesons, 1.291
Bottom mesons, decays 1.290
Bottom mesons, lifetime, theory of 1.285 1.291
Bottom particles, discovery of 1.270 1.273
Bottom particles, lifetime 1.299
Bottom production at LEP 1.295
Bottom production, cross-section 1.294
Bottom production, forward-backward asymmetry 1.298
Bottom production, threshold in DIS 1.369
Bottom quark 1.157 1.160
Bottom quark, charge of 1.273 1.279
Bottom quark, lifetime of 1.285
Bottom quark, transitions in standard model 1.270
Broken symmetries see "Spontaneous symmetry breaking"
Cabibbo allowed reactions 1.10 1.270 1.283
Cabibbo angle 1.10 1.270 1.283
Cabibbo forbidden reactions 1.10 1.270 1.283
Cabibbo theory 1.10—1.13
Callan — Gross relation 1.355
Callan — Symanzik equation 1.355 1.393 2.146 2.154
Canonical quantization 2.55
Causality 1.444 2.352
Charge conjugation 1.447 2.357
Charge conjugation, invariance 1.465 2.373
Charge operator of conserved current 1.466 2.374
Charge raising operator 1.18
Charged current (CC) reactions 1.332 see
Charged weak hadronic interaction 1.177
Charged weak leptonic interaction 1.67
Charm 1.270
Charm baryons 1.272—1.279
Charm baryons, mass relations 1.272 1.282
Charm mesons 1.272—1.277
Charm mesons, decay, theory of 1.283
Charm mesons, detection of 1.272 1.276
Charm mesons, hadronic decays 1.287
Charm mesons, leptonic decays 1.286
Charm mesons, lifetimes 1.284
Charm mesons, mass relations 1.282
Charm mesons, semi-leptonic decays 1.279 1.287
Charm quark 1.157
Charm quark, charge of 1.280
Charm quark, decay of 1.282
Charm quark, threshold in DIS 1.369
Charm quark, transitions in SM 1.270 1.282
Charm, detection of 1.270 1.276
Charm, discovery and basic properties 1.270
Charm, production, decay, in 1.295—1.297
Charm, production, at LEP 1.295
Charm, production, cross-section 1.294
Charmonium 1.202 1.241 see
Charmonium, decay into gluons 1.213—1.218
Charmonium, decay selection rules 1.216
Chiral charge 2.330
Chiral symmetry 1.10 2.106
Chiral symmetry, -vacuum non-invariance 2.329
Chiral symmetry, Lattice QCD, in 2.305
Chiral symmetry, U(1) problem 2.328 2.340
CLIC collider 1.154
Cluster fragmentation 2.277
Coefficient function (Wilson expansion) 2.136
Coherence length (DIS) 1.413
Collinear singularities 2.171—2.180
Colour 1.4 1.166
Colour charge 2.109 2.322
Colour charge density 2.322
Colour sums 1.459 2.367
Colour, hadrons, in 1.274
Colour, , in 1.168
Colour, QCD, in 2.105
Colour, triangle anomaly, in 1.170
Colour-electric, magnetic fields 2.321
Commutation relations 1.443 2.351
Commutation relations, theory, in 2.54
Commutation relations, canonical 1.5
Commutation relations, generators of gauge transformations, for 1.34—1.35
Compositeness 2.347
Compton scattering 1.459 2.61 2.367 2.390—2.394
Compton scattering, gauge invariance, in 2.109
Compton scattering, gluons, of 1.459 2.390—2.392
confinement 2.98 2.309
Conjugate momentum 2.55
Continuum limit (Lattice QCD) 2.305 2.307
Convolution theorem (Mellin transforms) 2.148
Correlation functions 2.302
Coulomb gauge 2.102
Counter terms (renormalization) 2.60
Counting rules 2.230
Coupling constants, Fermi G 1.6 1.56—1.58 1.108 1.110 1.115
Coupling constants, QCD, in, see " "
Coupling constants, QED, in, see " "
Coupling constants, SM, in, data from LEP 1.133
Coupling constants, SM, in, g, g' 1.52
Coupling constants, SM, in, g, g', e, relation to 1.53
Coupling constants, SM, in, g, g', G, relation to 1.56
Coupling constants, SM, in, G, relation to SM parameters, beyond lowest order 1.109—1.110
Coupling constants, SM, in, G, relation to SM parameters, lowest order, in 1.57—1.58 1.108
Coupling constants, SM, in, G, relation to SM parameters, radiative corrections to 1.108
Coupling constants, SM, in, Higgs-fermion 1.90
Coupling constants, SM, in, Higgs-lepton 1.61
Coupling constants, SM, in, Higgs-W, 1.92
Coupling constants, SM, in, lepton axial vector 1.68
Coupling constants, SM, in, lepton vector 1.68
Coupling constants, SM, in, neutral weak 1.68
Coupling of fields see "Lagrangian density"
Covariant derivative, non-Abelian theories, in 1.35—37
Covariant derivative, QCD, in 2.105
Covariant derivative, QED, in 1.32
Covariant gauges 2.103 2.114
Covariant spin vector 1.343
Covariant spin vector, partons, for 1.394
CP-violation 1.162 2.12
CP-violation, system, in 2.19 2.48
CP-violation, system, in 2.19
CP-violation, system, in 2.18 2.23
CP-violation, dynamics of 2.32
CP-violation, formalism, general 2.15 2.23
CP-violation, practical aspects 2.17
CP-violation, QCD, in 2.319 2.329 2.341
CPT invariance see "TCP invariance"
Creation operators 1.1 1.4 1.443 2.351
Current conservation, gauge transformations, and 1.31
Current conservation, matrix elements, with see "Current matrix elements"
Current conservation, operator product expansion, in 2.135
Current conservation, QCD, in 2.108
Current conservation, QED, in 1.2 2.109—2.110
Current correlation function 2.302
Current matrix elements, axial vector octet 1.468 2.376
Current matrix elements, conserved currents, for 1.465 2.373
Current matrix elements, conserved currents, for, electromagnetic 1.467 2.375
Current matrix elements, conserved currents, for, F and D parameters 1.406—1.407 1.468 2.376
Current matrix elements, conserved currents, for, general symmetry group 1.467 2.375
Current matrix elements, conserved currents, for, isospin 1.467 2.375
Current matrix elements, conserved currents, for, isospin raising operator 1.467 2.375
Current matrix elements, conserved currents, for, SU(3) octet 1.468 2.376
| Current matrix elements, quark-parton model for 1.393
Current matrix elements, vector octet 1.468 2.376
Current-current form of weak interactions 1.6
Current-current form of weak interactions, effective Hamiltonian, and 2.381
Currents, 2.326
Currents, anomalous 2.330 2.334 2.341
Currents, conserved, associated charge 1.31 1.465 2.373
Currents, conserved, associated charge, group generators, relation to 1.466 2.372
Currents, conserved, matrix elements of see "Current matrix elements"
Currents, electromagnetic 1.2
Currents, electromagnetic, quarks, of 1.163
Currents, QCD 2.106
Currents, QCD, Noether currents 2.109
Currents, QCD, non-gauge invariance of 2.109
Currents, weak 1.6
Currents, weak, , hadronic 1.11
Currents, weak, , matrix elements of 1.468 2.376
Currents, weak, , quark fields, in terms of 1.12
Currents, weak, axial vector 1.10
Currents, weak, axial vector, partially conserved (PCAC) 1.11
Currents, weak, charged quark, coupled to W 1.164
Currents, weak, conserved vector current (CVC) 1.8
Currents, weak, F and D parameters 1.406—1.407 1.468 2.376
Currents, weak, hadronic matrix elements of 1.8 see
Currents, weak, neutral bounds on 1.187
Currents, weak, neutral bounds on, Cabibbo theory, in 1.11
Currents, weak, neutral bounds on, evidence for 1.184
Currents, weak, neutral bounds on, leptonic, coupled to 1.60
Currents, weak, neutral bounds on, quark, coupled to 1.163
Currents, weak, nucleon vector 1.8
Currents, weak, octet of conserved vector 1.10
Currents, weak, strangeness changing hadronic 1.10 1.202
Currents, weak, V-A structure of 1.7
Cut-off parameter (field theory) 2.57 2.62
CVC see "Currents"
D and F in current matrix elements 1.11 1.407 1.468 2.376
D mesons 1.271—1.277
D mesons, detection of 1.272 1.276
D mesons, hadronic decays 1.287
D mesons, leptonic decays 1.286
D mesons, lifetimes, of 1.284
D mesons, mass relations 1.282
D mesons, semi-leptonic decays 1.279 1.287
d-dimensional integrals see "Dimensional regularization"
Decay rate in terms of Feynman amplitude 1.452 2.360
Decoupling theorem for heavy quarks 2.122
Degenerate vacuum, classical field theory, in 2.318
Degenerate vacuum, double-well potential, in 2.314
Degenerate vacuum, QCD, in see "Vacuum QCD in"
Degenerate vacuum, SM, in see "Vacuum SM in"
Diffraction dissociation 2.295
Dimensional regularization 2.63 2.71
Dimensional regularization, -theory, in 2.93—2.99
Dimensional regularization, d-dimensional integrals 2.86
Dimensional regularization, d-dimensional integrals, convergence of 2.87
Dimensional regularization, d-dimensional integrals, divergence and analytic continuation 2.87
Dimensional regularization, d-dimensional integrals, examples of 2.91
Dimensional regularization, d-dimensional integrals, MS and schemes 2.96
Dimensional regularization, d-dimensional integrals, regularization, in 2.89
Dimensions, matrix elements, of 1.464 2.372
Dimensions, operators, of 2.136 2.302
Dimensions, physical, in natural units 1.5
Dipole moment of neutron, electric 2.341
Diquarks 2.232
Dirac form factors 1.322
Dirac matrices see " -matrices"
Dirac operator (Lattice QCD) 2.306
Dis 1.324
DIS, longitudinal scaling function 2.198
DIS, , semi-inclusive 2.227
DIS, , in CC reactions, cross-sections for 1.425
DIS, , in CC reactions, scaling functions for 1.375
DIS, , in NC reactions, interference 1.341
DIS, , in NC reactions, cross-section for 1.341 1.425
DIS, , in NC reactions, hadronic tensor for 1.341
DIS, , in NC reactions, scaling functions for 1.341 1.374
DIS, , , for see "DIS electromagnetic
DIS, behaviour 2.191
DIS, (NC reactions) 1.331
DIS, (NC reactions), CC reactions, relation to 1.423—1.424
DIS, (NC reactions), cross-sections for 1.333—1.334 1.340 1.416—1.422
DIS, (NC reactions), hadronic tensor for 1.333
DIS, (NC reactions), leptonic tensor for 1.333
DIS, (NC reactions), scaling functions 1.339 1.361 see
DIS, (NC reactions), structure functions for 1.335
DIS, Altarelli, Parisi, Gribov, Lipatov equations 2.148
DIS, distribution functions see "Partons distribution
DIS, electromagnetic interactions 1.325
DIS, electromagnetic interactions, Bjorken limit 1.338
DIS, electromagnetic interactions, cross-section for 1.325—1.328 1.339
DIS, electromagnetic interactions, cross-section for, scaling functions , in terms of 1.339
DIS, electromagnetic interactions, hadronic tensor for 1.325—1.327 1.386
DIS, electromagnetic interactions, hadronic tensor for, relation to 1.329—1.330
DIS, electromagnetic interactions, leptonic tensor for 1.312 1.325
DIS, electromagnetic interactions, one photon exchange, test for 1.325
DIS, electromagnetic interactions, R ratio of longitudinal to transverse cross-sections 1.331 1.337 1.346 1.355 1.400 1.427
DIS, electromagnetic interactions, scaling behaviour 1.336—1.338
DIS, electromagnetic interactions, scaling functions 1.338 1.355 1.416 2.184 2.195—2.205 see
DIS, electromagnetic interactions, structure functions 1.328
DIS, electromagnetic interactions, structure functions , data on 1.364
DIS, electromagnetic interactions, structure functions , data on, cross-section, relation to 1.330 1.345
DIS, electromagnetic interactions, structure functions , data on, moments of 2.140 2.148
DIS, EMC effect 1.409
DIS, HERA collider, role of 1.340—1.342
DIS, moments of scaling functions 2.140
DIS, moments of scaling functions, —dependence of, parameter (QCD) 2.153
DIS, moments of scaling functions, —dependence of, higher order, in 2.151
DIS, moments of scaling functions, —dependence of, leading order, in 2.148
DIS, moments of scaling functions, —dependence of, renormalization scheme dependence 2.153
DIS, momentum carried by partons 2.188
DIS, neutrino induced reactions 1.331
DIS, neutrino induced reactions, (CC reactions) 1.331
DIS, neutrino induced reactions, (CC reactions), cross-sections for 1.332—1.335 1.339 1.419
DIS, neutrino induced reactions, (CC reactions), hadronic tensor for 1.332
DIS, neutrino induced reactions, (CC reactions), leptonic tensor for 1.332—1.333
DIS, neutrino induced reactions, (CC reactions), NC reactions, relation to 1.423—1.424
DIS, neutrino induced reactions, (CC reactions), scaling functions 1.338 1.371 2.141 2.147 2.195—2.205 see
DIS, neutrino induced reactions, (CC reactions), scaling functions, in terms of 1.339
DIS, neutrino induced reactions, (CC reactions), structure functions for 1.335
DIS, nuclear effects 1.409
DIS, nuclear effects, antishadowing 1.414
DIS, nuclear effects, coherence length 1.413
DIS, nuclear effects, experimental 1.416
DIS, nuclear effects, Fermi motion 1.414
DIS, nuclear effects, mean free path 1.413
DIS, nuclear effects, nuclear radius 1.413
DIS, nuclear effects, scaling functions, convolution formula 1.415
DIS, nuclear effects, shadowing 1.412
DIS, nuclear effects, vector meson dominance 1.413
DIS, operator product expansion 2.135
DIS, parton model with transverse motion 1.384—1.386
DIS, parton model with transverse motion, current matrix elements in 1.393
DIS, parton model with transverse motion, hadronic tensor 1.389
DIS, parton model with transverse motion, scaling functions 1.389
DIS, parton model, in 1.353
DIS, parton model, in, antipartons 1.359
DIS, parton model, in, Callan — Gross relation 1.355 1.366 1.383 2.146 2.154
DIS, parton model, in, experimental tests 1.396
DIS, parton model, in, Fermi motion 1.354 1.382 1.414
DIS, parton model, in, Gottfried sum rule 1.363 1.402
DIS, parton model, in, impulse approximation, as 1.396
DIS, parton model, in, neutrino cross-sections in 1.356—1.358
DIS, parton model, in, partons as quarks 1.361
DIS, parton model, in, polarized DIS, in 1.378
DIS, parton model, in, polarized DIS, in, , asymmetry 1.381
DIS, parton model, in, polarized DIS, in, Bjorken sum rule 1.379 1.406
DIS, parton model, in, polarized DIS, in, quark distributions, polarized 1.379 1.406
DIS, parton model, in, polarized DIS, in, scaling functions 1.378
DIS, parton model, in, quark-parton, detailed 1.364
DIS, parton model, in, quark-parton, detailed, bottom production, threshold for 1.369
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