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Leader E., Predazzi E. — An introduction to gauge theories and modern particle physics |
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Instantons, Quantum Mechanics, in 2.312
Instantons, SM, in 2.332
Interaction picture 1.449 2.357
Intermediate vector boson 1.23
Inverse -decay 1.76
Isospin 1.8
Isospin, matrix elements, relations between 1.19 1.467 2.375
Isospin, nucleon doublet 1.8
Isospin, raising operator 1.18
Isospin, rotations 1.18
Isospin, weak interactions, structure of 1.19
Jacobi identity 1.460 2.368
Jet algorithms 2.282
Jet finders 2.282
Jets in physics 2.253 2.255
Jets in physics, acoplanarity 2.254
Jets in physics, angular ordering 2.275 2.285
Jets in physics, cross-sections 2.283
Jets in physics, cross-sections, , implications for 2.283
Jets in physics, four-jet events 2.262
Jets in physics, gluon jets 2.265 2.268
Jets in physics, gluon, spin of 2.265 2.287
Jets in physics, gluon, spin of, non-Abelian coupling of 2.288
Jets in physics, independent fragmentation 2.285
Jets in physics, infrared divergences 2.25 2.282
Jets in physics, jet axis 2.260
Jets in physics, jet broadening 2.255 2.263
Jets in physics, jet definition 2.282
Jets in physics, jet finders 2.282
Jets in physics, mean in a jet 2.266
Jets in physics, multijets 2.262
Jets in physics, oblateness 2.269
Jets in physics, particle flow patterns 2.285
Jets in physics, QCD, tests of 2.268 2.285
Jets in physics, R, expression to 2.263
Jets in physics, SPEAR, at 2.258
Jets in physics, sphericity 2.254 2.259
Jets in physics, spherocity 2.254
Jets in physics, spin of quarks 2.260
Jets in physics, three-jet events 2.262 2.265 2.282 2.285
Jets in physics, thrust 2.254
Jets in hadronic reactions 2.219
Jets in hadronic reactions, ratio 2.237
Jets in hadronic reactions, calculation of production 2.250
Jets in hadronic reactions, away jet 2.221
Jets in hadronic reactions, beam jet 2.220 2.233
Jets in hadronic reactions, evidence for 2.233
Jets in hadronic reactions, inclusive 2.234
Jets in hadronic reactions, inclusive , data 2.238
Jets in hadronic reactions, jet axis 2.234
Jets in hadronic reactions, jet fragmentation 2.249
Jets in hadronic reactions, leading particle effect 2.233
Jets in hadronic reactions, multijets 2.249
Jets in hadronic reactions, target jet 2.220 2.233
Jets in hadronic reactions, thrust 2.36
Jets in hadronic reactions, towards jet 2.21
Jets in hadronic reactions, transverse momentum to jet axis 2.239
Jets in hadronic reactions, trigger 2.221
Jets in hadronic reactions, trigger bias 2.234
Jets in hadronic reactions, two-jet production 2.239
Jets in hadronic reactions, two-jet production, -evolution 2.242
Jets in hadronic reactions, two-jet production, angular distribution 2.241
K-factor, Drell — Yan, in 2.212
K-factor, jet production, in 2.249
Kaluza — Klein 2.349
Klein — Gordon equation 2.54
KNO scaling 2.297
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix 1.161 2.1
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, CP-violation, in 2.48
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, mixing, in 2.46
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, -decay, role in 2.2
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, charm decay, in 1.270 1.285
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, CP-violation, in 2.37 2.40
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, determination of 2.1
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, determination of, 2.6—2.7
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, determination of, 2.9—2.10
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, determination of, 2.9—2.10
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, determination of, 2.10
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, determination of, 2.10
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, determination of, 2.5 2.7—2.8
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, determination of, 2.4
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, determination of, 2.4
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, determination of, phase 2.38
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, determination of, phase of 2.49 2.52
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, determination of, phase of 2.49
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, DIS, in 1.371 2.8
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, numerical values, summary 2.11
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix, quark masses, role in 1.179
Kogut — Susskind action 2.305
Kogut — Susskind ghost 2.332
L-violation (lepton number), parameter in QCD 2.125—2.127 2.203—2.204 2.242 2.287 2.308
L-violation (lepton number), charm baryon 1.272
L-violation (lepton number), GUT, in 2.344
L-violation (lepton number), SM, in 2.332 2.336—2.338
L-violation (lepton number), SM, in, gauge bosons 2.337
L-violation (lepton number), SM, in, gauge bosons, perturbative corrections 2.338
L-violation (lepton number), SM, in, gauge bosons, unitarity bound 2.338
L-violation (lepton number), SM, in, 2.336
L-violation (lepton number), SM, in, for L-violation 2.338
Lagrangian density 1.2
Lagrangian density, in QCD 2.329
Lagrangian density, -field theory, for 2.54
Lagrangian density, charged weak leptonic interactions 1.67
Lagrangian density, current-current form of hadronic weak interactions 1.158—1.159
Lagrangian density, Fermi, QED 2.104
Lagrangian density, Fermi, QED, generalised, QED 2.105
Lagrangian density, Fermi, weak interaction 1.6
Lagrangian density, Feynman diagram vertices, for, in QCD, QED 1.452—1.455
Lagrangian density, Feynman diagram vertices, for, in SM 1.69 1.455—1.457
Lagrangian density, gauge boson self-coupling 1.56
Lagrangian density, gauge boson-lepton coupling 1.56
Lagrangian density, Higgs-gauge boson coupling 1.54
Lagrangian density, Higgs-lepton coupling, for 1.62
Lagrangian density, intermediate vector boson weak interactions 1.24
Lagrangian density, local gauge theory, in 1.38
Lagrangian density, neutral weak leptonic interactions 1.67
Lagrangian density, QCD, for 2.106
Lagrangian density, QED, for 1.2 2.100
Lagrangian density, quark- coupling, for 1.163 1.177—1.178
Lagrangian density, quark-Higgs coupling, for 1.180
Lagrangian density, quark-W coupling, for 1.164 1.177
Landau gauge 2.104 2.117
Large reactions see also "DIS" "Jets "Jets
Large reactions, ratio 2.237
Large reactions, 2.233
Large reactions, ratio 2.247
Large reactions, exclusive 2.228
Large reactions, exclusive, counting rules 2.230
Large reactions, exclusive, diquarks 2.231
Large reactions, exclusive, elastic form factors 2.229
Large reactions, exclusive, fixed angle scattering 2.230
Large reactions, exclusive, helicity conservation rule 2.230—2.231
Large reactions, exclusive, parton model for 2.228
Large reactions, hadronic, jets 2.219
Large reactions, inclusive 2.225
Large reactions, inclusive, parton model for 2.256
Large reactions, jets, calculation for jet production 2.250
Large reactions, jets, evidence for 2.233
Large reactions, jets, inclusive 2.234
Large reactions, jets, inclusive , fragmentation 2.249
Large reactions, jets, multijets 2.249
Large reactions, jets, multijets, from 2.249
Large reactions, jets, transverse momentum relative to jet axis 2.239
Large reactions, prompt photons 2.245
Large reactions, QCD interpretation 2.232
Large reactions, scaling 2.223
Large reactions, semi-inclusive 2.227
Large reactions, two-jet production 2.239
Large reactions, two-jet production, -evolution 2.242
Large reactions, two-jet production, angular distribution 2.241
| Large reactions, two-jet production, parton model for 2.241
Large gauge transformations 2.325
Lattice QCD 2.304
Lattice QCD, parameter, from 2.312
Lattice QCD, , , parameters, from 2.312
Lattice QCD, -parameter, in 2.305
Lattice QCD, -parameter, in 2.308
Lattice QCD, action for 2.305
Lattice QCD, asymptotic freedom 2.309
Lattice QCD, confining phase 2.309
Lattice QCD, continuum limit 2.306—2.307
Lattice QCD, Dirac operator 2.306
Lattice QCD, Euclidean time, in 2.309
Lattice QCD, glueball masses, from 2.310
Lattice QCD, hadron masses, from 2.310
Lattice QCD, mass calculation 2.309
Lattice QCD, operators, choice of 2.309
Lattice QCD, potential, , from 2.311
Lattice QCD, quenched approximation 2.306
Lattice QCD, semi-leptonic decays, from 2.312
Lattice QCD, string tension 2.310
Lattice QCD, Wilson loop factor 2.306
Lattice regularization 2.65—2.66
Leading logarithmic approximation (LLA), beyond the LLA 2.195
Leading logarithmic approximation (LLA), QCD, in 2.132 2.174 2.184
Leading particle effect 2.233
Left-handed fermions 1.16
Left-handed fermions, lepton doublet 1.56—1.57
Left-handed fermions, quark doublets 1.161
LEP collider 1.121
LEP collider, polarization in 1.123
Lepton see also "-lepton"
Lepton non-conservation see "L-violation"
Lepton number, conservation 1.7
Lepton number, violation see "L-violation"
Lepton, couplings see "Coupling constants" "Lagrangian
Lepton, heavy 1.28
Lepton, propagator 2.114
Leptonic reactions see also " reactions"
Leptonic reactions, -decay 1.57
Leptonic reactions, and elastic scattering 1.69
Leptonic reactions, and elastic scattering 1.74
Leptonic reactions, inverse -decay 1.76
Leptonic reactions, purely leptonic reactions 1.67
LHC pp collider 1.77 1.121
Light cone components 1.164
Llewellyn — Smith relation 1.403
local gauge invariance see "Gauge symmetry"
Longitudinal cross-section for photon 1.330
Longitudinal scaling function 2.198—2.199
Lorentz condition 2.99
Low reactions 2.289 see hadronic"
Low reactions, diffraction dissociation 2.295
Low reactions, diffraction dissociation, triple Pomeron mechanism 2.296
Low reactions, inclusive reactions 2.295
Low reactions, inclusive reactions, distribution 2.297
Low reactions, inclusive reactions, KNO scaling 2.297
Low reactions, inclusive reactions, multiplicity average 2.296
Low reactions, inclusive reactions, negative binomial distribution 2.297
Low reactions, inclusive reactions, small-x physics, link with 2.298—2.299
Luminosity in colliders 1.120
Luminosity in parton model 1.434
Lund model 2.276
Magnetic moment, anomalous 1.321
Mandelstam variables 2.226
Mass generation see "Spontaneous mass generation"
Mass singularity 2.173 2.177 2.182
Maxwell equations 2.99 2.319—2.320
Mellin transform 2.148
Mellin transform, convolution theorem, for 2.149
Method of fastest apparent convergence 2.133
Metropolis algorithm 2.306
Michel parameter 1.21
Michel parameter, -decay, in 1.312
Microscopic causality 1.444
Minimal coupling in QED 1.32
Minimal Higgs mechanism 1.54
Minimal Higgs mechanism, radiative corrections to, tests of 1.114
Minimal Higgs mechanism, test of, in scattering 1.76
Minimal Higgs mechanism, tests at LEP 1.146
Minimal standard model 1.51
Minimal SU(5) 2.342
Minimum sensitivity, principle of 2.133
Mixing 2.12
Mixing, system, in 1.97—1.98 2.19
Mixing, system, in, data for 2.47—2.48
Mixing, system, in, dynamics of 2.46
Mixing, system 2.19
Mixing, system 2.18
Mixing, system, dynamics of 2.32
Mixing, general formalism 2.12
Mixing, practical aspects of 2.17
Moller scattering 1.128
Momentum carried by parton 2.189
Momentum conservation, DIS sum rule 1.377
Momentum conservation, nucleii, in 1.414
Momentum operators 1.3
Monte Carlo for hadrons 2.270
Monte Carlo for hadrons, cross-section estimates 2.271
Monte Carlo for hadrons, energy-energy correlations 2.280
Monte Carlo for hadrons, event generators 2.272
Monte Carlo for hadrons, event shape parameters 2.278
Monte Carlo for hadrons, hadronization phase 2.276
Monte Carlo for hadrons, hadronization phase, cluster fragmentation 2.277
Monte Carlo for hadrons, hadronization phase, Lund model for 2.276
Monte Carlo for hadrons, hadronization phase, string fragmentation 2.276
Monte Carlo for hadrons, HERWIG 2.275
Monte Carlo for hadrons, infrared problems 2.273—2.274
Monte Carlo for hadrons, jet cross-sections 2.282
Monte Carlo for hadrons, JETSET 2.276
Monte Carlo for hadrons, perturbative phase 2.273
Monte Carlo for hadrons, perturbative phase, angular ordering 2.275
Monte Carlo for hadrons, perturbative phase, matrix element approach 2.274
Monte Carlo for hadrons, perturbative phase, parton shower approach 2.274
Monte Carlo for hadrons, QCD, in 2.272
Monte Carlo in Lattice QCD 2.306
Mott cross-section 1.320
Mps see "Renormalization schemes"
MS, see "Renormalization schemes"
Muon number conservation 1.8—1.9
Muon-electron universality 1.20
Nachtmann inequality 1.367
Nachtmann moments 2.148
Narrow vector resonances 1.202
Narrow vector resonances, discovery 1.204
Narrow vector resonances, discovery, states 1.222
Narrow vector resonances, discovery, decay, determination 1.219
Narrow vector resonances, discovery, decay, baryonic 1.232
Narrow vector resonances, discovery, decay, leptons, into 1.220
Narrow vector resonances, discovery, decay, mesons, into 1.218
Narrow vector resonances, discovery, mass determination 1.224
Narrow vector resonances, discovery, properties 1.213 1.225
Narrow vector resonances, discovery, quantum numbers 1.228 1.232
Narrow vector resonances, discovery, spectroscopy, experimental 1.219 1.221
Narrow vector resonances, discovery, widths 1.220 1.225 1.254
Narrow vector resonances, (3685) 1.222
Narrow vector resonances, (3685), puzzle 1.267
Narrow vector resonances, (3685), properties 1.225
Narrow vector resonances, discovery 1.234
Narrow vector resonances, discovery, decay, determination 1.261
Narrow vector resonances, discovery, decay, leptons, into 1.262
Narrow vector resonances, discovery, decay, photons and gluons, into 1.261
Narrow vector resonances, discovery, decay, theoretical 1.254
Narrow vector resonances, discovery, family 1.236 1.238
Narrow vector resonances, discovery, mass differences 1.237
Negative binomial distribution 2.297
Neutral current (NC) interactions 1.332 see
Neutral currents see also "Currents"
Neutral currents, evidence for 1.184
Neutral weak hadronic interactions 1.177
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