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Hermanson G.T. — Bioconjugate Techniques |
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Polysaccharides, oxidation with sodium periodate 20 108 114 472 475
Polysaccharides, reaction with ABH 282
Polysaccharides, reaction with hydrazide compounds 33
Polysaccharides, reaction with isocyanates 159
Polysaccharides, structure and functional groups 27 34
Polysaccharides, thiolation using PDPH 371
polystyrene 166
Polystyrene beads 405
Polystyrene, modified with chlorosulfonamide groups 405
Polystyrene, modified with PEG 617
Polyurethane 605
Polyvinyl alcohol) 605
Polyvinylpyrrolidinones 605
Porath 33 221 486 626
Porphyridium cruentum 363
Porphyrin 368
Porstmann 583
Positrons 400
Posnett 428
Potassium cacodylate 643
pow 429 596 597
Powsner 400
Pre-column derivatization, using Ellman’s reagent 88
Precipitation from glutaraldehyde cross-linking 453
Precipitation of hapten-carrier conjugates 423
Preformed complex 365
Preis 36
Preprolactin 263
Pressman 400
Prestayko 227
Price 453
Primers 640 643
Probes, general description and use 297
Progesterone receptor 59
Proline 5
Pronase 592
Properdin 196
Propionic acid 344 346
Prosthetic groups 368 588
Prosthetic groups in phycobiliproteins 362
Prosthetic groups of HRP 631
Protease activity, assay using succinylated casein 92
Protease activity, measurement of 126
Protein A 206 456
Protein A, biotinylated 574
Protein A, gold-labeled 596 599
Protein A, immobilized 480 481 484 510
Protein as carriers 171
Protein G, biotinylated 574
Protein synthesis, blocking of 494
Protein, activation with sulfo-NHS and EDC 173
Protein, active center 21
Protein, biotinylation with sulfo-NHS-biotin 377
Protein, blocking functional groups on 126
Protein, cationized 102
Protein, chelated metals 19
Protein, cofactors 19
Protein, conjugation to liposomes 541 556
Protein, creation of pyridyl disulfide groups on 151
Protein, cross-linking methods 22
Protein, cross-linking using imidoesters 203
Protein, detection with OPA 113
Protein, diamine modification of 101
Protein, disulfide cross-links 9
Protein, FITC labeling of 304
Protein, full complement of reactivity 12
Protein, glycoprotein structure 20
Protein, glycosylation 20
Protein, gold labeling 595
Protein, hydrazide derivatives of 637
Protein, hydrazide-activated 477
Protein, hydrophobic core 6
Protein, iodination of 400
Protein, iodination of, indirect 412
Protein, iodination of, with chloramine-T 404
Protein, iodination of, with IODO-BEADS 405
Protein, iodination of, with IODO-GEN 408
Protein, ionizable groups 12
Protein, labeling with AMCA 333
Protein, labeling with colloidal gold 593
Protein, labeling with NHS-fluorescein 305
Protein, labeling with p-aminobenzoyl biocytin, diazotized 398
Protein, labeling with photobiotin 397
Protein, lipoproteins 19
Protein, maleimide activated 236 238 521
Protein, measurement of sulfhydryls 133
Protein, microsequencing 304
Protein, modification of 4
Protein, modification of, with biotin-BMCC 386
Protein, modification of, with biotin-HPDP 388
Protein, modification of, with bis-hydrazide compounds 589
Protein, modification of, with bis-hydrazides 123
Protein, modification of, with CDI-mPEG 617
Protein, modification of, with dextran polymers 620
Protein, modification of, with DTPA 365
Protein, modification of, with iodoacetyl-LC-biotin 388
Protein, modification of, with NHS-LC-biotin 379
Protein, modification of, with polyaldehyde-dextran 622
Protein, modification of, with SC-mPEG 613
Protein, modification of, with TsT-mPEG 609
Protein, net positive charge contribution 7
Protein, nitration of 110
Protein, nucleophilic groups 12 15
Protein, nucleoproteins 19
Protein, polymer modification of 605
Protein, post-translational modification 20 37
Protein, prosthetic groups 19
Protein, reaction with SMPT 233
Protein, reaction with SPDP 231
Protein, reduction of disulfides 76
Protein, reduction, using DTT 77
Protein, reduction, using immobilized reductants 87
Protein, stabilization through PEG modification 606
Protein, structure and reactivity 4
Protein, succinylated 91
Protein, three-dimensional structure 16
Protein, toxoids 427
Protein, used as carriers 421
Protein-palmitate derivative, insertion into liposomal membranes 558
Proteoglycans 36
Proteolytic digestion 607
Prothrombin 193
PS 534
PS, functional derivatives 539
Pseudomonas exotoxin 497
Pseudomonas toxin A, thiolation with 2-iminothiolane 504
Pulliam 207
Purines 41
Purines, bromination of 48
Purines, electrophilic reactions 48
Purines, structure and reactivity 47
Pyrene trisulfonate 354 355 357
Pyridine-2-thione 65 66 133 151 209 231 337 386 503 504 654
Pyridine-2-thione, absorptivity of 66
Pyridine-4-thione 133
Pyridoxal-polyphosphate derivatives 215
Pyrimidines 41
Pyrimidines, acylation of 45
Pyrimidines, electrophilic reactions 44
Pyrimidines, halogenation of 46
Pyruvate dehydrogenase 207
Pyruvate kinase 205
q see “Quantum yield”
Quantum energy levels 298
Quantum yield 299 300
Quantum yield of bilin prosthetic groups 363
Quantum yield of BODIPY fluorophores 341
Quantum yield of Cascade Blue fluorophores 354
Quantum yield of fluorescein 302
Quantum yield of Lucifer Yellow fluorophores 359
| Quantum yield of phycobiliproteins 362
Quantum yield, definition of 298
Quantum yield, effect of overlabeling on 301
Quarles 283
Quaternary ammonium salt 217
Quaternary pyridinium cross-link 119 453
R-phycoerythrin see “Phycoerythrin”
Rabbit serum albumin 422
Radiation, and cell death 494
Radioactive substances, handling and disposal precautions 407
Radioactivity 406
Radioimmunoassays see “RIA”
Radioimmunoconjugates 365
Radioimmunoconjugates, general description and use 365
Radioimmunoconjugates, radioactive isotopes used in 365
Radioiodination 111 365 491
Radioiodination of aryl azides 254
Radioiodination of BASED 214
Radioiodination of fluorescent compounds 300
Radioiodination, effect on protein activity 402
Radioiodination, groups susceptible toward 401
Radioiodination, reactions of 162
Radioisotopes 400
Radiolabeling 412
Radiolabeling of SASD 256 258
Radiolabels 214
Radiolabels for labeling antibodies 492
Radiolabels, common 400
Radiolabels, general description and use 297
Radiopharmaceutical 252 365 367 368 370 371
Radiotherapy 365
Raftery 105
Raleigh scatter 332
Ralph 649
Ranadive 252 365 371
Random-primed labeling 640
Rao 92 310
Rashidbaigi 196
Raso 513
Ravel 31
Rayleigh scattered light 298 339 362
Reactive hydrogen 394
Reactive hydrogen in iodination reactions 162
Rebek 180
Recktenwald 355
Red cell 207 208
Redox potential 77
Reducing agents 410
Reducing agents for disulfide reduction 152
Reducing agents for reductive amination 185
Reducing agents, effect on IODO-BEADS 406
Reducing sugars 27
Reductant, immobilized 87
Reductive amination 20 108 109 114 115 119 121 126 134 141 157 160 169 460 483 553 556
Reductive amination for the preparation of immunotoxins 524 525
Reductive amination in antibody conjugation 475
Reductive amination in antibody-enzyme conjugation 472
Reductive amination in conjugation of cystamine to lactose 501
Reductive amination in enzyme conjugation 636
Reductive amination in glycolipid conjugation 539
Reductive amination in hapten-carrier conjugation 454
Reductive amination in liposome conjugation 541
Reductive amination of aldehyde-mPEG derivative 618
Reductive amination of oxidized glycoproteins 39
Reductive amination of polyaldehyde-dextran 621
Reductive amination, avidin-enzyme conjugation using 580
Reductive amination, general description and protocol 185
Reductive amination, reaction of 160
Reductive amination, using reducing sugars 31
Rees 163 165 254
Reese 45
Reeves 532
Regoeczi 365 401
Reinheitzahl ratio see “RZ”
Reisfeld 390 494 646 661 662
Reiter 504
Remission 492
Renal disfunction 394
Renn 367
Restrictocin 497
Reticuloendothelial system 549 500 553 605
Rhenium-186 365
Rhenium-188 365
Rhodamine 302 488
Rhodamine 6G 317
Rhodamine B 317 322
Rhodamine, amine-reactive derivatives of 317
Rhodamine, comparison to phycobiliproteins 363
Rhodamine, derivatives of 316 317
Rhodamine, general description and use 316
Rhodamine, hydrazide containing derivatives of 328
Rhodamine, labeling of avidin with 586
Rhodamine, similarity to malachite green 300
Rhodamine, sulfhydryl reactive derivatives 326
Rhodes 370
RIA 488 639
RIA, using the avidin-biotin interaction 574
Ribolini 200
Ribonuclease A 85 205 206
Ribosomal inactivation 497 516
Ribosomal RNA 41
Ribosomal subunits 208
Ribosome-inactivating proteins see “RIPS”
Ribosome-inactivating toxins 498
Ribosomes 208 286 310
Ribosomes, blocking protein synthesis at 494
Ribosomes, inactivation by A chain of plant toxins 497
Ribulose 27
Richard 215
Richards 98 147 207 208 453\
Ricin 195 497 498 501
Ricin A chain, conjugation with antibody using SMPT 511
Ricin A chain, deglycosylated 500
Ricin A chain, PDTP activated antibody 513
Ricin A chain, purification of reduced form 512
Ricin, activation with MBS 522
Ricin, activation with SIAB 517
Ricin, conjugation using SIAB 517
Ricin, conjugation using SMPB 524
Ricin, immobilization of 501
Ricin, oxidation with sodium periodate 525
Ricin, removal of unconjugated toxin 524
Ricin, structure of 497
Ricin, thiolation using 2-iminothiolane 521
Ricinus communis 497
Riddles 88 133
Riehm 130 148 153
Rifai 34 100 138 158
Rigby 640
Ring activators, effect on fluorescence 299
Ring expansion, of aryl azides 276
Riordan 91 446
RIPs 497
RNA 29 125 286 313 339 346
RNA polymerase 59
RNA, activation with bromine compounds 647
RNA, base constituents 41
RNA, base pairing 55
RNA, chemical modification methods 643
RNA, functional groups 42
RNA, labeling with Cascade Blue hydrazide 357
RNA, labeling with fluorescein 315
RNA, labeling with Lissamine rhodamine В sulfonyl hydrazine 328
RNA, labeling with Lucifer Yellow CH 361
RNA, labeling with photobiotin 395
RNA, modification by hydrazide-reactive probes 313
RNA, modification conjugation of, and 40 639
RNA, modification with biotin-hydrazide 661
RNA, modification with biotinylation reagents containing hydrazides 390
RNA, modification with bis-hydr azides 124
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