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D.H. Perkins — Introduction to high energy physics |
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meson decay and CKM matrix 225
— mixing, and violation 238
eigenstates in decay 229
operation 76
violation, violation and 83
violation, in meson decay 239
violation, in decay 82 232
violation, in cosmology 237
violation, superweak model of 237
theorem, tests and consequences 81
mesons 100
mesons, decay and CKM matrix 225
mesons, example of 132
-functions (rotation matrices), definition and derivation 390
-functions (rotation matrices), table of 393
— mixing 238
particle 95
mesons, discovery 24 29
and mesons 91
mesons 226
mesons, violation in decay 232
mesons, and , and eigenstates 228 232
mesons, and regeneration 231
mesons, and strangeness oscillations 229
mesons, and superweak theory 237
mesons, leptonic decays 236
mesons, mass differences 230
mesons, mass equality and theorem 81
, mesons see " mesons"
conservation 277
conservation 277
conservation 277
— interaction 206
— interaction 206
— interaction 206
boson, at colliders 220
boson, at colliders 220
boson, at colliders 220
boson, discovery 215
boson, production and mass value 52 261
boson, resonance 58
boson, width 258
 rule in weak decays 234
(1232) pion-proton resonance 58
4-momentum transfer 6
4-vectors 5
Abelian field and transformation 184
accelerators, list of 345
accelerators, principles of 338
Altarelli — parisi equation 187
Angular momentum, eigenfunctions 65
Angular momentum, operators 64 386
Anomalous magnetic moment of electron and muon 41 183
Anomalous magnetic moment of nucleons 130 139
Antineutrino see "neutrino"
Antiparticles 13
Antiproton 15
Antiproton-proton collider 345
asymptotic freedom 185
Atmospheric neutrinos 297
Axial vector 208
Axions 324
baryon masses and hyperfine splitting 128
baryon multiplets in quark model 109
Baryon-antibaryon asymmetry in universe 317
baryon-photon ratio in universe 315
baryonic matter density in universe 306
Baryons, conservation of 79
baryons, instability of 282
Baryons, magnetic moments 130
baryons, parity 66
BEBC bubble chamber 132 157 369
Beta decay 197
beta decay, - theory 206
beta decay, Gamow — Teller and Fermi transitions 198
Beta decay, inverse 201
beta decay, Kurie plot 199
beta decay, parity violation in 202
beta function 183
Betatron oscillations 341
Bethe — Bloch formula 349
Big Bang model of universe 304
Bjorken sum rule 167
Bohr magneton 41
Bohr radius 105
Bose — Einstein distribution 309
Bose — Einstein statistics 12
bosons, intermediate vector, and 215
bosons, mediators of interactions 10
Breit — Wigner resonance formula 56
bremsstrahlung by fast electrons 354
Bubble chambers 17 30 366
Cabibbo angle 221
Calorimeters 368
Cascade showers 368
CDF detector 135
Centre-of-mass system (cms) 6
Cerenkov counters 332 361
CERN accelerators 348
CESR storage ring 104
charge conjugation, eigenstates in neutral systems 74
charge conjugation, invariance under 73—75
charge conjugation, non-invariance in weak interactions 76
charge conjugation, phases for charged pions 74
charge conjugation, phases for quarks and antiquarks 118
charge conservation, and gauge invariance 75
charge equality for electron and proton 61
Charge independence 87
charge radius of pion 129
Charge radius of proton 129 168
Charge symmetry 87
Charged weak currents 208 214
charm hypothesis and GIM model 222
Charm quantum number 99
charmed meson decay, example 132
charmonium decay 95
charmonium energy levels 101
Chew — Frautschi plot 178
CHOOZ experiment 290
chromomagnetic force 127
CKM matrix 224
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients in pion-nucleon scattering 90
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients, derivation 386
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients, table of 394
Closed Universe 306
Cloud chambers 10 29
COBE satellite 308
colliding-beam accelerators 6 343
Colour quantum number 44 114
colour quantum number, factor in annihilation to hadrons 144
colour quantum number, in decay 115
colour quantum number, magnetic interaction 127
Compton effect 356
confinement of quarks, string model 178
conservation of weak currents 209
conservation rules, table of 93
conversion length, for photons 355
cooling in proton-antiproton colliders 344
Cosmic background radiation 31 307
cosmic rays, early work in 26
Cosmological constant 304
Coulomb scattering 40 351
coupling constants, table of 52
coupling constants, table of, running 181
Covariant derivative 78 271
critical energy of medium 353
cross-section and decay rate 55
cross-section, definition of 51
cross-section, formula for 53
cross-section, relativistic formula 396
| crossed diagram 148
Current-current interaction 208
Cyclic accelerators 339
D-zero detector 135
dark matter in universe 319
de Broglie wavelength 1
decay rates, in interactions 55
Decuplet of baryons 109
Deep inelastic scattering 156
DELPHI experiment 256 266 366
density effect, in ionisation loss 350
Density of final states see "phase-space factor"
Detailed balance 66
detectors, for charged particles 355
di-muon events, from charm decay 225
dipole formula, for nucleon form factors 154
Dirac and Majorana neutrinos 284
Dirac equation 18
divergences, in weak interactions 243
DORIS storage ring 102
Double beta decay 286
Drell — Yan process 124
Drift chambers 358
elastic scattering of charged particles in medium 351
elastic scattering of electrons and neutrinos on nucleons 154
elastic scattering, form factors 154—156
electric dipole moment and T symmetry 83
Electric dipole moment of neutron 84
Electromagnetic form factors see "form factor"
Electromagnetic interactions 40
electromagnetic mass splitting 129
Electromagnetic showers 368
electron, K-capture by nuclei 241
Electron, magnetic moment 41
Electron, radiation loss by 342 354
electron, scattering by nucleons 159
Electron-muon scattering 147
electron-photon showers 368
electron-positron annihilation in positronium 103
Electron-positron annihilation to hadrons 144
electron-positron annihilation to muon pairs 140
Electron-positron colliders 345
Electron-positron pairs 17 30
electroweak couplings of leptons and quarks 249
Electroweak interaction 242
electroweak interaction, forward-backward asymmetries 258
electroweak interaction, polarisation asymmetries 260
elementary particles, table of 377
Equivalence principle 79
exchange symmetry, for fermions and bosons 12
Exclusion principle 13
Extensive air showers 335
Fermi constant, in weak interactions 151 210
Fermi theory of beta decay 197
Fermi transitions in beta decay 198
fermi, or femtometre, unit 3
Fermi-Dirac distribution 310
Fermi-Dirac statistics 12
Fermilab accelerators 345 134
fermion, conservation 15
fermion, definition of 13
Fermion, number 15
fermion, parity of 69
Feynman diagrams 38
Feynman parton model 155
Fine structure constant 40
Fine structure in positronium 104
Flat Universe 306
Flatness problem 326
Flavour quantum number 22
Form factor of nucleon 154
Four-fermion interaction 197
Fourier transform 56
Friedmann equation 304
Fundamental interactions, table of 52
g-factors and g — 2 anomaly of electron and muon 41 183 254
Gallex experiment 294
Gamma matrices 19
gamma rays, absorption in matter 355
gamma- interference 258
Gamow — Teller transition 198
Gargamelle bubble chamber 49 216
Gauge invariance 42
Gauge invariance in QED 75
gauge invariance, for non-Abelian fields 269
Gauge transformation 78
Gell-Mann and Okubo mass formula 120
GIM mechanism and charm 221
GLS sum rule 167
gluon jets, in annihilation 180
gluon, and string model 45
gluon, colour octet 171
gluon, constituents in nucleon 163
gluon, self-interaction 179
Gluonium 190
Gottfried sum rule 166
Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) 278
gravitational interactions 51
Gravitational lensing 322
gyromagnetic ratio see "g-factor"
H1 detector 166
hadronic shower calorimeter 371
Hadrons 24
Heaviside — Lorentz units 3
Heavy leptons 246
heavy-ion accelerator 346
helicity of electrons in beta decay 204
helicity of neutrino 205
helicity, conservation of 19 141
helicity, in — theory 206
helium-hydrogen ratio in universe 316
HERA electron-proton collider 165 191
Hierarchy problem 276
Higgs lagrangian 267
Higgs production and detection 271
Higgs scalars 249
hole theory of positron 15
HOMESTAKE experiment 294
Hubble's Law 32 303
hybrid detectors 373
hypemucleus 94
Hypercharge 92
hyperfine interactions in quark model 126 133
hyperfine structure in QED 104
hyperons, and strangeness 92
hyperons, examples 26 113 117
Hyperons, magnetic moments 131
hyperons, parity 66
Identical particles 12
IMB experiment 332
inflationary model of early universe 326
Intermediate vector boson see "W Z
Intrinsic parity see "parity"
Invariance principles 63
Inverse beta decay 201
ionisation energy loss, of charged particles 349 375
ionisation energy loss, relativistic rise in 352
Ionisation potential 350
Isospin 88
isospin of strange particles 91
isospin, assignments 91
isospin, in pion-nucleon system 89
isospin, in two-nucleon system 88
Isospin, multiplets 111
isospin, symmetry and mass differences 129
isospin, weak isospin and hypercharge in electroweak theory 246
JADE detector 47 182 374
jets in annihilation 47 182
jets in proton-antiproton collisions 172
K-capture 241
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