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Collins P.D., Squires E.J., Martin A.D. — Particle Physics and Cosmology |
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mesons and CP violation 151
mesons, decays 143 151
mesons, time evolution 144
— mixing 142
— oscillations 144
— mixing 142 148
262 266 268
, pion decay constant 75 110 192
4; see Fermi coupling
4; see Gravitational constant
— mixing 142
— mixing in composite models 206
, mesons 149
, mesons and CP violation 149
, mesons, mass difference 149 197 217 272
4; see Planck
, Ricci Tensor 264 373
, , variables 19 312
7 87 124
in GUT 160 162
in supersymmetric GUT 250
, determination of 126
chiral symmetry 120
 chiral symmetry 69
of QED 4 5 54 122 299 413
of QED, running of 9 55 126 161
of QED, value of 122
161 250 427
, gravitational coupling of baryons 440
of QCD 8 10
of QCD, determination of 23 132
of QCD, renormalized 57
of QCD, running of 58 161
, Regge slope 317 321 328 331
decay 6 80
decay, double 154
function 63 131
function coefficients 58 65 161
function coefficients with supersymmetry 249
mesons 12 16 77
matrices 36
matrices in dimensions 304 358
matrices in 2 dimensions 337
matrices in curved space 268
matrices, chiral representation of 225
matrices, standard representation of 36
matrices, trace relations of 105 107
matrix 36 107 304
matrix in higher dimensions 341 358
meson 12 79 147 149
of general relativity 262 267 271
of general relativity and strings 334
of general relativity and SUGRA 278 282
267; see cosmological constant
matrices 45 46
matrices of SU(3) 45 68
matrices of SU(5) 169
see Lambda of QCD
-folds of inflation N 406 408 409 410
-baryon 12
scheme 62 131
inflaton field 400
meson 12
decay 110 210 450 466
(c ) meson 12 16 21
meson 12
parameter of W — S model 89 90 125
parameter of W — S model and radiative corrections 126
parameter of W — S model in composite models 216
parameter of W — S model,determination of 127
377; see critical density
baryon 12
lepton 1 2
number 2
problem of QCD 120
term in QCD 118
-vacuum 118
decays 132
(b ) meson 12 16 21
, parameters 151 387 407
Abelian group 43
Abell clusters 434
Action S 31
Action S for free relativistic particle 319
Action S for free relativistic string 325
Action S for particle in gravitational field 268
Adjoint representation 46 50 173
Adjoint spinor 37
Age of universe 376 397
Aharonov — Bohm effect 49
Aharonov — Bohm effect and monopoles 423
Air showers 449
Air showers and Cygnus X3 464
Air showers, arrays 450
Air-Cerenkov telescopes 450 464
Airy’s method for 271
Altarelli — Parisi equations 131
Analyticity 312
Angular momentum for strings 328
anomalies 101
Anomalies and gravitons 349
Anomalies and non-planar diagrams 347
Anomalies in 110
Anomalies in composite models 209
Anomalies in d = 10 SUGRA 310 346 349
Anomalies in string theory 345
Anomalies, cancellation of 108 166 347
Anomalous magnetic moment 48 123 205
Anomaly cancellation 108 166 209 347
Anti-screening 10
Antibaryons 13 387
Antilepton 1
Antiparticle 1 38 159 387
Antiparticle spinor 37 159 182
Antiprotons in cosmic rays 449
Antiquark 1 11
Antisymmetric tensor 107
Antisymmetric tensor in 11 dimensions 307
Appelquist — Carazzone decoupling 211
Area as action for string 321
asymptotic freedom 10 22 58
Auxiliary fields 229 233
Auxiliary fields in SUGRA 279
Axial current, partial conservation of 75
Axial divergence of QCD 111
Axial extension of QED 107
Axial gauge 47
Axial U(1) problem 78 111
Axial U(1) transformation 69 102 119
Axial vector 37
Axial vector anomaly 102
Axino 392
Axion a 120
Axion a and SN1987A observations 463
Axion a as cold dark matter 393
Axion a in cosmic rays 448
Axion a, constraints on 121 393 454 463
Axion a, cosmological limits 393
Axion a, radiation by stars 445
B meson 12 142 151
b quark 1 2 94 140 147
B — L conservation 171 181 404
B — L violation 184
Background metric 275
Bare coupling 54
Bare mass 55
Baryon number B 1 3 12 14
Baryon number B and creation of universe 387 404
Baryon number B as U(l) generator 44
| Baryon number B conservation 69
Baryon number B, creation by Higgs decay 407
Baryon number B, dilution of by inflation 407
Baryon number B, non-conservation of 171 180 207 387
Baryon, color wavefunction of 11
Baryon, energy density 377 387 394
Baryon, number density 381 387 390
Baryon, table of 12
Baryon:photon ratio 381 387
Baryosynthesis 387 407 409
Biassed galaxy formation 434
big bang 375
Big crunch 375
Bilinear identities for spinors 38 227
Bilinear spinor quantities 37
Binary galaxies and missing mass 390
black body spectrum 380 382
Black holes as source of dark matter 390 392
Black holes, formation from stellar collapse 447
Black holes, lifetime of 447
Black holes, primordial 477
Boost, Lorentz 258
Bootstrap hypothesis 314 318
Boson number density 378
Boson propagator 40 47
Bosonic string, classical 319
Bosonic string, excited state of 329 331
Bosonic string, quantum 326
Bosonic string, tachyon 329
Bosonic string, vacuum state 327
Bottom quark, see b quark Box diagram 145
Bottomonium 16
Branch points 314
Brans — Dicke field from Kaluza model 297
Broken generators 73
Broken generators of SU(5) 173
Bubbles and distribution of galaxies 394 436 438
c quark 1 2 140 148
Cabibbo angle 79 140
Calabi-Yau manifolds 358
Cascade baryon 12
Casimir energy in Kaluza — Klein theories 417
Casimir operator in ETC 195
Causality and quantum gravity 275
Causality problem in early universe 398
CDM, cold dark matter 393 413
Chan — Paton method 343
Chaotic inflation 409
Chaplain — Manton terms 310
Charge conjugate spinor 37 159 182
Charge conjugation C 38 81 143 159 225 304
Charge conjugation matrix 38 225
Charge conservation 6 43
Charge quantization 110
Charge quantization and monopoles 423
Charge quantization from Kaluza model 298
Charge quantization in GUT 159 165
Charge, renormalized 54
Charged current (cc) 79 88 140
Charged current, leptonic 94
Charged current, quark 93
Charm quark see c quark
Charmonium 16
Chern — Simons term 349
Chiral anomaly, see anomaly 102
Chiral families 360
Chiral fermions 39 359
Chiral fields 7 69 159
Chiral representation 225 304
Chiral spinor see Weyl spinor
Chiral symmetry 69 119
Chiral symmetry in composite models 209
Chiral symmetry, breaking 74 120
Chirality operator in d = 10 358
Chirality problem in 11 dimensions 306
Chirality problem in N = 8 SUGRA 291
Christoffel symbols 260
Christoffel symbols of Robertson — Walker metric 373
Christoffel symbols of sphere 265
Christoffel symbols , relation to Ricci tensor 265
Classical equations from Einstein Lagrangian 262
Classical mechanics 31
Classical mechanics from general relativity 267
Closed string 319 322
Closed string, boundary condition on compact manifold 352
Closed string, equation of motion 321
Closed string, graviton 331 337
Closed string, one-loop amplitude for 335
Closed string, spinning 342
Closed Universe 370
Co-moving coordinates 372
Co-moving observer 370 374
Cold dark matter (CDM) 393 413
Coleman — Mandula Theorem 223
Coleman — Weinberg potential 99 407
Collinear singularity 130 133
Color lines of force 16 22
Compact manifold 302
Compactification 294 307 363 413
Compactification and chiral fermions 358
Compactification and SUSY 356
Compactification and symmetry breaking 360
Completeness relation for polarization vectors 35
Completeness relation for spinors 41
Complex representations 164 359
Composite fermions 208
Composite gauge bosons 213
Composite Higgs 190 192 219
Composite models 198
Composite models and new dynamics 220
Composite models and parity 217
Composite models and supersymmetry 212
Composite models and the standard model 213
Composite models, anomaly condition in 211
Composite models, dynamics in 209
Composite models, Z boson decay in 216
Compositeness scale 200
Compositeness scale, bounds on 204
Condensates 74
Condensates in extended technicolor 195
Condensates in technicolor 191
confinement 10 14 17 58 200
Conformal anomaly 330 336
Conformal anomaly and fermionic modes 350
Conformal factor 326
Conformal gauge 322
Conformal rescaling 335
Connection 260; see spin-connection
Connection fields in general relativity 260
Conserved current 32 43
Conserved quantity 43 45
Constituent quark mass 13 17
Continuity equation 32 43
Contravariant component 257 259
Convective equilibrium of star 444
Cooper pairs 189
Correlation length and symmetry breakdown 404
Cosmic domains 394
Cosmic rays 448
Cosmic rays and discovery of particles 440
Cosmic rays, composition of 448
Cosmic rays, energy spectrum of 441
Cosmic rays, flux of 448
Cosmic rays, maximum energy of 441 449
Cosmic rays, monopole limits on 429
Cosmic rays, source of 448
Cosmic strings 430
Cosmic strings and galaxy formation 394 434
Cosmic strings and inflation 436
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