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Hermanson G.T. — Bioconjugate Techniques |
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DNA, probe design 55
DNA, purine residues of 47
DNA, reaction with EDC 52
DNA, reaction with N-bromosuccinimide 648
DNA, structure 53
DNA, sugar constituents 50
DNA, sulfhydryl-modified, coupling of sulfhydryl-reactive fluorescent probes 671
DNA, synthesis 53
DNA, Watson-Crick model 54
DNase I 641
dNTP 643
Domen 102 186 324 325 550
Donovan 173
Dot blot 400
DOTA, general description and use 367
Dottavio-Martin 31
Double helix 54
Dovichi 304
Dowben 532
Dower 207
Downey 473
DPDPB, general description and use 209
DPPC 550 552
DPPE 543
DPPE activation with MBS 546
DPPE activation with SMPB 544 552
DPPG 550 552
Drafler 282
Draper 313 339 346 357 361 645 646
Dreborg 607
Dried milk, stabilization of colloidal gold suspensions using 595
Drugs, conjugation to toxins 517
Drugs, encapsulated in liposomes 552
Drugs, liposome encapsulation 528
DSC 29 142 156 612
DSC, activation of mPEG using 612
DSC, general description and use 202
DSC, reaction with hydroxyls 156
DSG, general description and use 201
DSP 191
DSP, general description and use 192
DSPE 543
DSS 666
DSS, DNA-alkaline phosphatase conjugation using 664
DSS, general description and use 194
DST 294
DST, general description and use 196
DTBP, general description and use 207
DTE 77 85
DTNB 151 see
DTPA 298 392
DTPA, general description and use 365
DTSSP, general description and use 193
DTT 75 76 79 85 87 104 107 130 132 134 150 192 212 231 240 252 308 310 504
DTT, disulfide cross-linkers 79
DTT, effect on aryl azides 254
DTT, general description and use 77
DTT, partial reduction of antibodies 523
DTT, pyridyl disulfides 276 371 508 519
DTT, reduction of AMCA-HPDP derivatives 335
DTT, reduction of APDP 277
DTT, reduction of aryl-thiol bond 150
DTT, reduction of biotin-HPDP-modified proteins 387
DTT, reduction of cystamine 501
DTT, reduction of cystamine-DNA 652
DTT, SPDP 65 504
DTT, sulfo-NHS-SS-biotin modified proteins 382
DTT, sulfo-SBED cross-links 291
DTTA in time-resolved fluoroim-munoassays 368
DTTA, general description and use 368
du Vigneaud 373
Duband 324
Duijndam 313
Dunbar 80
Duncan 60 367 605
Dunn 182 606
Dunnick 559
Durand 338
dUTP, derivatives useful for enzymatic labeling of DNA 641
Dyes, with similar structures to fluorophores 300
Dysprosium 368
E. coli see “Escherichia coli”
Ebrahim 375
EDAC see “EDC”
EDC 73 75 101 103 125 136 338 560 649 650 651
EDC for conjugating [Met5]-enkephalin to OVA 433
EDC for conjugating, tyrosyl-lysine to KLH 433
EDC for conjugating, [Met5]-enkephalin to BSA 433
EDC for coupling hydrazides to car-boxylates 123 222
EDC for coupling PDTT 513
EDC in coupling ASBA to car-boxylates 284
EDC in hapten-carrier conjugation 429
EDC in modifying phosphates with bis-hydrazides 124
EDC in phosphoramidate formation 109
EDC in preparing cBSA 423
EDC, coupling to 5’-phosphates using 649
EDC, cystamine modification of DNA using 651
EDC, formation of NHS esters 140
EDC, general description and use 170
EDC, levels used with KLH 433
EDC, modification of avidin or streptavidin with ad-ipic acid dihydrazide 590
EDC, pH dependence of conjugation using 430
EDC, protein conjugation to Ц-posomes using 559
EDC, quenching with 2-mercap-toethanol 438
EDC, reaction with AMCA 332
EDC, reaction with amine-containing Cascade Blue derivatives 355
EDC, reaction with biotin 373
EDC, reaction with carboxylate-PEG 614
EDC, reaction with DFA 370
EDC, reaction with phosphate groups of nuclmtides 52
EDC, reaction with phosphatidic acid 539
EDC, reaction with sulfo-NHS 173
EDC, use in cationization 102
EDC, use in conjugating tyrosyl-lysine to BSA 432
EDC, use in forming hydrazide-protein derivatives 637
EDC/sulfo-NHS reaction 342 344
EDC/sulfo-NHS reaction in the activation of protein carboxylates 436
Edelhoch 208
Edelman 79
EDR-148 see “Jeffamine”
Edsall 208
EDTA 86 87 99 132 232 337 388 380 519 578 632
EDTA for elution from metal che-late affinity supports 486
EDTA for prevention of metal-catalyzed oxidation of sulfhydryls 57 343 363
Edwards 15 239 504 397
Effectomer 497
EGF 73
Egg 542
Egg lecithin 550 see
Egg whites 373
Egg yolk 533
EGS, general description and use 199
EGS, hydroxylamine cleav-ability 295
Eiklid 497
Eisen 143 150
Eldjarn 69 86
Electromagnetic radiation 400
Electron 400
Electron capture 400
Electron donating 402
Electron donating groups, effect on fluorescence 299
Electron microscopy 389 593
Electron microscopy, use of colloidal gold labeling 593
Electron withdrawing groups, effect on fluorescence 299
Electrons 298 300
Electrophilic 162 214
| Electrophilic, halogen species 403
Electrophilic, reactions 8
Electrophilic, reactions of tyrosine 12
Electrophilic, species 491
Electrophilic, substitution 403
Electrophoresis 80 103 208
ELISA 243 325 326 328 360 365 374 376 378 630 634 662
ELISA, using avidin-biotin interactions 575
ELISA, using liposomes in 553
Ellis 600
Ellman 88 132 151
Ellman's assay 99 510 521
Ellman's reagent 57 87 133 134
Ellman's reagent for determining the level of maleimide activation 445
Ellman's reagent in activating sulfhydryls 151
Ellman's reagent in measuring maleimide activation levels 442
Ellman's reagent in preparing immunotoxins 515
Ellman's reagent, general description and use 88 132
Emulsification 566
Emulsification of lipids 532
Emulsion, water-in-oil 533
Encapsulation 528
Encapsulation of molecules into Upo-somes 550
End ester 182
Endocytic vesicles 497
Endocytosis 553
Endosomes 419
Energy transfer 301 364 670
Englund 131
Enoch 532
Enol 32
enzyme 456
Enzyme in the design of immu-notoxic conjugates 495
Enzyme, activation with bis-hydrazides 222
Enzyme, activation with glutaraldehyde 472 584
Enzyme, activation with periodate 472
Enzyme, activation with SMCC 461 576 578
Enzyme, activation with SPDP 637
Enzyme, activation with sulfo-SMCC 578
Enzyme, avidin- or streptavidin-labeled 298 572
Enzyme, biotinylated 222 392 493 572 637
Enzyme, conjugation to avidin using glutaraldehyde 583
Enzyme, conjugation to DNA 662
Enzyme, conjugation with antibodies 460
Enzyme, conjugation with removal of unconju-gated enzyme 483
Enzyme, for the oxidation of sugar residues 157
Enzyme, gold-labeled 596
Enzyme, hydrazide derivatives of 222 377 637
Enzyme, hydrazide- activated 477
Enzyme, immobilized 410
Enzyme, maleimide activation of 461
Enzyme, maleimide-activated 467 469 383
Enzyme, maleimide-activated, conjugation with reduced antibodies 463
Enzyme, modification with bis-hydrazide reagents 121
Enzyme, modification, conjugation of, and 630
Enzyme, oxidation with periodate 474
Enzyme, polymer modification of 605
Enzyme, reactive derivatives for conjugation 635
Enzyme, substrates for detection 630
Enzyme, types and properties 630
Enzyme, unconjugated 487
Enzyme-linked immunosor-bent assay see “ELISA”
Enzymobeads, in the iodination of proteins 410
Epichlorohydrin, activation of PEG with 617
Epidermal growth factor modification with cystamine 515
Epidermal growth factor modification with cystamine, SPDP conjugation to toxins 505
Epitope 420
Epitope mapping 600
Epoxide 33
Epoxide, chemistry of 142
Epoxide, general information 220
Epoxide, modification of dextran 626
Epoxide, reaction pyrimidines 44
Epoxide, reaction with ammonium ion 142
Epoxide, reaction, conditions 155 221
Epoxide, transformation to an aldehyde 142
Epps 149
Ericsson 320 325 330
Ernsting 331
Erythrocyte 194 196 205 208 212 266 310
Erythrocyte, ghosts 256
Erythropoietin 196
Erythrose 27
Eschericbia colt 208 633
Eschrich 331
Esters 94
Esters in deavable reagents 293
Esters, hydroxylamine-deavable 295
Ethanol 532 633
Ethanolamine 135 136 144 186 294 373 376 378
Ethanolamine for blocking aldehydes 135 582
Ethanolamine for blocking carboxylates 136
Ethanolamine, blocking excess glutaraldehyde with 471 472 583
Ether, formation with epoxides 220
Ethyl acetate 618
Ethylene glycol group, cleavabilityof 199
Ethylene glycol, in crossbridge of EGS 296
Ethylene glycolbis (succinimidylsuccinate) see “EGS”
Ethylene glycolbis(sulfosuccinimidylsuccinate) see “Sulfo-EGS”
Ethylene oxide 606
Ethylene oxide as repeating unit in PEG 605
Ethylenediamine 101 110 623 624 625 645 647
Ethylenediamine in the preparation of cBSA 423
Ethylenimine 149
Ethylenimine, comparison to Aminoethyl-8 104
Ethylenimine, general description and use 105
Ethylenimine, produced from 2-bromoethylamine 107
Ethylenimine, reaction with pyrimidines 44
Etzler 428
Europium 368
Ewig 227
Excitation 298 301
Excited-state 301
Extinction coefficient 298
Extrusion, of lipids 532
F-actin 208
F/P ratio 304 307 320 324 326 328 331 335 337 339 340 341
FAB 501
Fab' fragments 236 243 459 501
Fab' fragments, conjugation to toxins, using Ellman’s reagent 516
Fab' fragments, conjugation to toxins, using S-sulfonates 516
Fab, fragments 458 486 496
Fab, preparation of 478 480
Fabrics 607
Factor V 258
Factor Va 328
Factor XIII 394
Factor Xllla, assay of using 5-(biotinamido)pentylamine 394
FAD 19 634
Fahien 208
Fairbanks 139 140 191 192 609
Falke 310
Farmer 666
Farr 478
Farries 196
Fasold 209 211
Fatty acid alcohols 539
Fatty acids 427 528
Fatty acids in egg PE 543
Fatty acids in phosphodiglycerides 534
Fatty acids in phospholipids 533
Fatty acids in sphingolipids 536
Fatty acids, HPLC analysis of 153
Fatty acids, immunogenicity of 550
Fatty acids, unsaturated 535
Faulk 593 597
FC 249
Fc, fragments 458 480
Fc, receptors 196 207
Fe+3 128
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