Curves algebraic of 3rd class and curves of 3rd order J.38 L.78
Curves algebraic of 4th class with a triple and a single focus Q.20
Curves algebraic of 6th class Ac.2
Curves algebraic of class n and order m, two laws C.85
Curves algebraic with a mid-point J.47
Curves algebraic with axes of symmetry N.80
Curves algebraic, common points, a system of J.54
Curves algebraic, generation by right lines J.42
Curves algebraic, lemniscatic An.58
Curves algebraic, manifoldness of M.10
Curves algebraic, mechanical construction of an n-tic 5407 LM.7
Curves algebraic, number of intersections C.76 M.15
Curves algebraic, number of points of contact C.82
Curves algebraic, projective involution M.3
Curves algebraic, remarkable group of M.16
Curves algebraic, represented by arcs of circles JP.20
Curves algebraic, species determined M.23
Curves algebraic, symmetrical expression of constants Q.5
Curves algebraic, theorems, two metric M.11
Curves algebraic, theorems, two metric, Maclaurin's N.50
Curves and derived surfaces An.59 61
Curves and surfaces M.8 N.59 gn thsG.4
Curves and surfaces of same degree, a common property G.8
Curves and surfaces, "arguisiane" G.12
Curves and surfaces, algebraic An.77 J.49 L.55
Curves and surfaces, curves having the same principal normals and the surface which the normals form C.85
Curves and surfaces, satisfying conditions of double contact C.89
Curves from Abel's functions, p = 2 M.1
Curves in a power-series of sines J.3
Curves of "allineamento" G.21
Curves of "raccordement" JP.12
Curves of 2-point contact with a pencil of curves M.3
Curves of 3-point contact with a triply infinite pencil of curves M.10
Curves of 3-point contact with a triply infinite pencil of curves, 4-point do. LM.8
Curves of a series of groups of points, ths C.73
Curves of pursuit 5247 C.97 N.83
Curves of section A.43
Curves of the species 1 C.97
Curves on surfaces see "Surface curves"
Curves with a constant polar subtangent N.62
Curves with branches, imaginary CM.1 Q.7
Curves with branches, infinite Q.3
Curves with multiple points C.62 L.69
Curves with multiple points, n-tic with m.p of n-1th order C.80 N.76
Curves with multiple points, with three of higher degrees cn An.58
Curves with several "points d'arret" N.60
Curves with similar evolutes Me.66
Curves, E.11
Curves, J.1
Curves, Mem.24
Curves, N.76
Curves, 2 characteristics defining a system of algebraic or transcendental curves C.78
Curves, a family of N.72
Curves, analytical method LM.9 16
Curves, Aoust's problem A.2 66
Curves, arcs of, compared with lengths JP.23
Curves, argument of points on a plane curve LM.15
Curves, bicursal LM.4 7
Curves, class, diminution of N.67
Curves, cutting others in given angles or in angles whose bisectors have a given direction C.58 83
Curves, defined by a differential equation C.81 90 93 98 L.81 82
Curves, defined by a differential equation, Pr.15
Curves, defined by a differential equation, do. algebraic and an analogous space theorem L.76
Curves, defined by intersecting conics C.37
Curves, derived from an ellipse A.10
Curves, determination from property of tangents A.51
Curves, determination from their curvature P.83 84
Curves, determination of the number of curves of degree r which have a contact of degree n<mr, with an m-tic, and which satisfy other conditions, and similar problems C.63
Curves, diameters of L.49 N.71
Curves, diameters of, and surface C.60
Curves, eq obtained from tangent N.45
Curves, equidistant, tangents to cnZ.28
Curves, extension to space C.85
Curves, four, with two common points Q.9
Curves, generation of geoJ.58 71 M.18
Curves, generation of, by collinear ray-systems Z.19
Curves, generation of, by intersections of given curves Z.14
Curves, geometrical A.37
Curves, geometrical, "gobbe" of zero kind G.11
Curves, geometrical, "gobbe", rational G.9 12
Curves, geometrical, two laws C.84
Curves, geometrical, two laws, relation to harmonic axes C.73
Curves, higher plane A.70 L.61 63
Curves, homofocal N.81
Curves, intrinsic equation CP.8 Q.5
Curves, joining two points pr L.63
Curves, least chord through a given point A.23
Curves, network of C.67
Curves, pencils of A.65
Curves, pencils of, of 3rd order Z.13
Curves, rational A.56 G.th15 16 M.9 18
Curves, rational, generation of G.12
Curves, re lines drawn at all points of a curve at the same inclination to it C.74
Curves, reciprocal of J.42
Curves, sextactic points of P.65
Curves, singularities of 5187 An.71 C.78 80 CP.9 J.64 JP.7 L.37 45 LM.6 M.8—10 16 N.50 80 81 Q.2 7
Curves, singularities of, higher singularities J.64 L.70
Curves, systems of An.61 G.13 Mo.82
Curves, systems of, theory C.63 94
Curves, systems of, theory and surfaces A.73 Ac.7 L.65
Curves, tangential polar eq of Q.1
Curves, theorems or problems A.pr1 31 prs 42 G.1 J.1 M.14 Q.3
Curves, theorems or problems, re arc CP and chords CP, PM, CM Mem.10
Curves, theorems or problems, to describe curves which shall have equal arcs cut off by a fixed pencil of lines Mem.10
Curves, tracing apparatus LM.4
Curves, transformation of CD.8 LM.1
Curves, transformation of 14-ics which cut a quartic in the points of contact of its double tangents J.52
Curves, transformation of scalene Q.13 M.4 20 21
Curves, transformation of, and transversals J.47
Curves, transformation of, under given conditions P.68
Curves, whose arcs and coordinates are connected by a quadratic equation J.62
Curves, whose arcs are expressible by elliptic or hyperelliptic functions of the 1st kind Z.25
Curves, whose coordinates are functions of a variable parameter Me.85
Curves, whose coordinates are functions of a variable parameter, elliptic J.64 N.68
Curves, whose equations are A.48
Curves, whose equations are , x and y constants C.93
Curves, whose equations are 2323
Curves, whose equations are A.14 16
Curves, whose equations are linear functions of the coordinates N.65
Curves, whose evolute and involute are equal C.84
Curvilinear angles, ths L.44 45
Curvilinear triangles A.61 N.45
Curvital functions C.60
Curvo-graph A.1
Cusps 5181 Mem.22 Q.10
Cusps, construction of 8 cusps of 3 quadric surfaces when 7 are given J.26
Cusps, keratoid 5182
Cusps, ramphoid 5183
Cyclic and hyperbolic functions 37
Cyclic curves A.37 Z.cn2 26 27
Cyclic functions A.69
Cyclic interchanges (higher algebra) Man.62
Cyclic projective groups of points M.13 20
Cyclic projective groups of points, number of do. in a space transf. C.90
Cyclic surfaces Z.14
Cyclic systems C.76
Cyclides N.66 70 Pr.19 Q.9 12
Cyclides and sphero-quartics P.71
Cyclides, reducible LM.2
Cycloidal curves Z.9
Cycloids 5250 A.13 N.52 82
Cycloids and trochoids on surface of sphere Mem.22 Q.19
Cycloids, surface of, th of Archimedes Me.84
Cyclosis in lines LM.2
Cyclotomic functions C.90
Cylinder, frustrum of 6048
Cylinder, frustrum of, and cones, intersection by spheres, ths J.54
Cylinder, frustrum of, and hemisphere P.12
Cylinder, frustrum of, circumscribing a torus of revolution C.45
Cylindrical functions A.56 An.73 M.5 16
| Cylindrical functions and d.i M.8
Cylindrical functions of 1st and 2nd class M.1
Cylindrical functions, J(x) analogous to the spherical function M.3
Cylindrical functions, representing a function of 2 variables M.5
Cylindrical surfaces 5591 LM.3
Cylindrical surfaces, quadrature of A.9
Cylindroids At.19 39 Me.80 Z.25
De Moivre's theorem 756 A.6 11
Decimal fractions, approximation by N.51
Decimal fractions, error in addition of non-terminating C.40 N.56
Decimal fractions, repeating A.16 33 56 G.9 Me.85 Mel.5 N.42 49 74
Decimal fractions, repeating, where p is one of the first 1500 primes A.3
Definite integrals see "Integrals"
Deformation of a cache-pot 3ST.81
Deformation of a one-fold hyperboloid E.30
Deformation of conics Z.25
Deformation of surfaces C.68 70 G.16 JP.22 L.60
Demonstrations, reduction to simplest form C.83
Derivation of a curve An.52
Derivation of analytical functions, gz G.22
Derivation, applied to geo prs An.54
derivatives see "Differential coefficient"
Derivatives, Arbogast's 1536 CD.6 I.12 L.82 extMe.78 P.61 Pr.11 Q.4 7
Derivatives, Schwarzian CP.13
Descriptive geometry An.63 L.39 N.52 56
Detached coefficients 28
Determinants 554 A.44 56 65 apAn.57 J.22 tr51 72 73 74 89 C.86 CP.8 G.1 4 8 9 10 L.84 LM.10 Me.62 78 79 83 N.51 69 ap Pr.8 Q.8 TE.28 Z.16
Determinants and algebraic "clefs" C.36
Determinants and duadic disynthemes AJ.22
Determinants for verifying a system of d.e C.23
Determinants in conics J.89 92
Determinants of alternate numbers LM.11
Determinants of binomial coefficients Z.24
Determinants of Cauchy ("aleph") G.17
Determinants of definite integrals L.52 Z.11
Determinants of even order, analogy between a class of J.52
Determinants of figurate numbers G.9
Determinants of lower determinants J.61
Determinants of minors of given determinant C.86
Determinants of powers AJ.4
Determinants of rational fractions Me.82
Determinants of sixth order Me.84
Determinants of squares of distances of points Q.11
Determinants of the 16 lines joining the vertices of two tetrahedrons J.62
Determinants with a diagonal of zeros Me.73
Determinants with continued fractions J.69
Determinants with polynomial elements Me.85
Determinants, application to algebra and geometry A.51 50 53
Determinants, application to contact of circles and spheres N.60
Determinants, application to cylindrical surfaces A.58
Determinants, application to equations Q.19
Determinants, application to geometry J.40 49 77
Determinants, application to surfaces of revolution A.58
Determinants, arithmetical G.23 LM.10 Me.78 Pr.15
Determinants, catalogue of papers and treatises Q.18
Determinants, combination of CD.8
Determinants, combinatory analysis of C.86
Determinants, composite 555 J.88 89
Determinants, compound 555 AJ.6 LM.14 Me.82
Determinants, cubic G.6 LM.13
Determinants, cubic and higher 11
Determinants, cycle of equations G.11
Determinants, development of An.58 N.85
Determinants, development of and ap to resultant of 2eqs G.21
Determinants, development of, in binomials G.10
Determinants, development of, in polynomials G.13 15
Determinants, ditto of negative dets. J.37 L.60 M.22 Mo.62 75
Determinants, division problems A.59
Determinants, double orthosymmetric Z.26
Determinants, elements of G.10 15
Determinants, equation in which C.41
Determinants, function in analysis for a certain determinant of n quantities C.70
Determinants, functional CD.9 J.22 69 70 77 84 M.1 18 Me.80 Q.1
Determinants, functional of a system of functions L.51
Determinants, functional of binary forms C.92
Determinants, gauche C.88 89 CD.9 J.32 38 50 th55 L.54
Determinants, involving Q.15 16 17
Determinants, minor 554 G.1
Determinants, multiplication of 562 570 A.14 59 L.52
Determinants, number of terms in LM.10
Determinants, partial C.97
Determinants, persymmetric Me.82
Determinants, quadratic forms of J.53 89 L.56 N.52
Determinants, resolution into quadratic factors of a det. formed from two circulants Me.82
Determinants, signs of the terms 557 E.29 Me.80
Determinants, skew Q.8 18
Determinants, Sylvester's det. and Euler's resultant An.59
Determinants, symmetrical G.1 J.82 M.16 th Q.14 18
Determinants, symmetrical, and Lagrange's interpolation LM.13
Determinants, symmetrical, ap to a pr in geo Z.20
Determinants, symmetrical, of nth order and n-1th power sq. of a similar determinant AJ.4
Determinants, theorems and problems AJ.3 An.pr60 G.2 4 6 12 16 J.pr66 pr84 L.51 54 M.13 Me.79 N.65 Q.1 pr2 15 Z.7 prs18
Determinants, transformation of An.73 G.10 f16
Determinants, transformation of product L.60
Determinants, unimodular, cn Z.21
Developable cylinders, motion of Man.84
Developable surfaces A.69 M.18 Me.77 Q.6
Developable surfaces of a conical screw A.69
Developable surfaces of first 7 degrees J.64
Developable surfaces of surfaces having principal lines of curvature plane C.36
Developable surfaces, circumscribing 2 quadrics C.67 ths54 gz63 CD.5
Developable surfaces, circumscribing given surfaces Z.13 15
Developable surfaces, edge of regression L.72
Developable surfaces, mutual J.19
Developable surfaces, quintic C.54 CD.5 G.3
Developable surfaces, through a gauche curve C.97
Developable surfaces, through a given curve which develops into a circular arc L.56
Development of tortuous curves prs Mem
Di-polar geometry Z.27
Diacaustic of a plane N.75
Diagonal scales LM.6
Diametral curves CM.2
Diametral curves of constant sectional area, prs N.43
Didon, proposition of C.86
Differences and differential quotients A.49 53 N.69
Differences, equations of mixed JP.6 N.85
Differences, parameters of functions C.95
Differential calculus 1400—1868 J.11 12 13 14 15 16 Me.66 Q.4
Differential Calculus, reciprocal methods CD.7 8
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives 1402 1422—1446 Pr.12 see
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives of and N.53
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives of M.3
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives of A.22
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives of a composite function 1420 nth G.13
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives of a function of a function 1415 A.9
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives of a function of a function, in terms of derivative of inverse function Mem.57
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives of a function of two independent variables 1815
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives of algebraic functions Mel.1
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives of exponentials and logarithms 1422—1427 A.11 N.50 52 85
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives of irrational functions P.16
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives of log x and A.1
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives of nth order with x=0 in the result, 2883—2887
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives of nth order with x=0 in the result, 2865—2869
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives of nth order with x=0 in the result, A.3
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives of nth order with x=0 in the result, , 2889—2891
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives of nth order with x=0 in the result, 2871—2877
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives of products whose factors are consecutive terms of a series Me.31
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives, calculated from differentials AJ.16
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives, ratio to the function at the limit J.74
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives, successive or of nth order 1405 1460—1472 2852—2891 A.1 4 7 An.57 G.18 M.4 Z.3
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives, successive or of nth order, 1471 A.4
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives, successive or of nth order, 2858
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives, successive or of nth order, A.8
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives, successive or of nth order, A.9
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives, successive or of nth order, 2861 A.30
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives, successive or of nth order, 1463—1464
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives, successive or of nth order, 1465
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives, successive or of nth order, CM.2
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives, successive or of nth order, 2856
Differential coefficients or differential quotients or derivatives, successive or of nth order, 2854—2855