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Leader E., Predazzi E. — An introduction to gauge theories and modern particle physics |
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Quarkonium, decay, as determination 1.261
Quarkonium, decay, leptons, into 1.262
Quarkonium, decay, photons and gluons, into 1.261
Quarkonium, decay, theoretical 1.260
Quarkonium, positronium analogy 1.241
Quarkonium, spectroscopy, theoretical 1.247
Quarkonium, spectroscopy, theoretical, data, comparison with 1.249
Quarks 1.4
Quarks, couplings, and W, to 1.163 1.177—1.178 1.455—1.456 2.363—2.364
Quarks, couplings, gluons and photons, to 1.454 2.362
Quarks, quantum numbers of 1.12 1.160
Quenched approximation 2.306
R in mixing 2.19 2.20 2.46
r in mixing 2.19
R, , exchange, with 2.134
R, , bottom threshold region, in 1.239
R, , charm region, in 1.300
R, , charm threshold region, in 1.222
R, , data, 10-60 GeV 1.124
R, , data, below 35 GeV 1.205
R, , parton model, in 1.427
R, , QCD, calculation 2.132
R, , QCD, calculation 2.263
R, , quark charge, role in 1.209
R, , renormalization group analysis 2.128
r, ratio of CC antineutrino to neutrino cross-sections 1.188 1.359 1.423
R, ratio of longitudinal to transverse cross-sections for virtual photon-nucleon scattering 1.331 1.337 1.355 1.400 2.199
R-gauge 1.47
Radiative corrections to SM 1.101
Radiative corrections to SM, problems with 1.112
Regge behaviour of scaling functions 1.375
Regge theory 2.289 2.141
Regularization 2.53
Regularization, cut-off procedures 2.62
Regularization, dimensional 2.63 2.71 see
Regularization, lattice 2.304
Regularization, Pauli — Villars 2.62
Renormalizability of gauge theories 1.47
Renormalization 1.103 2.53 see
Renormalization group 2.53 2.61 2.73
Renormalization group, hadrons, in 2.128
Renormalization group, hadrons, in, exchange, inclusion of 2.134
Renormalization group, hadrons, in, leading logarithmic approximation (LLA) 2.132
Renormalization group, hadrons, in, R to order, calculation 2.132—2.134
Renormalization group, hadrons, in, renormalization point, choice of 2.133
Renormalization group, -function, for, theory, in 2.76—2.78
Renormalization group, -function, for, dimensional regularization, in 2.75 2.78
Renormalization group, -function, for, mass independent schemes, in 2.75
Renormalization group, -function, for, momentum point subtraction (MPS) schemes, in 2.74
Renormalization group, -function, for, QCD, for 2.78 2.83—2.85 2.117 2.119—2.120
Renormalization group, -function, for, QED, for 2.78
Renormalization group, -function, for, scheme dependence of 2.85
Renormalization group, -function, in, mass independent schemes, in 2.75
Renormalization group, -function, in, momentum point subtraction schemes (MPS), in 2.75
Renormalization group, -function, in, QCD, in 2.117—2.120
Renormalization group, Callan — Symanzik equation 2.74
Renormalization group, detailed treatment 2.73
Renormalization group, DIS, in 2.135
Renormalization group, DIS, in, conserved currents 2.143
Renormalization group, DIS, in, moments of structure functions 2.142 2.144
Renormalization group, DIS, in, parton model, relation to 2.145
Renormalization group, DIS, in, scale breaking 2.145
Renormalization group, DIS, in, Wilson coefficient functions 2.142
Renormalization group, DIS, in, Wilson coefficient functions, -dependence 2.144
Renormalization group, DIS, in, Wilson expansion operators, renormalization of 2.142
Renormalization group, equations 2.74 2.117 2.143
Renormalization group, QCD, in 2.97 2.116
Renormalization group, qualitative treatment 2.61
Renormalization point 2.67
Renormalization point, choice of 2.133
Renormalization schemes 2.60
Renormalization schemes, , modified minimal subtraction 2.72—2.75 2.96 2.125
Renormalization schemes, choice of 2.66
Renormalization schemes, DIS scheme 2.196
Renormalization schemes, example in theory 2.76 2.93
Renormalization schemes, lattice 2.65
Renormalization schemes, mass-independent 2.75
Renormalization schemes, MPS, momentum point subtraction 2.67 2.93
Renormalization schemes, MS, minimal subtraction 2.72—2.75 2.96 2.125
Renormalization schemes, on-shell or physical 2.61
Renormalization schemes, parton distributions, role in 2.195—2.202
Renormalization schemes, QCD, in 2.117—2.118
Renormalization, counter terms in 2.60
Renormalization, Wilson expansion operators, of 2.142
Renormalized fields 2.58
Renormalized mass, choice of 2.156
Renormalized parameters 2.58
Renormalized parameters, dimensional regularization, in 2.63
Renormalized parameters, momentum point subtraction, in 2.67
Renormalized vertex, theory by dimensional regularization, MPS scheme, in 2.70 2.93
Renormalized vertex, theory by dimensional regularization, MS and schemes, in 2.71 2.96
Right-handed fermions 1.16
Rosenbluth formula 1.323
Running coupling 1.106 2.79—2.80 2.269
Running coupling, number of active flavours, role of 2.124
Running coupling, QCD, in, lowest order 2.84 2.120
Running coupling, QCD, in, next-to-leading order 2.126
Running coupling, QCD, in, recommended form 2.126 2.269
Running coupling, QCD, in, renormalization scheme dependence 2.127
Sachs form factors 1.322
Scale breaking, deep inelastic scattering, in 2.145
Scale breaking, QCD, in 2.83
Scaling functions in DIS, , longitudinal 2.198
Scaling functions in DIS, Altarelli, Parisi, Gribov, Lipatov equations for 2.148
Scaling functions in DIS, data on, 1.418 2.203—2.204
Scaling functions in DIS, data on, 1.411
Scaling functions in DIS, data on, bottom and charm production effects 2.201
Scaling functions in DIS, data on, from and scattering 1.405
Scaling functions in DIS, data on, from eD and scattering 1.404
Scaling functions in DIS, data on, from neutrino interactions 2.243
Scaling functions in DIS, data on, electromagnetic 1.417 2.205
Scaling functions in DIS, data on, 1.367 1.418 2.202
Scaling functions in DIS, data on, 2.147 2.243
Scaling functions in DIS, jet production, data on 2.245
Scaling functions in DIS, moments of see "DIS moments"
Scaling functions in DIS, moments, in terms of 2.148
Scaling functions in DIS, nucleii, in 1.409—1.416
Scaling functions in DIS, parton model, in 1.355—1.357
Scaling functions in DIS, parton model, in, detailed quark-parton model, in, charged current reactions for 1.374
Scaling functions in DIS, parton model, in, detailed quark-parton model, in, charged current reactions for 1.368
Scaling functions in DIS, parton model, in, detailed quark-parton model, in, electromagnetic reactions 1.366
Scaling functions in DIS, parton model, in, detailed quark-parton model, in, neutral current reactions for 1.374
Scaling functions in DIS, parton model, in, detailed quark-parton model, in, neutral current reactions for 1.373
Scaling functions in DIS, parton model, in, polarized 1.348 1.379
Scaling, asymptotic freedom, relation to 2.83
Scaling, deep inelastic lepton-hadron scattering, in 1.335 2.146
Scaling, Green's functions 2.83
Scaling, large hadronic reactions, in 2.221
Sea quarks 1.363 1.365 1.376 2.152
Self-coupling, electroweak gauge bosons 1.55
Self-coupling, non-Abelian gauge fields 1.37
Self-energy of electron 2.56
Self-energy of electron, MPS scheme, in 2.68
Semi-leptonic reactions, 1.184
Semi-leptonic reactions, data and Weinberg angle 1.189
Semi-leptonic reactions, inclusive 1.182
Semi-leptonic reactions, Lattice QCD, in 2.312
Semi-leptonic reactions, neutral currents, bound on cross-section for 1.187
Semi-leptonic reactions, neutral currents, evidence for 1.184
Semi-leptonic reactions, neutral currents, relation to charged current reactions 1.187
Semi-leptonic reactions, optical rotation in atoms 1.193
Semi-leptonic reactions, parity violation in -nucleus scattering 1.189
Semi-leptonic reactions, SM, in 1.182
Shadowing 1.410
Singlet distributions 2.186
Singlet operators 2.140
SLC collider 1.125—1.127
Sleptons 2.347
Small gauge transformations 2.325
Soft hadronic physics see "'Low p_{T} reactions"
| SPEAR collider 1.118
Sphaleron 2.332 2.336
Sphaleron, (energy) of 2.336
Sphericity 2.254 2.261 2.278
Spherocity 2.254 2.278
Spin crisis in parton model 1.405
Spin structure of weak interactions 1.16
Spin structure of weak interactions, QCD, in, beyond the LLA 2.195
Spin structure of weak interactions, QCD, in, data, comparison with 2.202
Spin structure of weak interactions, QCD, in, heavy quark production effects 2.201
Spin structure of weak interactions, QCD, in, leading logarithmic approximation (LLA) 2.186
Spin structure of weak interactions, QCD, in, renormalization scheme dependence 2.196
Spin structure of weak interactions, small x behaviour 1.375 1.404 2.299
Spin structure of weak interactions, splitting functions for 2.149 2.179 2.187
Spin structure of weak interactions, splitting functions for, conservation laws 2.188
Spin structure of weak interactions, splitting functions for, detailed formulae 2.187
Spin structure of weak interactions, unpolarized 1.339
Spin vector 1.343
Spin-dependent scaling functions 1.348
Spontaneous mass generation 1.46
Spontaneous symmetry breaking 1.40
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, field theory, in 1.41
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, global invariance, in 1.41
SSC pp collider xxx 1.78 1.121
St Augustine 2.273
Standard model 1.50
Standard Model, beyond the 1.114 2.339
Standard Model, criticism of 2.340
Standard Model, minimal version 1.114
Standard Model, number of parameters 2.342
Standard Model, parameter values at 1.142
Standard Model, parity violation 1.196
Standard Model, radiative corrections to 1.101
Standard Model, test of in lowest order 1.67
Step function 1.444
Strangeness changing currents see "Currents"
Strangeness changing reactions 1.14
String fragmentation 2.276
String tension 2.310
Strong CP-violation 2.319 2.329 2.342
Structure constants of gauge group 1.34
Structure constants of gauge group, SU(3), properties of 1.460 2.368—2.369
Structure function of muon 1.329
Structure functions see also "DIS"
Structure functions, operator product expansion, in 2.137
Structure functions, parton model, in 1.354 1.388
SU(5) 2.242 2.339
SU(5), proton lifetime 2.344
SU(5), running coupling 2.343
SU(5), Weinberg angle 2.344
Subsidiary condition in QED 2.103
Subtraction point in renormalization 2.67
Sum rules see "DIS sum "QCD
Supergravity 2.339 2.347
Superstring theories 2.339
Supersymmetry 2.339 2.347
SUSY 2.339 2.347
SUSY, couplings, evolution of 2.349
SUSY, generators of 2.348
SUSY, mass scale 2.350
SUSY, unification scale 2.350
Symmetry breaking see "Spontaneous symmetry breaking"
T(R) in QCD xxvi 2.119
T, in QCD xxvi 2.119—2.120
T, time ordered product 1.444 2.352
T, transition operator (T-matrix) 2.382
T, transition operator (T-matrix), absorptive part of 2.33 2.383
T, transition operator (T-matrix), dispersive part of 2.33 2.383
T, transition operator (T-matrix), perturbative expansion 2.382
T, transition operator (T-matrix), S-operator, relation to 2.382
Tau lepton see " -lepton"
Tau-electron universality 1.21
TCP invariance 2.384
TCP invariance, system, in 2.385
TCP invariance, 2.385
Tevatron collider 1.77
Thomson cross-section 2.62
Threshold corrections for charm and bottom 1.369
Thrust 2.236 2.254 2.278
Time ordered product 1.444 2.352
Time reversal invariance 2.384
Top quark xix 1.160
Topological charge 2.318 2.341
Total hadronic cross-sections 2.289
Towards jet 2.221
Translation operators 1.3
Transverse cross-section in 1.330
Transverse motion in parton model 1.386
Triangle anomaly see also "Anomalies"
Triangle anomaly, 1.70
Triangle anomaly, colour, relevance to 1.70
Triangle anomaly, dimensional regularization, in 2.65
Trigger bias 2.234
Trigger jet 2.221
Triple Pomeron mechanism 2.296
TRISTAN collider 1.121
Tunneling, double-well potential, in 2.314
Tunneling, QCD, in 2.326
Twist 2.136
U(1) problem 2.329 2.340
U(1) problem, resolution of 2.331
Unitary bound, Fermi theory, violation in 1.24
Unitary bound, longitudinally polarized vector boson production, in 1.26
Unitary bound, vector meson exchange, in 1.24
Unitary gauge 1.47
Universality of weak interactions 1.13 1.20
Universality of weak interactions, 1.21
Universality of weak interactions, 1.21
Universality of weak interactions, quark-lepton 1.157
UNK pp collider 1.78
V-A structure of weak interactions 1.7
V-A structure of weak interactions, tests of, in leptonic reactions 1.21
VACUUM see also " -vacuum"
Vacuum expectation value, fields, of 2.313
Vacuum expectation value, Higgs field, of 1.42 1.52 1.58
Vacuum, QCD, in 2.318 2.326 2.341
Vacuum, QED, in 2.319
Vacuum, Quantum Mechanics, in 2.312
Vacuum, Quantum Mechanics, in, double-well potential 2.314
Vacuum, Quantum Mechanics, in, periodic potential 2.313
Vacuum, SM, in 2.333
Vacuum, SM, in, baryon number 2.335
Vacuum, SM, in, lepton number 2.335
Vacuum, SM, in, sphaleron 2.336
Vacuum, SM, in, sphaleron, 2.336
Valence quarks 1.362 1.366 2.151
Van Royen, Weisskoppf formula 1.256
Vector boson 1.24
Vector boson, longitudinally polarized, difficulties with 1.26
Vector boson, mass of charged 1.27
Vector boson, neutral, need for 1.29
Vector boson, production in Drell — Yan reactions 1.440
Vector meson dominance 1.412
Vector potential 1.2
Vertices in field theory 1.454—1.457 2.56—2.73 2.362—2.365
Vertices in field theory, Feynman rules for, -theory, in 2.57—2.59
Vertices in field theory, Feynman rules for, B and L violating 2.337
Vertices in field theory, Feynman rules for, gluon-ghost 2.116
Vertices in field theory, Feynman rules for, quark-gluon 2.115
Vertices in field theory, Feynman rules for, quartic gluon 2.116
Vertices in field theory, Feynman rules for, SM, in 1.69
Vertices in field theory, Feynman rules for, triple gluon 2.115
Vertices in field theory, summary of 1.454—1.457 2.362—2.365
Virtual photons see "^{'} ^{'}"
W-boson see also "Gauge symmetry"
W-boson, couplings see "Coupling constants" "Lagrangian
W-boson, decay, in SM 1.78
W-boson, discovery 1.63
W-boson, mass 1.57—1.58
W-boson, mass, mass, relation to 1.58
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