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Leader E., Predazzi E. — An introduction to gauge theories and modern particle physics
Leader E., Predazzi E. — An introduction to gauge theories and modern particle physics

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Название: An introduction to gauge theories and modern particle physics

Авторы: Leader E., Predazzi E.


This book is a comprehensive and unified treatment of modern theoretical and experimental particle physics aimed at beginning graduate students. The emphasis throughout is on presenting underlying physical principles in a simple and intuitive way. In 1983, researchers detected the existence of W and Z bosons and many new results have followed. This is the first graduate-level textbook to deal with the "second generation" of particle physics after 1983. Features of this edition include: A detailed discussion of higher order electroweak effects; an expanded discussion of quark mixing; revised sections on charm and beauty and on jet physics; enlarged treatment of deep inelastic lepton-hadron scattering; detailed treatment of QCD corrections to the simple parton model; and an introduction to the nonperturbative or confinement region of QCD.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1996

Количество страниц: 543

Добавлена в каталог: 20.02.2014

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DIS, parton model, in, quark-parton, detailed, charm production, threshold for      1.369
DIS, parton model, in, quark-parton, detailed, gluons, evidence for      1.377
DIS, parton model, in, quark-parton, detailed, Nachtmann inequality      1.367
DIS, parton model, in, quark-parton, detailed, parton distributions      see "Partons distribution
DIS, parton model, in, quark-parton, detailed, scaling functions      1.366 1.371—1.375
DIS, parton model, in, r, ratio of $\bar{\nu}$ to $\nu$ cross-sections      1.359
DIS, parton model, in, scaling functions $F_{j}$      1.355—1.357
DIS, parton model, in, structure functions $W_{j}$      1.354—1.356
DIS, polarization effects      1.342 1.378
DIS, polarization effects, $A_{\bot}$ transverse asymmetry      1.350
DIS, polarization effects, $A_{\|}$ longitudinal asymmetry      1.348
DIS, polarization effects, Bjorken sum rule      1.347 1.349 1.379 1.406
DIS, polarization effects, cross-sections      1.345—1.346
DIS, polarization effects, Drell, Hearn, Gerasimov sum rule      1.347
DIS, polarization effects, hadronic tensor      1.344
DIS, polarization effects, Hey, Mandula sum rule      1.350
DIS, polarization effects, leptonic tensor      1.344
DIS, polarization effects, parton model for      1.378 1.393
DIS, polarization effects, scaling functions $g_{1}$, $g_{2}$      1.348
DIS, polarization effects, spin crisis      1.405
DIS, polarization effects, structure functions $G_{j}$      1.344
DIS, polarization effects, structure functions $G_{j}$, polarized $\gamma N$ cross-section, relation to      1.346
DIS, QCD, in      2.155 2.163 2.183
DIS, QCD, in, $F_{L}$ longitudinal scaling function      2.198
DIS, QCD, in, $x \rightarrow 1$ behaviour      2.192
DIS, QCD, in, data, comparison with      2.202
DIS, QCD, in, evolution equations      2.186
DIS, QCD, in, heavy quark production      2.201
DIS, QCD, in, momentum carried by partons      2.188
DIS, QCD, in, scaling functions, beyond LLA      2.195
DIS, QCD, in, scaling functions, leading logarithmic approximation      2.174 2.185
DIS, QCD, in, scaling functions, renormalization scheme dependence      2.181 2.196
DIS, QCD, in, small-x behaviour      2.189
DIS, QCD, in, spin-dependent parton distributions      2.187
DIS, renormalization group analysis      2.131 2.142
DIS, scale breaking      2.140
DIS, scaling      1.336 1.348 2.138
DIS, scaling functions      see "DIS electromagnetic "Neutrino "Parton "Polarization see
DIS, small-x behaviour      1.375 1.402 2.138
DIS, spin crisis      1.405
DIS, sum rules, Adler      1.401 2.146 2.154
DIS, sum rules, angular momentum      1.407
DIS, sum rules, Bjorken      1.347—1.349 1.379 1.406
DIS, sum rules, Drell, Hearn, Gerasimov      1.347
DIS, sum rules, experimental tests      1.401
DIS, sum rules, Gottfried      1.363 1.402 2.154
DIS, sum rules, Gross, Llewellyn — Smith      1.401 2.146 2.154
DIS, sum rules, Hey, Mandula      1.350
DIS, sum rules, Llewellyn — Smith      1.401 1.403
DIS, sum rules, momentum      1.377
Dispersive part of transition amplitude      2.33—2.34 2.383
Distributions of partons      see "Partons distribution
DORIS storage ring      1.118
Double $\beta$-decay      1.7
Drell — Yan reaction      1.429
Drell — Yan reaction, $p_{T}$ distribution      2.213
Drell — Yan reaction, colour, role of      1.432
Drell — Yan reaction, cross-section      1.431
Drell — Yan reaction, data      1.435 2.216
Drell — Yan reaction, high mass, $m \approx M_{z}$      2.216
Drell — Yan reaction, nucleii, in      1.439
Drell — Yan reaction, parton model for      1.429
Drell — Yan reaction, parton model for, applicability conditions      1.434
Drell — Yan reaction, QCD-improved parton model for      2.209
Drell — Yan reaction, QCD-improved parton model for, data, comparison with      2.216
Drell — Yan reaction, scaling      1.434
Drell — Yan reaction, vector meson production      1.440 2.210
Drell, Hearn, Gerasimov sum rule      1.347
Dual field tensor, QCD, in      2.321
Dual field tensor, QED, in      2.319
e-nucleus scattering      1.189
e-nucleus scattering, parity violating asymmetry      1.191
EEC energy correlations      2.280
Effective coupling      see "Running coupling"
Effective Hamiltonians      2.378
Effective Hamiltonians, current-current interaction, relation to      2.381
Elastic scattering, hadronic      2.289
Elastic scattering, hadronic, $\rho$, real to imaginary ratio      2.289 2.293
Elastic scattering, hadronic, $\sigma_{el}/\sigma_{tot}$      2.291
Elastic scattering, hadronic, differential cross-section      2.292
Elastic scattering, hadronic, Odderon      2.293
Electromagnetic current      see "Currents"
Electron self-energy      2.56
Electron-neutrino scattering      1.69—1.76
Electron-number      1.7
EMC effect      1.409
Energy flow      2.280
Energy-energy correlations (EEC)      2.280
Euclidean action in QCD      2.327 2.396
Euclidean space conventions      2.395—2.396
Euclidean time      2.309 2.316 2.395
Euler — Lagrange equations      2.29 2.54
event generators      2.270
Evolution equations      2.148 2.185
Evolution equations, summary of      2.186
Exclusive reactions      see "Elastic scattering" "Large
F in matrix elements of SU(3), currents      1.407 1.468 2.376
Factorization scale      2.181
Fastest apparent convergence method      2.133
Fermi coupling constant      1.6
Fermi coupling constant, numerical value      1.58
Fermi Lagrangian      1.6
Fermi Lagrangian, QED, in      2.103
Fermi motion, parton model, in      1.354 1.382 1.414
Fermi theory      1.6
Fermi theory, problems with      1.23
Fermi — Breit interaction      1.249
Feynman amplitude      see also "Feynman rules"
Feynman amplitude, cross-section, in terms of      1.472 2.360
Feynman amplitude, decay rate, in terms of      1.472 2.360
Feynman amplitude, operator form of      2.35 2.378—2.381
Feynman amplitude, S-matrix, relation to      1.451 2.359
Feynman gauge      2.104 2.114
Feynman path integrals      2.305
Feynman path integrals, double-well potential, in      2.315
Feynman propagator      1.444 2.352
Feynman rules, QCD      1.452 2.114 2.360
Feynman rules, QED      1.452 2.360
Feynman rules, quark-gluon scattering      1.459 2.367
Feynman rules, quark-quark scattering      1.458 2.366
Feynman rules, SM      1.455—1.457 2.363—2.365
Field operators      1.1 1.443 2.351
Field operators, photon      1.2 1.446 2.354
Field operators, scalar      1.443 2.351
Field operators, spin 1      1.446 2.354
Field operators, spinor      1.445 2.353
Field tensors $(FM_{\mu\upsilon}, GM_{\mu\upsilon})$      1.37 2.99 2.105
Field tensors $(FM_{\mu\upsilon}, GM_{\mu\upsilon})$, dual, QCD, in      2.321
Field tensors $(FM_{\mu\upsilon}, GM_{\mu\upsilon})$, dual, QED, in      2.319
Field tensors $(FM_{\mu\upsilon}, GM_{\mu\upsilon})$, QCD, for      2.104
Field tensors $(FM_{\mu\upsilon}, GM_{\mu\upsilon})$, QCD, for, equations of motion      2.321
Field tensors $(FM_{\mu\upsilon}, GM_{\mu\upsilon})$, QCD, for, fields, in terms of      2.321
Field tensors $(FM_{\mu\upsilon}, GM_{\mu\upsilon})$, QED, for      1.33 2.99
Field tensors $(FM_{\mu\upsilon}, GM_{\mu\upsilon})$, QED, for, fields, in terms of      2.319
Field tensors $(FM_{\mu\upsilon}, GM_{\mu\upsilon})$, W boson, for      1.37
Fierz reshuffle theorem      1.463 2.371
Fine structure constant      1.57
Fine structure constant, effective or running      1.57 1.106
Flavour      1.160
Flavour, $n^{*}_{f}$, number of active flavours      2.123
Flavour, $n_{f}$, number of flavours      2.120
Flavour, classification of hadrons      1.209
Form factors, elastic, of nucleon      1.321
Form factors, elastic, of nucleon, Dirac      1.322
Form factors, elastic, of nucleon, parton model, in      2.229
Form factors, elastic, of nucleon, Sachs      1.322
Forward-backward asymmetry in $e^{+}e^{-}$      1.138 1.149
Forward-backward asymmetry in $e^{+}e^{-}$ at $Z^{0}$      1.149
Fragmentation functions      2.208 2.221 2.225
Froissart bound      2.290
G-Parity      1.449 2.357
Gauge boson      see "Gauge symmetry"
Gauge Fields      see "Gauge symmetry" "Gluons" "Pure
Gauge fixing parameter, Landau gauge, in      2.117
Gauge fixing parameter, QCD, in      2.114
Gauge fixing parameter, QED, in      2.100
Gauge fixing parameter, renormalization of      2.117
Gauge freedom      1.38 2.99
Gauge invariance      see also "Gauge symmetry"
Gauge invariance, 1st kind, of      1.30
Gauge invariance, 2nd kind, of      1.32
Gauge invariance, Feynman diagrams, of      2.102
Gauge invariance, Feynman diagrams, of, $\epsilon^{\mu}(K) \rightarrow \epsilon^{\mu}(K) + ck^{\mu}$ in QCD      2.111
Gauge invariance, Feynman diagrams, of, $\epsilon^{\mu}(K) \rightarrow \epsilon^{\mu}(K) + ck^{\mu}$ in QED      2.109
Gauge symmetry, Abelian global      1.30
Gauge symmetry, Abelian local      1.31
Gauge symmetry, charge conservation, and      1.30
Gauge symmetry, charge operator, in      1.31
Gauge symmetry, conserved currents, in      1.31
Gauge symmetry, covariant derivative, non-Abelian theories, in      1.35—1.37
Gauge symmetry, covariant derivative, QED, in      1.32
Gauge symmetry, gauge bosons W and $Z^{0}$      1.49—1.51 see
Gauge symmetry, gauge bosons W and $Z^{0}$, coupling to Higgs boson      1.52 1.62
Gauge symmetry, gauge bosons W and $Z^{0}$, coupling to leptons      1.55
Gauge symmetry, gauge bosons W and $Z^{0}$, discovery of      1.63—1.65
Gauge symmetry, gauge bosons W and $Z^{0}$, self-coupling      1.55
Gauge symmetry, gauge fields: photon      1.32 see
Gauge symmetry, Noether's theorem      1.31
Gauge symmetry, non-Abelian global      1.33
Gauge symmetry, non-Abelian local      1.35
Gauge symmetry, transformation of fields      1.32
Gauge symmetry, transformation of quark fields      1.161 2.108 see
Gauge theories      see also "QCD" "QED"
Gauge theories, non-perturbative      2.301
Gauge transformations of fields, Abelian, global      1.30
Gauge transformations of fields, Abelian, local      1.32
Gauge transformations of fields, large gauge transformations      2.325
Gauge transformations of fields, non-Abelian global      1.34
Gauge transformations of fields, non-Abelian local      1.35
Gauge transformations of fields, photon field      1.32
Gauge transformations of fields, QED, in      2.99
Gauge transformations of fields, quarks      1.161 2.108
Gauge transformations of fields, vacuum in QCD, role in      2.321
Gauge transformations of fields, vacuum in QED, role in      2.319
Gauge transformations of fields, W field      1.36
Gauge transformations of fields, W field tensor      1.37 2.99 2.105
Gauges, axial      2.114
Gauges, Coulomb      1.38 2.101
Gauges, covariant      2.103 2.114
Gauges, Feynman      2.104 2.114
Gauges, Landau      2.104 2.114 2.117
Gauges, Lorentz      2.99
Gauges, R-gauge      1.47
Gauges, unitary      1.47
Gauginos      2.347
Gauss' law      2.100
Gell-Mann matrices      1.460—1.462 2.368—2.370
Gell-Mann, Nishijima formula      1.160
Ghosts, propagator for      2.115
Ghosts, QCD, in      2.113
Ghosts, QED, in      2.104
Gilman convention for virtual photon flux      1.330
GIM mechanism      1.159 1.164
Global gauge symmetry      see "Gauge symmetry"
Glueballs      1.264
Glueballs, data on      1.266
Glueballs, Lattice QCD, in      2.310
Glueballs, production rate, theoretical      1.264
Glueballs, QCD sum rules, in      2.304
Glueballs, quantum numbers of      1.265
Gluinos      2.347
Gluon reactions, $G\gamma \rightarrow q\bar{q}$      see "Parton-parton reactions"
Gluons      1.4
Gluons, 2G colour singlet state      1.217
Gluons, 3G colour singlet state      1.217
Gluons, covariant derivative for      2.105
Gluons, DIS, role in      1.377
Gluons, field tensor for      2.105
Gluons, gauge transformation of      2.108
Gluons, number density, polarized      1.409
Gluons, number density, unpolarized      2.150 2.191 see distribution
Gluons, propagator for      2.115
Gluons, self-coupling      1.4 1.55 2.108 2.115
Gluons, spin of      2.265 2.287
Goldstone bosons      1.40 1.44
Goldstone theorem      1.40 1.44
Gottfried sum rule      1.363 1.402 2.154
Grand unification      2.339 2.342
Grand unification mass (scale)      2.343
Grassmann variables      2.306
Green's functions      2.66 1.444 2.352
Green's functions, operator product expansion, in      1.142
Gribov, Levin, Ryskin equation      2.190
Gribov, Lipatov equation      2.148
Gross, Llewellyn — Smith sum rule      1.401 2.146 2.154
Group generators and charges      1.465 2.373
Gut      2.339 2.342 see
GUT, evolution of couplings      2.343
GUT, Weinberg angle, in      2.44
Hand convention for virtual photon flux      1.330
Heavy flavours      1.269
Heavy flavours, production of      1.295
Heavy flavours, spectroscopy of      1.269
Heavy lepton      1.29 1.50 1.300
Helicity, conservation      1.17
Helicity, conservation rule in large $p_{T}$ reactions      2.230
Helicity, fermions, of      1.16
Helicity, matrix elements for particles and antiparticles      1.17
HERA ep collider      1.340—1.342
Hey, Mandula sum rule      1.350
Hidden charm      see "Narrow vector resonances" "Quarkonium"
Hierarchy problem      2.344 2.349
Higg's boson      1.45 1.51 1.90
Higg's boson, coupling to fermions      1.61 1.90
Higg's boson, coupling to fermions, to gauge bosons      1.51 1.62
Higg's boson, coupling to fermions, to leptons      1.61—1.62
Higg's boson, coupling to fermions, to W and $Z^{0}$      1.91
Higg's decays in SM      1.91
Higg's decays in SM, to $f\bar{f}$      1.92
Higg's decays in SM, to gluons      1.93
Higg's decays in SM, to photons      1.92
Higg's decays in SM, to W and $Z^{0}$      1.91
Higg's lifetime in SM      1.93
Higg's mass, limits on      1.97
Higg's mass, theoretical constraints on      1.97
Higg's mechanism      1.45
Higg's mechanism, minimal version      1.51 1.54
Higg's phenomenon      1.40
Higg's production in SM      1.95
Higg's production in SM, $Z^{0}\rightarrow Hf\bar{f}$      1.95
Higg's production in SM, $Z^{0}\rightarrow H\gamma$      1.96
Higg's production in SM, $Z^{0}\rightarrow H\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$      1.97
Higg's vacuum expectation value, numerical      1.57—1.58
Higgsinos      2.347
Homotopy class      2.325
Hybrids      1.264
Hybrids, data      1.266
Hybrids, production rate, theoretical      1.264
Hybrids, quantum numbers      1.265
Hyperon, $\beta$-decay      1.469 2.4 2.377
Impulse approximation (partons)      1.382
Inclusive reactions      see "Large $p_{T}$ reactions"
Indefinite metric in QED      2.104
Inelastic electron-nucleon scattering      see "DIS"
Inelastic neutrino-nucleon scattering      see "DIS"
Infinite momentum frame      1.377 1.383
instantons      2.301 2.312 2.341
Instantons, QCD, in      2.318 2.326
Instantons, QCD, in, CP-violation, role in      2.328
Instantons, QCD, in, functional form      2.328
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