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Horine G.M. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Project Management |
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payment schedules, contracts
payments, finalizing, project closure
PBS (Project Breakdown Structure)
PDA (Prevention, Detection, and Action)
PDA, project control principles 2nd 3rd
penalities, contract components
people skills
people skills, leadership roles
people-oriented approach
people-oriented approach, leadership styles
perception, making a difference, expectation management
perception, reality and, expectation management 2nd
performance development
performance development, teams 2nd
performance development, teams, clarity traits
performance development, teams, client interaction preparation
performance development, teams, collocation
performance development, teams, commitment traits
performance development, teams, conflict resolution techniques
performance development, teams, expectation management principles
performance development, teams, expertise, leverage
performance development, teams, high performing teams 2nd 3rd
performance development, teams, high-maintenance staffs
performance development, teams, kickoff meetings 2nd
performance development, teams, management style principles
performance development, teams, marketability experiences
performance development, teams, orientation plans 2nd
performance development, teams, planning principles
performance development, teams, poor performers 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
performance development, teams, primary strength traits 2nd
performance development, teams, procedures, setting up
performance development, teams, productivity principles 2nd
performance development, teams, professionalism
performance development, teams, progress reporting
performance development, teams, project repository setup
performance development, teams, recognition 2nd
performance development, teams, relationship building principles
performance development, teams, reputation considerations
performance development, teams, reward systems 2nd
performance development, teams, risk identification
performance development, teams, standards, setting
performance development, teams, synergistic traits 2nd
performance development, teams, task assignment techniques 2nd 3rd
performance development, teams, team charter development
performance development, teams, team focus
performance development, teams, team selection principles, successful people
performance development, teams, team unite rituals
performance development, teams, undeveloped schedule considerations 2nd
performance development, trust levels
performance development, trust levels, clarity traits
Performance measurement
performance measurement, contract components
performance reporting
performance reporting, project control
performance, budget development importance
performance, critical success factors
performance, evaluations
performance, evaluations, project closure
performance, project control 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
performance, project management key concpets
performance, project planning considerations
performance, project planning consideratoins
performance, project schedule impacts
performance, WBS objectives 2nd
personal credibility
personal credibility, expectation management
personal value points
personal value points, project management benefits 2nd
perspective, expectation management
perspectives, interpersonal skills, communications management
persuasion, project manager roles
persuasion, servant leadership
PERT charts
PERT charts, work estimation
phased control
phased control, risk control strategies
phased estimating
phased estimating, work estimation
physical state
physical state, communication challenges
plan phase
plan phase, effort distribution estimation
Planned Value (PV)
Planned Value (PV), EVM (Earned Value Management)
planning areas
planning areas, leadership needs
planning projects
planning projects, acceptance criteria
planning projects, all-emcompassing document 2nd
planning projects, budgets
planning projects, change control 2nd
planning projects, checklists 2nd 3rd
planning projects, communication plans
planning projects, communications
planning projects, configuration management 2nd
planning projects, control systems
planning projects, cost determination updates
planning projects, critical issues
planning projects, deliverables 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
planning projects, detail planning 2nd
planning projects, fundamental questions 2nd 3rd 4th
planning projects, multiple passes 2nd
planning projects, partial role responsibility 2nd
planning projects, proactive project management
planning projects, procurement
planning projects, procurements
planning projects, project organization updates 2nd
planning projects, purpose principles
planning projects, quality management
planning projects, quality standards
planning projects, RASIC representation
planning projects, reasons for 2nd
planning projects, resource needs 2nd 3rd
planning projects, resources
planning projects, responsibility matrix
planning projects, risk analysis
planning projects, roles and responsibilties
planning projects, rolling wave planning
planning projects, schedule development 2nd
planning projects, shared information
planning projects, stakeholder analysis
planning projects, success factor considerations
planning projects, supplemental project plan components 2nd 3rd 4th
planning projects, team interaction 2nd
planning projects, team management
planning projects, validation 2nd
planning projects, variance management
planning projects, WBS and 2nd
planning projects, work estimation
planning, change control
planning, communication,project success tools
planning, communications management 2nd 3rd 4th
planning, difference management principles 2nd
planning, execution management
planning, expectation management 2nd 3rd 4th
planning, improper, troubled projects
planning, lack of deliverable management challenges
planning, lack of risk management
planning, leadership roles
planning, meeting practices
planning, plan documents
planning, project control
| planning, project management key concepts
planning, project management process groups
planning, project manager roles
planning, project success tips
planning, project success tools
planning, projects
planning, projects, schedules versus
planning, quality management 2nd
planning, quality management principles 2nd
planning, risk control strategies
planning, risk management
planning, risk management gaps
planning, team performance principles
planning, vendor management
plans, reviews
plans, reviews, expectation management 2nd
PMI (Project Management Institute)
PMI, knowledge areas 2nd 3rd 4th
PMI, process groups 2nd
PMI, project management defined
PMI, projects, defined
PMP (Project Management Professional)
PMP Exam Cram 2 (Greg Horine and David Francis)
point man
point man, communications management
point man, leadership roles
point-of-contact, project manager roles
policies, project definition
politics, project definition reasons
poor performance
poor performance, difference management
poor performance, difference management, cross-functional projects 2nd
poor performance, team performance principles 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
poor scope statement
poor scope statement, unplanned scope change causes
poorly written requirements
poorly written requirements, expectation management problems
portfolio project management
portfolio project management, project definition reasons 2nd
positive attitudes
positive attitudes, success tips
positive attritudes
positive attritudes, project manager success tips
positivise attributes
positivise attributes, team performance principles
post-implementation, change prevention actions
posting minutes
posting minutes, meeting practices
potential impacts
potential impacts, cross-cultural projects
potential impacts, cross-cultural projects, difference management
practically, project definition reasons
pre-allocated budges
pre-allocated budges, budget development challenges
pre-verification, quality managment
prelimary schedules
preliminary schedules 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
presentations, communications management
presentations, project schedules 2nd 3rd 4th
Prevention, Detection, and Action (PDA)
Prevention, Detection, and Action (PDA), project control principles 2nd 3rd
prevention, project control principles
prevention, quality management practices
principles, reviewing
principles, reviewing, recovery activities
priorities, expectation management
priorities, project closure challenges
priorities, project control
priorities, project success tips
prioritization, communications management
prioritization, risk management
priority data points
priority data points, logging systems
priority data points, logging systems, issue management
proactive approach
proactive approach, communications management
proactive project management
proactive project management, issue management systems 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
proactive project management, project planning
proactive project management, risk management 2nd
probability matrix
probability matrix, risk management
probability scales
probability scales, risk management
Problem solving
problem solving, leadership roles
problem-solving, project manager roles
problems, expectation management 2nd
procedures, configuration management plans
procedures, configuration management plans, managing deliverables
procedures, team performance
process improvement technique
process improvement technique, shortening project schedules
process, lack of risk management challenges
process, overextended, risk management challenges
process, quality management
processes, buyer tips and techniques
processes, buyer tips and techniques, vendor management
processes, clarifying
processes, clarifying, vendor management
processes, configuration management plans
processes, project control
procurement contracts
procurement contracts, communications planning
procurement management
procurement management, project control
procurement specialists
procurement specialists, vendor management 2nd 3rd
procurement tasks
procurement tasks, budget finalization
procurement, project management knowledge areas
procurement, project planning
procurements, project planning
producitivity, project manager roles
productivity loss
productivity loss, managing deliverables
productivity, difference management
productivity, difference management, virtual projects 2nd
productivity, team performance principles 2nd
products, quality management
professionalism, team performance
profiles, risk management 2nd 3rd
profit margins, lack of
profit margins, lack of budget development challenges
progress measurement
progress measurement, project control challenges
progress notes data points
progress notes data points, logging systems
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