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Leader E., Predazzi E. — An introduction to gauge theories and modern particle physics |
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W-boson, mass, collisions, from 1.82
W-boson, polarization vector for 1.330
W-boson, production, collisions, in 1.78 1.82
W-boson, production, B and L violating reactions, in 2.332
W-boson, production, parton model, in 1.440
W-boson, production, QCD, in 2.216
W-boson, production, SM, in 1.79
W-boson, production, theory comparison with 2.217
W-boson, production, transverse momentum distribution 2.217
W-boson, SM, in 1.79
W-boson, width and lifetime, collision data on 1.82—87
Ward — Takahashi identity, axial identity 1.171
Ward — Takahashi identity, QED, in 1.3
Weak currents see "Currents"
Weak hypercharge 1.60 1.161
Weak interactions see also "Standard Model"
Weak interactions, rule 1.15
Weak interactions, universality 1.21
Weak interactions, universality 1.21
Weak interactions, Cabibbo theory 1.10
Weak interactions, historical introduction 1.6
Weak interactions, intermediate vector boson 1.23
Weak interactions, isospin structure 1.18
Weak interactions, spin structure 1.16
| Weak interactions, universality 1.13 1.20
Weak interactions, V-A structure 1.7 1.20
Weak isospin 1.13 1.60 1.161
Weak magnetism 1.14
Weinberg angle 1.52
Weinberg angle, GUT, in 2.344
Weinberg angle, hadronic reactions, from 1.77
Weinberg angle, LEP data, from 1.145
Weinberg angle, lowest order SM 1.105
Weinberg angle, semi-inclusive data, from 1.189
Weinberg angle, summary of data 1.88
Weinberg angle, value, numerical 1.58
Wigner, Eckhart theorem 1.19 2.376
Wilson action 2.305
Wilson coefficient functions 2.136
Wilson loop factor 2.306
Wilson operator product expansion 2.135
Winding number 2.318 2.325 2.333 2.341
Winos 2.347
Wu — Yang convention in CP-violation 2.29
X Bjorken 1.338
X in mixing 2.19
Y in mixing 2.19
Yang — Mills theories 1.35 see "Standard
Zinos 2.347
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